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Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Welcome to the Cross References podcast, where you learn how every small piece of the Bible tells one big story- and most importantly, how they all connect to the cross and Christ. Whether you’re a newbie Christian or a veteran Bible reader, our goal is that God’s Word will make more sense to you after every episode. Host: Pastor Luke Taylor


United States


Welcome to the Cross References podcast, where you learn how every small piece of the Bible tells one big story- and most importantly, how they all connect to the cross and Christ. Whether you’re a newbie Christian or a veteran Bible reader, our goal is that God’s Word will make more sense to you after every episode. Host: Pastor Luke Taylor



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The Sometimes-Confusing Relationship Between Faith and Works: The Ezekiel series, part 59 (33:10-20)

So we’re in this chapter called Ezekiel’s Greatest Hits. That’s my name for it. Ezekiel 33 recaps some of Ezekiel’s earlier lessons; in fact, some of my favorite lessons from earlier in the book. And today we’ll be looking at verses 10 through 20, which recap my favorite chapter of Ezekiel: chapter 18. This is the chapter on personal responsibility. It was one of my most popular podcast episodes before, and it’s still getting a lot of play even today. If you heard the lesson on Ezekiel 18 before, don’t tune out, because even though this is recapping something we’ve already studied, I’m going to expand on it today. A lot of people question how Ezekiel 18 fits in with the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith, not of works. We’re going to talk about dispensationalism. We’re going to talk about Calvinism and God’s sovereignty. And if you listen until the end, we’re even going to talk about the difference in worldly sorrow and true repentance that Paul discusses in the New Testament. So you’re gonna get a lot of good theology if you stick around today on the Cross References podcast. 0:00 - Introduction 2:30 - Javascript Bible 5:20 - v10-12, The Limits of Calvinism 13:35 - v12-13, The Limits of Dispensationlism 20:30 - Faith and Works 30:50 - Next Time 34:10 - v17-20, Worldly Sorrow vs Godly Sorrow (II Corinthians 7) If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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A Major Announcement about the Future of this Podcast

I am looking at changing this podcast's name to "The Book of Ezekiel: A Cross References Bible Study." I hope you will agree that I have a good reason to make this change.


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Ezekiel’s Greatest Hits: The Ezekiel series, part 58 (33:1-9)

You are probably going to regret listening to today’s episode. I’m just gonna put that out there now. Why do I say that? Do you ever learn something and you just kind of wish you didn’t know? Like, I wish I didn’t know about germs. Sometimes I just really wish I didn’t know that there are these tiny little microscopic bacteria all over virtually everything and if you get too many of them you’ll get sick and feel yucky. That sounds like pretty helpful information to know, except for the fact that I have this awareness at all times that I’m constantly surrounded by germs. I’m a bit of a germaphobe. I keep hand sanitizer in my car, on my desk at work, and sitting over here by me as I say these words at my desk at home. Yes, it makes me feel better to have it. But I kinda wish sometimes I didn’t worry about germs as much as I do. Well, there are things about spiritual reality that we don’t know and that we are perfectly happy not to know and yet that we should know. For example, whose responsibility is it when someone goes to hell? Is it just that person’s fault? Can another person be responsible for it? Can YOU be responsible for it? The answer might make you a little uncomfortable. But, it’s something you need to know, and you’ll learn that answer today on the Cross References podcast. 0:00 - Introduction 4:50 - v1-9, The Burden of the Watchman 19:50 - A Note about the Future 23:50 - Closing Thoughts If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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Pray With Me

Today, I'm just asking for prayer for the family of a friend of mine. Though my heart is heavy right now, I hope you all have a Happy Memorial Day :)


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How Ezekiel Changed My View of God: A Conversation with Nate Vainio (Part 3)

A conversation with Nate Vainio, host of the Something to Gnaw On podcast. He has graciously allowed me to share this interview with my listeners over here for the month of May, and this is part 3 of 3. The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 122 (And Part 57 of my Ezekiel series) If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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Who Was Ezekiel?: A Conversation with Nate Vainio (Part 2)

