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Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life

Christian Talk

Groundwork is a half-hour conversation that digs deeply into Scripture, the foundation for our lives. Each week, pastors Dave Bast (president of Words of Hope) and Scott Hoezee (director of CEP at Calvin Seminary) cultivate our understanding of God's Word by unpacking the richness of the Bible and applying it with insight to today's world.


Holland, MI


Groundwork is a half-hour conversation that digs deeply into Scripture, the foundation for our lives. Each week, pastors Dave Bast (president of Words of Hope) and Scott Hoezee (director of CEP at Calvin Seminary) cultivate our understanding of God's Word by unpacking the richness of the Bible and applying it with insight to today's world.




Groundwork c/o ReFrame Media 6555 West College Drive Palos Heights, IL 60463 800-879-6555

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Spiritual Priorities in Haggai and Zechariah

In good times and bad, life is full of struggles and challenges. Even when God answers our prayers, the way forward isn’t always straight. The Israelites felt this truth acutely when they were finally allowed to return home after living in exile in Babylon. But God was always with them and through the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, he provided his guidance and help as the people began to rebuild. Join us as we study the messages Haggai and Zechariah delivered to God’s people. Together, we’ll glean biblical wisdom for navigating and enduring our own spiritual and physical challenges today and find courage to continue trusting God.


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Our Hearts and God's Character in Nahum and Zephaniah

When it seems like evil is winning all around us, and when we don’t understand how God can be both vengeful and loving, angry and good, it can be helpful for us to turn to the minor prophets of Nahum and Zephaniah. Both prophets urge God’s people to examine their hearts and act in ways that honor God and reflect his character. These prophets don’t mince their words when they talk about God’s anger and judgment, but neither do they leave God’s people without hope. Through Nahum and Zephaniah, we’re reminded that ultimately, God longs to show us mercy. He longs for our repentant hearts and for us to humbly join him in bringing justice, transformation, and reconciliation to the world as his ambassadors.


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God's Judgment and Hope in Micah

The prophet Micah is most well-known for a famous and often quoted verse: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). But the prophet Micah speaks these words in the midst of declaration after declaration of God’s judgment on his people for their unfaithfulness. Micah, a contemporary of Isaiah, prophesied at a time when the people of Israel and Judah consistently disregarded their covenant with God. Join us as we explore the themes of both judgment and hope that are woven throughout Micah’s prophecies. Together, we’ll study his powerful imagery and discuss how Micah’s message continues to help us understand God’s character and walk faithfully in relationship with him today.


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Justice and Righteousness in Amos

The prophet Amos had an urgent message from God. God wasn’t going to tolerate the serious and grievous injustices of his people. During Amos’ lifetime, oppression and exploitation were so pervasive in Israelite society that it tainted their worship. As God’s people today, we have a lot to learn by studying the book of Amos. Join us to discover the intricate connection between our daily life and our worship. We’ll study Amos’ words to gain a deeper understanding of God’s heart for justice and his definition of righteousness, and together we’ll discover a guide for practical living and God-honoring worship.


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Messages from God in Obadiah and Joel

The prophetic books of Obadiah and Joel are quite short and easily overlooked. However, their messages are hard-hitting and remind us that our God is a holy God. Obadiah and Joel were written hundreds of years apart, but they both call out the injustices that God’s people were committing in and around Israel during the lifetimes of the two prophets. Their words underscore the seriousness of sin and the necessity of God’s judgment. But their messages also include promises of hope and restoration and reminders of God’s great love for his people. As we study these books in light of our knowledge of God’s redemptive work through Jesus Christ, we are reminded of what a truly repentant heart looks like. Join us and be encouraged that ultimately God’s grace and mercy will have the last word.


