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Welcome to Endo Battery, the podcast that's here to journey with you through Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. In a world where silence often shrouds these challenging conditions, Endo Battery stands as a beacon of hope and a source of strength. We believe in the power of knowledge, personal stories, and expert insights to illuminate the path forward. Our mission? To walk with you, hand in hand, through the often daunting landscape of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. This podcast is like a warm hug for your ears, offering you a cozy space to connect, learn, and heal. Whether you're newly diagnosed, a seasoned warrior, or a curious supporter, Endo Battery is a resource for you. Here, you'll find a community that understands your struggles and a team dedicated to delivering good, accurate information you can trust. What to expect from Endo Battery: Personal Stories: We're all about real-life experiences – your stories, our stories – because we know that sometimes, the most profound insights come from personal journeys. Leading Experts: Our podcast features interviews with top experts in the field. These are the individuals who light up the path with their knowledge, sharing their wisdom and expertise to empower you. Comfort and Solace: We understand that Endometriosis can be draining – physically, emotionally, and mentally. Endo Battery is your safe space, offering comfort and solace to help you recharge and regain your strength. Life-Charging Insights: When Endometriosis tries to drain your life, Endo Battery is here to help you recharge. We're the energy boost you've been looking for, delivering insights and strategies to help you live your best life despite the challenges. Join us on this journey, and together, we'll light up the darkness that often surrounds Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. Your story, your strength, and your resilience are at the heart of Endo Battery. Tune in, listen, share, and lets charge forward together.


United States


Welcome to Endo Battery, the podcast that's here to journey with you through Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. In a world where silence often shrouds these challenging conditions, Endo Battery stands as a beacon of hope and a source of strength. We believe in the power of knowledge, personal stories, and expert insights to illuminate the path forward. Our mission? To walk with you, hand in hand, through the often daunting landscape of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. This podcast is like a warm hug for your ears, offering you a cozy space to connect, learn, and heal. Whether you're newly diagnosed, a seasoned warrior, or a curious supporter, Endo Battery is a resource for you. Here, you'll find a community that understands your struggles and a team dedicated to delivering good, accurate information you can trust. What to expect from Endo Battery: Personal Stories: We're all about real-life experiences – your stories, our stories – because we know that sometimes, the most profound insights come from personal journeys. Leading Experts: Our podcast features interviews with top experts in the field. These are the individuals who light up the path with their knowledge, sharing their wisdom and expertise to empower you. Comfort and Solace: We understand that Endometriosis can be draining – physically, emotionally, and mentally. Endo Battery is your safe space, offering comfort and solace to help you recharge and regain your strength. Life-Charging Insights: When Endometriosis tries to drain your life, Endo Battery is here to help you recharge. We're the energy boost you've been looking for, delivering insights and strategies to help you live your best life despite the challenges. Join us on this journey, and together, we'll light up the darkness that often surrounds Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. Your story, your strength, and your resilience are at the heart of Endo Battery. Tune in, listen, share, and lets charge forward together.



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Uncovering Inequalities in Endometriosis Care: A Global Discussion with Jen Moore: A Continued Discussion

When we peel back the layers of healthcare access for endometriosis and adenomyosis sufferers, a tangled web of systemic biases and inequalities is revealed. Joined by the insightful Jen Moore, our latest episode delves into the heart-breaking narratives from all corners of the globe, including the stark discrimination unmarried women in India face and the prolonged wait times that disproportionately affect black women in the UK. We confront the distressing realities that income, culture, and race play in healthcare, scrutinizing the obstacles specialists grapple with in their quest to deliver affordable, expert care within the constraints of insurance and private practice. Imagine the frustration of navigating medical misinformation, where even the experts falter. Jen and I share our own stories of advocating for accurate treatment in a sea of inaccuracies that permeate even the most esteemed medical texts. We dissect the dangerous misconceptions, like the myth of hysterectomies as a cure-all for endometriosis, which only scratch the surface of the broader issue. It's an unfiltered conversation on the vital need for patients to arm themselves with knowledge, push for comprehensive medical records, and challenge the status quo of medical care, especially when chronic illnesses cast long shadows on one’s quality of life. Jen's journey from personal struggle to a beacon of advocacy is nothing short of heroic. Through heartfelt stories of advocacy and the emotional toll of chronic pain, we underscore the importance of individualized treatment paths and the nuances of long-term rehabilitation. This episode is an empowering reminder of the power of community, the significance of multidisciplinary approaches to treatment, and the ongoing fight for better, more compassionate care. Pour yourself a comforting beverage and join us as we offer support, knowledge, and a shared sense of purpose to those navigating the complexities of endometriosis and adenomyosis. Website endobattery.com


