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Flow Over Fear


Adam and his guests explore the key elements of flow; the tips, tactics, and frameworks that help them to perform at the top 1% in their fields. Guests include top athletes, CEOs, entrepreneurs, leaders, and inspirational people sharing their stories of courage, conviction, and compassion. If you are ready to rise above fear and achieve your ultimate potential, subscribe to the Flow Over Fear podcast and follow our amazing guests! The biggest difference between people who achieve the next level and those who just continue to dream is the ability to get into, and stay in flow, despite fear.


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Adam and his guests explore the key elements of flow; the tips, tactics, and frameworks that help them to perform at the top 1% in their fields. Guests include top athletes, CEOs, entrepreneurs, leaders, and inspirational people sharing their stories of courage, conviction, and compassion. If you are ready to rise above fear and achieve your ultimate potential, subscribe to the Flow Over Fear podcast and follow our amazing guests! The biggest difference between people who achieve the next level and those who just continue to dream is the ability to get into, and stay in flow, despite fear.



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E194: The Power of Perseverance with Iky Chan

Iky Chan's story is one of triumph over immense challenges. In this episode, Adam Hill sits down with Iky who talks about her journey from facing high expectations as a child in Hong Kong to achieving success beyond what was imagined for her in America. Hear how Iky developed a solution-focused mindset that allowed her to empower her team and achieve her own goals. Discover her coaching techniques for getting unstuck and fulfilling your potential, even in the face of adversity. Listen and learn from Iky's experience turning challenges into opportunities for growth and finding your dreams! Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Developing a growth mindset through facing challenges Overcoming obstacles with relentless goal pursuit and resilience Achieving beyond expectations by empowering others Fulfilling your potential through brain-based coaching techniques Shifting your mindset from victim to solutions-focused Episode Highlights: [02:28] Iky's future goals were enforced by her parents early on Iky's parents forced her future by telling the six-year-old Iky she would go to college in the US, become successful, get a good job, and support the family. [08:15] Iky's upbringing shaped her relentless growth mindset The immense pressure and expectations placed on Iky from a young age to succeed in the United States shaped her mindset to relentlessly pursue her goals through resilience and overcoming challenges. [14:11] Being resourceful propelled Iky forward Iky's resourcefulness shone through in her ability to creatively find solutions and opportunities despite facing obstacles like lack of money, language barriers, and health issues. [25:25] It’s important not just to be heard, but to be understood Iky emphasizes the important distinction between simply hearing words and truly taking the time to understand others. [30:52] How Iky transformed the worst team into the best Iky turned the worst performing team into the best by seeing potential in each individual, creating processes to highlight strengths, and reliably delivering high quality work. [38:01] It’s important for both mind and body to align Iky believes her health scare occurred because her head and heart didn’t align – and over time, it took a toll on her body. [45:29] Iky's deliberate pathway to becoming an effective brain-based coach After leaving her successful career, Iky deliberately built coaching skills so that upon exiting corporate, whatever she did would effectively help many people through brain-based coaching. Resources Mentioned: www.ikychan.com Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E193: From Near Death Accident to Unbreakable Mindfulness with Michael O’Brien

Join host Adam Hill as he sits down with ultra-endurance cyclist and mindfulness expert Michael O'Brien. After surviving a horrific near-death accident, Michael battled back through grit and mindfulness practices to not only recover, but thrive - conquering multi-day bike races and rising to the C-suite of a major company. Tune in and be inspired by Michael's awe-inspiring journey of crushing challenges, achieving epic feats, and helping others discover their greatness. Learn how he overcame immense adversity and pain to transform struggle into strength and success. Michael also offers valuable lessons on incorporating mindfulness into daily life to rise above fear and accomplish hard things. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Overcome any obstacle through perseverance and an unbreakable mindset Transform struggle into strength by shifting your perspective Use mindfulness practices like meditation to overcome fear and anxiety Visualization is a key tool to help you achieve big goals and complete challenges Leading with wisdom and compassion will help you guide others to greatness Episode Highlights: [08:38] Michael survived the impossible Michael was hit head-on by a car going 40 mph while cycling in New Mexico, suffering horrific injuries including shattered legs and blood loss that nearly killed him. [18:45] When you're in pain, sometimes you're just not ready to hear some things. Everything that happens is neutral until we decide to label it. Don’t be too quick to label things as good or bad – try to have a change of perspective. [20:58] Michael calls his accident day his "last bad day" He made a commitment to not label subsequent days as entirely bad, as long as he had loved ones in his life, since each day contained both good and bad. [21:15] You have the power to choose your response While we will all experience difficulties represented by "first arrows" from external sources, we have the power to choose our internal response and whether we want to increase our suffering by firing "second arrows" of negative emotions at ourselves. [24:48] Expand your awareness within Mindfulness practice can expand one's emotional range and awareness, allowing one to truly be present with what the body and mind are experiencing rather than living unconsciously. [34:01] Seek to understand others before judging them Michael emphasizes slowing down to have conversations rather than immediately judging others based on outward appearances. [43:12] Pause, Breathe, Reflect Michael created the Pause, Breathe, Reflect meditation and gratitude app to help teach people how to adopt simple yet powerful mindfulness practices like pausing, connecting with one's breath, and taking time for reflection in order to weave these skills into daily life and create meaningful change. [46:41] The power of visualization Michael emphasizes the power of visualization for achieving goals like completing difficult endurance events, having used it himself when cycling across America. Resources Mentioned: Pause, Breathe, Reflect Meditation and Gratitude App Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E192: 3 Must Have Values That Drive Family Business Success

