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Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast

Science & Technology News

Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast starring Dr. PukeNoMo is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want to know answers to all their burning pregnancy questions. The science behind it but as your best friend is giving you advice, and natural secrets to help those pregnant mommies enjoy their pregnancy. Our pregnancy podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need and tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcasts!


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Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast starring Dr. PukeNoMo is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want to know answers to all their burning pregnancy questions. The science behind it but as your best friend is giving you advice, and natural secrets to help those pregnant mommies enjoy their pregnancy. Our pregnancy podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need and tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcasts!



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How does spinal anesthesia work for c-section? - Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Ep. 98

Did you just schedule your c-section? I’m sure you’re going to want to know what type of anesthesia will be preformed called a SPINAL. As a doctor who practices anesthesia, I will walk you through what to expect during your cesarean & show you how I perform a spinal. This is the ultimate guide to spinal anesthesia for L&D ending up in a c-section. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Episode 98: How does spinal anesthesia work for c-sections?


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Why do pregnant women have swollen feet? Ep. 97 - Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology

Swollen feet when pregnant? Our pregnancy doctor and host will explain 4 most common reasons women get swollen especially their feet and 8 great tips to help you decrease the swelling in your legs for all 3 trimesters. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Episode 97: Why do pregnant women have swollen feet?


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How long does the epidural last? Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Ep. 96

Are you thinking about getting an epidural for pain relief during birth? Worried your numb legs will never come back? As a doctor and anesthesia provider I will tell you exactly how long does an epidural last & give you a sense of relief prior to making the decision about your birth-day. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Episode 96: How long does an epidural last?


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Can you get pregnant on your period? Best Pregnancy Podcast - Pukeology Ep. 95

Can you get pregnant on your period? As a pregnancy doctor, women are often surprised to find out they got pregnant while menstruating. Learn why some women get pregnant on their period and others don’t, the 5 factors related to the possibility of conception during your period, how to recognize the difference between pregnancy and menstrual symptoms, and precautions to prevent unplanned pregnancy. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Episode 95: Can You Get Pregnant While On Your Period?


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What are the early signs of pregnancy? Best pregnancy podcast Pukeology Ep. 94

What are the early signs of pregnancy? Unlock the Secrets of Early Pregnancy! As a pregnancy doctor, I reveal the most crucial early signs to detect pregnancy, from implantation bleeding to food cravings. Don't miss this essential guide to ensure you're prepared for the miraculous journey ahead. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Episode 94: How early do pregnancy symptoms start?


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What causes morning sickness during pregnancy? - Best Pregnancy Podcast - Pukeology Ep. 93

What causes morning sickness during pregnancy? Let's take a deep toilet dive into Unveiling the Causes of Morning Sickness During Pregnancy by your favorite pregnancy doctor. I'll help you understand the 6 causes of nausea during pregnancy including which hormones cause it? What changes in your new pregnancy body contribute to pregnancy sickness? And 7 natural ways to stop nausea that your OBGYN recommends. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Episode 93: What causes morning sickness?


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What week in pregnancy do you start producing milk? Pregnancy Podcast Ep. 92

Happy National Breastfeeding Week! In honor of your boobs, your favorite pregnancy doctor is “leaking” the details of what week of pregnancy do you start producing milk? What hormones cause you to produce breastmilk? And what factors influence milk production? Plus breastfeeding tips and tricks on how to produce more milk when pumping & natural remedies to increase milk supply. And the “tea” that can actually help you produce more breastmilk! This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Episode 92: What Week in Pregnancy Do You Start Producing Milk?


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Pregnancy Terms and Definitions You Must Know- Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Ep. 91

Pregnancy brings about a whole new world of language, with its own set of terms and definitions that may initially seem overwhelming. Let me, your favorite Pregnancy doctor & podcaster, help you navigate this journey with confidence by compiling a list of pregnancy terms you must know: hCG, embryo, fetus, genetic tests like amniocentesis, and basic labor knowledge. Finally, a doctor that speaks to me and answers What does induce labor mean? What does Effaced mean? And in pregnancy boards what is DPO and BFP mean? This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Episode 91: Pregnancy Terms & Definitions You Have to Know!


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What does the placenta do? Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast - Ep. 90

Have you ever wondered how your growing baby gets oxygen and nutrients while still in the womb? The job is done by the placenta.As a doctor I’m going to go into a deep dive on what the placenta does, when does the placenta develop, how big is the placenta, and what phase of labor does it get delivered? Plus common problems with the placenta like placenta previa you need to be on the look out for. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 90: What does the placenta do?


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When Do Women Ovulate? Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 89

Are you trying to get pregnant? And want to know when is the perfect time to conceive? Or maybe you’re already pregnant and want to know when you’re due! Our pregnancy doctor explains in plain English the connection between ovulation and conception and how to do all the calculations: fertility tracker & due date calculator. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 89: When do women ovulate?


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What Does Implantation Bleeding Look Like? Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Ep. 88

What does implantation bleeding look like? Find out as our pregnancy doctor breaks down these bleeding questions like: why do I bleed when the fertilized egg is implanted, how can that be mistaken for a period when your trying to get pregnant, and how to help naturally stop the cramps associated with implantation? This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 88: What does implantation bleeding look like?