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Transforming Pain into Purpose Jen Moore's Advocacy for Endometriosis Awareness

When Jen Moore first experienced the agony of endometriosis and adenomyosis at just eleven years old, little did she know that her pain would ignite a fierce advocacy for global awareness and change. Join us at the table for an enlightening conversation with Jen, who candidly details her journey from suffering in silence to becoming a beacon of hope for countless individuals dealing with these often misunderstood conditions. Her poignant narrative is a testament to resilience, as she recalls facing a healthcare system fraught with dismissal and misunderstanding, and how her quest for validation evolved into a powerful movement with her project "They Said What?". Amidst Jen's compelling story, we tackle the broader issues that underscore the patient-provider divide, especially in the realm of chronic illnesses like endometriosis. We dissect the trauma inflicted by healthcare gaslighting and structural inefficiencies plaguing systems such as the NHS and U.S. insurance-based models that frequently prioritize cost over patient wellbeing. This episode isn't just about the challenges; it's an urgent call to action for comprehensive healthcare reform, the imperative inclusion of endometriosis education in medical curricula, and the provision of much-needed mental health support for those in the grips of this full-body disease. Tune in for an episode that promises not only to enlighten but also to empower in the face of chronic health battles. Website endobattery.com


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Endo Battery Fast Charged: EP 5

Postmenopausal endometriosis: a challenging condition beyond menopause. Menopause. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38531006/ Endometriosis in Menopausal Women-A New Age Is Coming? Literature Review. Life (Basel) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38672755/ Patient experiences of endometriosis diagnosis: A mixed methods approach https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37961031/ Demographic Correlates of Endometriosis Diagnosis Among United States Women Aged 15-50. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. https://www.jmig.org/article/S1553-4650(24)00200-0/abstract Presence of endometriosis and chronic overlapping pain conditions negatively impacts the pain experience in women with chronic pelvic-abdominal pain: A cross-sectional survey. Women's Health (Lond). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38682290/#:~:text=Plain%20language%20summary-,Presence%20of%20endometriosis%20and%20chronic%20overlapping%20pain%20conditions%20negatively%20impacts,COPCs)%20and%20greater%20pain%20symptomatology%2C Website endobattery.com


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Navigating the Emotional Terrain of Mental Health and Endometriosis: Casey Berna, LCSW

TW* Pregnancy loss, infertility, suicidal ideation When Casey Berna, a fierce clinical social worker and endo warrior, graced our podcast, the air buzzed with the spirit of advocacy and the unwavering strength of those battling endometriosis. Her story is one of transformation—from personal trials with endometriosis and infertility to a beacon of hope and guidance for thousands. Join us as we navigate the often unseen trials of chronic illness and mental health, spotlighting Casey's remarkable journey and her tireless work in patient advocacy, including her influential role in shaping the National Action Plan for Endometriosis. The support that cocoons us in our darkest moments can be as crucial as the air we breathe. This episode sheds light on the silent warriors—the caregivers who stand by those grappling with endometriosis. We share invaluable resources and insights to aid in understanding and managing the emotional weight that caregivers shoulder. Through candid conversations, we reveal the emotional toll on those caring for loved ones, and how fostering empathy within support systems can build resilience and understanding in the face of chronic illness. Empowerment threads through our discussion as we underscore the importance of educating young people about their bodies and conditions like endometriosis. By dismantling the barriers of secrecy and shame stitched into past generations, we pave the way for open dialogue and community support. Our exploration culminates in recognizing the solace that communal bonds provide to those feeling isolated by their condition, and how discovering purpose through advocacy can reignite a sense of control and belonging. Casey and I invite you to pour a cup of tea and join a table ringed with shared experiences, understanding, and an ironclad community spirit. https://www.caseyberna.com/ Website endobattery.com