Want to take your family business to the next level? In this episode, Adam Hill dives into the heart of what really drives long-term success – love, legacy and lifestyle. Beyond profits and numbers, he shares why making decisions from a place of care, creating a sustainable future for generations to come, and crafting the life you want are equally important. Walk away with tangible tips like using a "love vs fear" framework, developing a statement to enrich relationships, and periodically checking on non-financial progress. Discover a fresh perspective that may unlock the next stage of growth for your business and family. Listen now to learn how focusing on these core human values can fuel your legacy for years to come. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: How family business can shift perspectives from passion to practicality Making decisions from a place of love over fear The business as a sum of daily decisions How to make decisions out of love A legacy is not self-serving, but selfless Episode Highlights: [04:09] Some family businesses shift from passion to practicality over the years Later generations in a family business may lose sight of the founders' goals of building love, legacy and lifestyle. Instead, they only see the business as a means of security or wealth for themselves. [05:13] Before you join the family business, examine your motives through the lens of love, legacy and lifestyle Carefully evaluate your reasons through a framework of prioritizing love for others, building a sustainable legacy, and creating an enriching lifestyle rather than just personal gain or security. [08:22] A business is the sum of its daily decisions A business is fundamentally a series of daily decisions that collectively steer its overall direction over time. [09:45] How to make decisions out of love Look at the greater good. Remove negative emotions from the process. Act with care and compassion. Consider how the choice can connect with and spread love within the organization. [12:16] A legacy is not self-serving, but selfless A legacy should be focused not on yourself but on empowering future generations to survive and prosper over the long run. [13:01] Let go and let your kids make it their own. Loosen your grip on legacy ideas and realize that kids will make the family business their own as times change, not just copying what was done. Resources Mentioned: Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E191: The Walk That Started a Journey of Transformation, with Jeff Goodrich

It only takes one paw forward to pave the path to personal growth. In this episode, Adam Hill sits down with Jeff Goodrich who shares how a simple walk with his dog Duder was the first step in a journey of massive self-improvement. Through small consistent actions like daily walks, Jeff was able to lose 70 pounds, repair his marriage, complete several marathons, and find a renewed sense of purpose. Jeff discusses the transformative power of starting small instead of waiting until you feel ready to take huge leaps. He also offers valuable insights on using fear of regrets as motivation to keep progressing each day. Listen and be reminded of what's possible – through perseverance and creativity! Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Everything starts with the first step How to find your “why” and the evolution of the “why” Small changes lead to big results Find your anchor habit to achieve consistency The role of service animals Building a healthy relationship with nutrition Episode Highlights: [03:24] Everything starts with the first step Jeff considered that first day he put a leash on Duder and took their first step outside together as truly the beginning of his journey toward transformation. [10:13] How to find your why through awareness and environment Start by exploring your environment and becoming aware of where your life is at to define what your why could be, what it should be, and what you really want it to be. [13:22] The evolution of the “why” Jeff believed one's why is constantly evolving over time and throughout life experiences. [19:30] Small changes lead to big results Weight loss occurred naturally as a result of Jeff’s new daily walk routine and mindset shifts. [21:57] Find your anchor habit to achieve consistency Don't focus on the 100 things you’ve got to do. Find the one thing that will keep you going. [24:15] Use fear as your fuel The fear of regrets is actually a lot more powerful than the regrets themselves. That fear is what keeps Jeff continuously moving forward in his journey [38:27] The role of service animals Jeff believes service animals could greatly assist those dealing with medical or psychological issues through detection abilities, safety support, and the mental health benefits of unconditional canine companionship. [42:09] Build a healthy relationship with nutrition Clean up your diet but find out what works for you because there are so many options out there. The key is to make simple, healthier choices – what you need to eliminate and what you can add. Resources Mentioned: Dude and Duder: How My Dog Saved My Life Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E190: Take the Fear Out of Your Family Business