A conversation with Nate Vainio, host of the Something to Gnaw On podcast. He has graciously allowed me to share this interview with my listeners over here for the month of May, and this is part 2 of 3. The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 121 (And Part 56 of my Ezekiel series) If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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Why Study Ezekiel?: A Conversation with Nate Vainio (Part 1)

A conversation with Nate Vainio, host of the Something to Gnaw On podcast. He has graciously allowed me to share this interview with my listeners over here for the month of May, and this is part 1 of 3. The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 120 (And Part 55 of my Ezekiel series) If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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Egypt in the End Times

Adolph Hitler hoped and prayed that he was this antichrist that the Bible spoke of. Hitler may have been a deranged maniac; he did at least know a thing or two about what the Bible said. And as he went through Europe swallowing up nation after nation, he was convinced more and more that he would be this man. (it’s strange; he wanted to fulfill the scriptures that spoke of the antichrist’s power; I wonder how he thought he would then stop the scriptures that spoke of Jesus returning and casting the antichrist into hell. but like I said, Hitler was deranged.) The book Hitler’s Cross by Ewrin Lutzer: Hitler offered himself as a messiah with the divine mission to save Germany. On one occasion, he displayed the whip he often carried to demonstrate that “in driving out the Jews I remind myself of Jesus in the temple.” He declared “Just like Christ, I have a duty to my own people.” He even boasted that as Christ’s birth had changed the calendar, so his victory over the Jews would be the beginning of a new age. “What Christ began,” he said, “I will complete.” Well, Hitler didn’t get his wish. Not that he didn’t accomplish a lot of evil. 6 million Jews murdered. 1/3 of all the Jews in the world. I’ve spoken on this podcast before about why the devil wants all of the Jewish people dead. And the devil is going to keep trying, whether that means working through Hitler or working through the future antichrist. Now, the Antichrist isn’t going to win, either. He’ll be successful in killing 2/3 of the remaining Jews during the seven-year tribulation. But he won’t succeed. As he is conquesting the land of Israel during that time, he will be attacked by another nearby nation. A nation we’ve been studying quite a bit here lately on the podcast: Egypt. So on today’s episode, you’ll learn six things about the Antichrist, including hints about his nationality and his love life. You’ll also learn about God’s plan for Egypt in the end times. There is actually a plan for Egypt during the Great Tribulation. And the plan involves opposing the Antichrist. Have you ever heard about this before? If not, you will today on the Cross References Podcast. The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 119 0:00 - Hitler Wanted to Be the Antichrist 2:45 - The Daniel 11 Context 5:40 - His Big Mouth 8:20 - His Nationality 11:00 - His Love Life 12:55 - His Religion 15:40 - His Enemies 27:50 - His Palace 31:45 - Closing Thoughts If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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Pharaoh Takes a Tour of Hell: The Ezekiel series, part 54 (32:17-32)

Death is not the end. A couple episodes ago, I took a little detour into Jude and analyzed this phrase “twice dead.” It was kind of a side-quest because I primarily use this podcast to dive into the book of Ezekiel. In that lesson, we focused on how the Second Death talked about in Revelation is not teaching the doctrine of annihilationism, or the idea that we cease to exist at the moment of death. The second death means eternity in hell, or the lake of fire, and you never stop existing. I had no idea when I took that side-journey how well it would intertwine with what we’re discussing today in the book of Ezekiel, where the main idea of this chapter can be summed up as this: death is not the end. I didn’t plan it this way. Maybe God did. Maybe God has something he wants us to get from this chapter. And if so, it’s no accident that you’re listening today. The last episode was about the death of pharoah. Today’s episode will show you what happened to Pharaoh next. I’ll also share some thoughts on what chapters 25-32 as a whole in Ezekiel are communicating to us. And you will see more than ever that death is not the end. This episode WILL end, though, and by the time you finish it, you’ll hear about when Pharaoh took a tour of hell and WHO he saw when he got there. All of that today on the Cross References podcast. The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 118 0:00 - Introduction 3:30 - The Fate of Pharaoh 15:00 - Death is NOT the End 21:30 - Closing Thoughts If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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God Slays the Chaos Dragon: The Ezekiel series, part 53 (32:1-16)

