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Thrive: Perspectives

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

This is Thrive: Perspectives. An ever-growing discussion about the issues that shape our lives with your guide Dr Matthew Jacoby.


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This is Thrive: Perspectives. An ever-growing discussion about the issues that shape our lives with your guide Dr Matthew Jacoby.



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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - How do I know what 'God's will' is?

What is God's purpose for my life? What informs my values and beliefs? Consult Scripture. What passions and talents has God given you? Allow time to reflect and discern. Be open to change. Learn from your experiences. Accept that you might not always have clarity. If you continue to seek God and live in relationship with Him, then nothing - no wrong decision you make - can thwart the purpose of God for your life.


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - But God seems distant?

Is faith a 2nd rate kind of knowledge? Or even just blind belief? How do we find God in the ordinary? What do we do in the dry periods where it seems that God is distant? There's an opportunity for us to 'reach' for God, when we perhaps feel that He's not 'reaching' into our lives. In fact He’s never distant. He’s constant, and we can learn to recognise God at work, in our 'every-day'.


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - Why doesn’t God ‘show-up’?

Feeling like God is distant or not present in your life at times is a common experience for many people, including those who have a strong faith. But God isn’t ‘out-there-somewhere’. God is all around us, much like the air that we breathe, which we don’t notice, because it’s always there! Faith is not solely based on feelings. It's about trust and commitment, about making a decision about what you will build your life on, even in times of doubt. Many people find that their faith grows stronger and deeper through these periods of challenge and uncertainty, but that doesn’t make it easy. Recognising that God is not something or somebody we can ‘control’ but is far outside our ability to comprehend. God is much bigger, in every way, than we imagine. Relationship with God is not like any human relationship. God’s focus with us is on growth, not comfort, but that’s hard to accept when we just want God to ‘show-up’ and make us feel ‘something’.


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - How do we KNOW? What about my doubt?

How do we KNOW? For many outside a faith context, things can only be known and are only considered real, if we can identify empirical evidence of their existence. This perspective asserts that only those things that can be observed, measured, and tested through the senses or empirical methods are worthy of consideration as real. Our need to 'be in control' - the god complex - make this and attractive perpective to our human nature. However, this presupposition is flawed. Human perception and interpretation of reality are subjective and influenced by various factors, including cultural biases, individual experiences, and cognitive limitations. Concepts like love, justice, and consciousness, for example, cannot be empirically quantified, but they are considered integral aspects of human experience and reality. From a Christian worldview perspective, the existence of God is understood and affirmed through various philosophical, theological, experiential, and scriptural arguments. Belief in the existence of God is fundamentally a matter of faith, but that does not necessarily mean ‘blind faith’. There is a ‘reasonable-ness’ to the foundation of our faith and our knowledge of God. The unique characteristic of the Christian worldview, includes belief in the supernatural, the importance of faith, historical events, personal experiences, and non-empirical dimensions of reality. While empirical evidence is valuable in certain contexts, it does not have the exclusive rights to knowledge and truth.


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - Christianity . . . a Monopoly on Truth?

Engaging with people from different religious backgrounds requires understanding, respect, and effective communication. Using common "bridges" can help facilitate meaningful conversations and build connections. Although we know that Jesus is the only way to true reconciliation with God and freedom in Him, it’s important that we find areas of shared ‘truth’ to build bridges where we can share our experience of God and His incredible gift of salvation through Christ.


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - The Nature of Doctrine

Within a Christian worldview, there is an ongoing tension between the need for doctrines to provide a solid theological foundation and the recognition that many aspects of God and divine truth are mysterious and unknowable. To strike a balance: 1. Humility: Christians should approach their doctrinal beliefs with humility, acknowledging the limitations of human understanding and being open to the mystery of God's nature. 2. Faith and Trust: Emphasise the importance of faith and trust in God's character and promises, even in the face of unresolved mysteries and paradoxes. 3. Pursuit of Truth: Seek to understand and articulate doctrinal beliefs while being aware of the complexity of divine truths and avoiding dogmatism or rigidity. 4. Embrace Mystery: Embrace the mystery as an essential part of the divine reality and be open to encountering God in ways that go beyond rational comprehension. Doctrine provides a framework for understanding essential theological truths within a Christian worldview, but it must be acknowledged that many aspects of God and divine truth transcend human understanding. Embracing both doctrine and mystery with humility and faith allows for a richer and more profound Christian spirituality.


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - Jesus is the Answer?