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Transforming Infertility Narratives alongside Dr. Naomi Whittaker

Joining me at the table is, Dr. Naomi Whittaker, a visionary in restorative reproductive medicine, to explore the fertile yet challenging terrain of endometriosis and its impact on fertility. Dr. Whittaker's innovative approach marries cutting-edge research with minimally invasive surgery and bioidentical hormones, charting a course for those navigating infertility that may circumvent the need for traditional IVF treatments. Our enlightening conversation sheds light on the often overlooked symptoms of endometriosis, revealing how a deeper understanding could pave the way to improved reproductive health. As we traverse the complexities of conditions like adenomyosis and endometriosis, we unravel the critical implications these have on fertility and the profound influence a surgeon's skill can have on patient outcomes. Dr. Whittaker highlights the path to patient autonomy, emphasizing the value of thorough preparations for surgery, including the need to address uterine infections and inflammation. It's a compassionate reminder of the evolving nature of these conditions and the necessity for patient-centered care, striking a chord with anyone yearning for a more comprehensive understanding of the intricate dance between surgical intervention and nature's own fertility processes. In our final chapters, we delve into the often-misunderstood world of hormones and their pivotal role in fertility, as well as the emotional odyssey that accompanies infertility. Dr. Whittaker's insights into the potential of bioidentical hormones to alleviate not just physical but also emotional suffering, offer a beacon of hope. We confront the silent struggles and the imperative of emotional support, encapsulating the essence of a journey marked by resilience and the search for meaning beyond biological ties. So pour yourself a comforting beverage and join us for a heartfelt episode that promises to arm you with knowledge and fill you with hope. https://rrmacademy.org/ Dr. Whittaker's Website https://www.instagram.com/napro_fertility_surgeon?igsh=YXdlcTh4MmhmMHlh Website endobattery.com


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Endo Battery Fast Charged: EP 4

This episode is full of links that correlate endo, menopause, and "medical management" and possible links to oral health. Periodontal disease and endometriosis: analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0015028207043841 Towards a Common Pathogenesis Periodontal Disease and Endometriosis https://journals.lww.com/jhrs/fulltext/2018/11030/Towards_a_Common_Etiopathogenesis__Periodontal.10.aspx Periodontal disease and women’s health https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03007995.2017.1297928 Association between periodontitis and endometriosis: a bidirectional Mendelian randomization study https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/endocrinology/articles/10.3389/fendo.2024.1271351/full Validity of the association between periodontitis and female infertility conditions: a concise review https://rep.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/rep/160/3/REP-20-0176.xml Tooth loss and skeletal bone density in healthy postmenopausal women https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01623233 Increased risk of tooth loss is related to bone loss at the whole body, hip, and spine https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00369206 Spinal Bone Density and Tooth Loss in a Cohort of Postmenopausal Women. https://openurl.ebsco.com/EPDB%3Agcd%3A5%3A12768405/detailv2?sid=ebsco%3Aplink%3Ascholar&id=ebsco%3Agcd%3A37703514&crl=c Relationship between Early Menopause and Periodontal Disease in Korean Postmenopausal Women https://koreascience.kr/article/JAKO201836256830466.page Oral Health and Menopause: A Comprehensive Review on Current Knowledge and Associated Dental Management https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3793432/ Oral manifestations of menopause https://www.um.edu.mt/library/oar/handle/123456789/105216 The physiology, medical management and oral implications of menopause https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S000281771464719X The Effect of Androgen Deprivation Therapy on Periodontal Disease in Men With Prostate Cancer https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1934505/ Women fear drug they used to halt puberty led to health problems https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/women-fear-drug-they-used-to-halt-puberty-led-to-health-problems Website endobattery.com


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Pt. 2 with Dr. Abhishek Mangeshikar: The Silent Struggle of Endometriosis A Global Insight into Patient Care

