

Arts & Culture Podcasts

86 Productions Proudly Presents Section_86. A podcast network. Please check out all of our shows on this feed~!


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86 Productions Proudly Presents Section_86. A podcast network. Please check out all of our shows on this feed~!



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Twice Upon a Time S05E09 “The Bear King”

Back in Camelot, Arthur is desperate for aid in his quest to unite Excalibur, leading him and Zelena to Dunbroch to find an enchanted helm. In flashbacks, King Fergus visits the wood-carving witch in the woods, asking for something that would ensure the longevity of his kingdom. She in turn gives him the helm. In […]


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Twice Upon a Time S05E08 “Birth”

In Camelot, after saving her family and friends from Arthur and Zelena, Emma struggles to rid herself of dark magic. She’s holding herself back due to fear of commitment with Hook. She works through the fear and attempts to meld Excalibur, but Hook falls to the floor. Facing his death, Emma conjures the dark magic […]


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Twice Upon a Time S05E07 “Nimue”

In flashbacks taking place 1,033 years prior, Merlin drank from the Holy Grail, begetting his transformation into a wizard who is able to heal the forlorn of his village, thus becoming a Christ-like figure. He meets a distraught woman by the name of Nimue, whose village and family were slaughtered by a mongol named Vortigan. […]


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Twice Upon a Time S05E06 “The Bear and the Bow”

In Camelot, Merida enlists Belle on a mission to save her brothers from the United Clans by using a spell to battle the clans, but Belle believes that her faith in fate should be enough to make Merida brave. In Storybrooke, Emma tries to force Merida to kill Belle so she can make Gold heroic. […]


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Twice Upon a Time S05E05 “Dreamcatcher”

In Camelot’s past, Arthur’s obsession with Excalibur has taken a toll on Guinevere and leads to a betrayal of trust by Lancelot, as the two seek out the dagger. This leads to a confrontation with Rumpelstiltskin, who offers a deal that Guinevere takes and ends up paying the price for at the hands of Arthur. […]


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Twice Upon a Time S05E04 “The Broken Kingdom”

In Camelot’s past, Arthur’s obsession with Excalibur has taken a toll on Guinevere and leads to a betrayal of trust by Lancelot, as the two seek out the dagger. This leads to a confrontation with Rumpelstiltskin, who offers a deal that Guinevere takes and ends up paying the price for at the hands of Arthur. […]


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Twice Upon a Time S05E03 “Siege Perilous”

In Camelot, the quest to free Merlin continues when Arthur and David head to Brocéliande, the Forest of Eternal Night, and fight to obtain a toadstool called the Crimson Crown, which can allow them to communicate with Merlin. In the present, Emma manipulates Hook in order to gain Hook’s sword. In the end, Emma brings […]


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Twice Upon a Time S05E02 “The Price”

The Storybrooke residents try to keep Arthur and the rest of Camelot from revealing their identities and prevent Emma from going dark as they search for Merlin, so Regina pretends to be the Savior in order to spare Emma the trouble. In Storybrooke, the residents, and the now-transplanted Arthurians, are becoming fearful of Emma as […]


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Twice Upon a Time S05E01 “The Dark Swan”

The event of Emma being taken by the Darkness has the Storybrooke residents seeking a way to bring her back, and the only way to make it happen is to turn to an unlikely person: Zelena. However, the wicked witch has other plans in mind, only to be thwarted by Regina, who uses Zelena’s magic […]


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Twice Upon a Time S04E24 “Captain Swan Deep Dive”

Join Chelsea and Roger and they recap Season four of the hit ABC Drama, “One Upon a Time” where they dive into Captain Swan. So grab a cup of tea and join us as we explore the magical world of Storybrooke and beyond with Chelsea and Roger in this Season 4 recap. Any questions or […]


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Twice Upon a Time S04E23 “Heroes & Villians Recap”

Join Chelsea and Roger and they recap Season four of the hit ABC Drama, “One Upon a Time” where they dive into Heroes and Villians. So grab a cup of tea and join us as we explore the magical world of Storybrooke and beyond with Chelsea and Roger in this Season 4 recap. Any questions […]


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Twice Upon a Time S04E22 “Operation Mongoose”

Emma, Hook, Henry, Mary Margaret, David, Regina and Robin are in the library of the mansion, searching for a way to stop Gold and Isaac from enacting a new reality with the newly activated ink. They are joined by August, who shows them a drawing of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, who might be able to help […]


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Twice Upon a Time S04E21 “Mother”

In the Enchanted Forest before the first curse, the Evil Queen Regina stumbles upon a wedding being held on land that is off limits on her palace grounds. She makes it clear that she does not tolerate this kind of intrusion, by pulling the heart out of the groom and crushing it in front of […]


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Twice Upon a Time S04E20 “Lily”

In the Enchanted Forest, the Apprentice starts consulting with the Sorcerer, who demands that the Author can never be allowed to change fate again, after he manipulated the Apprentice into sending Maleficent’s daughter, Lily, to the real world after transferring Emma’s potential for darkness to the child. It has been several days since Cruella’s death […]


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Twice Upon a Time S04E19 “Sympathy for the De Vil”

Isaac, is paying a visit to the home pretending to seek out a story after having seen Cruella from the attic, only to have Madeline warning him to stay away. Isaac returns and helps Cruella escape from the attic. As Cruella races off into the forest, she is stopped in her tracks by Maleficent, who […]


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Twice Upon a Time S04E18 “Heart of Gold”

Back in “Sherwood Forest many years ago,” Robin Hood is at his bar, when the Sheriff of Nottingham shows up and threatens his nemesis over taxes and gives him just two days to get his money in order. That night after closing, Rumplestiltskin appears with a proposition: Rumplestiltskin will solve Robin’s monetary issues, if Robin […]


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Twice Upon a Time S04E17.5 “Charming’s Deep Dive”

Join Chelsea and Roger and they do a Charming’s Deep Dive from Season Four of the hit ABC Drama, “One Upon a Time”. So grab a cup of tea and join us as we explore the magical world of Storybrooke and beyond with Chelsea and Roger in this Deep dive of Charming’s. Any questions or […]


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Twice Upon a Time S04E17 “Best Laid Plans”

In the Enchanted Forest, before the first curse, Snow White and Prince Charming come across a unicorn and touch its horn to see what the future holds for their unborn child. Charming sees a happy baby Emma, but Snow sees a vision of a teenage Emma ripping her heart out and crushing it. August is […]


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Twice Upon a Time S04E16 “Poor Unfortunate Soul”

In the Neverland realm, Hook and his crew hear a mermaid’s song, which distracts them until they almost strike a series of rocks. Around the same time, the father of the Seas, Poseidon, scolds his daughter, revealed to be Ursula in her youth, for ending the song just in time for the Jolly Roger to […]


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Twice Upon a Time S04E15 “Enter the Dragon”

In the Enchanted Forest, before the Dark Curse, Rumplestiltskin finds Regina exploring Maleficent’s spell book. However, Rumplestiltskin tells her that she is rushing into this too fast, saying that the key to Maleficent’s skills is time, and sends Regina to Maleficent’s palace. An undercover Regina meets with Maleficent, Ursula, and Cruella to convince them that […]