We live in a world of absolute chaos. Where does it all come from? Well, you’ll find out today. Today’s episode will start into chapter 32 of Ezekiel, which will be God’s final word on Egypt and the Gentile Nations. Egypt is truly one of the most fascinating nations in the Bible; it plays a huge role in the creation of Israel as a nation, in some of Israel’s struggles throughout the Old Testament, and even factors into God’s plans for the future. And we’ll talk about that in the weeks ahead, but today, you’re going to learn about some of the Old Testament passages that speak of God fighting some kind of sea monster; levitathan, or the chaos dragon. Also, you’ll learn why the new heavens and the new earth in Revelation 21 are said to have no sea. And if you listen to the end, you’ll gain a greater understanding of what may be going on in our world today- especially right here in America. All of that today on the Cross References podcast. The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 117 0:00 - Introduction 2:30 - The Death of Pharaoh 12:00 - God vs The Chaos Dragon 27:00 - Closing Thoughts If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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“Twice Dead” in Jude

0:00 - Introduction 2:00 - The Poetic Language of Jude 12-13 3:40 - Blemishes at your love feasts 6:40 - Clouds without rain 8:00 - Autumn trees without fruit 9:55 - Foaming up their shame 12:50 - Wandering Stars 14:30 - Twice Dead 22:45 - A Second Death? 27:30 - Survivors Gather Here Monday 29:00 - Connections to Believers and the Cross


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The Cosmic Tree: The Ezekiel series, part 52 (31:1-18)

Lessons from Loki and Ezekiel 31. No one is too big to fall. Captain America: “There’s only one God, ma’am. And I’m pretty sure He doesn’t dress like that.” The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 115 0:00 - Lessons from Loki 5:15 - The Tree Motif in Scripture 7:45 - v1-9, My Life as a Tree 14:30 - v10-18, The Judgment of the Pharaonic Tree 26:00 - The Parable of the Mustard Seed Description: Introduction: Main Content: Conclusion & Call to Action: If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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The gods of Egypt: Did God love the Egyptians?

One time I was studying through the book of Exodus and I had this thought: Did God love the Egyptians? It’s a question you’ve probably never really thought much about before. So, in Exodus, this is the story of the Egyptians who enslaved the Israelites and wouldn’t let them go. They were forced to work all day under grueling conditions in the desert, building whatever Pharaoh wanted for his cities. And for centuries, pharaoh after pharaoh wouldn’t let them leave. So, they’re clearly the bad guys in this story. Then God sends a deliverer named Moses out of the wilderness to come and set these people free, and the rest is history- and a really epic four-hour Charlton Heston movie from 1956. And it’s rated G even though it’s kinda scary for a G-rated movie. But you’ve got the water turning to blood and mass killing from a death angel and later drowning. And according to IMDB, there’s some canoodling between lovers. I’m not sure what that’s referring to. I’m not even sure what canoodling is, but it sure doesn’t sound G-rated to me. Then again, the Bible is not a G-rated book. Speaking of IMDB, let me look here at how it rates the agro-appropriateness of movies: violence and gore? Yes. Alcohol? Yes. Frightening and intense scenes? Yes. Profanity? That’s debatable but if you read the King James Version, you’re going to find a few words that I sure wasn’t allowed to say growing up. Oh, and sex and nudity? Well, if you read Song of Solomon, there’s definitely some canoodling going on. The Bible is a book of violence, destruction, depression, fear, wrath- and a God who loves all of humanity on every page. But it’s a little easy to lose sight of that fact as you read about the mass destruction that God visits upon people throughout His Word- including on the Egyptians in Exodus. And this can cause us to question: even when God judges people, does He still love them? Let’s go back to my original question: Did God love the Egyptians? I have a theory about this, and I’d like to share it today on the Cross References podcast. The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 114 0:00 - Why Jesus was Sometimes Harsh 7:20 - The 10 Plagues 28:00 - Did God Love the Egyptians? Description: In this captivating episode of the Cross References podcast, host Luke Taylor delves deep into the biblical narrative of Exodus, exploring the intriguing question: Did God love the Egyptians? Through a thought-provoking analysis of Exodus 7-12, Taylor uncovers profound insights into the complex relationship between divine judgment and love. Discover the untold story behind the plagues of Egypt and their significance in exposing idolatry and leading to repentance. Taylor navigates through historical context, biblical parallels, and modern-day analogies to unravel the layers of divine love and justice. Join us as we explore the theological depths of God's actions in the Old Testament and their relevance to contemporary faith. Gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of divine love and the transformative power of biblical narratives. Tune in to the Cross References podcast for a compelling journey through scripture, where every small piece tells one big story connected to the cross and Christ. Key Topics: Connect with Us: If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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The Prophecy Against Egypt: The Ezekiel series, part 51 (30:1-26)

