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The Moderately Tortured Artist

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Being a creative and putting your art out into the world can be both exhilarating and terrifying. The Moderately Tortured Artist is a podcast by coach Kimberley Smith that started as a show for musicians and has now taken on a life of its own. It's for any creative who has ever considered giving up. Any artist who has felt it is too hard, encountered too much rejection or feels crippled by their perfectionism. Part pep talk, part permission slip, this show is about helping you remember what matters most. The joy of creating something unique, the self expression and story you share with others and the elation you feel when it all just clicks. Because as tough as it is, we couldn't imagine doing anything else.


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Being a creative and putting your art out into the world can be both exhilarating and terrifying. The Moderately Tortured Artist is a podcast by coach Kimberley Smith that started as a show for musicians and has now taken on a life of its own. It's for any creative who has ever considered giving up. Any artist who has felt it is too hard, encountered too much rejection or feels crippled by their perfectionism. Part pep talk, part permission slip, this show is about helping you remember what matters most. The joy of creating something unique, the self expression and story you share with others and the elation you feel when it all just clicks. Because as tough as it is, we couldn't imagine doing anything else.



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Identity and Free Traits - The Building Blocks of Confidence?

How much of our identity is set and how much control do we really have over making changes to it? One of the questions I get asked most is "How do I become more confident?" and that's what I'd love to tackle in this episode where we delve a little into the neuro-science and psychology around identity. The notion of free traits and being able to develop these (just like a skill or a muscle) is not only empowering but gives us somewhere to START. The first Backstage cohort will be opening it's doors very soon. If you want to be the first to know... You can sign up to receive my That Sweet Roar emails here: Or join the free community space and devour the workshops and downloads in there, by heading this way:


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Sensitive Creatives Can Do Hard Things

Have you ever felt that your sensitivity has held you back from pushing outside your comfort zone or embracing a challenge? I think this is a story that many creatives can relate to and one that is not doing us any favours. This episode is about chipping away at that belief, seeing the brilliance in your sensitivity and finding a more sustainable way to take the risks needed to live a big, beautiful, creative life.


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I CAN Be Bothered

I think it is highly likely that we're dealing with an epidemic of the apathetic kind. That the phrase "I can't be bothered" or "I don't know if I can be bothered" is having an IT girl moment (and who can blame us with the state if the world right now?). But what is it costing us when it comes to the quality of our lives and the novelty, spontaneity and creativity that we crave?


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Releasing the Identity of the "Hot Mess Creative"

Is there a part of you (like me) who believes that the free-spirited nature of an artist equals external chaos and an aversion to organisation and structure? If so, let’s unpack this a little because I realised that in clinging to this idea as part of my identity, it was creating an undercurrent of overwhelm (and I suspect that it could be doing so for you too). In this episode I share what I discovered about this resistance to being organised, the cost of that to my creativity and what I’m doing to steer myself in a new direction (that could be supportive for you too).


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What Would it Feel Like to Empty Yourself Creatively?

Do you have a sense of your own creative potential? For me, I can taste it and know instinctively that I’ve barely scratched the surface. But I also have a history of over-working and falling in a heap afterwards. So how can we be in perpetual creative motion and learning without striving, chasing self worth or exhausting ourselves? And what barriers need to be removed in order to make this happen? The term “emptying myself” feels like a good starting point because it challenges me in both the practice of showing up and making something (without judging if it’s any good or not) and how deep I’m willing to take myself, how vulnerable and gritty and messy I’m willing to get. And even though the taste of it is audacious, it stops my imposter syndrome in its tracks because I’m not claiming to be an expert or even talented in the pursuit of “emptying myself” but I AM declaring that I’ve stopped screwing around. So as I explore this in the next few episodes, explore the question “What would emptying yourself creatively feel like and look like for you?”


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The #1 Thing You Need to Know About Visibility, Vulnerability and Sharing Your Honest Expression

So there's a part of you who wants to come out of hiding, to be seen as more authentically YOU. Who wants to take up a little more space. Who wants to be able to express themselves honestly and to allow others to witness that. Welcome to the podcast episode just for you. This contains everything I wish I'd known before I went on this journey myself. Why this can feel incredibly uncomfortable. Why expecting anything less actually creates more problems. And what you can do to support yourself through it.


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How to Navigate Disappointment Around Sharing and Impact

So you've done the brave thing, you've shared your art or your gifts in some way. You're all hyped up and proud of yourself UNTIL - crickets or a lacklustre response. Until you don't get the outcome you desired. If left unchecked, this disappointment can build up and build up and begin to turn into resentment and apathy. The narrative of "why should I bother?" I don't want that for you, so let's shed some light on why you tend to veer down this rabbit hole and how you can avoid the bitterness that comes with it. The guided close eye practice I mentioned to connect with your protector parts is ready for you here: And if you’re ready for support in cracking your self-expression wide open, find out more about my Artists in Resonance community here:


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What Relieved Me of My Overwhelm

I've had a long and toxic relationship with overwhelm and we went through a break up a couple of months ago. My energy has returned, my zest for creating, really everything about the way I move through my day and how I feel about it has shifted. And I wanted to share what allowed for that to happen. When I realised what was hiding BEHIND the label of overwhelm. If you're experiencing overwhelm right now, I hope this episode supports you in a beautiful way. And if the LIMITLESS experience intrigues you, you can find out more here:


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Your Vague Desires Aren't Getting You Anywhere

Desire. It's a juicy word that kicks up a lot of sensation in your body right? But when it comes to WHAT you desire and your MOTIVATION and DEVOTION to get there, not all desires are made equal. Most people use vague language to articulate their desires. Words like "happy," "healthy" and "more creative." Which makes them intangible. They then actually mean very little on their own. And they don’t inspire action because there are far too many variables. We use vague language because we’re afraid to claim what it is we truly desire. We'd rather live in I-don't-know-how Land. That. Stops. Now.


