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還可中文 Haike Mandarin

Education Podcasts

聽「還可中文」學中文,讓你的中文不只是「還可」。 透過輕鬆有趣的對話和情境,學習並且熟悉平常真正被使用的中文用法! 讓還可中文負責你的日常中文,但不負責你的考試中文。


United States


聽「還可中文」學中文,讓你的中文不只是「還可」。 透過輕鬆有趣的對話和情境,學習並且熟悉平常真正被使用的中文用法! 讓還可中文負責你的日常中文,但不負責你的考試中文。



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91. 臺灣飲料推薦、養寵物的好處、養寵物前要考慮的事情 Drink Recommendations, Benefits of Having A Pet, and Things to Consider Before Getting A Pet

我們推薦的飲料(我们推荐的饮料) Drink Recommendations in Taiwan 1. 奶綠(奶绿) nǎi lǜ;milk green tea 2. 麻古茶坊的芝芝系列 má gǔ chá fang de zhī zhī xì liè 芝芝葡萄zhī zhī pú táo、芝芝草莓zhī zhī cǎo méi、芝芝芒果zhī zhī máng guǒ


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90. 聊聊寵物、我們養過的寵物 Talk about Pets, Pets We’ve Ever Had

重點生詞或用法 1. 你有養寵物嗎(你有养宠物吗)? nǐ yǒu yǎng chǒng wù ma (Do you have a pet?) 2. 你養(养)什麼? nǐ yǎng shén me (What kind of pet do you have?) 3. I have a dog. 我有養狗(我有养狗)。 wǒ yǒu yǎng gǒu 我家有養狗(我家有养狗)。 wǒ jiā yǒu yǎng gǒu 我們家有養狗(我们家有养狗)。 wǒ men jiā yǒu yǎng gǒu 4. 你養過寵物嗎(你养过宠物吗)? nǐ yǎng guò chǒng wù ma (Have you ever had a pet?) 5. 你養過(养过)什麼? nǐ yǎng guò shén me (What pet have you got?) 6. 我養過(我养过)_______________。 wǒ yǎng guò… (I have had…) 7. 鬥魚(斗鱼)dòu yú;paradise...


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89. 我們的經典大便故事 Our Poop Stories

重要生詞: 1. 忍 rěn;to hold poo or pee 2. 憋 biē;to hold poo or pee 3. 冒冷汗mào lěng hàn;be in a cold sweat 4. 沒有力氣(没有力气) méi yǒu lì qi;to have no strength 5. 提款機(机) tí kuǎn jī;ATM 6. 領錢(领钱) lǐng qián;to withdraw money 7. 冷漠 lěng mò;indifferent 8. 絕(绝)望 jué wàng;to despair 9. 掀開(掀开) xiān kāi;to lift open 10. 股長(长) gǔ zhǎng;(in a class in a school) class officers 11. 班長(长) bān zhǎng;class leader 12. 逃走 táo zǒu;to flee, to escape 13. 不懂事 bù dǒng shì;to be immature 14. 便祕or便秘 biàn bì...


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88. 我想要去上廁所!聊聊大便和尿尿 Words about Toilet, Pee, and Poo

一、重點生詞或用法 1. bathroom, restroom, toilet 廁所(厕所) cè suǒ 洗手間(间) xǐ shǒu jiān 化妝室(化妆室) huà zhuāng shì 2. How to ask to go to the bathroom politely 我要去一下廁所/洗手間/化妝室。 wǒ yào qù yī xià cè suǒ / xǐ shǒu jiān / huà zhuāng shì 3. crap, shit, poo 大便 dà biàn 屎 shǐ 4. to take a dump, to poo, to go number two 上大號(号) shàng dà hào 上二號(号) shàng èr hào 大便 dà biàn 拉屎 lā shǐ 我想要上大號/上二號/大便/拉屎。(I want to take a dump.) wǒ xiǎng yào….. 5. pee, urine 尿 niào 6. to pee, to urinate, to go number...


