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Aligned Womb, Aligned You

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Are you tired of feeling disempowered in your body? Feeling the dread of having a menstrual cycle? Aligned Womb, Aligned You is a journey into understanding your cycle in a new inspiring way that will make you excited about being a bleeding woman. This podcast will help you understand your hormones, the language of your womb, and how to weave all this wisdom into everyday living so that you can feel empowered by your menstrual cycle and take charge of your health. Your Womb Wisdom is your super power and now is the time to learn how to tap into it to live in full alignment with your hormones.


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Are you tired of feeling disempowered in your body? Feeling the dread of having a menstrual cycle? Aligned Womb, Aligned You is a journey into understanding your cycle in a new inspiring way that will make you excited about being a bleeding woman. This podcast will help you understand your hormones, the language of your womb, and how to weave all this wisdom into everyday living so that you can feel empowered by your menstrual cycle and take charge of your health. Your Womb Wisdom is your super power and now is the time to learn how to tap into it to live in full alignment with your hormones.



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62. Ovulation Overwhelm, Is It Really A Thing?

Have you ever been excited because your inner summer (ovulation phase) is about to begin and all you can think of is how good you are going to feel, to then only feeling like a complete mess because you are overwhelmed and exhausted? Let me introduce you to Ovulation Overwhelm! (Yes, it is a really thing) It is true, ovulation is labeled as our phase where we feel our best, but this heightened energy can also leave us feeling overwhelmed, full of self-doubt, and fearful of being seen. In this episode I will share my own observations that I had last cycle and how I am preparing to tend to my own ovulation overwhelm. We will explore the shadows of ovulation and the tools to keep you feeling your best during this week of your cycle. The gift of knowing your cycle is having the insight of what helps you stay balanced and thriving. In this episode we explore: What is ovulation overwhelm? What may be the cause? The 3 shadows of ovulation The tools to combat ovulation lows so you can feel your best Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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61. When an Emergency Hysterectomy Was Not Part Of the Plan (with Robyn Birkin)

I think most of us women at some point have wished for the day where we no longer had to suffer through our bleed days…but what happens when that joke amongst girlfriends turns into a really life decision? In the US, 1 in 3 women will undergo a hysterectomy in her lifetime (Dr. Aviva Romm in Hormone Intelligence). In some cases this is a life or death choice, like it was for Robyn Birkin. A hysterectomy, regardless if it was an emergency or a planned procedure, comes with a lot of physical and emotional challenges. Today on the podcast Robyn shares her story of having to have a hysterectomy in her 30’s and how she found tools to navigate making this decision in an emergency situation, as well as how she has found a way to live cyclical even without her uterus. In this episode we explore: How having a doctor who is willing to support you and have in depth discussions around your options is key in the process of making the right decision for you Why it’s important to not be afraid to ask all the hard questions and be the squeaky wheel before making making medical decisions? Tools to help you navigate these moments of uncertainty Post hysterectomy and what Robyn wishes someone would have told her about a live without her uterus? How to live cyclical when you don’t have a uterus? Robyn Birkin is a fertility warrior who ended up having a grade 4 placenta previa with her 2nd daughter that resulted in an emergency hysterectomy at the age of 35. For years she ran a successful fertility coaching business supporting women on their fertility journey and has now created a new business as a Women’s Business Consultant to support women in wanting to grow their business while doing less. She is all about creating balance and encouraging women to stay connected to their feminine energy to thrive as an entrepreneur. RESOURCES: Learn more about Robyn at Find Robyn on Instagram @robynbirkin Listen to Robyn’s Podcast Well Conceived Podcast - Spotify | Apple Podcasts Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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60. How to Stay Fit While Supporting Your Hormones with Dr. Briana Botsford