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Crucified and Raised to Life with Christ

Good Friday and Easter mark the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the climax of the Christian church year. There’s no doubt these are the events at the heart of our Christian Faith. During Holy Week, Christians around the world pause to remember and celebrate the great gift of salvation that we receive through Christ’s sacrifice. The Apostle Paul teaches us that we receive this gift of salvation by faith, but he also makes clear, it’s not just something that happens to us, but that we participate in both Christ’s death and resurrection as well. Join us as we study Paul’s teaching and discuss what it means and how it impacts our lives as faithful followers of Jesus Christ today.


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The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

The four gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry vary in their selections of stories and in their details. Each gospel writer has a different audience in mind and a different goal, both of which influence what and how they retell Christ’s life. However, the story of Jesus’ crucifixion is so important to the message of salvation that we find an account of it in each of the four gospels. Examining the story of Jesus’ crucifixion in each of the four gospels reveals a beautiful tapestry of perspectives as each writer retells the event and stories of people at the cross. Together we’ll study each of the four crucifixion accounts in the gospels to witness the fulfillment of Scripture and remember the significance of what Jesus accomplished on the cross. We’ll also see where we can recognize ourselves in the story and consequently, find hope and encouragement in the story of Jesus’ crucifixion.


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The Complete Sufficiency of the Cross

When something seems too good to be true, we might find ourselves raising an eyebrow, reading the fine print, and asking “what’s the catch?” But when it comes to salvation, there really is no catch and beyond having faith there is nothing else we need to do. When Christ died on the cross, he paid our debts in full. There is absolutely nothing we can add to his work to ensure our salvation. And yet, sometimes we subconsciously begin to believe that our actions matter for our salvation. During Lent, we pause to remember the truth of Christ’s work on the cross. We’ll study scriptures that help us remember why Christ’s sacrifice is completely sufficient to satisfy God’s wrath, and we’ll discuss how we can keep our fears at bay and keep the right perspective about our salvation and our deeds.


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The Paradox of the Cross

The cross is a paradox. By human standards, it shouldn’t make sense, it shouldn’t work, and yet, it does. In fact, it’s the greatest paradox—life from death, pardon from penalty, and justification from judgment. In the Roman empire, the cross brought death in a brutal, humiliating way. But instead of shame and defeat, believers of Jesus Christ find life in the cross. Studying the paradox of the cross in Scripture reminds us of the profound love of God. It reminds us how much God values and regards his relationship with us and that only Christ can accomplish the impossible. Join us as we explore how sometimes the life of faith contradicts the logic of this world and what it looks like to live in light of this paradox.


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The Shame of the Cross

Shame is a very raw, acute, and distressing feeling. We experience shame when we’re humiliated by our own sinful behavior. Jesus had no sin, yet he too knew shame— the shame of the cross. It’s another aspect of the cross that will help us comprehend the fullness of Jesus’ sacrifice. Together we’ll discuss the relationship between sin and shame in Scripture. We’ll study passages that help us revisit how Jesus experienced shame and unpack why it was necessary for our salvation.


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The Curse of the Cross

Crucifixion was a particularly gruesome way to die, but when Jesus died on the cross it wasn’t just gruesome, it was cursed. Seeking to understand the cursed nature of the cross leads us to make connections between the Old Testament and the New Testament, between our deep-seated guilt and the extreme cost Jesus paid to set us free. We were rightly cursed by God for our failure to keep his covenant, but Jesus became that curse to pay our debt. Join us as we study Scripture to better understand the meaning and implications of the curse of the cross and consider the implications for our lives of faith today.


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Why Jesus Had to Die on a Cross

Sometimes habits or traditions become so ingrained in our lives that we can go through the motions of them without spending much time reflecting on their meaning. Sometimes, it benefits us to slow down and once again ask, “why?” We’ll begin our Lenten series “The Cross of Jesus” by examining scriptures that help us answer the question, “Why did Jesus have to die on a cross?” Together, we’ll grow in our faith by seeking to understand what went wrong, recalling God’s covenant, and remembering God’s character and love so that we can better understand why Jesus Christ’s awful death was necessary.