Discover the harrowing yet hopeful journey through the maze of endometriosis and adenomyosis care with our guest expert Dr. Abhishek Mangeshikar. Experience the solidarity of shared struggles as we dissect the arduous path to an accurate diagnosis and the potential pitfalls of repeated surgical endeavors. Dr. Mangeshikars insights highlight the indispensability of multidisciplinary teams and the promise of alternative therapies in the chronic pain battleground. We also confront the daunting specter of disease recurrence and weigh the long-term consequences of hormonal suppression therapies, while pondering their apparent overuse in certain healthcare systems. It's a dialogue that not only empathizes with the fears and frustrations but also emboldens listeners with expert knowledge and strategies for navigating the complex healthcare landscape of these pervasive conditions. Embark on a global odyssey of endometriosis management with us as we compare how cultural and demographic factors shape the diagnosis and treatment across the world. Dr. Mangeshikar and I investigate the significance of early detection and the role it plays in constructing effective treatment plans, including the potential enlightenment an international study might offer. Delving into the heart of healthcare disparities, this episode offers a critical look at the research hurdles faced by private practitioners and the imperative for adaptable treatment blueprints. Listen as we shed light on the French approach to centralized data collection and what it could mean for the progression of endometriosis care. It's an episode brimming with revelations that empower patients and practitioners alike to forge a path toward more comprehensive and personalized healthcare. Website endobattery.com


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Diverse Perspectives on Endometriosis: Dr. Abhishek Mangeshikar on Surgical Solutions and Cultural Impacts

Unveil the mysteries of endometriosis as it intersects with the rich tapestry of cultural diversity in my latest sit-down with Dr. Abhishek Mangeshikar from the Indian Center for Endometriosis. Dr. Mangeshikar, a giant in the world of excision surgery, shares his expertise on how environmental factors like diet impact this pervasive condition. Our conversation sheds light on the startling under diagnosis of endometriosis across the world. We explore the significance of traditional diets alongside the global variations in disease severity. This is an episode replete with insights that promise to broaden your understanding of endometriosis and its multifaceted global impact. Imagine living with a condition that intertwines with your daily diet, causing an uproar in your digestive system. This reality is faced by many with bowel endometriosis, a topic I examined in-depth with Dr. Mangeshikar. We uncover why this variant of endometriosis eludes diagnosis and discuss the precision required in surgical treatments. The silver lining we reveal is the transformative relief patients often feel following successful excision surgery, which may alleviate the dietary sensitivities that have long plagued them. This episode is a beacon of hope, illuminating the path to mitigating the gastrointestinal havoc wreaked by this disease. Wrapping up, our discussion takes a crucial turn towards the holistic approach needed in managing a patient's journey through multicondition care. Dr. Mangeshikar and I tackle the hard truths about the persistence of symptoms post-surgery, such as chronic fatigue and bloating, and emphasize the importance of managing expectations. We also underscore the importance of patient advocacy and the tireless journey towards accurate diagnosis and comprehensive treatment. Every individual's battle with endometriosis is unique, and this powerful conversation underscores the necessity of personalized care and the strength found in advocacy. Join us for part one of a profound exploration into the world of endometriosis care, where every story matters and every voice can spark change. Website endobattery.com


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Endo Battery Fast Charged: EP 3