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When Can I Start Having Sex After Giving Birth? Best Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Ep. 87

When can I start having sex after childbirth? Probably the most asked question that I, your favorite pregnancy doctor, gets asked. Learn how does having a baby affect your sex life, common sexual problems after delivery, and ways to strengthen your vaginally muscles after birth in this podcast. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 87: When can I start having sex after giving birth?


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What's Harder Pregnancy Or a Newborn - Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Ep. 86

What’s harder the pregnancy or newborn stage? As a pregnancy doctor and mom, I would have to say it all depends on the woman. Let’s go over the difficult experiences of being pregnant by trimester, plus what to expect when your expecting a newborn difficulties. I won’t leave you without some great pregnancy natural remedies to help all that ails you, and mom advice for getting your newborn in a routine to make your life easier. This is the best pregnancy podcast and perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 86: What’s harder pregnancy or a newborn?
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Are Pregnant Women At High Risk For COVID? Ep. 85

Coronavirus has now become part of our genome, and with the rapidly spreading subvariants Omicron and Delta, pregnant women need to know the facts and whether they are at greater risk of contracting the virus while being pregnant. Our pregnancy doctor will discuss the immune system changes during pregnancy, firsthand knowledge of what to expect if you are delivering & breastfeeding while testing positive for coronavirus, treatment & prevention options for pregnant women testing positive for COVID-19, and answer questions like: Are pregnant women more at risk for COVID? Are pregnant women eligible for the COVID vaccine booster? Are pregnant women exempt from wearing a face mask? This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up- chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 85: Are pregnant women at high risk for COVID?
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How Does The Pregnant Uterus Change? Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast EP. 84

How does the pregnant uterus change? Want to know what to expect from one of the organ groups that does the most changing and grows 23x its original size… your uterus! I’m a pregnancy doctor who is answering all my pregnant patients’ questions including: How will my uterus change? What type of uterus do I have? Can problems in pregnancy be a result of the health of my uterus? And what kind of uterus do I have? (Hint: probably a anteverted uterus but pregnancy with bicornuate uterus is possible.) This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 84: How does the pregnant uterus change?
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Can You Sleep On You're Back While Pregnant? Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Ep. 83

Can you sleep on your back while pregnant? Let our pregnancy doctor tell you about the best sleeping positions when pregnant and the why sleep is inhibited during every trimester. Plus natural ways to put you and your unborn baby to sleep fast. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 83: Best Pregnant Sleep Positions
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WHO Pregnancy Guidelines - Pregnant Podcast Pukeology Ep. 82

Health Organization (WHO) helps define the WHO criteria for a healthier pregnancy specifically for gestational diabetes,breastfeeding, and even the WHO criteria for metabolic syndrome. Our doctor will teach you the science behind why WHO recommends a certain number of prenatal visits, pregnancy screening tests and immunizations, pregnancy nutrition guidelines especially for those who have gestational diabetes, and even when it’s safe to start trying for baby #2. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 82: WHO breastfeeding recommendations & pregnancy criteria!
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What Does It Feel Like When Your Water Breaks Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Ep. 81

What does it feel like when your water breaks? Most pregnant women want to know if it’s like the movies or a slow trickle. Your favorite doctor is going to mythbuster this episode telling you how many cups when your water breaks, what to look for in color and smell, and complications if your water breaks too early. And as a mom myself, 7 important ways to prevent the post water breaking cleanup on your mattress, car, and expensive furniture. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 81: What does it feel like when your water breaks!
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Why Is My Pregnant Belly Sometimes Hard And Sometimes Soft? Pregnancy Podcast Pukeology Ep. 80

Why is my pregnant belly sometimes hard and other times soft? What is your body or your baby trying to tell you? If you’re pregnant and you’ve either looked up those 2 questions on google or thought it to yourself, this doctor led pregnancy podcast is made for you to learn the 5 most common reasons your pregnancy belly is hard or soft, when you need to worry and see your OBGYN, when it is totally normal to have a hard top portion of your pregnant belly and a soft bottom, and natural ways to stop bloating even while pregnant. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up-chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 80: Why is my pregnant belly sometimes hard and sometimes soft?
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Can You Drink Coffee While Pregnant? Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Ep. 79

Can I drink caffeine while being pregnant? I get this question all the time as a pregnancy doctor because every woman I know is looking for a little pep in their step in the mornings, but how much caffeine is too much? Find out what is the acceptable amount of coffee you can have per day while pregnant, what are the risks to your baby when consuming too much caffeine, and ways to reduce your caffeine cravings. This podcast is perfect for all women who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant and want answers for the best information about pregnancy that there is to date. Think of Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast as your answer to all things pregnant as told to you by your best friend who happens to be a doctor. And our podcast wouldn’t be complete without a few pregnancy puke stories that will give you the comical relief you need with tips to stop the up- chuckle. Comedy + Science + Edutainment = Pregnancy Pukeology Podcast Episode 79: Can I drink coffee while pregnant?