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How to Feel More Empowered in Your Life by Shifting Your Language​

Your words create your world. Yep, the language you use each and every day is influencing and colouring how you feel. So is it empowering or disempowering you? Serving you or not? The uncomfortable news is that right now you’re most likely speaking out of habit and through the lens of your conditioning rather than being intentional about it. The wonderful news? That can change TODAY and I’d love to show you how.


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Shake Off the Tight, Ill-Fitting Costume of "Background Person"

This episode is for anyone who has ever believed they should tone themselves down to blend into the background, to avoid standing out. That you shouldn't boldly share your gifts, draw attention to yourself or be exceptional because it comes with too much risk. It asks you "Where are you accepting being a background person when that costume doesn’t fit anymore?" And explores a self-honouring way to come out of hiding and embrace your full expression.


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Rejection is a Brutal and Fabulous Teacher

I know, rejection isn't a topic that makes me jump out of bed and do pirouettes either, but I do think it's important to talk about. So even though it makes me feel incredibly vulnerable and a tad apprehensive, I'm sharing a rejection story of my own on the podcast this week. A pretty recent one. Complete with all the gory details, shaky knees, awkward emotions AND valuable lessons. Because rejection (or the fear of it) is holding far too many creative tongues and hearts captive. And it doesn't have to mean what you've made it mean...


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A Battle Cry for Creatives - Are You Running in the Wrong Direction?

This episode is an audio version of a Facebook Live I did to call you forward. If you know you've been hiding, dipping your toe in the water or trying to convince yourself that "you don't have what it takes" or your art "isn't that important" - this is for you. Gather around the campfire. Grab a blanket and a beer, mulled wine or cup of hot chocolate. Because I have a battle cry I need you to hear and FEEL. ...Your joie de vivre may depend on it.


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On Waiting for Permission and to Feel Ready

This episode is for those who are waiting. Waiting for permission to take up space, to share their work or to be chosen. And waiting to feel ready to step up and out of their comfort zone, to accept themselves wholeheartedly or to run towards what lights them up. Feeling hesitant, scared or doubtful is human and normal but when those emotions keep you frozen in place, then we've got some tending to do. You can find out more or jump into Embody Your Voice here:


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Your Sensitivity is Stunning and Needed

Sensitivity is one of those things many creatives have in spades and yet the messaging we tend to receive is often one of "too sensitive" or "overly emotional". In this episode I unpack this a little and encourage you to follow your own trail of breadcrumbs. Is your sensitivity something you're proud of and embrace or is it something you have distanced yourself from and hide? And how can you ensure your relationship with both sensitivity and sensation are one that fuels your creativity instead of dulling it? If you'd like to take a closer look at Unbind Your Artistry, head this way:


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Is Chasing Constant Improvement Serving or Sapping You?

Welcome to the first episode of 2021! Where we explore how goals, New Year’s Resolutions and our collective obsession with never-ending self improvement is impacting you. The way I’m discerning between whether going after something is serving or sapping me comes down to - what lies underneath? What is the driving force behind this desire to stretch or to grow? Am I being pushed or being pulled? And if it does feel as though it’s doing more harm than good, what’s another alternative? ... Want to share your thoughts? You can find me on Instagram at @bykimberleysmith


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The Liberating Nature of Safety and Self Compassion

Why is it that even after all the self help books and mindset work our minds are still full of doubt and drama, holding us captive? Could it be that we have to go another layer deeper? This episode is about how to cultivate safety and self compassion. It starts with uncovering your inner child and the weight they're carrying and then healing by meeting those needs in small ways today. If you'd like to check out my workshop, From Self Doubt to Surrender, you can do that here:


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On Trying to "Get it Right" and Be a Perfect Human

There are far too many of us feasting on our own shame and whipping ourselves because we're "not doing it right" and by "it" I mean LIFE. There's so much anxiety around making the "wrong choice" and many of us put our power in the hands of self help gurus, hoping they have the answer so we can follow their strategy and finally - GET. IT. RIGHT. My hope is that this episode calms your nervous system and helps you reconnect with what's true for YOU and deepens your own self trust. Because THERE IS NO ONE "RIGHT" WAY.


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An Ode to Transition - Making Your Way Through the Messy Middle

This is an ode to transition. The times in your life where nothing feels solid. You're shifting and changing and untethered. How can we best navigate our time spent wading through the messy middle? How can we show up with more grace and self compassion? Where are the lessons we're tempted to look away from? I share my story of the last 4 months and what's helping me as I wait for the ground to stop shaking in the hope that it'll being you some solace when you too are swimming in the unknown.


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The Rollercoaster of Creating You 2.0

I know you want it. Some days the yearning might be so strong that you can almost taste it. You want MORE. You want to BE MORE. But the HOW feels elusive, hard and often futile. This is a nudge for you if you have been working on rewriting your beliefs, creating a bolder, more joyful version of yourself who feels more comfortable in their own skin, but the wheels have fallen off. Not once. Not twice. But dozens if not hundreds of times. This is a battle cry to rally all of us toiling with the process of becoming our version 2.0 selves and a conversation about the reality of what that looks like.