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10957595 Chiarle G, Allais G, Sinigaglia S, Airola G, Rolando S, Bergandi F, Micalef S, Benedetto C. Acupuncture for pain and pain-related disability in deep infiltrating endometriosis. Front Pain Res (Lausanne). 2024 Mar 8;5:1279312. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10956985 Wang Y, Li W, Ha C. A large-scale causal analysis of gut microbiota and endometriosis associated infertility: A Mendelian randomization study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2024 Mar 22;103(12):e37383. https://www.cghjournal.org/article/S1542-3565(24)00286-6/pdf Simons M, Cline M, Gubbels A, King C, Lembo A, Lupe S. Endometriosis is Associated with Higher Healthcare Utilization and Upper Gastrointestinal Symptoms. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2024 Mar 19:S1542-3565(24)00286-6. https://www.jogc.com/article/S1701-2163(23)00606-0/fulltext Lee CE, Allaire C, Williams C, Bedaiwy MA, Noga H, Hanley GE, Lisonkova S, Albert A, Yong PJ. Outcomes After Surgery at an Interdisciplinary Centre of Expertise for Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain in Canada: A Prospective Cohort Study. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2024 Feb;46(2):102246. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/03331024241235210 Selntigia A, Exacoustos C, Ortoleva C, Russo C, Monaco G, Martire FG, Rizzo G, Della-Morte D, Mercuri NB, Albanese M. Correlation between endometriosis and migraine features: Results from a prospective case-control study. Cephalalgia. 2024 Mar;44(3):3331024241235210. Hormone medication could increase risk of brain tumours, French study finds https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/mar/27/hormone-medication-brain-tumours-risk-progestogens-study Website endobattery.com


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Endometriosis Advocacy Through the Lens of Filmmaker, Shannon Cohn

When Shannon Cohen Stepped back from her legal career to shine a light on endometriosis through film, she redefined the landscape of women’s health advocacy. As our remarkable guest, Shannon recounts her own harrowing experiences with endometriosis, offering an unfiltered glimpse into the realities of these conditions. Her transformation into a filmmaker and social impact strategist gave rise to "Below the Belt" and "Endo What?," films that serve as a rallying cry for awareness and action. Listen in as we unravel Shannon's journey, where her daughters' futures fueled a fire for advocacy, and discover how storytelling can become an extraordinary force for bridging knowledge gaps and sparking critical conversations. This episode is a battle cry against the misinformation plaguing endometriosis awareness, emphasizing the dire need for research and inclusion in health policies. As we tackle the complexities of this disease, Shannon helps us understand why it is imperative to enhance research efforts for non-invasive diagnostics and targeted therapies. Our dialogue underscores the power patients hold when they become advocates for their own health, armed with credible, science-backed information. Join us for a compelling exploration of how lifestyle choices can significantly influence personal health, and witness how Shannon Cohn's unwavering resolve is forging a path toward meaningful change in the realm of women's health advocacy. https://www.endowhat.com/ https://www.belowthebelt.film/ Website endobattery.com


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Endo Battery Fast Charged: EP 2

The following links are to the articles, studies, and stories in this episode. It's time to play detective and look at all the evidence! Attitudes and perceptions of affected women towards endocrine endometriosis therapy: an international survey based on free-word association networks https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/39/1/83/7330129?login=false Robot-assisted laparoscopy does not have demonstrable advantages over conventional laparoscopy in endometriosis surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00464-023-10587-9 Endometrial Stem Cells: Orchestrating Dynamic Regeneration of Endometrium and Their Implications in Diverse Endometrial Disorders https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10797688/ Emerging bacterial factors for understanding pathogenesis of endometriosis https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10805679 The quality, suitability, and readability of web-based resources on endometriosis-associated dyspareunia: A systematic review https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/14604582241231151 The Impact of Endometriosis on Pregnancy https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4426/14/1/126 Woman with ‘debilitating’ chronic pain waits decades for endometriosis diagnosis https://globalnews.ca/news/10265850/ontario-30-year-wait-endometriosis-diagnosis Website endobattery.com


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Breaking Barriers: Dr. Jenn Jaggi's Path from Practicing OB/GYN to Endometriosis Fellow