With so much information out there on how to cycle-sync your workouts, exercising for physical health and the latest workout trends, it can feel a bit overwhelming to know what you should be doing, especially as a woman. With infertility, hormone imbalance conditions, and aging we are often left confused after trying to decipher what truly will help us stay healthy. This week Dr. Botsford join us to share what she has learned through intensive research on exercise and women’s health. As an Ironman Triathlete, she is deeply interested in understanding how exercise effects the body, women’s hormones, and overall how it supports us through aging. What I love most about this conversation is her approach on releasing restrictions around how we workout and instead explore movement that encourages us to be active. In this episode we explore: Puberty, sports, and irregular periods How important nutrition plays in supporting hormones and female health? Is cycle syncing our workouts really important for hormone health? Amenorrhoea, Fertility, and Perminopause - what we may need to consider when creating an impactful workout routine? Our bleed days - do we work out or do we rest? Dr. Briana Botsford is a naturopathic doctor, Ironman triathlete, and owner of Flow Functional Health Care in Edmonton, Alberta. Her personal background in sport led her to focus on the intersection of sports medicine and women's health; supporting athletes and active folks through nutrition, lifestyle and nutritional supplementation. She completed her undergraduate education at Queen’s University studying Physical and Health Education and Life Sciences. She attended the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine to complete her designation as an ND with a focus in sports medicine. Dr. Botsford has written for the Canadian Journal of Naturopathic Medicine and has lectured with several institutions including McMaster University, the Alberta Association of Naturopathic Doctors and the Lois Hole Hospital for Women. She has been featured on several podcasts discussing both sports medicine and women’s health topics including the impact of athletic nutrition on menstrual health, relative-energy deficiency in sport, maintaining athleticism in perimenopause and more. She is a faculty member with the Confident Clinician Club, an evidence-based platform for integrative practitioners. RESOURCES: Learn more about Dr. Botsford at or Find Dr. Botsford on Instagram @docbribots and @flowyeg Check out Kate Northrup’s Relaxed Money Course (DOORS CLOSE FRIDAY, MAY 3 AT MIDNIGT) - Click here Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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59. How to Trust When We Are Afraid with Kathryn Bregman

Infertility, endometriosis, and kinky fallopian tubes are just a few of the many topics that Kathryn Bregman and myself touch on in this inspiring and sometimes humorous conversation. The truth is infertility effects 1 in 6 women and it can be one of the hardest diagnosis to receive. In fact studies have shown that the stress of being on the fertility journey is equivalent to the same level of stress cancer patients feel. This can be a confusing, physically invasive, and heartbreaking road to be on, that often leaves women feeling broken and hopeless. In this conversation today, Kathryn and I share about our experiences of being told we were infertile and how we set out to find the answers that not only healed our body, but also gave us the tools to feel empowered and take control of our health. In this episode we explore: Kathryn’s story of being diagnosed with low AMH, Endometriosis and kinky fallopian tubes How getting her mind and her body connected together was the powerhouse solution that helped her get pregnant and birth her daughter at the age of 40 How a diagnosis is only data and their are so many other impactful solutions to help us heal our body than what we are being told in our doctor’s office The power of listening to your inner knowing Facing your Fears to make the choices that feel right for you and become the life changing choices that altered everything Kathryn Bregman is a Master Fertility Coach mentored by Marianne Williamson. She works with women to remove blocks between them and their babies. Kathryn struggled for years to conceive her daughter enduring miscarriage and failed IVF before she discovered the power of reframing her thinking. That one change fostered numerous transformations that eventually led to natural conception, against many odds, at 40. RESOURCES: Check out Kathryn’s Podcast - Badass Fertility Podcast find Kathryn on Instagram @BadassFertility 3 Surprising Habits that Block Fertility Ebook - Click here Your Pelvic Health With Susan Winograd - Click here Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers


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58. Healing Our Trauma to Heal Chronic Illness with Jenny Adams

