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Metabolics Explained

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Scientific-based evidence about nutrition, supplementation, health, gaining muscle, losing fat, physiology, exercise science, training techniques, and much more! This is a podcast about learning and being more than just what is told to you across media through an academic standpoint. Please feel free to contact me @metabolics_explained on Instagram to ask questions or to suggest new topics to be discussed!


United States


Scientific-based evidence about nutrition, supplementation, health, gaining muscle, losing fat, physiology, exercise science, training techniques, and much more! This is a podcast about learning and being more than just what is told to you across media through an academic standpoint. Please feel free to contact me @metabolics_explained on Instagram to ask questions or to suggest new topics to be discussed!



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HS1: Top 4 Health Markers I Look Out For

In this episode of my new Health Series (HS), I discuss the top 4 things I personally look out for regarding my health. There are lots of of variables and metrics that define how healthy one is, but these aspects that I mention are easy to monitor and should be considered by everyone. As a reminder, I am not a medical professional, so everything I discuss is for informational purposes only. Message and follow me on Instagram @metabolics_explained or @blaykeharrison7 for any questions,...


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EP20: Post Workout Nutrition

In this episode I discuss the importance of carbohydrates following resistance training (and other forms of exercise). I also discuss the types of carbohydrates that should be consumed and why, and I also discuss some supplementation strategies. Message me on Instagram @metabolics_explained for any questions, comments, or suggestions. I hope you enjoy and learn something new!


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EP19: Ketogenic Dieting and Ketogenesis (Part 2- Negatives)

In part two of this episode, I discuss my personal opinions on what I believe to be the negatives of ketogenic dieting. I end the podcast with some final notes and summarizing of my thoughts, so please listen until the end. Thank you for listening, and I hope you learned something new!


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EP19: Ketogenic Dieting and Ketogenesis (Part 1-Metabolism and Positives)

In part one of this episode, I broadly discuss the metabolism/bioenergetics of fatty acids and ketogenesis. I also discuss what I believe to be the positives of ketogenic dieting and some practical application. Keep in mind that this is a two-part podcast, so part one itself does not fully reflect my opinions on ketogenic dieting as a whole. Thank you for listening, and I hope you learn something new!


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EP18: Ethanol Metabolism and Some Biochemical Implications

In this episode I discuss how ethanol is metabolized and the implications that its metabolism has on human physiology. This episode contains a fair amount of terminology, so if any terms are misunderstood, feel free to message me on Instagram @blaykeharrison7. You can also message me to ask questions and/or to suggest future topics. I hope you learned something new! Enjoy!


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EP17: Revisiting Cortisol and How Exercise Affects Cortisol Levels

In this episode I revisit the topic of cortisol and how its presence affects substrate utilization during exercise, and I also provide more information on why cortisol performs in the way that it does. This podcast contains information regarding my other discussions and other extensive topics, so feel free to reach out to me on Instagram @blaykeharrison7 to clear anything up or to add extra context/information, or you can check out my other podcasts before listening to this one. Thank you...


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EP16: Niacin and its Effects on Cholesterol/Hypercholesterolemia

In this episode I go over a recent research paper of mine that examines the effects niacin has on cholesterol in the hopes of using niacin as a treatment for hypercholesterolemia. This podcast contains some extensive information, so if anyone has any questions, feel free to reach out1 Thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoy!


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EP15: Going Over My Metabolic Rate and DEXA Scan Lab Results (And Discussion of Each)

In this episode I cover my recent lab results that include my metabolic rate and body composition (via DEXA) along with my own interpretations of each. When editing, I discovered that my introduction audio got messed up, so I apologize for that. Thank you for listening to my podcast, and I hope you learned something new!


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EP14: Aerobic Respiration and Energy Metabolism

In this episode I discuss aerobic respiration and its application to understanding how carbohydrates affect exercise performance and energy production. This is a very in-depth topic, so there will more than likely be a follow up episode regarding other aspects of this pathway. I hope you enjoy this podcast and learn something new!


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EP13: The Importance of Blood Tests/ Hematology

In this episode I discuss the importance of getting regular blood tests (if possible) in relation to topics like atherosclerosis and diabetes. I also touch on getting blood tests to monitor hormone levels if concerned. I hope you enjoy this podcast and learn something new!


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New Title, New Digs... What is Going on? An Update

I am so excited to be bringing my podcast back into my schedule, and I apologize for being gone for so long. In this podcast I discuss where I have been the past few months, where the podcast is going from here, and the reasonings behind a new name. I appreciate everyone who has listened to my podcast, and I hope you all continue to stick around to see what is to come! Feel free to reach out to me to ask questions, and feel free to support the podcast if you're interested. Thank you all!


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EP12: Should You Bulk? Do You Need to Bulk to Gain Muscle?

In this episode I discuss if you should bulk depending on your goals, body composition, etc, and I discuss if bulking is necessary. I hope you enjoy this podcast and learn something new!


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EP11: My Opinion on How You Should Eat

In this episode I go over how one should approach their eating habits on a daily basis. There is not much science in this podcast because it’s more of my opinion, but I hope you all still enjoy and hopefully learn something!


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EP10: How is Fat Oxidized and 3 Tips For Fat Loss

In this episode I go into detail about how adipose tissue is actually oxidized and some of the metabolic steps involved. I also cover three tips to fat loss that everyone that everyone trying to lose fat should implement. I hope you enjoy!


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EP9: How Much Water Should You Drink In a Day?

In this episode I discuss how much water one should drink in a day. The answer may or may not surprise you, but I hope you at least learn something! Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!


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EP8: Why BCAA Supplements Are a Waste of Money

In this episode I debunk the claims behind branched-chain amino acid supplements. The logic and science behind BCAA supplements is nonsense, so I’ve been wanting to make this podcast for a while. I hope you enjoy!


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In this episode I discuss how one cannot hack their metabolic processes. One cannot manipulate their hormones through simple workouts or supplements! I hope you enjoy and learn something new!


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EP6: What is Cortisol and How Does Exercise Affect it?

In this episode I cover what the hormone cortisol is and how it is activated by the human body. I also cover how exercise affects cortisol levels and how having “low cortisol levels” may not be as beneficial as you think. Enjoy!


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EP5: Effective Training Techniques for Hypertrophy

In this episode I discuss 3 training techniques that are effective for hypertrophy! This talk goes in depth on why I think the techniques are important for hypertrophy along with some evidence-based advice. Follow me on Instragram @blaykharrison7 and DM me questions or suggestions for future suggestions! I hope you enjoy!


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EP4: Fitness Influencers and ANABOLIC Buzzwords

In this podcast, I discuss my thoughts on the fitness community and the people that promote their own “cookie cutter” programs. This talk is more of a rant and not a science-based talk considering my busy school schedule. I hope you enjoy!