Join us in this enlightening episode as we dive into the remarkable journey of Dr. Jenn Jaggi, from leading an OB/GYN department for a decade in an underserved Indian Health Service hospital to embarking on a transformative path as a surgeon specializing in endometriosis. Dr. Jaggi's narrative is a testament to the power of passion and the pursuit of knowledge in the medical field. Dr. Jaggi shares the pivotal moment when she stumbled upon an Endometriosis fellowship with Dr. Cindy Mosbrucker at Pacific Endometriosis and Pelvic Surgery. Through her experiences, she sheds light on the common challenge faced by many GYN practitioners: the lack of comprehensive information and education on endometriosis, despite their genuine desire to provide the best care for their patients. Listen in as Dr. Jaggi candidly walks us through her personal discoveries about endometriosis and reflects on how her understanding of the condition has evolved over time. She delves into the complexities of diagnosis, treatment, and the impact of education on patient care. Dr. Jaggi's insights offer a refreshing perspective, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and growth in the medical profession. This episode serves as a beacon of hope and empowerment for patients and practitioners alike, as we navigate the journey of understanding and managing endometriosis together. Dr. Yaggi's story is a reminder that we are all constantly evolving, and her unwavering commitment to excellence makes her a guiding light in the field of women's health. Tune in to gain invaluable insights and be inspired by Dr. Jenn's passion, perseverance, and dedication to making a difference in the lives of those affected by endometriosis. https://pacificendometriosis.com Website endobattery.com


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Revisiting: It's all in the Clip Art: Dr.Redwine's Personal and Professional Journey to Discover the Origins of Endometriosis and Debunking Sampson's Theory

**This episode was recorded right before Dr. Redwine's Passing. We miss him and his unrelenting efforts for those with endometriosis, but we carry on with keeping his work alive. Dr. David Redwine, widely recognized as the "Emperor of Endometriosis," boasts a remarkable career distinguished by unwavering dedication and persistent pursuit of knowledge. In this podcast episode, he generously shares invaluable insights drawn from his extraordinary journey, which commenced with a deeply personal mission to alleviate the challenges faced by his first wife in her battle against Endometriosis. Fueled by empathy and an unquenchable thirst for understanding, he embarked on a professional odyssey to unravel the mysteries surrounding this complex condition. Our engaging conversation spans a spectrum of pivotal themes, including: -Navigating the Path to Endometriosis Diagnosis and Excision Surgery -Challenging the Efficacy of Conventional Treatments: -Pioneering Pelvic Mapping and the Muellarian Origin Theory -Exploration of Diverse Origin Theories -Deciphering the Significance of Ravioli and Germ Layers -Revealing Mesodermal Connections -Examining the Peril of Sampson's Theory -How sketches are the back bone of Sampson's Theory ...and so much more Dr. Redwine's profound insights provide a rich perspective on the multifaceted landscape of endometriosis, simultaneously shedding light on its historical underpinnings and the cutting-edge research endeavors that continue to shape its future. Website endobattery.com


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Unheard No More: Dana Bowling's Crusade for Endometriosis Awareness and Legislative Change

When Dana Bowling bravely stepped forward to recount her arduous journey with endometriosis, she brought to light the resilience required to navigate a world where medical professionals often dismiss women's pain. Our heartfelt discussion takes you through Dana's early struggles, the grueling road to diagnosis, and the relief that comes with validation from a compassionate gynecologist. Her candid narrative delves into the challenges of treatment options, including her experiences with medication like Lupron and the complexities surrounding fertility and excision surgeries. Turning the page to advocacy, we tackle the intricate dance of healthcare legislation and the vital role personal stories play in influencing change. With Dana's insights, we dissect the frustrating experience of amending bills rife with misinformation and how this affects everyone from prepubescent girls to post-menopausal women. The conversation invites you to the front lines, emphasizing the necessity of engagement with lawmakers and the strategies to make your voice resonate within the halls of power. Rounding out our session, we celebrate the strength found in community and the importance of solidarity in advocacy. Dana illustrates the progress being made in New Jersey as she works to reintroduce bills that accurately address endometriosis, highlighting the successful changes and the impact of community support. Our exchange culminates in a moment of gratitude for the platform this podcast provides, enabling stories like Dana's to inspire and unite those on similar paths, underscoring the message that you are not alone in this fight. NJ Petition https://www.change.org/p/support-endometriosis-legislation-in-new-jersey Website endobattery.com


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Endo Battery Fast Charged: EP 1