Jesus IS the answer: Salvation and Forgiveness Love and Compassion Hope and Purpose Healing and Restoration Justice and Redemption


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - Good Guys vs Bad Guys

According to the Bible, all human beings are considered to have a sinful nature due to the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden. This means that everyone is capable of both good and bad actions. Romans 3:23 states, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." From this perspective, no one is inherently a "good guy" in an absolute sense. And moreover, we are equally capable of being the “bad guy”. Nevertheless, the Bible also offers the message of redemption and the potential for transformation. It teaches that through repentance, forgiveness, and faith in God's grace, individuals can experience reconciliation and be empowered to live in alignment with God's standards of righteousness. Ultimately, the biblical perspective recognises the fallen nature of all of humanity, our propensity to be “bad” along with the gift of redemption, and the importance of aligning one's actions and attitudes with God's teachings to pursue righteousness. It offers a framework for understanding judgment in light of God's character and commands rather than solely relying on our own flawed human evaluation where we see the "good guys" versus "bad guys."


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - Collective Responsibility

The concept of collective responsibility is clearly demonstrated through the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating from the forbidden tree, they were held responsible for their actions. However, their disobedience also brought consequences upon the entire human race, as sin and its effects entered the world. The biblical concept of collective responsibility highlights the fact that individuals are not isolated entities but are part of a broader interconnected humanity. A Christian Worldview emphasizes the need for individuals to consider the consequences of their actions on others and to work together for the betterment of all of humanity.


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - Human Identity

Human identity is inextricably linked to the importance of a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. This relationship shapes one's identity and influences their values, purpose, and moral framework. Additionally, Christians are called to love and serve others, seeing them as fellow bearers of the divine image.


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - The Myth of Progress

While as Christians we appreciate the potential benefits of progress, we must also hold a realistic perspective on its limitations. We know that human efforts alone cannot bring about complete restoration or utopia on earth. Instead, we look forward to the final consummation of history when Christ returns, establishing a new heaven and a new earth, where true and everlasting progress will be realized. A Christian worldview offers a nuanced understanding of the myth of human progress. Whilst we can acknowledge the value of advancements in various areas of life we must emphasise the need for moral and spiritual transformation. We must recognise the limitations of human efforts and look forward to the ultimate fulfillment of progress through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - Suffering, Pain & A Broken World.

The question of why a loving God would allow suffering and pain is a complex and deeply theological one. God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving, and he created the world to be perfect and free from suffering and death. However, when Adam and Eve sinned, they brought a curse upon the world, which resulted in disease, and other forms of suffering. Suffering and pain need not be meaningless but can be used by God for a greater purpose. The Bible teaches that suffering can produce perseverance, character, and hope (Romans 5:3-5), and that God is able to work all things together for good for those who love him (Romans 8:28). God is present with us in our suffering and that he understands our pain because he himself suffered on the cross. Jesus Christ is described as a "man of sorrows" who was "familiar with suffering" (Isaiah 53:3), and he is able to sympathise with our weaknesses and struggles (Hebrews 4:15). The question of why a loving God would allow suffering and pain is answered by the belief that God is sovereign over all things, that he is present with us in our suffering, and that he can use our suffering for a greater purpose. We also must remember that ultimate hope and healing come through faith in Jesus Christ, who conquered sin and death and offers us forgiveness and eternal life – where there will be no pain, suffering or death. The world we live in now is broken. It’s not meant to be our home. We’re not meant to like it here. This is our mission field, until God calls us into eternity with Him.


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - The Human Predicament Part 2

The human spiritual predicament, as understood from a biblical perspective, is the state of being separated from God due to sin. The Bible teaches that God created humans to have a personal relationship with Him, but sin entered the world through the disobedience of Adam and Eve, causing a rift between God and humanity (Genesis 3). As a result, all humans are born with a sinful nature, and our thoughts, words, and actions are often motivated by self-interest and rebellion against God (Psalm 51:5, Romans 3:23). This separation from God has dire consequences, including physical death and eternal separation from Him (Romans 6:23, Revelation 20:14-15). However, the Bible also teaches that God desires to restore the relationship between Himself and humanity. He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for our sins by dying on the cross (John 3:16, Romans 5:8), and through faith in Him, we can be reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:18-21. The human spiritual predicament, therefore, is one of being lost, in need of salvation, and unable to save ourselves. We require a divine solution to our sin problem, and this solution comes through faith in Jesus Christ. The biblical message is one of hope, forgiveness, and reconciliation, but it begins with recognizing our spiritual predicament and our need for a Savior. Books Referenced in this episode: It Didn't Start With You by Mark Wolynn New Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress by Steven Pinker


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - The Human Predicament

Despite various perspectives, the problem of evil and suffering in the world remains a challenging and complex issue for believers. Many individuals struggle to reconcile the existence of a loving God with the reality of evil and suffering. However, some theologians argue that this tension is ultimately a reflection of the limitations of human understanding.


