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Welcome to the weekly podcast from BridgePoint Church in St. Petersburg, Florida. We have a team of teaching pastors who deliver practical, relevant, biblical perspectives on the topics that matter to you. All our messages are available to stream and download at or download the BridgePoint Church FL app.


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Welcome to the weekly podcast from BridgePoint Church in St. Petersburg, Florida. We have a team of teaching pastors who deliver practical, relevant, biblical perspectives on the topics that matter to you. All our messages are available to stream and download at or download the BridgePoint Church FL app.



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Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse

In this first message in our new series "When We Give," we explore the connection between our financial stewardship and our spiritual lives. Pastor Tyler delves into the Biblical principles of money management, emphasizing that our approach to finances should reflect our trust and surrender to God's will. Through personal anecdotes and scriptural references, including a deep dive into Malachi 3, the message challenges us to view our possessions and financial decisions as integral to our spiritual obedience and relationship with God. Join us as we uncover how embracing God's guidance on finances can lead to greater spiritual fulfillment and freedom. Questions for Reflection: • What challenges do you face when trying to align your financial practices with biblical teachings, and how do you address them? • Reflect on a time when you felt God guiding your financial decisions. How did that experience impact your understanding of stewardship?


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Growing Through Change

Through the Resurrection of Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit, God has freed us to be a new kind of people who live a different kind of life together. This life is one of growth into people who reflect the image of Jesus to the world in what we do and say. It's also a life where we get to choose to either embrace the changes that God will use to grow us, or run back to the comfort of what we've always done and end up living a lesser version of the story of life God has created, Jesus has freed, and the Spirit has empowered us to live. Questions for Reflection: • Have you ever been part of a group that felt "united" like Luke's description of the followers of Jesus in Acts 4:32? • Which of Brad's practical steps (Who, Do, New) do you think will be the most difficult or easiest for you to practice this week?


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Turning Faith into Action

In this next message from our "What's Next" series, we delve into the powerful narrative of Acts 3, where faith and action converge in the miraculous healing of a man lame from birth. Gabe explores how the apostles Peter and John use their faith in Jesus Christ to bring physical healing and spiritual renewal. This message unpacks the significance of trusting in God’s timing and receiving His gifts of power and grace. Questions for Reflection: • In what ways can we, like Peter and John, use what we have been given by God to make a difference in the lives of others around us? How can we apply this lesson to our everyday interactions? • Acts 3 highlights the power of God working through the apostles to perform miracles. How can we cultivate a greater awareness and expectation of God's presence and power in our own lives and communities?


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What's Next: A New Community for those with New Life

When the Holy Spirit shows up, His presence brings HIs power, and that's exactly what we see recorded in Acts chapter 2. The Holy Spirit comes and the disciples begin gaining strength to share the good news about Jesus. By the Spirit's work, people were "cut to the heart" by what they were hearing and many turned to faith in Jesus as Lord. The beauty of what God was doing was accentuated by the response of those beginning a new faith: they started forming a new community that lived for awe of God. The early church reminds us that, as believers, we were made for a new community that helps us get closer to God as His Spirit works. What is discovered in faith communities happens to be a value of our church: we are better together! Questions for Reflection: • Are you in awe of God regularly? • How do you remain devoted to the new community where our new life in Jesus is most powerfully shaped?


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Embracing the Empty Tomb: Experiencing A Full Life

Joining with believers around the world, this message is intended to join the global celebration of the historical resurrection! Jesus is alive! Tyler takes us back to that first easter morning, originally sad, dark and hopeless, until Jesus followers looked into His empty tomb. They were moved to belief, and resolved to share the message of salvation. The empty tomb means death is defeated and a life to the full is possible for us. Tyler wonders with us how long it took the disciples to remember Jesus' invitation to save their lives by "losing" theirs. In other words, the empty tomb is the invitation to surrender to Almighty God all the things we look to as "gain" in this world at the expense of our souls because of sin. Therefore, we anchor our hope to Jesus' resurrection as the source of the life we are longing for in Jesus. Questions for Reflection: • Are there things, patterns, people, places, etc. that are examples of dead things you go back to in search of a meaningful life? • What is God inviting you to surrender to Jesus to experience new resurrected life with Him?


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Embracing the Cross: Perceived Weakness to Forever Strength

Today Tyler's message revolves around embracing the perceived weakness of the cross and finding eternal strength in it. It recounts the events of Palm Sunday and Jesus's crucifixion, highlighting the shift in perception from adoration to condemnation. It's crazy to think the sinless Savior died a criminal's death. And for his followers, friends, and family it felt like everything had just unravelled. The whole plan had just fallen apart because how could Jesus be King of Kings if he was dead? Don't we often look into our lives through the lens of faith and see weaknesses as obstacles, too? Tyler reminds us that what was perceived as the world's greatest humiliation or failure was actually the exact opposite: a divine plan being executed in full strength. And it's His strength that is enough in our weakness, if we'll lay it all down at the cross. Questions for Reflection: * What are the common ways you work to cover your weaknesses instead of surrendering them to Jesus? * What scares you the most about confessing weaknesses to God or others?


