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Deeper and Wider

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

My name is Nathan Forster, and this is Deeper & Wider- a show where we meet at the crossroads of Christian faith, and all of life- from the small to the big, from mundane to the profound. Where we learn people’s stories & their specialties, have conversations, and offer perspectives- all of which are shaped and animated by Jesus, His way of life, and the Kingdom He came to bring. This show will be a resource for people who- deep in their bones- think that, surely, God’s Kingdom is deeper and wider than the box we have put it in… A kingdom that can permeate all of existence… If we allow it to.




My name is Nathan Forster, and this is Deeper & Wider- a show where we meet at the crossroads of Christian faith, and all of life- from the small to the big, from mundane to the profound. Where we learn people’s stories & their specialties, have conversations, and offer perspectives- all of which are shaped and animated by Jesus, His way of life, and the Kingdom He came to bring. This show will be a resource for people who- deep in their bones- think that, surely, God’s Kingdom is deeper and wider than the box we have put it in… A kingdom that can permeate all of existence… If we allow it to.



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Have Yourself a Cosmic Christmas...

In a world longing for meaning, there is an invitation like no other... But what makes this invitation different from what's on offer in the culture? Listen to find out...


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The Upside Down Economics of God

In this episode, we delve into the teachings of Jesus from Matthew 6:19-24, exploring the profound message about what true treasure is, which in turn creates the upside down economics of the Kingdom of God. Initially preached at C3 North Perth as part of our 'This Strange Life' series, this particular recording was re-recorded at my home.


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The Gospel of Jesus as Teacher

We delve into Jesus' often overlooked angle to the Gospel - that Jesus is teacher. Drawing wisdom from the Gospel of Matthew, we compare the teachings explore their implications against the backdrop of religious and political backgrounds of His time, and also the modern belief that a meaningful life can be achieved through wellness practices, morality, and self-awareness without a genuine commitment to God. Finally, this episode presents a helpful creed that encapsulates the essence of the gospel, and if you want to follow along with that, then read from here: We as a people, believe in God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the Father, who out of love, alongside the Son and Spirit, created the Heavens and the Earth. We believe in Jesus the Son, who was predestined to rule among us, Conceived of the the Holy Spirit, Born of the Virgin Mary, Who followed in God’s ways and invited all into God’s ways. In whose Kingdom, decisive victory was in suffering under Pontious Pilate. He was crucified, died, and descended into death, Yet, this victory was truly made known three days later when He rose again from the dead, trampling sin and death, He is now seated at the right hand of the Father and will come from there to judge the living and the dead. We believe in the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and the Son and, with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified. Who moves across the Earth, Dwells covenantally with believers, And mediates Christ’s presence. Who enables God’s growth, guidance, and gifts. Whose power is made known in signs and wonders, And is moving all things unto Christ’s New Creation. We believe in the Holy catholic Church, Called to be shaped by the death and resurrection of Jesus. Family to one another, Who together seek to know God and make Him known, Resist evil, Live simple and communal lives, Make peace, And Wisely love their neighbours. Turn their heads towards the poor, Seek the common good in Jesus-shaped ways, And confess to each other when there is failure to live in such ways, offering grace and spurring each other on. We believe in the forgiveness of sins, The resurrection from the dead, And the life and the world of the age to come. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


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Hiatus (but not goodbye)



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Joel Seneque - Deny yourself & take up your cross...And self care & burn out (How does that work?)

What does it mean to "deny yourself and take up your cross"? against the backdrop of both avoiding burnout, and looking after oneself (AKA Self-care)? This is what is spoken about today, in conversation with Joel Seneque. Joel (along with his wife Michala) are the pastors at C3 North Perth, which is an urban church just on the outskirts of Perth in Maylands, WA. Speaking personally, this is my church community- and I think it is wonderful. To find out more about C3 North Perth, feel free to check them out at


