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Kris Soutar’s Tennis Journal

Sports & Recreation Podcasts

Amazing stories from world class performers.


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Amazing stories from world class performers.



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Entry 69 – Adrian Stonebridge – part 8 – the deciding set

Welcome to the last episode in the Adrian Stonebridge story. I cannot think of a better way to sign off this magnificent series than hearing more from Adrian on how he refined his tennis coaching academy. Just when I thought I'd heard all of his stories, he casually drops in the fact he was a co-founder of Sutton Tennis Centre. We finish by talking about the re-release of his popular TV series on a digitalised DVD set which is available on pre-order now. Please find the click through link below: It has been an absolute pleasure listing to Adrian recount his life in tennis. I have received so many amazing messages from people who have shared how much this great man has changed their lives. Please share this series with all your tennis friends. His story needs to be heard. Thank you Adrian. Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 68 – Adrian Stonebridge – part 7 – from tennis court to stage

Welcome to part 7 of the Adrian Stonebridge story. This episode is absolutely jam packed with amazing chapters from Adrian's story. We start off by talking around a couple of typical issues I see in the tennis coaching world. We quickly then jump back into Adrian's story and he unpacks what a typical year in his coaching academy looked like. From here, he explains how his Channel 4 TV series came about and the doors it opened for him to create a huge national tennis roadshow which reached 1000's of children around the UK. Just when you think there is nothing more he could have done, he tells you about his one man stage show and his experiences on the stage of the BAFTA's. This is an absolute gem of an episode and now I would like to offer you the opportunity to ask Adrian any question you have. Please get in touch with me with your question and I will select the best ones to ask Adrian on my next episode. Please share this with your friends and family. It is a story to be told. Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 67 – Adrian Stonebridge – part 6 – 1st club – 1st tournament

Welcome to part 6 of the Adrian Stonebridge story where we venture back to Adrian's first ever tennis club experience. We then hear about how the tennis tournament scene was in the 1950's. It will be interesting to hear if you think things have changed that much. This is a lovely trip down memory lane and yet another example of how our great sport can open doors and change lives. Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 66 – Adrian Stonebridge – part 5 – starting up the Stonebridge Tennis Academy

In this episode you will hear about the early days of the Adrian Stonebridge Tennis Academy. This led us naturally down a very relaxed chat about the tennis coaching world. I really enjoyed listening to this chat again and I hope you do also. Please pass it on to your friends. Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 65 – Adrian Stonebridge – part 4 – nothing possible without my wife

Bringing you part 4 of the Adrian Stonebridge story where you will hear about another cruel twist of fate which brought Adrian and his wife, Jackie, together. It is very clear, Adrian and Jackie are a fantastic partnership and have supported each other throughout their lives. For me, this was a heartwarming listen. I hope you share those thoughts. Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 64 – Adrian Stonebridge – Part 3 – The origins of the Skeleton System

Part 3 of the Adrian Stonebridge story is here and you will hear how Adrian first started making his name at the Westside Tennis Club in Wimbledon. We then move on to discuss the origins of his coaching methodology, the Skeleton System. More great storytelling from a brilliant man who has brought joy to many throughout the years. Pass these episodes on to your friends please. Thank you for listening. Intro/Outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 63 – Adrian Stonebridge – part 2 – From RAF to Tennis Coach

Entry no.63 brings you part 2 of the Adrian Stonebridge story. In this episode you will hear how being a tennis player gave Adrian a leg up when serving in the RAF (pun intended). You will then hear about Adrian's first experiences attending coach education courses and his first jobs in tennis. A world-class story teller as well as tennis coach. Pass this episode on to all your friends. Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 62 – Adrian Stonebridge – Finding Tennis

Entry no.62 brings you the incredible Adrian Stonebridge. Adrian is 84 years old and has spent his entire life using the great game of tennis to help others. In the early 1980's he founded the Stonebridge Tennis Academy which was a full-time training academy for tennis COACHES. This is part 1 of a series which will breakdown the life and career of a great man. You will hear how the cruel twists of life led Adrian to discover his first tennis court. It is a captivating listen and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 61 – Kris Gray – Tenerife Tennis Academy

Entry 61 brings you Scottish tennis coach, Kris Gray. Kris is the co-owner of the Tenerife Tennis Academy and has had quite the tennis journey. Having trained in various European locations as a junior and rubbing shoulders with the likes of Juan Carlos Fererro, David Ferrer and David Nalbandian. We talk through his junior playing days, his decision to quit competitive tennis, his journey into coaching and then the setting up and building of his boutique tennis academy in Tenerife. I really enjoyed catching up with Kris again and it was great to see how well he has done in recent years and he will only go from strength to strength. If you would like more information on his academy, check it out on Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 60 – Being consumed

Entry 60 is a 7 minute dive into something I've been wrestling with recently. My hope is you can relate to this topic and find personal solutions to work through it. I would love to hear how you tackle this topic and welcome any feedback. Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 59 – Howard Green – Marine Commando to Supermovers

This journal entry brings you former Marine Commando, Howard Green. Howard left the marines and ventured into the world of strength and conditioning. Shortly after, he was attracted by the chaotic nature of tennis. Over the last 11 years he has built a brilliant reputation in the tennis world and now leads the fitness programme at Bolton Arena, England. Having spent some time as the fitness coach to Ana Ivanovic, he has taken stock and focused his efforts on developing the physical attributes of young emerging tennis players. He has created a fantastic programme called Tennis Supermovers which breaks down the fundamental movements required to build great physical foundations. This is now available for anyone. See the link below. Howard and his friends have also just completed an incredible challenge for their friend who has tragically been diagnosed with MND. They climbed the 3 peeks in Yorkshire, England in 12 hours, carrying their friend on a stretcher. They are raising funds for MND and I have copied the link below. I could have spoken to Howard for hours on end about his time as a Marine and the transferable learning into the world of tennis. He makes so many great points about developing players. Pass it on to your tennis friends. Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 58 – Be a show off