Discover the truth behind endometriosis guidelines and research as I, Alanna, join forces with trailblazing patient advocates to uncover the latest insights in the complex world of endometriosis care. We're peeling back the layers on the updated clinical guidelines from esteemed health organizations and addressing the often undisclosed challenges when evidence is sparse. With a critical eye, we evaluate potential biases and conflicts of interest that could tint the recommendations, directly impacting the outcomes for those affected by this condition. Join us as we embark on an enlightening journey through the first week of Endo Battery Fast Charged, where knowledge is power and solidarity fuels change in the world of endometriosis. Articles and Links Endometriosis: A review of recent evidence and guidelines https://www1.racgp.org.au/ajgp/2024/january-february/endometriosis Social Media, Endometriosis, and Evidence-Based Information: An Analysis of Instagram Content https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10778603 Delayed diagnosis and treatment of adolescents and young women with suspected endometriosis https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2468784724000163?via%3Dihub A Pilot Feasibility Multicenter Study of Patients After Excision of Endometriosis https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3662751/ Endometriosis in Adolescents: A Systematic Review https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.5301/je.5000264 Complete laparoscopic excision of endometriosis in teenagers: is postoperative hormonal suppression necessary? https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(11)00335-9/fulltext Fear of progression, depression, and sleep difficulties in people experiencing endometriosis-pain: A cross-sectional study https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022399924000072?via%3Dihub Endometriosis and mental health: a population-based cohort study https://www.ajog.org/article/S0002-9378(24)00064-4/pdf Relationship of migraine and other forms of chronic pain https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780128233573000276?via%3Dihub Resources and insights provided by: Heather Guidone BCPA, CEC & Kate Boyce BCPA, Endo Girls Blog Website endobattery.com


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Big Announcement!

As Endometriosis Awareness Month dawns, the waves of excitement and trepidation are palpable. This episode is a call to arms against the tide of misinformation, a beacon guiding you to the truths that empower and improve the quality of life for those entangled in this ongoing battle. With the fervor of a seasoned advocates, I'm thrilled to reveal 'Endo Battery Fast Charged,' a groundbreaking series crafted in alliance with razor-sharp patient advocates Kate Boyce and Heather Guidone. Together, we're assembling a dossier of the latest research and eye-opening articles, providing you with a biweekly dose of the most pertinent and reliable endometriosis insights. It's time to armor yourself with knowledge, to stride confidently forward in your journey, and to raise the banner of awareness and advocacy for a condition that demands attention and understanding. Website endobattery.com


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Decoding Endometriosis Surgery: Dr. Nick Fogelson on Advanced Techniques and Neuropelviology

Have you ever wondered what it's like to navigate the intricate landscape of endometriosis surgery? This episode features a conversation with Dr. Nick Fogelson, a renowned expert in minimally invasive gynecological endometriosis surgery, who guides us through his transformative journey from general OBGYN to one of the leading specialist in this challenging field. Dr. Fogelson shares in a candid discussion about the advanced surgical techniques he employs, akin to those used in oncologic procedures, and the critical role of radical excision in improving patient outcomes. As we unravel the complexities of endometriosis, Dr. Fogelson sheds light on the often misunderstood connection between pelvic pain, nerve involvement, and the importance of early intervention for nerve-invading lesions. We venture into the specialized realm of neuropelveology, examining the challenges in diagnosing conditions with invisible lesions and the profound impact patient history has in understanding pelvic pain. Dr. Fogelson shares his expertise on the different types of nerve compression and the meticulous surgical care required for cases involving major nerves, broadening our perspective on the nuances of treatments for conditions like pudendal neuralgia and piriformis syndrome. The episode concludes with a reflective conversation on the evolving field of neuropelveology, where skepticism turns into advocacy, and the nuances of patient selection for surgery come to the forefront. We focus on the diversity of pain management techniques—from neuromodulation to acupuncture—and the importance of tailoring treatments to enhance quality of life. Dr. Fogelson's insights challenge common misconceptions about hormonal manipulation for endometriosis and exemplify the need for an open-minded approach to treatment modalities. This dialogue promises to leave you inspired and equipped with a deeper understanding of the resilience required in the face of such complex conditions. Website endobattery.com


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Pt. 2 A Tale of Resilience: Nathali's Transformation Amidst Endometriosis and Surgery