Have you ever wondered how multi-generational companies maintain success across decades? On this episode, Adam Hill shares the strategies that have kept his family's century-old enterprise thriving. Tune in to learn how implementing systems, clearly defining roles, and fostering transparent communication can help overcome fear-based decisions while paving the way for sustainable growth well into the future. Practical tips include separating daily operations from strategic planning and uniting relatives behind a vision through open forums. Leave your fears at the door - this podcast delivers the keys to reducing risk and smooth leadership transitions for family firms of all sizes. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: The three essentials for overcoming family business fears Implementing an operating system like EOS to systematize daily tasks Thinking about necessary roles before assigning family members Separating business operations, ownership, and family Structuring a board of directors to provide guidance Using town halls and transparency to communicate with all stakeholders Building alignment around shared values and vision Overcoming obstacles by removing information blockages Episode Highlights: [02:58] Three reasons we go into family business Adam talks about the top three reasons for family businesses - building family love, creating a legacy, and the lifestyle you want from ownership. [06:15] Put systems in place for clarity and confidence Implementing systems for the business, ownership, and family helps get everyone aligned around core values, and solidifies procedures to increase confidence in leadership decisions. [07:14] The first step for a successful multi-gen business is to embrace next gen suggestions In multigenerational businesses, newer generations will rightly want to update old ideas to improve the company going forward. [07:53] The three essentials for overcoming family business fears Adam identifies the three key things that can help take fear out of a family business as: Systems - Structure - Communication [11:53] The need to separate business, family, and ownership As a family business passes to more generations, it becomes increasingly important to clearly separate the business operations, family relationships, and ownership structure for good governance. [12:41] The three core systems of family business All businesses rely on systems for operations and ownership, while family businesses require an additional system dedicated to nurturing relationships and harmony between relatives. [16:07] Structuring family businesses and ownership As family businesses span more generations, Adam explains their structures often need to grow more comprehensive to welcome growing numbers of stakeholder relatives. [21:35] Overcome fear through transparent communication Adam notes fear stems from lack of information and clarity. Transparency through structured communication systems aligned with values removes obstacles, allowing courageous leadership. Resources Mentioned: Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E189: How to Conquer Jealousy and Find Your Self Confidence with Shanenn Bryant

Discover how to conquer jealousy through self-confidence, face your demons to reignite passion, and rebuild bonds through empathetic understanding and forgiving grace. This inspiring conversation with Shanenn Bryant will give you the tools to overcome insecurity, regain your flow, and build trustworthy trust in yourself and others. Learn Shanenn’s self-regulation techniques for managing anxiety and regaining control through self-awareness. Adam and Shanenn also explore how to transform limiting beliefs into unstoppable confidence by rising above fear with courageous self-belief. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Heal your own wounds to be fully present for your children Seeking to understand through curiosity rather than judgment How growth really happens Keeping an open mind through curiosity Why you need to break free from fantasies We are worthy for just who we are The root cause of jealousy and how to overcome it The self-regulation recipe Episode Highlights: [07:59] Heal your own wounds to be fully present for your children In order to truly be present and supportive for our children, we first need to work on addressing our own unresolved issues that prevent us from being fully present in our own lives and relationships. [10:13] Seek to understand through curiosity rather than judgment Shanenn's curiosity about her father's struggles led her to understand his humanity beyond her painful past, allowing them to find connection before his death. [15:05] Growth happens at your own pace Growth is not linear but a winding path requiring tenacity through setbacks – with periods of stepping back to regroup being necessary parts of ultimately progressing beyond challenges. [18:04] Keep an open mind through curiosity Getting curious about one's own experience rather than assuming all the facts keeps one open to perspectives that can provide understanding rather than remaining stuck in incomplete narratives. [20:18] Break free from fantasies to discover new possibilities Expecting relationships to match fantasies can prevent discovering unexpectedly fulfilling new connections. [23:40] We are worthy for just who we are Our worth isn't defined by what we do or how we look, but rather comes from simply being - unlearning this lesson and accepting our innate worth is a process. [27:37] Jealousy serves as a signal to identify underlying issues rather than as a problem itself. Shannon identifies the common root cause of jealousy as a dysfunctional upbringing, lacking stability and affirmation, often stemming from childhood trauma that shapes core beliefs. [37:13] How to overcome jealousy: Looking at projection, protection, or competition To address extreme jealousy, Shannon guides individuals through identifying projection, protection or competition patterns, then practicing self-regulation techniques to manage anxiety and regain control of physical and emotional responses. [44:47] The self-regulation recipe for extinguishing anxiety Exercise. Practice box breathing to oxygenate the brain and calm the amygdala during anxiety spikes. Remove yourself from triggering situations and commit to addressing underlying issues. Resources Mentioned: www.topself.com Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E188 The Gift of Sobriety: Lessons from 12 Years of Recovery