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - God of the Gaps

The god-of-the-gaps argument asserts that it is invalid to introduce God as an explanation for a scientific phenomenon that we cannot currently explain by naturalistic causes. Believers in naturalism take this a step further, and offer the god-of-the-gaps argument against any involvement of God in nature. However, the god-of-the-gaps argument is only good against a particular deistic approach to God and nature, and loses its potency when Scripture and science are pursued together. In this episode, Matt references the following: A Secular Age - Charles Taylor Francis Bacon The Waning of Materialism The Royal Institutution - Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe Gerald Shcroeder - The Hidden Face of God


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - The Reality and Nature of God

The reality and nature of God is a philosophical and theological topic that seeks to understand the existence and characteristics of a divine being - God. In this episode we explores and discuss the various beliefs about the nature of God, including his attributes, relationship with humanity, and role in the universe.


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - What informs 'right and wrong'?

The question of what informs right and wrong is a complex one. There are several schools of thought on this matter, each with its own unique perspective. One common view is that right and wrong are determined by a divine being or beings, such as God. In this view, morality is based on religious beliefs and teachings, and ethical principles are seen as commands given by a higher power. Another view is that right and wrong are based on natural law or human reason. According to this perspective, certain actions are inherently right or wrong, regardless of the circumstances or cultural norms. This view holds that moral principles are objective and universal, and can be discovered through reason and reflection. Some argue that right and wrong are socially constructed, meaning that they are shaped by cultural norms and values. In this view, ethical principles are not fixed or absolute, but are rather determined by the society in which they are developed and practiced. Ultimately, the question of what informs right and wrong is a complex one that cannot be easily answered. It is shaped by our Worldview - whether we try to conform our faith within our culture or whether we see our culture as a subservient part of the much bigger divine story.


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview-The Pursuit of Holiness

We continue our series to explore the meaning of our worldview. Your worldview can also be referred to as your philosophy, philosophy of life, mindset, outlook on life, formula for life, ideology and faith. There are a number of elements that make up each of our worldviews - our beliefs about certain aspects of reality: • epistemology: beliefs about the nature and sources of knowledge; • metaphysics: beliefs about the ultimate nature of reality; • cosmology: beliefs about the origins and nature of the universe, life, and especially humankind; • teleology: beliefs about the meaning and purpose of the universe, its inanimate elements, and its inhabitants; • theology: beliefs about the existence and nature of God; • anthropology: beliefs about the nature and purpose of humankind in general and, ourselves in particular; • axiology: beliefs about the nature of value, what is good and bad, what is right and wrong. In this 5th episode, Matt, Conal and Stuart, dig deeper into what it means to be 'holy' and 'set apart'. We land with some very practical applications for us to start to re-orient our lives as we elevate our thinking into the ‘sacred’. You can view our brief explainer video HERE


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - Sensitive to the Sacred

We continue our series to explore the meaning of our worldview. Your worldview can also be referred to as your philosophy, philosophy of life, mindset, outlook on life, formula for life, ideology and faith. There are a number of elements that make up each of our worldviews - our beliefs about certain aspects of reality: • epistemology: beliefs about the nature and sources of knowledge; • metaphysics: beliefs about the ultimate nature of reality; • cosmology: beliefs about the origins and nature of the universe, life, and especially humankind; • teleology: beliefs about the meaning and purpose of the universe, its inanimate elements, and its inhabitants; • theology: beliefs about the existence and nature of God; • anthropology: beliefs about the nature and purpose of humankind in general and, ourselves in particular; • axiology: beliefs about the nature of value, what is good and bad, what is right and wrong. In this 4th episode, Matt, Conal and Stuart, dig deeper into the dual axis worldview, specifically around how we can increase our awareness and sensitivity to the sacred. We land with some very practical applications for us to start to re-orient our lives as we elevate our thinking into the ‘sacred’. You can view our brief explainer video HERE Referenced by Matt in this Episode: Tom Holland - Dominion


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Thrive Perspectives: Worldview - Pain and the Sacred

Over the coming series of episodes of Perspectives we're going to continue to explore the meaning of our worldview. A worldview is the set of beliefs about fundamental aspects of reality that ground and influence all our perceptions, thinking, knowing, and doing. Your worldview can also be referred to as your philosophy, philosophy of life, mindset, outlook on life, formula for life, ideology and faith. There are a number of elements that make up each of our worldviews - our beliefs about certain aspects of reality: • epistemology: beliefs about the nature and sources of knowledge; • metaphysics: beliefs about the ultimate nature of reality; • cosmology: beliefs about the origins and nature of the universe, life, and especially humankind; • teleology: beliefs about the meaning and purpose of the universe, its inanimate elements, and its inhabitants; • theology: beliefs about the existence and nature of God; • anthropology: beliefs about the nature and purpose of humankind in general and, ourselves in particular; • axiology: beliefs about the nature of value, what is good and bad, what is right and wrong. In this 3rd episode, Matt, Conal and Stuart, dig deeper into the dual axis worldview, specifically around Pain and then land with some very practical application for us to start to re-orient our lives as we elevate our thinking into the ‘sacred’. You can view our brief explainer video HERE