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Embracing the Cross: Are you awake to what God is doing?

Jesus repeatedly reminds the disciples to stay awake while he is praying in the garden. This is a reminder for us today to stay awake and alert so we don’t miss out on what God is doing/getting ready to do. We do this by doing what Jesus tells us, praying even nothing is happening, and laying down what causes us to go back to sleep. Questions for Reflection: • Have you stopped praying? If so why? • What do you need to give up that’s causing you to sleep on what God might be trying to do?


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Embracing the Cross: The Way To Resurrected Life

Who is Jesus and what does it mean to follow Him? These are the questions that are explored today as Pastor Travis looks to Jesus’ message to His disciples in Luke 9:18-25. Jesus has a plan for redeeming our lives and the path to get there involves the same path Jesus walked down as He made His way to the cross. Although upside down from our cultures perspective, Jesus invites us to experience new life by way of self-denial and sacrifice. Questions for Reflection: • Who is Jesus to you and what does that mean for your everyday life? • In what ways does self-denial and self-sacrifice challenge you and what are you being asked to surrender or empty in your life to be able to pickup your cross and follow?


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Right Actions, Wrong Heart: Finding the Father's Heart in the Prodigal Story

To wrap up this series, we'll look at the three primary characters in the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Jesus told this parable to teach us more about the heart of God the Father. In today's message, the party for the younger son begins, but not everyone is feeling like a party. The older son of the Father protests. What we discover is that while the older son did go and squander money or live recklessly, he still missed the heart of the Father. The older son was busy doing things in the Father's house, but still hadn't experienced the Father's love. He was lukewarm, neither fully on fire in the Father's love or ice cold to the Father, and it was a sad place to be because nearness to the Father was strictly about obligation and it was absent of joy. Questions for Reflection: • Have you ever found yourself expecting something from God because of what you've done for Him? • How do we prevent becoming lukewarm in our faith and how do we know it's starting to happen?


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You have a seat at the table!

In this message, Tyler explores the timeless parable of the prodigal son, shedding light on its relevance in our lives today. Through this narrative, we're reminded that our journey back to God isn't met with judgment but with a celebration of our return. Tyler's insights challenge us to reconsider our perceptions of divine love, encouraging us to take the steps necessary to rekindle our relationship with the Father. Join us as we delve into understanding the depth of God's welcoming embrace. Questions for Reflection: • Reflect on the parable of the prodigal son we're studying. Why do you think Jesus chose this story, and how does it challenge or affirm your expectations of acceptance? • Tyler listed several guests at the table, The Unwanted,The Paralyzed, The Undesirable, The Defiled, Those In Bondage, The Prodigal Son. Which guest do you identify with, and how has that influenced your way of connecting with or showing gratitude to God?


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Lost Not Rejected: Discovering Unconditional Love

In this message Travis launches us into a new series that we are calling Pursuit. He teaches on the transformative journey of the prodigal son to illustrate the depth of God's grace and acceptance. Through a personal anecdote of getting lost in a race, he draws parallels to our spiritual wanderings and the unchanging embrace of God's love, even when we feel distant. This message is a powerful reminder that our missteps do not define us; instead, we are welcomed back with open arms, invited to rediscover a love that never turns us away. Join us as we explore the profound truth that we are lost, but never rejected. Questions for Reflection: • How can sharing our own stories of feeling 'lost' help strengthen our community and foster a deeper understanding of God's grace? • Consider the role of forgiveness in your life. How does forgiving others, and seeking forgiveness, relate to the theme of returning home in the prodigal son's story?


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Unlocking Freedom: The Power of Forgiveness

The message concludes a series on Joseph, emphasizing learning to experience God through brokenness. It highlights Joseph's journey of maintaining integrity despite adversity, relying on God beyond outcomes, and seeking God's goodness in life's challenges. Joseph's story, particularly his forgiveness of his brothers and recognition of God's hand in his trials, serves as a model for forgiveness, trust in God's plan, and the power of redemption. The message encourages embracing God's forgiveness and extending it to oneself, others, and reconciling misplaced expectations of God, emphasizing the transformative power of God's love and forgiveness in healing and renewing broken lives. Tyler references a previous message, The Freedom of Forgiveness, you can watch it here: Questions for Reflection: • What about Joseph's story and what we've learned has meant the most to you in your faith journey? • Who is it in your life is it time to begin to work toward forgiveness?