Chronic illness, regardless of the diagnosis, can feel like a life sentence to feeling unwell. Not only does one feel the effects on their physical health, but the emotional toll, the worry, the uncertainty and the isolation can all play into amplifying a deteriorating lifestyle. In today’s episode we hear Jenny’s story of being crippled by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in her 20’s and her road to recovery. We will dive into what she learned through re-connecting to her body, healing stored trauma and challenging herself to step back into living a fully engaged life. Jenny is a true life inspiration on how we can heal our body and live the life we dreamed of. In this episode we explore: How feelings and emotions impact our health? Chronic Illness does not mean will be stuck with this forever Trauma and how it impacts our health What keeps women disconnected from their body? The importance of nervous system regulation in healing our body and staying connected. Jenny is a somatic coach from the UK, trained in embodiment, pilates, meditation, life coaching and currently trauma therapy with Gabor Maté. She came to this work after spending a lot of her 20s dependent on a wheelchair due to ME/CFS. She now helps people who have chronic illnesses to recover, and also teaches people about their nervous system so they can prevent getting sick in the first place. RESOURCES: Check out Jenny’s work - click here to view her website find Jenny on Instagram @chronicillnesscoach or on Facebook @chronicillnesscoaching 7 Ways to Rest Guide - Click here Wide Receiver Workshop (it’s free) With Kate Northrup on April 23, 24, &25 - Reserve Your Spot Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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57. Kate Northrup on Egg Wisdom & Leaning into Our Body’s Messages

This week I am pretty excited to have Kate Northrup on the podcast, where we cover some pretty interesting topics. I personally have been in Kate’s programs (Origin & Relaxed Money) for 2 years now and her work has helped me amplify my life through deepening my relationship with my body - physically, mentally, and emotionally. She has taught how to regulate my nervous system, how to heal my story with money, and how to use my body as a tuning fork. As an entrepreneur, bestselling author, and mother, Kate Northrup supports ambitious people to light up the world without burning themselves out. Kate teaches how to heal your relationship with money, time, and work. She’s the author of the bestsellers Money: A Love Story and Do Less, the creator of the Do Less Planner, and the host of the top ranking podcast, Plenty. Her work has been featured by The NY Times, Oprah Daily, The Today Show, Glamour, Harvard Business Review, and more. She lives with her husband/business partner and their two daughters in Miami. In this episode we explore: How our body is always talking to us - Kate’s reflection on her cervical health and how she was living out of alignment in her life The power of healing when we come into relationship with our body Egg wisdom and its power in manifestation Why paying attention to our symptoms is so important Leaning into trusting your intuition when it comes to big life decisions Reframing how we see rest and why its so important on multiple levels Regulating our nervous system to heal our relationship with money A nourishing way to come into relationship with our debt My hope is that this episode sparks curiosity in exploring how fear and uncertainty resides in your body and open you up to wanting to explore new ways to interact in these areas of your life. RESOURCES: Wide Receiver Workshop (it’s free) on April 23, 24, &25 - Reserve Your Spot Kate’s Book’s - Money A Love Story and Do Less Learn more about The Menopause Mission - click here Follow Kate Northrup on Instagram @katenorthrup Learn more about Kate on her website Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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56. Menopause - Making the "M" Word Mainstream with Jesse Schewchuk

I don’t know about you, but menopause was never something marked as a beautiful time in a women’s life. What I heard of it from my mom and my aunt’s was a time of transition filled with uncomfortable side effects and resentment. It’s no wonder why so many women dread getting older. On the podcast today, we have Jesse Schewchuk joining us to share her story of entering menopause at 42 and her intense journey of healing her body to support her transition. Navigating menopause opened her eyes to how many women were suffering in silence, which is why she is now on a mission to bring awareness, education, and support to women how are struggling with these dramatic shifts in hormones. She is making the “M” word mainstream! In this episode we explore: Jesse’s story from burnout to early menopause Catching the sign’s of perimenopause and what to do when we notice these shifts happening in your body How PMS and Perimenopause share similarities Why paying attention to our symptoms is so important Why Jesse created The Menopause Mission and how she is making the “M” word mainstream Jesse Schewchuk is a multi-award-winning Television Producer, Founder and CEO of Modern Muse Media and most recently the founder of the non-profit organization, The menopause mission. With The Menopause Mission she is creating informative events to support women seeking answers on how to support this phase of life, as well as coffee connections for monthly support and a powerful documentary series on menopause that can be watched for free on The Menopause Mission website. RESOURCES: Join us on May 5 at MAYhem & Menopause: Empowerment Day - get your ticket Watch Jesse’s Documentary Series on Menopause (season 2 is coming soon) - click here Learn more about The Menopause Mission - click here Follow Menopause Mission on Instagram @themenopausemission Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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55. Aligning with the Ancient Feminine Way of Power to Amplify Our Lives