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Mwati Tembo - On Worship

What do we mean by the word "worship"? What is worship's relationship to the rest of life, how we orientate ourselves, and how we grow in union with God and with each other? We discuss this (and so much more, from revival, to spiritual formation, to the very nature of congregational worship) in what is another conversational episode with none other than Mwati Tembo. Mwati is a young worship leader who has served in her local church for a few years. Mwati holds a Bachelor of Theology and is involved in different spheres of ministry inside and outside of the Church. With gifts in leadership, writing, and teaching, Mwati is also the founder of The Global Pursuit, a creative project for those in pursuit of a life of purpose. Through the many ways that God uses her to serve others, Mwati is especially passionate about followers of Jesus submitting their lives as a form of worship unto God, and cares deeply about the Church leading the next generation in true and proper discipleship. To find out more, check out the links below...! The Global Pursuit: Mwati:


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A Window of Words I: “Gospel”, “Kingdom of God”, “Repent”, “Believe”, and “Follow”

What the heck is meant by the words “Gospel”, “Kingdom of God”, “Repent”, “Believe”, and “Follow”? It might not be what you think... And seeing these words in a new light might be the very thing that expands our view of the Christian faith beyond the I-got-my-ticket-to-heaven type of faith. So enjoy me as I do a bit of a long-but-fun riff on these words.


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The Young Man and the Wise Cleric: a Theological Parable on Heaven, Hell, Final Judgement, and Salvation

Today it is just me speaking, yet sharing a story/fictional conversation dipping our toes into the water of all things the end.


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Mark Scandrette - The Beatitudes

On this month’s episode of Deeper and Wider we are talking all things beatitudes with internationally recognized specialist in practical Christian spirituality, Mark Scandrette. Mark is the founding director the ReIMAGINE Center for Living Wisdom, where he leads an annual series of retreats, workshops and projects designed to help participants apply spiritual wisdom to everyday life. His multidisciplinary studies in applied psychology, family health and theology have shaped his approach to learning and transformation. A sought after voice for creative, radical and embodied faith practices, he frequently speaks at universities, churches and conferences nationally and internationally and also serves as adjunct faculty in the doctoral program at Fuller Theological Seminary. His most recent books include The Ninefold Path of Jesus (which, by the way, is THE book on the beatitudes), also three other book including FREE, Practicing the Way of Jesus, and Belonging and Becoming: Creating A Thriving Family Culture. Mark lives with his wife Lisa and their three young adult children in an old Victorian in San Francisco’s Mission District. He loves walking city streets and discovering beauty in unexpected places. He is passionately engaged in sustainability practices and efforts to create safe neighborhoods for all people. To find out more about the workshops that we spoke about today in the episode, head over to head on over to, go to the learning labs tab, and register your interest to be part of that. To learn more on Mark himself, he can be found at his website


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Matt Nash - Dreaming for the Community of God

On this more conversational episode, me and Matt Nash range from speaking about the simple life of C.S Lewis, to the celebrityism of the western church, to dreaming together about how we might move forward unto being the community of the people of God in these times we find ourselves in. To learn Kardia Community then follow Kardia on Instagram at @kardiacommunity, or check out their website at Kardia Community's desire is to journey with pastors and ministry leaders by providing the tools and experiences that help them flourish. The goal is to help men and women build resiliency and reignite their Kardia for ministry through spiritual practices and connection in community. Also, Matt Nash can be found on Instagram @matthewnash1, so give him a follow!


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Justin Brierley- A Better Way To Do Apologetics…?

Apologetics. For some people, the word evokes in the imagination people having rich dialogue about the big questions of life, faith, church, philosophy, and many more topics pertaining to God, in a good natured dialogue of wrestling with honest questions. But for some, the word evokes in the imagination people having petty arguments about God’s existence, getting angry, not listening to those friends with sincere questions of faith, and having debates around secondary questions like how old the Earth is. So my question is this: is apologetics inherently bad? Are there ways of doing apologetics that avoid pettiness and getting into a ‘us vs them’ posture? We’ll be exploring this and a range of other things with Justin Brierley. Justin has been working in radio, podcasting and video for almost two decades. He hosts the Unbelievable? radio show and podcast on Premier Christian Radio, as well as the Ask NT Wright Anything podcast. He is Theology and Apologetics Editor for Premier Christian Radio and occasionally contributes to other shows and podcasts from the London-based station. Justin was also editor of Premier Christianity magazine from 2014-2018, for which he continues to contribute articles. Justin's first book 'Unbelievable? Why, after ten years of talking with atheists, I'm still a Christian' (SPCK) was published in 2017. To find out more about Justin, find more about him at or search him up on socials.