Sobriety is a gift – and it's the most wonderful gift that could happen. 12 years ago, Adam was hopeless, thinking there was no way out of addiction. Ultimately, he found the courage to walk into that first AA meeting, and his life slowly started to change. Today, he shares some lessons he learned about overcoming alcoholism. He busts some common myths about drinking and recovery. He also shares stories from his own path to sobriety - the struggles, the lightbulb moments, and how he found a whole new way to enjoy life without liquid courage. Recovery is possible, friends. If you or a loved one is dealing with addiction, hopefully Adam’s experiences will show you that there is always hope. One day at a time, you can reclaim your life. Join this conversation and spread the message that sobriety is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Debunking common myths about alcohol and addiction Sharing lessons learned from 12 years of sobriety Finding community and connection through AA meetings Facing social anxiety sober and enjoying activities without drinking Questioning the purpose of alcohol consumption Focusing on short-term sobriety goals through the phrase "just for today" Episode Highlights: [04:09] Adam doubts any benefits to drinking Adam acknowledges alcohol's medical and industrial uses but firmly believes there is no benefit to consuming it based on his experience overcoming addiction and finding fulfillment in sobriety. [06:15] Using substances to avoid emotions prevents healing If we are using substances to change our minds, we're not giving ourselves the opportunity and the grace to feel the feelings, as bad as they may be, and work through them and process them. Then there's no healing. [09:44] Myth #1: “I need alcohol to have a great time.” Try enjoying activities where you normally drink, such as concerts or vacations, without alcohol. Experience them sober over time to truly appreciate and be present for the activity itself rather than just the alcohol's effects. [11:46] Myth #2: “I need alcohol to be social.” While it initially seemed to reduce Adam’s social anxiety, over time drinking actually made him more antisocial and he began isolating and drinking alone. [13:42] Finding community and connection through AA meetings Adam encourages those struggling with addiction to seek help from recovery communities. By entering their rooms, one can find support through sharing their experiences of addiction and the path to healing. [15:09] The social benefits of sobriety Adam rates his current social life a 10 out of 10, believing sobriety has allowed him to authentically connect with others in a way drinking previously prevented. [16:25] Myth #3: I'm not like other alcoholics. Adam used to believe alcoholics were stereotypical people unlike his career-driven, family self but found in AA that he shared the core identity of being an alcoholic with the diverse people there. Alcoholics run the gamut of all sorts of people that are living in our society. [20:18] The power of "just for today"- finding sobriety one day at a time Thinking only about getting through each day sober and hitting the pillow alcohol-free gave him proof he could do it and stack enough days of sobriety over time. Resources Mentioned: Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E187: Finding Freedom Beyond Addiction with Rick Warner

