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West Beach Challengers

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Find out how to get fit and change your approach to fitness and nutrition for life with this 6 Week Challenge.


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Find out how to get fit and change your approach to fitness and nutrition for life with this 6 Week Challenge.



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Ep: 144 Ultra Processed Foods - everything you need to know without triggering health anxiety

There is sooooo much chat about UPFs... It's everywhere in the media at the moment. Maybe you are the type of person who is actively trying to heal their relationship with food and find a more intuitive practise of nourishing yourself. So how do you combine this journey whilst also ensuring you are aware of why you might want to ensure some of these foods find a smaller place in your diet to help you really feel like you are THRIVING! Here Layla (@laylagordonnutrition) and I take a deep dive and have a nuanced chat about UPFs and why having them in your diet is totally normal but why you may want to make more informed choices about what foods you want to welcome more of into your world and why... We also talk about how to encourage our kids to embrace a less UPF diet. We share our top tips for helping the whole family embrace a more whole foods approach to eating.


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Ep: 143 Strong in 8

So you're feeling fed up and stuck. Despite feeling like your always trying to 'be good', avoiding the 'bad' foods and trying to eat less and move more - you are feeling unhappy in your body. Maybe you've noticed that as you've got older your body composition is shifting and you don't know why... You imagine you may need to be REALLY intense to achieve any meaningful change. STOP. I want to take you on a much more exciting journey... I want you to stop chasing how to achieve the smallest version of yourself and instead start getting much more interested in how you would look, feel and perform in your body if you took 8 weeks to be: Consistent with MORE nourishing food Consistent with moving more Consistent with training and learning how to pick up heavier things Curious about how you would treat yourself differently if you fuelled this life style change with LOVE not hate, shame or guilt. Intrigued? Take a listen and why not join the waiting list TODAY! Strong in 8 launches in May... Join the waiting list TODAY!


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Ep: 142 1:1 Coaching - why it might surprise you...

So many thanks to Polly from @crabtreetherapy for coming and chatting to me about all of the unexpected things you may discover when you invest in 1:1 coaching... I expect that you know by now that you have to do the REAL work to make meaningful and sustainable change. You need to create a new identity for yourself. On that you believe in, one that belongs to you. Want to know more about 1:1 coaching? Pop me a DM and I'll tell you all about my 10 week Mind and Body Happy Coaching programme!


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Ep: 141 Why you might be EXACTLY the type of person who needs a retreat!

So you've heard about retreats, but your not sure they are for you... Maybe it all sounds a bit 'woo', a bit emotional, maybe you don't think you love yoga enough. Well tune into todays episode to find out why you are EXACTLY the right person to come on retreat with us. Lina and I will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about why we are so passionate about taking you on this journey, exactly what to expect and why we believe spending time doing the REAL work will literally change your world... If you're ready for a 2024 that feels more intentional, more joyful and more fun - then we are ready for you! With places filling up SUPER fast - please connect with us on instagram @tribe.retreats or email info@retreatswithtribe.com asap so we can make sure that you secure your space for only £100 today! www.retreatswithtribe.com


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Ep: 140 Nutritional fundamentals for the peri menopause

So there's so much noise about supplements. Where is the biggest bang for your buck. Let's do a deep dive with layla @laylagordonnutrition into omega 3/6, magnesium, sugar and so much more... Layla is still offering my gang a lovely package where you get to have an omega 3/6 test and a 30 minute consultation with Layla for £95 + postage.


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Ep: 139 Are you tapping into your feminine energy and why it might change your life...

Thank you @_debbieedwards_ for this incredible conversation. Find out why we've be told a lie - and why thinking we need to do, be and have it all is a one way track to misery. If you are a chronic people pleaser, if you suffer from imposter syndrome and never feel quite enough then this episode is for you!!!


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Ep: 138 Why it's so damn hard to REALLY change!

Blame yourself for your inability to create meaningful change in your life? Know exactly what you need to do, but beat yourself up for still not doing it? Take a listen, this episode was MADE for YOU! Meet the incredible Ella @thefitnesspsych_ and find out how to finally get your brain on board with the change you want to see!


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Ep: 137 You're not in balance and you know it...

Tune into the recording on the importance of essential fatty acids and the growing issue of seeds oil from industrial processing and ultra processed foods. SPECIAL OFFER Essential Fatty Acids Blood Test + 30 minute Zoom consultation with Layla Gordon to interpret your results. £95 + postage. 'Test-Based Nutrition' is the future, so take a look under the bonnet to asses your levels of saturated fat, omega-3,6 and 9 based on the previous 90 days of circulating red blood cells. This test requires 2 drops of blood on a card and the results include a 20 page report to help you to make small but measurable changes to your diet. Essential fatty acids are important for heart, brain, immune, eye, skin and overall health! To claim your test and 30 minute consultation email layla@laylagordon.uk or DM Layla Gordon Nutrition on IG with the Ref BALANCE ME, with your email and address. Only 10 tests available. Test, don't guess! 🙂


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Ep: 136 Why you struggle to impact meaningful change AND what to do about it...

