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一个基进女权主义者的思考和分享。 A Radical Feminist Talking, ideas about women, feminism and life. Youtube同号有视频更新,也可上推特搜索Yuzhou Phoenix。 简中女权同温层虽小,但绝不停止发声,星星火之终可燎原。


United States


一个基进女权主义者的思考和分享。 A Radical Feminist Talking, ideas about women, feminism and life. Youtube同号有视频更新,也可上推特搜索Yuzhou Phoenix。 简中女权同温层虽小,但绝不停止发声,星星火之终可燎原。



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Vol.37 女权主义者看“新闻女王”

一个女权主义者眼里的“新闻女王”: 带着批判和欣赏的眼光去看三个女主, 思考自己如何在现实中进行女权实践。 虽然100%是强制性异性恋的屎, 但女人的身份和认知是没有偏差的, 女女互助在爱男身份下总是镜花水月。


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Vol.36 夏日散步闲聊

时隔三月终于又有时间和心情录制博客了。 清凉的夏日, 在落日余晖下散步, 顺便闲聊一下个人的女权思考。 言而总之: 这个世界就是个烂透了的男权世界; “我们的存在不是为了改变世界, 而是为了不让世界改变自己。” 女权关乎每个女人, 而我们个体的幸福只关乎自己。


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Vol.35 愛自己·愛女·最女權

最女權的事情是在生活裏愛自己,愛身邊的女人們, 去觸摸,去感受,去品嘗,去傾聽,去呼吸,去實踐。 網絡人均戴面具,道德審查的狂歡終將走向虛無。 讓女人看得見,論跡不論心, 感謝所有勇敢發聲分享的女人, 無論你們是什麽樣的女人過著什麽樣的人生。


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Vol.34 勇敢去做自由的女人

看房車博主她她和貓貓有感而發。 勇敢去做自由的女人并且分享人生是非常有意義的事情。 女權讓我們有動力和支持去做讓自己有自由有尊嚴的事情。 女人不隨波逐流,才能尋得真正自由。 現實是比網絡更重要的戰場,我們的人生只爲自己負責。


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Vol.33 女权就是爱自己 保持愤怒保护自己

成为真正的女权主义者,必然会愤怒,但纯粹的愤怒并不能保护自己。 我们的愤怒应该是对伤害的直接反击,我们的爱才是信仰的力量和根基。 我们爱女,我们更要爱自己。 我们保持愤怒,我们更要保护自己。 祝所有的女权姐妹们2023一切顺利,天天开心!


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Vol.32 专注现充 远离消耗

女权前辈说过“爱女是不可能网上习得的”,爱女的传递和习得需要真实的线下连结, 所以我现在更关注线下的自我充实和女女连结。 女权姐妹如果觉得网络让你更消耗,更焦虑,更愤怒, 那就淡网多专注线下的工作和生活。 我们时间宝贵,要用在更有意义的事情上, 去实践去产出,行动比思考更有效。


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Vol.31 女权到底是谁的什么权

兜兜转转,播客聊基进女权快一年又重新来聊什么是女权。 大概一开始起步过高,忽视了简中缺乏对人权的基本认知。 “女权是女人的人权,包括所有女人的权利, 无论女人是何身份,民族,肤色,性向,婚否育否。” 不同女性群体的权利有交叉有偏离有兼容有抵触很正常。 作为性别分离的基进女权(又叫女同女权), 我坚信基进女同女权是解构男权异性恋解放所有女性的唯一可能。 异性恋是可以放弃的解构的,爱女者才是女权的最终结果。


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Vol.30 柏林旅途闲聊



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Vol.29 罗马公园旅途闲聊



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Vol.28 爱女者认真生活 就是最女权的事情

"太阳不管周围发生什么,it burns and it shines” “你用尽全力努力生活的样子,就是最女权的事情” 我们坚持发声,只是为了照亮自己身边的黑暗, 我们认真生活,必然会跟更多志同道合的姐妹相遇。 爱女者哪怕被全世界反对,也照样可以活出自我。


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Vol.27 女权论迹不论心 做比想更重要

女权论迹不论心,论心无完人。身为女权人怎么做比怎么想更重要。 坏事莫提女,好事不提男,对比请类比,允许女人试错,保持思辨和平常心。 女人只有先成为皇帝总统总理,才能再成为坏皇帝总统总理。


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Vol.26 去实践去连结 爱自己就是爱女

一切有害女人自由和解放的观念都不是女权。 男权社会只教了女人如何爱男和天然厌女, 儒思林母父破坏了女儿们自尊自爱的根基, 从放弃爱男到学会爱女,我们需要去实践去学习, 去连结去自信自尊自爱,爱自己就是爱女。


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Vol.25 做个自由的女人 像Kristen脱高跟鞋一样

奥斯卡典礼Kristen Stewart走完红毯就换下了高跟鞋,多年以来走红毯脱高跟鞋已经成为了她的标签, 大家都知道高跟鞋让脚难受但勇于脱下高跟鞋的总是少数。 勇敢做自己,做一个自由的女人,像Kristen一样在自己力所能及的范围做出改变, 即使我们是少数,我们也无惧坚持做自己。


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Vol.24 学会换角度思考 人生会更加开朗

有时候对于已经发生的事情,我们无能为力,但我们可以换个角度对待, 面对无法改变的人,社会现状和主流文化,或许我们可以改变自己。 经常换角度思考,坚持做自己不随波逐流,我的女权只为自己负责。


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Lesbian feminist Interview with Tamarack Verrall

It is an interview or more like a feminists' casual talk with Tamarack Verrall, a 73 years old radical lesbian feminist from Canada Montreal. For half of the centrury she has contributed her life and love to women, to the feminism, and she is also one of 115 World Pulse Ambassador from 53 countries. "Chinese lesbian feminists are in very hard situation, however, we are here, we are connecting and we give each other support" She said.