Goddess Spirituality, the ancient feminine, and the essence of the priestess are not topics that are openly discussed. For many these practices and teachings have been tabooed or labeled with a stigma, which makes them topics feared to explore openly. This week on the podcast Aly Wilkins joins me to share her wisdom on the ancient feminine and her journey of walking the path as a priestess. She shares how aligning with the ancient feminine way has been a life of remembering her power and her life’s blueprint. In this episode we explore: Aly’s journey into exploring goddess sprituality How the goddess energy helps Aly align her life and allows her to deepen and evolve in her life’s journey The wisdom of feminine energy How women have been devalued for centuries and how ancient feminine wisdom can awaken a remembrance of our power and worth What is our highest blueprint as women The impact of the witch burning trial in history and how it impacts us still to this day How the raise of the feminine is happening in the modern world Aly Wilkins is an Oracle, Priestess, Author, Akashic Records practitioner and teacher of the Ancient Feminine. She helps you identify the energy and essence behind your soul blueprint and to design your life based on your own unique blueprint, to support your greatest fulfillment, pleasure, power & joy. Aly's work with the ancient feminine supports the revival of Full Spectrum Feminine in society, which amplifes our ability to truly step into our blueprints, and she offers many courses and mentorship programs based on this concept. You can feel Aly's work through her active social media channels (IG, Tik Tok & YouTube), in her book Sacred Wealth: Activating Your Inner Abundance and in her free masterclasses! RESOURCES: Aly’s Youtube on Witch Trials Find out more about Aly’s work on YouTube, on instagram @ancientfeminine, TikTok@alywilkins Aly’s website - click here Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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54. Don't Let Your Diagnosis Define You

Let’s be honest, receiving the news of an official diagnosis can be incredibly scary and life altering. It can put us in a spiral of fear and questioning our future. I know this because more than once (in fact at least 8 times) I have received such news. Over the years of my many health scares, I have learned so much about myself. About the stories I carry in my body, how I hold and process fear, and where I am living out of alignment with my health. The thing I have learned the most though, is how incredible our body is at healing when we get intimate and in a deep relationship with it. If you are on a fertility journey or have another diagnosis that is keeping you up late at night, this episode is for you. Hope is available. Healing is possible. Wellness is acheivable. In this episode we explore: What my ectopic pregnancies taught me How I have carried this wisdom into how I parent The truth on the body and establishing healing My 3 tips for you to get you started on your healing journey If you are feeling lost on where to start on your healing journey, send me an email to and if you are struggling with Fertility, come join me in this next session of FERTILE: Restore & Awaken Your Fertile Body RESOURCES: Join me in FERTILE to reclaim your fertility journey - Register here Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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53. How to Thrive in The Toddler Years with Tara Vellella

Parenting toddlers can be filled with equal parts of joy and lying on the playroom floor in complete overwhelm. Unfortunately toddlers do not come with an instruction manual, but there amazing people out there like Tara who are helping parents navigate through these years with connection and memories. Tara Vellella is a behavior analyst, toddler parent coach and mom to 3. She has over 13 years experience working with young children and their families across the world, in schools, homes and out in the community. Once she had her second child, she realized that there was a huge gap between what she knew as a behavior analyst and what her friends with littles knew. She is on a mission to spread the word and show toddler parents how to integrate some simple tips and tricks into their homes can help reclaim patience and re-brand the not-so-terrible twos. In this episode we explore: Why mommy self care is so important and how to schedule it in? Tips to create a rested and nurtured mother Tips to navigate the toddler years What is intentional attention and how it is a game changer? Caring for the parents when their child has been diagnosed with a behavioural condition. Community and why it is so important RESOURCES: Follow Tara on Instagram @tara.holisticparenting Grab her FREE guide on connecting by clicking here Join my FREE Fertility workshop on March 18 - Register here Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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52. Period Shame NO MORE