So despite knowing EXACTLY where you would like to be in life you struggle to make anything meaningfully shift... Previously you've had moments of clarity - a feeling that everything is FINALLY falling into place, but then it drifts away. You're left feeling frustrated. You don't trust yourself. You look to others to be 'told' what to do. You're exhausted and fed up. Let me help, I have the secret that you need to know to help you step into leading your best life in the most amazingly nourished, energised and vibrant version of you!


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Ep: 135 Everything you've ever wanted to know about the peri menopause and HRT

So you're not imagining it. Those aches and pains, the fatigue that won't shift, the interrupted sleep, the injuries that won't recover and the stubborn belly fat that won't shift... You're not going crazy! It's likely you are just in the perimenopause. Here I speak with the phenomenal Lexie Minter @nurselexieminter aka the hormone fairy. I know hormone change feels scary - but knowledge is power. In this episode we unpack everything you've always wanted to know about the menopause and HRT. Want to contact Lexie? Book your consultation: www.minteretal.com If you have a history of a hormone receptive cancer Lexie recommends seeking a highly specialist opinion from Dr Sarah Duffy or Dr Sarah Bell at the Health in Menopause Clinic.


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Ep: 134 Overcoming barriers - what's keeping you stuck?

This week we take a deeper dive into the things that are keeping you stuck as well as questions you had around: and much more...


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Ep: 133 Think a retreat is too "woo" for you... think again!

So you're definitely not a yogi. Maybe you like exercise - a bit of fast flow yoga - but you are 100% not up for journeying 'inward'. So meet Anna - she was just like you. Not into yoga, determined not to crack on retreats... But when she let a bit of the 'woo' in find out how the impact of this rippled through all parts of her world! If you feel inspired by our chat do reach out to Anna @annasudburysober - her mission is to help frazzled midlife mums find freedom from booze.


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Ep: 133 If you emotionally eat - does your food need more LOVE?

If you struggle with emotional eating then I think I have something for you today that will help! Let's chat about flavoursome fats and adding tokens of love!


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Ep: 132 Time to give carbs back some love???

So you blame them for the fact that you still aren't existing in your 'dream' body. You tell yourself that you are 'addicted' to sugar... I bet the snack cupboard also calls to you from the lounge.... Let's make a space for carbs again. Let's find joy in including all the foods we love in our diet. Because guess what? When we don't our diets 'fail'. Not really a surprise when you think about it...


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Ep: 131 Protein & why it should rock your world

If you don't know what all the fuss is about protein but you struggle to find any consistency with how to nourish yourself then I am just about to BLOW your mind. Listen in, start hitting your protein target and see how the rest just falls into place...


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Ep: 130 5 Day Nourish & Health Reset

Everything you need to know about the next 5 days. Are you ready to change the way you nourish yourself FOREVER? No need to fad diet ever again... Let's do this!


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Ep: 129 So you think you have a time management issue?

Not enough time in the day? Sound familiar? Do you get to the end of the day frazzled, depleted without completing ANY of the things you wanted to do for you? Ok you need to take a listen. Is it actually a time management issue or is it actually that you don't know how to manage your energy...? Want in on my FREE Nourish & Health Reset? https://www.nourishandreset.com/nourishhealthreset Follow the link above, i'm ready for you!


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Episode 128: Day 5: Fats & why tokens of love will help emotional eating

So day 5 - our last day! I REALLY hope you are coming out of this challenge feeling like your plates of food are more delicious, more satisfying and that you are falling in love with nourishing yourself better... If you are and you want to grab a space for my next 6 week reset - do it NOW! I always limit spaces to keep the group small and accountability HIGH! Want in? Sign me up! I hope this journey of finding real, meaningful and sustainable change has just begun...


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Ep: 127 Carbs Friend or Foe?

Day 4 is all about carbs. Why we should love them, how to include them in your day and how to keep your blood sugars stable. So in your collages today I'll be looking for CARBS! Pop these on your collage, post them up to FaceBook and remember to tell me: 1. What went well today. 2. Where your focus will be tomorrow Let's do this thing!


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Ep: 126 Day Three Why Protein Should Rock Your World

Day 3 is all about protein. Why? How much, how to include it and why it'll change your world (and your body). So in your collages today I'll be looking for PROTEIN! Pop these on your collage, post them up to FaceBook and remember to tell me: 1. What went well today. 2. Where your focus will be tomorrow Let's do this thing!
