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TLC - Teenage Latino Conservative


I'm tired of people saying conservatives are all old white men. As a TLC, I'll talk about the popular political issues polarizing our country and the solutions we can use to fix them, along with adding in a Christian perspective. I'll also be talking about how to take pride in masculinity, and how boys and men need to continue to be strong despite society's constant disapproval. Looking forward to a great time!


United States


I'm tired of people saying conservatives are all old white men. As a TLC, I'll talk about the popular political issues polarizing our country and the solutions we can use to fix them, along with adding in a Christian perspective. I'll also be talking about how to take pride in masculinity, and how boys and men need to continue to be strong despite society's constant disapproval. Looking forward to a great time!



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Stuff That I Like

Today's episode is focused on a few things, but all things that I genuinely enjoy talking about. We cover why there's no DEI in Esports, and an episode of an old Teen Titans cartoon that has a surprisingly wise message about the importance of masculinity and how to properly use it. Hope you all enjoy!


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The Sound of Freedom Review

Another movie review by yours truly, this time about the new movie Sound of Freedom, following the real-life story of Tim Ballard, an ex-FBI agent as he tries to save victims of child trafficking and reunite a family.


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Conservative Camaraderie

Hey everyone! TLC's back again with another episode! Today we'll be talking about conservatism and exactly how popular it is, and why the media wants you to think that it isn't! I hope you guys enjoy, and look forward to next week's episode which will be covering the fantastic new movie, Sound of Freedom, another example of proof that conservatism is NOT just a fringe minority! (Also get to see leftist professors freak out over meme culture)


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Debate Tips!

Hey everybody, TLC is back again! It's been a long wait, but I'm here again with some quick tips for defending the pro-life argument in celebration of the 1 year anniversary of the overturning of Roe v Wade! Hope you all enjoy!!!


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Fathers and Faith

Hey everyone TLC back again, after somehow surviving AP tests! I'm bringing you guys an episode today about the importance of supporting men and fathers, especially in Churches for our Christian faith. Hope you enjoy!


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A Nefarious Birthday :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! Today we'll be doing a review of the Nefarious movie by Steve Deace, a great movie for anyone who is a Christian and is concerned with the spiritual warfare going on in our country right now! (And it's also my birthday which is pretty sweet). Hope you all enjoy!!!


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Passionate Review

Today for Holy Week we're reviewing the Passion of the Christ, a must-see for any Christian on Good Friday. Not only does the Passion give us the best visual representation of the most important part of our entire Christian faith, but it also has many other symbols and undertones that are very important to Christian life and our understanding of Scripture and the Gospels, and of our Savior Himself, Jesus Christ. Be sure to watch the Passion of the Christ BEFORE seeing this if you haven't already, and if you have, try to watch it on Good Friday! Happy Holy Week and Happy Easter!!!


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I am the Pro-Life Abolitionist

Hey everybody! TLC here, and I'd like to officially announce my stance as a pro-life abolitionist! Not a just pro-lifer, not just an abolitionist, but a pro-life abolitionist. :). In today's episode I'll explain why calling myself a "pro-life abolitionist" may upset a few people even on our side of the abortion debate! Also big shout out to Steve Deace for the mention!


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People Are People

This episode focuses on the issues of racism, and how the people blaming other people about racism are the real racists in this country. Also, touches a bit on how the progressive movements that helped people in the past are now harming a lot more than they helped. Be sure to follow me on Twitter so we can hit that 100 follower mark!


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The Only Gender Pay Gap Exists In Mrs. Monopoly

The goal of today's episode is very simple. I will prove to you, using facts and logic, that the Gender pay gap doesn't exist anywhere except in Mrs. Monopoly. And I will do it on Equal Pay Day. Watch me. Or... listen to me technically. I still need that camera 😅


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The Jesus Review-lution (Also Satan is attacking kids 😐)

Hey everybody, TLC back again, today we'll be talking about one of the craziest things I've ever heard of in my life and one of the best movies I've ever seen in my life. Hope you all enjoy!


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We All Need Some TLC

Incredible puns aside, people today really do need some TLC, especially teen girls, who are suffering from depression rates higher than any seen in the last decade! In today's episode I'm going to talk about these issues and how as Christians we are not only called to help people in these situations, but equipped to do so with the tools of of grace and love God has given us.


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The Buper Sowl

This year's Super Bowl had a ton of unexpected Christian and Pro-Life aspects that I just had to talk about it! From Rhianna, to a Pringles Commercial, it's clear to see that we are making strides on the cultural front of our battle to defend the unborn. I'd like to give myself some credit. Joking aside though, our impact is real, and if it's even reaching something as huge as the Super Bowl, then we must be doing something right! Staying strong in Jesus will always get us through!


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Face The Music

With Sam Smith's Grammy... "performance"... I felt it was a good idea to talk today about how many dark and demonic influences can be found in modern music, and where to find music that has Christian undertones instead. And don't worry, it's not all Psalms and choir songs!


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Pro-Life Should Also Mean Pro-Dad

Men are constantly being mistreated in society by crazy leftist feminists, but they seem to lack support in the pro-life movement, a movement that really needs more strong, God-centered men to reach its full potential. In this episode, I'm going to explain how important men can be to the pro-life movement, and why we should work harder to include them.


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The (Pro-Life) Ants Go Marching One By One Hurrah Hurrah

While the pro-choices may want us to feel like ants, our movement has gained more ground than we could imagine in the last few years, including the overturning of Roe v. Wade, saving tens of thousands of babies every year. Last Friday, I went to the first every March for Life in a post-Roe world (feels awesome to say that) and I wanted to share my amazing experience with all of you guys today. Hope you enjoy!


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Euthanasia is Bad

The glorious return of TLC! After a long exodus into the depths of Pokémon Violet, I have returned with another episode for you all to enjoy. We will be returning to weekly episodes after this, so be prepared for a lot of fun this new year. This time we'll be focusing on euthanasia (not youth in Asia) and assisted suicide, the logical and moral argument against it, and then the Christian argument against it. I hope you all enjoy!


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Pro-Life Spider Man and Jesus

In this episode, we'll talk about some fun topics that I learned about on my slight reprieve from recording, including the real-life superhero Pro-Life Spider-Man, and the series "The Chosen", about the greatest superhero of all, Jesus Christ


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Abortion: The Return of Cletus the Fetus

In this episode, I cover some powerful pro-life responses to the most common and tricky pro-abortion arguments. Hope you guys enjoy!


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Dads: Come Back After Getting the Milk

Happy late Halloween guys! After a little excerpt about Halloween costumes and a special surprise, we're going to talk about fatherlessness in homes, the destruction it causes, what causes it, and what kinds of things we can do to help stop it.