Period shame is a real thing! So many of us women feel shame around bleeding and feel guilt for needing rest and downtime during our Inner Winter. Why is this? Why do we fight against what our body needs? In today’s episode, we are diving deep into this conversation. We explore what is period shame, how this is a wound created by the systems we live in, and what we can do about it. The time is now to find the resources and the language to ask for what we need and create a menstrual experience that keeps us well and healthy. I hope this episode sparks some reflection and empowerment on how to heal your period and eliminate period shame forever. RESOURCES: How to Make Your Menstrual Cycle Work for You by Susie Mesure Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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51. What Every Women Needs to Do as an Act of Self-Love

It is true what they say…you must put your own air mask on first before you can help others. As multi-tasking mom’s who feel like they need to be on all the time for all those in their family, this can feel like a foreign concept. For the first time in 10 years I said goodbye to my family and jumped on a plane for a solo / girlfriend trip to Miami. I knew this time was needed, but how needed was actually surprising. This trip changed how I saw myself as a parent, a women and what I now know I need as regular medicine. I had some profound reflections that I think many moms out there may need to hear. RESOURCES: Don’t forget to go grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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50. 30 Second Tool’s That Can Change Your Hormone Health with Colleen Jorgensen

If you have worked with me in my Fertility or Menstrual Cycle Coaching Programs, you know how much I love incorporating nervous system regulating tools. They are quick exercises we can do that require little effort and provide a big punch of results to our physical health, mental health, and emotional health. In this week’s episode we have Colleen Jorgensen join us to really explain what is the nervous system and just how important it is for our health (and for those of you with endometriosis, you will definitely want to listen to hear what new research is telling us). In this episode we chat about: What is the nervous system and how it operates in our body? How to build resiliancy in the body? How as women we need to stop writing off our emotions and how our feelings and emotions are related to our nervous system How our thoughts and emotions can create an immune response that could be influencing menstrual disorders such as PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids and painful periods What does it mean to regulate your nervous system? Examples of simple tools that take 30 seconds to 2 min to tend to your nervous system Colleen Jorgensen is an Osteopath, a graduate of Pain Care U’s Professional Pain Care program and a therapeutic Pilates, yoga and Somatics teacher. She combines manual therapy, current neuroscience research and the polyvagal theory with creative, embodied movement, mindfulness, awareness, and a distinctive, compassionate approach to pain care and movement. RESOURCES: Colleen’s Website - Find her on instagram at @_stillnessinmotion or on Facebook at @stillnessinmotionwithcolleen Shaping Your Nervous System Workshop and Hybrid Hugs Workshop Check out her D.A.R.E to Heal program starting March 11, 2024 - click here Book: Anchored - Deb Dana Self-Compassion Bundle (Great for women dealing with pelvic issues) - Click here Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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49. Why You May Want to Stop Wishing Your Hormones Would Go Bye-Bye?

I have been there! Wishing for the day that I no longer had a period. Going on birth control so my period would stop. Hating “being HORMONAL.” Sound familiar? In today’s episode I am going to dive in why you may want to start giving those hormones a big hug and strategically find ways to keep them near by for as long as possible. In this episode I chat about: What is the hormonal cocktail that is pulsating through us each month? What each of these hormones do to create wellness right now? How healthy balanced hormones means thriving health as we age post menopause? Honestly this chat is the simple 101 hormone lesson that we should have all had because our hormones are so damn important for our overall health in the current moment and can determine how we age into our elderly years. Hormones really are important and we need to create a loving conversation around just how important they truly are. RESOURCES: Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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48. My 5 tips to Reduce Stress & Eliminate Burnout When You are a Working Mom

Burnout - today’s #1 struggle for most modern women and definitely for almost every working mom. It’s the endless running around, deadlines, predicting needs, and trying to shape shift into multiple different things that keeps us exhausted, overwhelmed and just not enjoying our life. Sound familiar? In today’s episode I am going to share with you my top 5 tips on how you can reduce your stress and start living in a flow state within your life, but also in alignment of your cycle. In this episode we chat about: My recent conversation with my husband and how I navigated the needs of my inner fall How I living in alignment with my hormones and educate my family on how to support me What makes my relationship not only strong and healthy How Work-Life Balance is not really a thing and what actually is The importance of stop hustling and more resting Don’t forget to sign up for my FREE Burnout to Balance Masterclass happening this Sunday. Replay will be available for 72 hours if you cannot attend live. To grab your spot click on the link below. RESOURCES: Join me in my FREE masterclass Burnout to Balance on January 28 - Click here to register Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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47. Breast Cancer & A Woman’s Journey to Healing with Angela Dechaine