On this podcast the past several months, we have studied the prophecies against Ammon, Moab, Philistia and Edom; we studied the prophecy against Tyre in great detail, and then the prophecy against Sidon; today we are continuing through the prophecy against Egypt. This series of prophecies against ancient Egypt at the time of Ezekiel takes up chapters 29 through 32 of his book, and we will cover all of chapter 30 today. This chapter contains a lot of interesting tidbits: why is it talking about the future Day of the Lord as if it was thousands of years ago? Who are the mysterious people of the land that is in league in verse 5? Why did God say He would break Pharaoh’s arm? And here’s an interesting one: is Cleopatra prophesied in verse 12? We’ll answer those questions, and we’ll talk about the main idea of this chapter that ties all of it together. All of that today on the Cross References podcast. The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 113 0:00 - Introduction 3:00 - v-14, Egypt in the Day of the Lord 7:25 - v5-8, What Team Are You On? 14:45 - v10-12, Is Cleopatra Prophesied? 20:00 - v13-19, Cities of the gods 27:10 - v20-26, Breaking Pharaoh’s Arm 31:15 - American Decadence If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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All Other Ground is Sinking Sand: The Ezekiel series, part 50 (29:1-21)

What can you turn to when even the most powerful nation in the world is falling apart? 2024 is shaping up to be a chaotic year. Elections, Civil War, high profile political prosecutions, war in Europe, war in the Middle East- and another Chinese Spy Balloon. And who knows what else is on the horizon? Well, someone knows, and that’s what we’ll talk about today. We’re returning to the study in the book of Ezekiel with chapter 29. This chapter is going to be the first of four that all deal with the nation of Egypt. For a time in world history, near the days of the prophet Ezekiel, Egypt was seen as the most powerful nation in the world. As long as you were on Egypt’s good side, you were probably going to be OK. They didn’t need NATO. They had Egypt. And yet, Egypt is not gonna be good enough. The most powerful nation in the world is not gonna be good enough when God comes against you. For the first half of the book of Ezekiel, God came against Jerusalem. Now, God is coming against Egypt. What can you turn to when even the most powerful nation in the world is falling apart? We’ll talk about that today on the Cross References podcast. The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 112 0:00 - Introduction 3:15 - v1-5, The Crocodile King 8:25 - v6-9, Egypt, the Broken Reed 11:00 - v10-16, The 40-Year Exile 16:45 - v17-21, A Prize for Tyre 22:40 - What Happens When You Worship Cats If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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Can You Handle God’s Holiness: The Ezekiel series, part 49 (28:20-26)

What’s one word you would use to describe Jesus? I’ll tell you mine today. And you can tell me yours, or be thinking on it, if you want. A second question: what might happen if you came face-to-face with Jesus? We see in the Gospels story after story of people meeting Jesus. Some get mad. Some fall to their knees. Some adore him. Some nailed Him to a cross. What would your reaction be? We’re going to study a couple of peoples who had a visitation from God here at the end of Ezekiel 28, and that’s where we’ll start today, but it will take us on a journey to a few other passages as well. And if you listen until the end of today’s lesson, we’ll even get to my favorite chapter in the entire Bible: John 18. Why is John 18 so cool? When you find out, it’ll knock you off your feet. Hear it all today on the Cross References podcast. The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 111 0:00 - Introduction 4:20 - v20-26, The Prophecy Against Sidon 16:30 - Can You Stand in God’s Holiness (John 18) If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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The Year of the Dragon: Satan’s Fate in Revelation