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87. 常見的新年希望和新年目標 Common New Year Wishes And New Year’s Resolutions

請各位聽眾到你收聽還可中文的地方給我們五顆星星的留言,新年快樂,愛你們。 一、重點生詞 1. 新年新希望 xīn nián xīn xī wàng;new year wish 2. 新年目標(标) xīn nián mù biāo;new year’s resolution 3. 鴻圖大展(鸿图大展) hóng tú dà zhǎn;to carry out one's great plan [祝福的話、吉祥話 used to wishing someone good luck; Chinese New Year greeting] 4. 國曆(国历) guó lì;calendar prescribed and adopted by the state 5. 農曆(农历) nóng lì;the traditional Chinese calendar; the lunar calendar 二、台灣人近幾年常見的新年新希望 1. 發財、中樂透(发财、中乐透) fā cái、zhòng lè tòu;make a fortune, win the...


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86. 尾牙便當、超雷教練、可遇不可求 Xian's Wěi Yá, Yi's Terrible Golf Coach and Kě Yù Bù Kě Qiú

重點生詞或用法 1. 尾牙 wěi yá;year-end dinner for employees 2. 高爾夫(高尔夫) gāo ěr fū;golf 3. 教練(教练) jiào liàn;instructor, trainer, sports coach 4. 體驗(体验) tǐ yàn;to experience for oneself; experience 5. 可遇不可求 kě yù bù kě qiú;something that can be discovered but not sought [idiom]; one can only come across such things serendipitously


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85. 車禍、我們車禍的故事 Vehicle Accidents and Our Accident Stories

一、重點生詞或用法 車禍(车祸) chē huò;vehicle accident 出車禍(出车祸) chū chē huò;(sb) to have a vehicle accident 發生車禍(发生车祸) fā shēng chē huò;a vehicle accident happens 二、其他生詞或用法 1. 龍頭(龙头) lóng tóu;handlebar (bike) 2. 側柱(侧柱) cè zhù;side stand (bike)


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84. 與交通有關的詞、常見的違規 Words about Traffic and Common Traffic Violations

重點生詞或用法 路上會看到的交通設施 1. 人行道 rén xíng dào;sidewalk 2. 斑馬線(斑马线) bān mǎ xiàn;zebra crossing 3. 紅綠燈(红绿灯) hóng lǜ dēng;traffic light 紅燈(红灯) hóng dēng;red light 綠燈(绿灯) lǜ dēng;green light 黃燈(黄灯) huáng dēng;amber light 4. 等紅綠燈(等红绿灯) děng hóng lǜ dēng = 等紅燈(等红灯) děng hóng dēng;to wait for the green light 5. 天橋(天桥) tiān qiáo;footbridge 6. 地下道 dì xià dào;underpass 人行地下道、行人地下道 xíng rén dì xià dào、rén xíng dì xià dào;pedestrian underpass 常見的交通違規 1. 酒後駕駛(酒后驾驶) jiǔ hòu jià shǐ / 酒駕(酒驾) jiǔ...


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83. 超好吃滷肉飯、酒精馬拉松、行人地獄 The Best Minced Pork Rice, Drinking Marathon and A Living Hell for Pedestrians

重點生詞或用法 1. 滷肉飯(卤肉饭) lǔ ròu fàn;Taiwanese minced pork rice 2. 馬拉松(马拉松) mǎ lā sōng;marathon 3. 路跑 lù pǎo;marathon 4. 便利商店 biàn lì shāng diàn;convenience store 5. 好玩 hǎo wán;interesting, fun 6. 喝醉 hē zuì;to get drunk 7. 行人 xíng rén;pedestrian 8. 地獄(地狱) dì yù;hell 9. 小題大作/做(小题大作/做) xiǎo tí dà zuò;to make a big fuss over a minor issue (idiom) 10. 髮fǎ型設計師(发fà型设计师) fǎ/fà xíng shè jì shī;barber, hairstylist