When a health crisis hits we usually take one of two roads, we take the path of being consumed by fear or we radically change our lives and take control of our own healing. This week, Angela Dechaine shares her story of being diagnosed with breast cancer and her journey of coming back into a life filled with vitality as she got quiet and intimate with her body to ask the hard questions. Her message is one of hope, empowerment and inspiration. In this episode we chat about: Her healing journey from Breast Cancer How as women we are truth seekers and how this can be a gift to help us on our journey of healing How are inner knowing is a way for the body to talk to us and help guide us to health How she use Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy to support her clients on their healing journey How learning about her cycle and reclaiming the second half of her cycle has changed her life Why postpartum care is a deep interest for Angela Angela is a Mother, INNATE Postpartum Care Certified Practitioner, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist and certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Teacher. She deeply trusts the Intelligence of the body and its capacity for repair and healing. She works with bodies in a holistic way that honours the uniqueness of their anatomy, physiology, nervous system and psycho-spiritual-emotional experiences. She is committed to supporting humans to REMEMBER the truth of who they are and their integral place in the Universe through her work RESOURCES: You can learn more about Angela at or follow her on Instagram @wellspringcranio Join me in my FREE masterclass Burnout to Balance on January 28 - Click here to register Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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46. Bringing our Cycle Wisdom into the Workplace with Ellen Hooper

What a great way to kick off a New Year with an inspiring and entertaining conversation on the workplace, our cycle and how the heck do we find more balance! I am so excited to have Ellen Hooper back again on the podcast as her and I try to figure out how to create a more balanced work life in a modern and demanding world. In this conversation we explore the principles that each of us have incorporated into our own work life and how we can modify them both for the self-employed and those who are employed within a larger company. We may not have all answers, but we have some great idea’s on how to start the conversation and make subtle shifts that can have huge impacts in organizing your work life with your cycle in mind. In this episode we chat about: How we can break outdated work habits that really are not rhythmic with our cycle? How women can create a cyclical workplace when they work for someone else? Having children and a career…how do we create a balance? Reflecting on the 4 phases of our cycle and what “work strengths” each phase delivers. How as woman we can support our co-workers by understanding our own cycle? Suggestion on creating a balanced and supportive work environment Ellen Hooper is a people and culture expert. She's a certified coach with the International Coaching Federation, an accredited mediator, a passionate speaker and loves to help individuals and groups to grow and develop. Her clients call her a coaching magician and a total legend who helps them get unstuck. She has been described by the Australian of the Year as her 'secret weapon'. And she is here to share all her secrets with us today. RESOURCES: You can learn more about Ellen at an of these links - instagram @growthcollectiveau - instagram, @ellenjhooper - LinkedIn,, Listen to Ellen’s interview with me on How to Share the Workload (episode 24) Book “The Wife Drought” by Annabel Crabb Join me in my FREE masterclass Burnout to Balance on January 28 - Click here to register Grab your free charting journal Grab my NEW FREE E-Book “Maybe it’s Not You: The truth on PMS” Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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45. Why Educating the Men in Your Life About Periods is the Ultimate Relationship Enhancer?

Hannah Brown is back and in this conversation we have a deep, honest and open chat about how we each have normalized our menstrual cycle in the home. Two different homes, two different countries, two different sets of trial and error, but the main theme stays the same - getting everyone involved…that means the men and younger boys in the home too. In this episode we will share our thoughts on how to engage the opposite sex in the home to understanding your cycle so that you can put to practice the theory of cyclical living and truly show up as who you are without fear or shame. In this episode we chat about: How we can begin to change the narrative to making periods normal in the home The importance of getting dads involved in puberty and understanding the menstrual cycle Why this work helps women to reclaim all versions of themselves and to see themselves as 4 different women. The love language for menstruating woman - this may be the most important tip for men How educating men on our periods helps to release the shame many of us still hold The importance of teaching young boys about the menstrual cycle Hannah Brown is a cycle coach and social worker. Her passion is to provide support for menstruators to help them reconnect and reclaim their cycles, as well as coach women on how to support children as they prepare for their cycles to begin. As a mom to a daughter entering puberty and as a women in perimenopause she is beginning to dive into understanding the trends between these two big life transitions. RESOURCES: Connect with Hannah Brown at or on instagram at @womb__wisdom Raising Empowered Girls 4 Week Course. Program is being revamped into a pre-recorded course, but get on the waitlist to be the first to know when the doors open - Learn more here Get on my email list for my BIRTHDAY GIFTS to you Grab your free charting journal Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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44. Letter’s to Daughters with Jessica Medellin