The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 110 You may or may not be familiar with the Chinese Zodiac, which assigns one of 12 creatures to each year. Some years are the year of the horse, or the year of the rat, or the year of the snake. We’re about to start the Year of the Dragon- THIS WEEK- February 10, 2024, and it will last until January 28 of 2025. The end times also talk about a year of the dragon. Not just 1 year, but 7 years. This episode is going to cap off my multi-episode deep dive into Satan- who he is, where he came from, and today- where he’s going. The devil is going to lose, and get everything he deserves. But it’s going to get worse before it gets better. The earth will endure seven years of the dragon. And Revelation lays it all out. So today, we’re going to talk about what the book of Revelation teaches us about the devil’s end. And if YOU listen until the end, I’ll share a story about when I confronted a demon with these verses. All of that today on the Cross References podcast. 0:00 - Year of the Dragon (Chinese Zodiac) 2:00 - Revelation 12- The Dragon 12:00 - The Second Holocaust 21:10 - Revelation 20- The Bottomless Pit 31:10 - Mailbag- Snakes with Legs? 35:10 - A Conversation with a Demon about Revelation 20 In this episode of Cross References, host Luke explores the intersection of the Chinese Zodiac's "Year of the Dragon" and biblical prophecy from the book of Revelation. Delve into the symbolic connections, unravel the seven-year tribulation, and gain insights into Satan's role in the end times. Discover the profound biblical meaning behind the dragon, the woman, and the cosmic conflict that unfolds. Stick around until the end for a personal encounter with a demon and an exploration of the profound implications for the future. Join us on this journey where every small piece of the Bible connects to one big story. If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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How to Fight the Devil- and WIN

In II Corinthians 2:11, Paul says that we are NOT ignorant of Satan’s devices. Now “devices” is an interesting word. In the Greek, it’s the word “noema,” and it doesn’t have a direct English equivalent. It means “a mental perception,” “an evil purpose” or “that which thinks.” It’s talking about how Satan can twist the mind. Satan has his ways of warping our thoughts for his own evil purposes. Now, if Paul was writing this letter to modern Christians in America, I wonder if he would say it this way. I think he might actually say: “You Christians are very ignorant of his devices.” You need to listen today because this will teach you his tricks. Listen today because you have an enemy who wants to destroy your life and everything you love and he won’t lose a wink of sleep over it. We call him Satan, or the devil, the serpent in the garden, the dragon, or that guy who wrote the last season of LOST. Whatever you want to call him, he’s real, and the Bible warns us about his devices, and we’ll be studying them on this episode of the Cross References Podcast. 0:00 - The Full Court Press 3:35 - Defense 22:55 - Offense 32:10 - A Warning About Fighting Satan Unlock the secrets of spiritual warfare in this gripping episode of Cross References! Dive into the biblical revelations on the devil's tactics as revealed by Paul in II Corinthians 2:11. Host Luke Taylor explores the intricacies of the devil's "full court press" on our minds, drawing parallels with aggressive basketball defense. From defense to offense, learn practical steps to fortify your spiritual armor against the enemy's onslaught. Discover the significance of closing open doors to the demonic and the subtleties that can give the devil a foothold in your life. Luke delves into the powerful weapons of our spiritual warfare, emphasizing the importance of prayer as the ultimate offensive tool. Tune in to prepare for battle against the spiritual forces of evil, gaining insights that will transform your understanding of the devil's schemes. Don't miss this enlightening episode that unravels the mysteries of Satan's devices and equips you with the wisdom to stand firm in the face of adversity. If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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The Details in the Devil: A Description of Satan: The Ezekiel series, part 48 (28:11-19)