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Vol.23 为什么我们人生要选择hard模式

一些生活和女权感悟,为什么有时候我们人生要选hard模式。 对于可以真正助益我们自己的学习和优化,无论多难都应该坚持自己的选择。 对于错误的选择例如困境和被动捆绑关系,及时止损才最重要。 我的女权只为自己负责,只说自己想说的话, 坚持自己的信仰无论多难,都值得。


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Vol.22 Trigger Warning 我只讲我想说的话

Sheila自传的书名特别巧合我最近的女权观点,所以拿来做本期播客的部分题目。 每个人都有表达自己观点的权利,只要是自由表达不伤害她人就不应该被剥夺话语权。 当然,别人不想听也有随时可以走开的权利。 我只说我想说的话,如果trigger到你了,很抱歉,我依然要继续表达不被阉割的观点。


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Chinese Lesbian Feminist's Interview with Sheila Jeffreys

On behalf of WDI CN to publish this interview. 仅代表WDI CN转发此采访。 This interview is made by WDI CN with Sheila jeffreys. Below questions are discussed with Sheila: 1. In your autobiography Trigger Warning, as well as in many of your speeches, you described the heyday of political lesbianism in the 1970s, where women could go to women-only conferences, groups, cafes, and women’s centers, and lesbians could spend all their non-work life in lesbian or at least women’s company. Half a century later, in the name of trans rights, women are losing the single-sex spaces we’ve built for ourselves including online. We can’t even agree on the definition of a woman, as whoever identifies as a woman today can be seen as a woman. Political lesbian pioneers like you wouldn’t have imagined this situation back in your days. What do you think is causing this downfall of feminism? 2. In the 1970s, feminists commonly accepted that choosing to become a lesbian was a revolutionary act. It was easy then for many feminists to accept that their proclivities were constructed and subject to change. You said that this is not a particularly feminist insight. Social scientists developed the knowledge that human behavior, instead of being ordained by biology, was socially constructed. Today, in this very conservative time, the idea that sexuality is socially constructed dropped out of favor. Biological determinism reigns in terms of sexual orientation. In your opinion, why has that fundamental understanding of social constructionism been overturned? 3. Both in China and the West, many feminists claim that feminism has nothing to do with sexual orientation. They think being sexually or romantically attracted to men should not affect their worthiness as feminists, and that political lesbianism is repressive in that it constrains women’s genuine sexual desires. Why do you think becoming lesbians is a political choice that liberates women? 4. When talking about the social construction of sexuality, you always emphasize that whatever’s socially constructed can be changed, and that allows the possibility of revolution. You’ve shared your experience that back in the early 80s, you and other lesbian feminists conducted workshops at conferences on how to change sexual fantasies. You believe that sexual fantasies can certainly be changed or abandoned altogether. However, for many women, it’s easier said than done, particularly when it’s about getting rid of men from women’s sexual fantasies. This partly explains why straight women are trying to downplay their sexuality, and lesbians find their heterosexual sisters untrustworthy. Would you mind telling us in detail how those workshops help women eliminate their undermining sexual fantasies? And if those methods may help a straight woman abandon her heterosexuality and embark on the journey of becoming a lesbian? 5. In your book Anticlimax, you define ‘heterosexual desire’ as the eroticized inequality of power, and ‘homosexual desire’ as eroticized sameness of power whether expressed within lesbian, gay or heterosexual relationships. You articulate that heterosexual desire can exist also in same sex relationships, because women and men do not escape the heterosexual construction of their desire simply by loving their own sex. In your later book Lesbian Heresy, you mention there are lesbians who eschew sexual practice altogether on the grounds that dominance and submission are too ingrained in how we feel about sex to be altered. You suggest the deliberate construction of ‘homosexual desire’ as a different tactic to this deconstructive lesbianism, i.e., being as lesbians, but without sex... Details you can find from Youtube channel “Phoenix聊女权”:


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Vol.21 基进女权闲聊/单女如何实践个人发展和反孝

本期Kristine做客我们一起聊了基进女权的单女如何实践个人发展, 如何实践反孝和解决个人的精神/情绪问题。 单女女权不要落入父权叙事的成功学陷阱,更要克服社会洗脑的习得性无助思维, 放弃自我PUA,只要我们努力一定会比以前的自己更好。


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Vol.20 优秀女人应该被鼓励 而不是批判

从谷爱凌舆论两边倒,毁誉参半, 到推特高女低女之争,莫名其妙。 这个男权社会见不到女人好, 优秀女人总是被抹黑,被挑剔。 优秀女人被看见,是全体女人得利, 我们女人应该鼓励优秀女人。 我们女人应该努力做更好的自己。 见不得女人好的人,根本不是女权。