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Jesus, The Lord of Joy (2019 Sermon on the Wedding at Cana, Water to Wine, John 2)

This was preached at Sanctuary Church in 2019, and it comes from John 2, when Jesus turns water into wine. What does it look like to have subversive joy in a culture of despair?


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Dreaming of the Church for the 2020’s...

In this episode, I speak about church for this decade coming out of the heartache and dreaming of the young adults of the 2020's... This will be the first of many episodes that will be released once a month, every second Friday.


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Ask, Seek, Knock (2019 Sermon)

A sermon from Matthew 7. Ask, Seek, Knock.


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It’s Still Easter (2019 Sermon)

Another sermon from 2019, a week after Resurrection Sunday.


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Grief and the Resurrection (Easter Sunday Sermon, 2019)

Releasing an 'off season' episode of a sermon delivered in 2019, called Grief and the Resurrection. Enjoy.


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A New Chapter...

It's been a while since we have spoke- so I thought I'd give you an update on the show, including some significant changes and also a new posture to the show overall...


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Karina Kreminski- Urban Mission and Urban Spirituality

In this weeks episode we talk with Karina Kreminski on urban mission and urban spirituality. Rev. Dr Karina Kreminski has worked in the fields of English teaching and journalism, and has also been a Senior Minister in the Church. She has a doctorate in missional formation, teaches at Morling College in Sydney, and also writes and blogs about spirituality, mission and theology. Karina has also authored a book called “Urban Spirituality: Embodying God's Mission in the Neighborhood”. She loves forming people for leadership and speaks regularly at churches and conferences on neighbourhood and community mission and activism. Her and her husband live in Surry Hills, an inner city village in Sydney, where they are committed to loving their local neighbourhood and seeing it flourish- working with the neighbourhood to bring about peace, justice and mercy in the ecology of the neighbourhood through Spirit-inspired relationships and initiatives. To find out more about Karina and the work her and her husband do, then visit


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David Andrew- The Musical Act of Worship

After a hiatus, I am finally releasing some episodes of Deeper & Wider! And for this episode, we are exploring the music act of worship by interviewing David Andrew. Composer, Artist, Producer, Full Tilt Existentialist, and collaborator/producer with Gang of Youths, and sideman with Charlie Collins, and Joji Malani's (formerly Gang of Youths, now Founder of Broth Records) upcoming project, “Pae”. David has been creating contemplative piano works for the last few years as a response to the break-neck pace of modern existence. His newest project is a post-classical dance exploration, taking where he's been and directing it into a club at 3am, aiding people's return from the peak of the night, with cinematic clouds of sound and beats that make the body move on its way back down. The interview itself was one heck of a rise! Check it out, and also check out David on Spotify at:


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Shane Claiborne - Intentional Community living

In this weeks episode we talk with Shane Claiborne on intentional community living, especially in light of the Simple Way, which is a non-profit intentional community in Philadelphia. Current activities of The Simple Way include planting gardens, running a store, and working for food security in the neighbourhood as they seek to emulate Jesus. Shane Claiborne is a prominent speaker, activist, and best-selling author. Shane worked with Mother Teresa in Calcutta, and founded The Simple Way in Philadelphia. He heads up Red Letter Christians, a movement of folks who are committed to living "as if Jesus meant the things he said." Shane is a champion for grace which has led him to jail advocating for the homeless, and to places like Iraq and Afghanistan to stand against war. Now grace fuels his passion to end the death penalty and help stop gun violence. Shane’s books include Jesus for President, Red Letter Revolution, Common Prayer, Follow Me to Freedom, Jesus, Bombs and Ice Cream, Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers, Executing Grace, his classic The Irresistible Revolution, and his newest book, Beating Guns. His books have been translated into more than a dozen languages. Shane speaks over one hundred times a year, nationally and internationally. His work has appeared in Esquire, SPIN, Christianity Today, TIME, and The Wall Street Journal, and he has been on everything from Fox News and Al Jazeera to CNN and NPR. He’s given academic lectures at Harvard, Princeton, Liberty, Duke, and Notre Dame. To find out more about Shane and his work, check out his website at or follow him on either Facebook or Twitter @ShaneClaiborne. Follow the work of The Simple Way on either Facebook or Twitter @TheSimpleWay or on Instagram at @the_simple_way. Check out their website at