For any mom’s out there who are learning about their cycle and the power & wisdom that is held in their womb and are wanting to share this experience with their daughter to help them feel empowered by their cycle, this episode is for you! Jessica Medellin joins us today to talk all about how we can Emotionally support young women as they embark on their period journey, as well as how this same work can help older women heal their inner child around menstruation. Jesica Medellin is an author, speaker, and body positivity advocate. She is the creative author of the book "First Moon Manual: Letters to Our Daughters", a compilation of letters, art, and poetry about menstruation. She is passionate about helping young women feel informed, empowered, and positive about their menstrual cycles. She believes that menstruation is a natural and beautiful part of being a woman, and she wants to help young women celebrate their bodies and their cycles. Jesica has a Master's degree in Education with an emphasis in Curriculum and Instruction Design and a Bachelor's degree in Communication/Journalism. This year in 2023, she was Utah Humanities Book Festival featured author. Jesica is a frequent speaker at schools, libraries, and community events. She offers workshops and online courses on body acceptance and period positivity and is on the mission to get her First Moon Manual into 50,000 hands by May 28, 2024. In this episode we chat about: What inspired her to create the First Moon Manual: Letters to Our Daughters How this book is a way to bring community healing back into every women’s life Why self-love is so important when it comes to connecting to your body and your cycle Tips on creating a period positivity home for our teen daughters Why this manual is so important and why Jessica wants it in as many girls hands as possible RESOURCES: Grab your copy of the First Moon Manual: Letters to Our Daughters - click here Check out Jessica’s website Find her on instagram at @jmmedellin and @firstmoonmanual Find her on TicTok @First_Moon_Manual Grab your free charting journal Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.


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43. How Metabolic Health Affects Our Hormones with Darci Hawxhurst

You may be asking what the heck is Metabolic Health? I think for most of us women this doesn’t really hit our radar until we hit perimenopause when all of a sudden we have unexpected weight gain, our hormones seem to be on a rollercoaster, and burnout seems to be a regular thing. This week we have Darci Hawxhurst joining us again on the podcast, but this time she is going to share what is metabolic health and how as women we can support our hormone health with creating metabolic flexibility. Making shifts to support our metabolic health not only takes us to a place of thriving, it also puts us in a place to be able to hear our bodies messages and create deep wellness as we age. Darci Hawxhurst is a founding member of the certified MAF Method for Health and Fitness Coaches and Practitioners. She is also a Child Brain Developmentalist and neurological evaluator, a member of the Conscious Feminine Leadership Academy, a writer, speaker, teacher, and literacy expert. She is also the mother of a formerly brain injured child who has been to rock-bottom burnout and back. Darci is the creator of the Vibrant Woman Program, which is a paradigm-shifting journey that puts women on the path to thriving by removing the root causes of stress and modern metabolic disease. And she is here with us today to talk all about metabolic health, hormones and the steps to take to feel vibrant in our life again. In this episode we chat about: Coming back to a state of thriving after burnout What exactly is metabolic health How our metabolic health can impact on keeping our hormones balanced Her formula to become a vibrant woman RESOURCES: Join Darci’s Vibrant Woman Course and save $450 when you pay in full with coupon code FRIEND450 - click here to learn more Check out Darci’s website Find her on instagram at @darcihawxhurst Find her on Facebook @darcihawxhurst.vibrantwomancommunity Learn More about the Femometer Smart Ring - Click here Grab your free charting journal Have questions about your cycle, your hormones or how to live aligned with your womb wisdom? Email your questions to and your question may just be answered with one of our brilliant guest speakers.