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82. 閒聊跨年、通宵、熬夜 Talk about Our New Year's Eve Celebrations and Staying Up All Night

請大家去你收聽還可中文的地方留言,給我們五顆星,讓我們可以被更多人看見,謝謝你們。 重要單詞 熬夜áo yè; to stay up late or all night 通宵tōng xiāo; throughout the night 跨年 kuà nián; to celebrate New Year’s Eve, to step into the new year 孬種 nāo zhǒng; coward 轉播 zhuǎn bò; (v.) to broadcast; (n.) broadcast (on radio or TV) 大咖 dà kā (不正式); someone of high position or great influence [slang] 嗨(high) hāi (不正式); hyped, excited [slang]


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81. 還可中文2022的回顧 Wrapped

謝謝你們一直收聽還可中文,不管你來自哪個國家、一個星期聽幾次、有沒有留言給我們過,我們都非常感謝你!因為有你們的收聽和支持,才讓我們有動力一直錄下去,謝謝大家,我們愛你們! by 仙仙、小雨和李伊 2022最多人聽的集數 第一名:51. 聊聊什麼是「自由」、自由式、自由行、自由潛水 Talk about Freedom and Some Words Containing “Free” 第二名:46. 我早該買的! 聊聊購物習慣 Five Things I Should Have Bought Earlier Let's Talk about Shopping 第三名:36. 聊聊「恐怖情人」 Talk about An Abuser in A Relationship 有史以來最多人聽的集數 第一名:1. 我要一杯大杯的珍奶微糖微冰! How to Order Drinks in Mandarin? 第二名:33. 聊聊減肥、健身、斷食還有「干你屁事」 Lose Weight, Work Out, Fast and “Gān Nǐ Pì Shì” 第三名:21....


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80. 我被仙仙放鳥了,仙仙是個放鳥王! Stand Someone Up

本集重點 *放鴿子 fàng gē zi;to stand someone up [較禮貌] *放鳥fàng niǎo;to stand someone up [較不禮貌,只能跟朋友或很熟的人用] *爽約shuǎng yuē;to not show up to a planned gathering Xian stood me up. 1. 仙仙放我鴿子。 2. 我被仙仙放鴿子。 3. 仙仙放我鳥。 4. 我被仙仙放鳥。 5. 仙仙爽(我)約。 6. 我被仙仙爽約。 Xian always stands others up. 1. 仙仙很愛放別人鴿子。 2. 仙仙很愛放別人鳥。 3. 仙仙很愛爽約。


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79. 所有家事當中,我最討厭洗碗! House Chores

精選單詞 *掃地 sǎo dì;to sweep the floor *掃把 sào bǎ;broom *畚斗 běn dǒu;dustpan (majority of Taiwanese people say “bèn” dǒu) *畚箕 běn jī;dustpan (but most Taiwanese people still say “běn” jī) *拖地 tuō dì;to mop the floor *擦地 cā dì;to wipe the floor *刷地 shuā dì;to scrub the floor *掃地機器人 sǎo dì jī qì rén;robot vacuum *吸地 xī dì;to vacuum the floor *吸塵器 xī chén qì;vacuum cleaner *洗衣服 xǐ yī fú;to do the laundry *晒 (曬) /晾衣服 shài/liàng yī fú;to hang out/up the laundry *收衣服 shōu yī fú;to bring in the dry...