The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 108 He’s the angel of light and the prince of darkness. And no, I’m not talking about Michael Jackson. I’m talking about the devil. A recent Barna research poll revealed that only 35% of Christians believe the devil is an actual spiritual being. That means at least 65% of Christians are deceived. Actually, most of these Christians aren’t even Christians, but that’s another story. Let’s just be clear on one thing today: the devil is real, and the Bible tells us all about him. And if you have any questions about the devil, we will probably answer them today on the Cross References Podcast. 0:00 - Introduction 2:00 - v11-12, Satan- The Power Behind the Power 5:25 - v13, Lucifer- The Prince of Darkness 11:30 - v14-15, The Imposter Who Looked Like a Cow 19:25 - v16-17, The Dragon- The King Under the Mountain 27:40 - Mailbag 30:30 - v18-19, The Devil Who Looked Like a Worm In this episode of the Cross References podcast, join Luke Taylor as he explores the intricacies of Ezekiel 28, shedding light on the devil's past and unveiling the detailed descriptions found in the scripture. From Satan's role in Tyre to his appearance in Eden, each verse is dissected to reveal the broader narrative about the adversary. Luke delves into the symbolism behind Satan's characteristics, from being the "signet of perfection" to the "prince of darkness." Episode Highlights: Introduction: Verses 11-12: Satan, the Power Behind the Power: Verse 13: Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness: Verses 14-15: The Imposter, Who Looked Like a Cow: Verses 16-17: The Dragon, the King Under the Mountain: Closing Thoughts and Housekeeping: Closing Verse: Closing Message: Luke encourages listeners to recognize their spiritual authority and previews upcoming episodes focused on combating the devil. Join the conversation and deepen your understanding of the Bible with Luke Taylor on the Cross References podcast. Subscribe now for future episodes and insights into the spiritual battle against Satan. If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to


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Does Ezekiel 28 Speak of the Devil?: The Ezekiel series, part 47

The Cross References Podcast with Luke Taylor: Episode 107 In this episode, you’ll receive incontrovertible proof that Ezekiel 28 is a chapter about no mere human ruler but the devil himself. 0:00 - Introduction 2:45 - Ezekiel 28- Speak of the Devil 8:55 - Nachash- The Shining Serpent 15:55 - Great Balls of Fire 19:50 - Notes and Closing Thoughts Unveiling the Spiritual Realm in Ezekiel 28: Speak of the Devil 🎙️ Welcome to the Cross References Podcast! Join me, Luke Taylor, your guide through the labyrinth of biblical wisdom, as we embark on a fascinating journey into the mysterious world of Ezekiel 28. In this episode, we peel back the layers of this enigmatic chapter to reveal the spiritual ruler behind the ancient nation of Tyre. Brace yourself for revelations as we make the case that Ezekiel 28 is, beyond doubt, talking about none other than the devil himself. 🔍 Understanding Ezekiel 28: Delving into the Spiritual King of Tyre Last time, we explored the human ruler of Tyre, the sophisticated maritime nation laid to waste by God. Now, we shift our focus to the spiritual king, the power behind the throne. Ezekiel 28 unfolds like a cosmic drama, describing a figure of unparalleled beauty, wisdom, and a connection to the garden of Eden. But who could this be? 🔮 Decoding Symbolism: Gemstones, Serpents, and Divine Beings Dive deep into the symbolism of Ezekiel 28. Uncover the significance of gemstones, shining serpents, and the role of cherubs in the divine narrative. We draw connections to Genesis 3, revealing Satan's luminescent nature and his cunning role in the garden. 🔥 The Fall of Satan: A Prideful Descent Explore the pivotal verses (Ezekiel 28:15-17) detailing the once blameless Satan's fall from grace. Pride, the chief characteristic of this spiritual being, led to his expulsion from the divine council and a transformation from the lofty guardian cherub to a cast-out profane entity. 🌐 Connecting with Other Scriptures: Satan's Consistent Image Witness the consistent portrayal of Satan across various biblical passages, from Genesis 3 to Revelation 20. Discover the symphony of scripture as it paints a vivid, unambiguous picture of the dragon, the ancient serpent, the devil, and Satan. 📖 Housekeeping/Mailbag and Closing Thoughts: Unraveling the Mystery As we wrap up, I share my theory on why Ezekiel 28 introduces the devil seemingly out of the blue. Could Satan have been the spiritual force behind Tyre, influencing even its human ruler? Join me next time as we delve into the profound meaning behind Ezekiel 28. 🔗 Stay Connected: Subscribe and Engage! Make sure you're subscribed to the Cross References Podcast on Apple, Spotify, Edifi, YouTube, and Rumble. Your feedback is invaluable, so drop me an email at 🎵 Outro: Until Next Time, Thanks for Listening! If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to