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God's Unseen Goodness in Daily Struggles

In this message from our series on Joseph, Tyler reflects on significant, hopeful moments in Joseph's life, emphasizing God's ability to use every situation for good. Despite Joseph's trials, his rise to prominence in Egypt at thirty years old exemplifies how our journeys, no matter how challenging, are never wasted but woven into God's greater plan. This message invites us to actively seek and acknowledge God's presence and goodness in the everyday fabric of our lives, reinforcing the belief in His omnipotence through all circumstances. Questions for Reflection: • Have you found yourself in a circumstance or season where you were tempted to believe there was no goodness of God to be found? • Are there some circumstances or seasons that you can now look back on and see how God used some ugly circumstances for a beautiful finished story?


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Trusting God's Process: Faithfulness in Times of Pause

In this conversation Travis and Curtis explore the journey of faith during life's unexpected halts. Drawing inspiration from Joseph's story, this message delves into the importance of remaining steadfast in trust and faithfulness, even when our own plans face interruptions. We'll uncover how every circumstance can be a stepping stone in God's grand design, encouraging us to see beyond immediate setbacks and embrace the growth and opportunities that lie in God's process. Questions for Reflection: • How have you experienced God's presence and guidance during a time when your personal plans were put on pause? Reflect on the emotions and lessons learned during this period. • In what ways can maintaining faithfulness during times of pause transform our understanding of God's process? How might such experiences might deepen our trust in God's timing over our own?


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Maintaining Integrity in Broken Stories

In this message, we explore Joseph's life journey, a narrative of dramatic shifts between triumphs and setbacks. Joseph's steadfast commitment to integrity is a focal point, even in the face of adversity. Tyler explains the concept of integrity, aligning it with God's power and presence in our lives. He points out that during our own difficult times, holding onto integrity can lead us to blessings, steering us away from the temptation to find wrong solutions to our problems. This sermon sheds light on the importance of upholding integrity through life's unpredictable moments. Questions for Reflection: • Do you find that you more commonly react in the moment, or do you tend to take a beat to respond? Why? • Can you think of a moment when you forfeited your integrity in the midst of a tough time? How did that turn out and what can you learn from it?


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Broken Dreams, Same God

In this new series, we'll be working our way through a character study of Joseph from Genesis. This message is intended to kick off the series by covering both the beginning and end of Joseph's story. What happens in between is the mystery of God working through broken stories, like mine and yours. Tyler reminds us to consider our own stories. The series on Joseph will be a call to dream and believe again. Why? Because, as we're going to discover throughout this series, God doesn't waste a broken story, which means God won't waste your life. But if you try to figure it out by yourself, you'll miss how Jesus is trying to transform you! Questions for Reflection? • In what ways has "the dream" for your life not gone according to "the plan"? • Have you ever (or are you now) tempted to give up on your dreams or your faith? • What is stopping you from experiencing God at work in your life?


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Reflect, Part 2

In this message, Tyler builds upon our New Year's Eve message, inviting us to consider what God is calling us into this year. He emphasizes that God invites us to participate in His transformative work, both within us and in our communities. Drawing on Jesus' teachings, Tyler highlights the contrast between old and new, illustrating how Jesus' arrival ushers in a superior way of life. This message serves as a powerful reminder that embracing God's new path for us often requires letting go of the old, a journey worth undertaking because of the unparalleled goodness of Jesus. Questions for Reflection: • What is God inviting you into this year? • What are some of the "old ways/habits" it is time to let go of to receive the new?


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Reflect, Part 1

As we close out the year, it’s time to reflect on God’s transformative work in our lives. Revisiting meaningful messages from the past 12 months, this message calls us to remember key teachings about worship, grace, purpose, and love. Additionally we can take a moment to ask ourselves the questions: Where are we spiritually? What is God inviting us into next? Let’s reflect and prepare to take intentional steps with Him into 2024.


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Jesus Brings Peace at Christmas

In this message we look at how to experience God's peace beyond understanding. The key lies in letting go of our need to control. As we celebrate Christmas, it's important to remember that true peace comes from trusting God's plan, not in managing every detail of our lives. Join us as we explore how the birth of Jesus teaches us to trust in God's guidance, helping us find peace amidst the holiday bustle and in every aspect of our lives. Questions for Reflection: • What circumstances in your life are currently robbing you of peace? • How can letting go of the need to control our circumstances this Christmas help us experience a deeper sense of peace?


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Joy Came in Jesus

The "good news of great joy" declared at Jesus' birth is far more than fleeting happiness. Biblical joy is soul-deep contentment that comes from trusting God in every circumstance. Though Jesus endured the agony of the cross, he modeled how we can choose enduring joy because of God's love and sovereignty. When we behold the miracle of Christ's birth, we discover a reservoir of joy that can transform how we walk through daily life, no matter our present troubles. Christmas invites us to embrace Jesus as the source of joy that never runs dry. Questions for Reflection: • How do the dictionary definition and the biblical concept of joy differ, and how does it change your ideas of joy? • What is a circumstance in your life where God is inviting you to receive His joy in the midst of it? How would that change your perspective in that circumstance?