When Nathali opened up about her battle with endometriosis, adenomyosis, and pelvic floor dysfunction, it was more than an interview—it was a revelation of her relentless spirit. Her experiences, etched with pain and misdirection, ultimately led to a pivotal encounter with a medical specialist who enlightened her journey. We're privileged to have Nathali candidly recount the emotional weight of her diagnosis, the transformative effects of pelvic floor therapy, and the life-altering decisions she faced, from confronting the fears of surgical mesh implants to embracing the hope of recovery. As a community, we bear witness to the raw and often invisible struggles of those amongst us. Nathali's account of grappling with her identity, the influence of her condition on her wardrobe choices, and the surge of symptoms that necessitated surgery paint a visceral picture of life with a chronic illness. Her post-surgery narrative doesn't shy away from the hardships; it embraces the complexities of managing chronic pain, the unwavering support of skilled surgeons, and the revelation of "baby endo," a term reflecting the disease's deceptive subtlety. The road to recovery is seldom straight, but Nathali's resilience shines as she shares how she transitioned from grappling with a 30-pound weight to powerlifting an impressive 135 pounds. We delve into her journey of self-discovery, the cultural barriers within the Latino community regarding health, and the impact of endometriosis on family dynamics. As her story unfolds, you'll find yourself rooting for her strength, inspired by her dedication, and moved by the powerful network of support that lifts her through each chapter of her ongoing quest for wellness. Join us as Nathali delivers a powerful message of hope, perseverance, and the undeniable strength of the human spirit. Website endobattery.com


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The Unseen Struggle: Nathali's Story of Resilience Against Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis

Imagine enduring a pain so severe that it dictates every moment of your life, yet being told it's all 'in your head.' Our guest, Nathali, shares a poignant narrative of her battle with endometriosis and adenomyosis—a tale that begins with dismissed symptoms in high school and evolves into a relentless quest for answers. She unveils the raw truth behind misdiagnoses and the frustration of facing a healthcare system that often undermines those with chronic conditions. Her journey is not just a testament to her fortitude but also a rallying cry for patient advocacy and the critical need for specialized care. As we listen to Natalie recount her experiences with pelvic floor dysfunction and the search for relief, it's akin to watching a warrior reclaim her strength. The discovery of a supportive community and the role of pelvic floor therapy mark a transformative chapter in Natalie's life, offering a glimmer of hope to listeners who may be sharing a similar path. This episode is a gripping exploration of the intersection between personal struggle and collective empowerment, encouraging patients everywhere to become champions of their own health and well-being. Join us for an intimate and inspiring conversation that illuminates the courage required to fight back against a daunting adversary: one's own body. Endocipota The Chronic RBF Website endobattery.com


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Exploring Personalized Hormone Solutions with Kate Boyce, BCPA

Dive headfirst into the complex world of hormone replacement therapy in this part 2 episode with Kate Boyce, of Endo Girls Blog as we strip away the one-size-fits-all approach to HRT for conditions like endometriosis and adenomyosis. This discussion isn't about blanket solutions; instead, it's a deep exploration into the personalized nature of treatment, from the role of progesterone to the surprising impact of testosterone. We're challenging the status quo and simplifying the process to focus on what really matters – your unique health journey. Navigating the minefield of hormone balance and the risks of HRT can be daunting, but we're here to guide you through it with the latest insights and research. We'll tackle the body's remarkable but complex survival mechanisms and the importance of symptom-based treatment adjustments. And let's not shy away from the controversies and risks – knowledge is power, and we're empowering you to partner with healthcare providers who truly understand your needs. We round up the discussion by addressing the broader health implications of HRT, such as the potential link to dementia prevention, and dissect the ongoing debates within the medical community. By sharing personal anecdotes and critically analyzing the research, we're cutting through the noise to bring you evidence-based, accessible information. This episode is more than just a discussion; it's a call to action for informed consent, education, and advocacy in the evolving field of women's health. Join us for an episode that is as thought-provoking as it is informative, with the goal of bringing you to the forefront of your health decisions. https://endogirlblog.com/ Website endobattery.com