This weeks episode will feel like an actual journal entry. There is no guest as I had a week off so I decided to chat for 10 minutes on something I've changed my mind on in recent months. Take a listen and let me know your thoughts on my reframe. Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 57 – Rosie Sterk – Smashing through doors

This journal entry brings you, 17 year old tennis player, Rosie Sterk. Rosie has just secured her full tennis scholarship at Montana University and I thought it would be great to chat around that process and some other tennis topics. What I wasn't prepared for was just how amazingly articulate, wise and passionate Rosie is. We take a dive into her teenage tennis years and she gives fantastic opinions and advice on what could be done to attract and retain more female competitors. We also go through her life changing experience of being a WTA Futures Stars player at the 2019 WTA Finals in Shenzhen. It is clear to me, when Rosie spots a slightly open door, she smashes through it and maximises the opportunity. I was blown away by Rosie in this chat. Please pass it on to your tennis friends, parents, players and coaches. Intro/outro by Artwork by


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Entry 56 – Lara Suarez-Neves – To motherhood…. and beyond

I am delighted to bring you Lara Suarez-Neves, mother, tennis coach and, now, working in brand identity within the tennis world. It is vital we get the messages from this podcast out there for people to speak about. Lara tells her story into tennis playing and coaching. Her coaching career was put on halt when she became the mother to two beautiful girls. Lara talks brilliantly well about how becoming a mother instantly changed her identity and made it very difficult for her to maintain a career she had worked so hard to build over the years. She has now created Seven Love Studio which has a niche focus on building the brand identity of tennis clubs, organisations and coaches across England. If you would like to know more about her business, please click on the link below. Please share this episode far and wide, especially with mothers who may be experiencing the same emotions Lara has. Thank you for sharing your journey Lara. Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 55 – Nick Williams – Bringing vision to life

Journal entry 55 brings you Nick Williams, LTA level 5 tennis coach and tutor, and now, qualified nutritional therapist. Already. this podcast has had quite the effect on me. This is a great chat about how Nick has gone about constantly evolved his career with his end game in mind. There are many great lessons in here for aspiring and established tennis coaches. Visit Nick's nutritional website on Share this episode with your tennis friends and rate/review when you get a second. I must get past the 100 review mark :-) Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 54 – Anne Keothavong – Searching for belonging

This journal entry brings you Anne Keothavong, former WTA player, career high ranking of 48 and now Britain's Billie Jean Cup captain (formerly Fed Cup). This conversation is all about the sense of belonging in tennis. From the age of 4, Anne could feel she was different from the majority of others in tennis. We spend 80 fantastic minutes speaking about this topic and Anne shares her reflections, thoughts and learnings from her incredible journey. Please share this episode with your friends. There are so many learnings which apply to tennis and life. Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 53 – Mike Aitken – Changing lives for 36 years

Journal entry no.53 brings you Scottish coach, Mike Aitken. A true Scottish tennis stalwart, who is admired by everyone in the game. One of the most honest and humble coaches you could ever meet. In this episode you will hear how he got into the game, took the brave plunge to go into full-time coaching in the 1980's when he had a secure job as a PE teacher. Mike was largely responsible for keeping me in the game in my teenage years and I know 1000's of players feel as affectionately as I do about him. Please share this episode with your tennis friends. Intro-outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 52 – Alan Beaddie – Clontarf Tennis Club Aces the Majors – St Francis Hospice

This impromptu episode brings you Irish tennis coach, Alan Beaddie. Alan has been raising funds for St Francis Hospice for the last 4 years and has created an imaginative initiative to raise more funds while in lockdown. We talk about his idea, the hospice and then have a great chat about his tennis coaching career and where he believes things are heading. Alan really opens up around certain challenges he's had in recent years and how he is putting his own well being front and centre. This really is a refreshing listen. Pass it on to your friends and click on the link below to check out the fundraiser. Intro/outro music by Artwork by


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Entry 51 – Cultiv8 Tennis – Developing people for life

Entry 51 brings you 4 of the 7 team at Cultiv8 Tennis. A fantastic player development and sports science company based out of Leeds, England. We have head of coaching, sports science, nutrition and strength and conditioning all chatting through the what, why and how of their work. It was a fascinating insight to how a multidisciplinary approach works in practical terms. So much learning in this podcast. If you would like to contact or check out what Cultiv8 do, please click on the links below. Podcast intro/outro by Artwork by


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Entry 50 – Anna Smith – Journey to top 50

Podcast journal entry no.50 sees former top 50 WTA doubles player, Anna Smith, bring you her tennis journey. This podcast gives you a real insight to the key learnings and reflections of a successful professional tennis player. You will hear how Anna first got into tennis and how tennis wasn't necessarily her first choice sport. I wanted to get Anna to reflect, in the moment, on key stages of her career. What the pros and cons were along that journey and what she has learned along the way. Anna was refreshingly honest and this will be a great listen for any player, coach or parents. Pass it on to anyone you feel could benefit and enjoy. Intro/outro music by Artwork by