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78. 我對蝦子過敏 Talk about Allergies

拜託各位去你收聽還可中文的平台給我們五顆星 > < important words or sentences of this episode: *對…過敏 duì...guò mǐn ;be allergic to *(身體部位)過敏 (shēn tǐ bù wèi )guò mǐn; to have an allergic reaction on (a body part) e.g., 眼睛過敏、鼻子過敏、皮膚過敏 *過敏原 guò mǐn yuán ; allergen *串通 chuàn tōng;to collude, to collaborate, to gang up *貴族 guì zú ;aristocrat *服侍 fú shì ;to serve


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77. 聊聊運氣/這輩子最幸運的事/一連串的「雖事」 Talk about Luck / The Luckiest Thing / A Series of Unfortunate Events

*運動彩券yùn dòng cǎi quàn;sports lottery (often shortened as 運彩 yùn cǎi) *財運 cái yùn;luck in making money; luck for wealth *偏財運 piān cái yùn;luck in getting a windfall *樂透 lè tòu; lottery *橫財 hèng cái; unexpected fortune, illegal profit *意外之財 yì wài zhī cái;unexpected fortune *回本 huí běn;to earn back the cost of sth *刮刮樂 guā guā lè;scratch-off (lottery) ticket *運氣很好 yùn qì hěn hǎo;be in luck *運氣不好/很差 yùn qì bù hǎo /hěn chā;be out of luck *看運氣 kàn yùn qì;be the luck of the draw *很幸運 hěn xìng...


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76. 失業小雨的日常/被搭訕的故事 Yu’s Daily Routines, Yu Being Hit On

發傳單 fā chuán dān;to distribute fliers 缺錢 quē qián;to lack money 收心 shōu xīn;to get back into work mode 出錢 chū qián;to pay 員工福利yuán gōng fú lì;employee benefit 氣氛 qì fēn;atmosphere 氛圍 fēn wéi;atmosphere 醃肉 yān ròu;to marinate meat (把雞肉、豬肉腌好) 很廢hěn fèi;idle *趕在...之前做... gǎn zài …zhī qián zuò …;to finish A before B happens 趕在我爸回家前出門 To leave home before my father comes back 趕在老師進來前把作業寫完 To finish homework before the teacher comes 趕在聖誕節之前把禮物買好 To buy a X’mas gift before X’mas...


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75. 聊聊選舉/李伊模範生的故事 Words about Elections/ The Model Student Story

75. 聊聊選舉/李伊模範生的故事 Words about Elections/ The Model Student Story 選舉 xuǎn jǔ;election 總統大選 zǒng tǒng dà xuǎn;presidential election 造勢活動 zào shì huó dòng; campaign rally 競選活動 jìng xuǎn huó dòng;political campaign 投票 tóu piào;to vote 政見 zhèng jiàn;candidate’s policies 政黨 zhèng dǎng;political party 候選人 hòu xuǎn rén;candidate 票數 piào shù;number of votes, poll count 當選 dāng xuǎn;to be elected (pronounced as “dòngsuàn” in Taiwanese and often written as 凍蒜) 當選人/者 dāng xuǎn rén /zhě;a person who wins...


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74. 宜蘭行/拍證件照/怎麼問候同事 Yi’s Trip to Yilan/Xian’s ID Photo/How to Greet Colleagues

Important Sentences *怎麼問候同事 How to greet colleagues 嗨! Hāi (Hi!) 早(啊)! Zǎo (a) (Good morning!) ------------------------------------------- *還好嗎? hái hǎo ma? (Are you okay?) ------------------------------------------- Selected Words 說…壞話shuō…huài huà ;to speak ill of sb behind their back 擔心 dān xīn;to worry 摩擦 mó cā; argument, friction 過夜 guò yè;to stay overnight 心酸 xīn suān;sad; to feel sad 下水 xià shuǐ;to go into the water 踏浪 tà làng;to walk on a beach to feel the waves coming on your feet...


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73. 你等一下要幹嘛? What’s Your Plan Later? Asking about Future Plans

本集的重點整理請到我們BMAC網站 For important words and sentences in this episode, please go to our BMAC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/n-a-1628081


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72. 咖啡廳必備句子、故事PK:面交蛋糕 vs. 超難用衣架 Useful Sentences for Coffee Shops, Xian Buying a Cake, Yi’s Hangers

本集的重點整理請到我們BMAC網站 For important words and sentences in this episode, please go to our BMAC website. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/haikemandarin/n-a-1628028