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Many of us are familiar with the Lord’s Prayer. In it, Jesus taught his followers to pray, “...forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matthew 6:12). Through these powerful words, Jesus highlights the central importance of the virtue of forgiveness to the Christian life. However, saying we believe that forgiveness is important is a lot different than forgiving; most people would agree that true forgiveness can be quite difficult and often takes a lot of time and work. Join Groundwork as we dig into Scripture to better understand what it means to forgive, why we forgive, and what forgiveness requires of us. We’ll discuss real-life complications of forgiveness, the importance of recognizing forgiveness as a process, and useful steps for cultivating the virtue of forgiveness in our daily lives.


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Most people would say it is wrong to lie and good to tell the truth. Yet, most people would also admit that at some time in their lives, they’ve told a lie. The apostle Paul identifies truthfulness as a defining virtue of a faithful believer. So, what does that mean for us imperfect followers of Jesus today? Join Groundwork as we study truth in the Bible and explore Scripture to discover what it means to be truthful and how it can shape our lives and faith. Together we’ll discuss the nature of God's truthfulness and explore the connection between truthfulness, integrity, and trust. We’ll also look at what we risk when we lie and how we can practically embody the Christlike virtue of truthfulness in everyday life.


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The apostle Paul encourages Christ’s followers to be generous people. Yet, for many of us, generosity does not come naturally. In our human nature, we often feel resistant to giving very much of our time, talents, or money for the sake of others. Join Groundwork as we study Scripture to discover why generosity is an important virtue for Christ's followers to cultivate and what it means to be a generous person. We’ll discuss the generous character of God, the generosity of Jesus, and how we can lean into their abundant generosity so that it nurtures our own. Together, we’ll identify practical ways we can cultivate this important virtue in our everyday lives.


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Thankfulness and Gratitude

Why are thanksgiving and gratitude important virtues for Jesus' followers to cultivate? Join Groundwork as we explore the Scriptures to answer this question by defining thankfulness and gratitude and what it looks like to give expression to these essential virtues in our lives. Together, we’ll look at the connection between grace and thanks and ways we can nurture thankfulness and gratitude in our thoughts, prayers, and actions.


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We talk about humility in the church a lot, but what exactly does it look like? Is it possible to be proud of yourself and be humble? The Christlike virtue of humility is a root virtue from which many of the other virtues flow. Join Groundwork as we explore Scripture to discover the biblical understanding of humility, to identify what humility is not, and to witness and learn from how Christ demonstrated humility here on earth. Together, we’ll also discuss how we can live out Christlike humility in our everyday thoughts and actions today.


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The Christlike virtue of compassion is more than an emotion. The apostle Paul identifies compassion as a defining characteristic in followers of Jesus. Join us as we look in the gospels to witness the compassionate character of Christ. Then we’ll discuss how compassion relates to empathy and its connection to comfort. We will see examples of God’s compassion to discover the roots of our own capacity for compassion and what it looks like in our everyday lives.


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Your Questions about Scripture and Hope

Questions are a natural part of our faith. Asking questions helps us to clarify what we believe and what it means to live as Christians in the world. In this episode, we consider some of the questions you asked in response to our series on the Lord’s Prayer, Joshua, and Revelation. Then we’ll discuss issues that some of our listeners shared are most pressing for their faith right now and look at the scriptures to find the hope and encouragement we need to live faithfully each day.


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Jesus: Our Prince of Peace

As we celebrate Christmas and re-tell the story of baby Jesus—the Savior of the World, born in a lowly manger—may we also remember that he is the one the prophet Isaiah called the “Prince of Peace.” Join us as we reflect on our real need for this peace in our lives and our world. Together we’ll study the story of Jesus’ birth and dig into Scripture to discover the deep and meaningful shalom that Jesus brought to us in his birth, that he promises to establish permanently when he returns, and that we can share now as his agents of peace in our world.