From homelessness to success, one man's story of overcoming addiction through personal growth. Tune in to hear Rick Warner share his inspiring journey of transforming his life on the latest episode of the Flow Over Fear podcast. After hitting rock bottom at age 20, Rick found the strength to get help and embarked on a journey of recovery that led him to a career in real estate and personal development coaching. He shares powerful insights on managing fear versus anxiety, finding accountability partners, and continually learning and improving despite life's ups and downs. Don't miss this moving story of breaking free from addiction and finding one's purpose. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: How he found refuge in addiction The changing landscape of mental health among the youth The difference between fear and anxiety Anxiety’s impact on service to others Ways to lessen your anxiety When enough is enough The action necessary for transformation Episode Highlights: [04:50] How Rick found refuge in addiction While growing up was pretty good, for whatever reason Rick was not equipped to deal with life on life's terms. This led him to turning to drugs and alcohol as a solution. [08:09] The changing landscape of mental health among the youth Society was different then with less awareness around mental health. Whereas kids today face an even harder world to navigate with social media and greater information availability. [10:22] The difference between fear and anxiety Rick distinguishes that fear for him is a response to actual imminent physical danger while anxiety refers to worries without real threat like difficulties talking to others or financial insecurity. [11:59] Realize your potential to change Wherever you're at right now – and if you're not happy with it, you are not stuck there. [13:14] Anxiety has an impact on service to others Allowing anxiety to dictate one's life greatly limits or prevents being effective and helpful to others as that state diminishes one's ability to contribute in a meaningful way. [14:57] Ways to lessen anxiety Play out worst-case scenarios to lessen their power and practice an internal mantra of not letting external circumstances control one's happiness. [17:09] Harness your mind’s potential through spirituality While the brain's natural instinct is self-preservation through fear – combining one's mental faculties with spiritual connection through purposeful perspective – allows the same mind causing issues to instead enable thriving in life. [18:56] When enough is enough Rick finds that intense emotional pain from hitting rock bottom professionally twice in life motivated him to learn and grow his skills to new levels, ultimately gaining the ability to help many others through their own challenges. [26:17] The power of transformation Transformation is possible for anyone at any point due to life's unpredictable nature, countering the misconception that one can be permanently stuck in their current situation. [27:36] Maintain perspective on growth Rick expresses preferring to embrace the mentality that while he has made progress, there is still room for improvement which keeps him grounded yet confident in continually bettering himself. [40:30] The action necessary for transformation Merely discussing approaches is insufficient and lasting change requires following the lead of those further along the path one aspires to through actually implementing principles in one's own life. Resources Mentioned: The Four Agreements Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E186: Build Connection Through Small Creative Acts

Are you looking for a creative outlet to express yourself and connect with others? Today, Adam Hill opens up about his past struggles with addiction and how daily acts like posting dad jokes helped him find community. Adam believes creativity brings together diverse people by exposing us to new ideas. And being vulnerable through your art can connect strangers in meaningful ways. Give this a listen - it might just give you the push you need to share your talent and connect with others through your creativity. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Creativity can build unexpected communities and bring people together. Sharing small, daily creative acts to help overcome addiction and disconnect from negativity Vulnerability and passion have the power to unite people from all backgrounds. We all have gifts to share that can spread positivity and brighten someone's day. Taking creative risks and expressing yourself can help you connect in a meaningful way. Episode Highlights: [01:17] Adam’s amazing TED Talk experience Adam shares how giving his TEDx talk at Boston College was a big step that deeply connected him to his message of creative connection. [03:24] Creativity can help you create the community you never knew you needed By consistently sharing even small positive creative acts with the world, we unexpectedly build the communities that we don't realize we need or want. [06:54] The negative bias of news and social media Adam explains how news and social media have a negative bias, as they feed on people's tendency towards negativity. They engage through arguments in the comments section, creating an addictive cycle that is really harming society. [07:57] Lean into the healing power of positive creativity We can do away with our negative addictions if we can actually lean into those small, positive creative acts – and then share them with the world consistently. [09:18] Creativity and consistency will help you find your community Adam shares how he decided to completely disconnect from the news, risking being uninformed, but it greatly improved quality of life, and over time a community developed around his consistent daily creative habit of sharing jokes, leading him to realize the power of creative connection. [12:36] Creativity highlights our core passions Creativity has the power to expose us to more diverse communities with a variety of beliefs and opinions. By sharing our creative passions, we open ourselves up to building the meaningful connections across differences that are so needed Resources Mentioned: Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E185: From Pain to Purpose Through Storytelling with Michael Hudson

Your story has the power to help others. In this episode, learn about overcoming adversity through storytelling as Adam Hill welcomes Dr. Michael Hudson. As a child, Michael endured unspeakable trauma that silenced him for decades. Now, he's dedicated to helping people share difficult parts of their journey. Learn how Michael reframed his past to serve others better and discover your lessons. Leave empowered to break the silence on your experiences, connect through vulnerability, and use your voice to heal the pain in the world. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: The empowerment of owning one's full traumatic experience The power of sharing life's hard-earned lessons The three-sentence story Dissonance and alignment in personal and professional growth Reframing negative experiences to serve others better Episode Highlights: [12:03] The empowerment of owning one's full traumatic experience Michael shares that softening or diminishing traumatic experiences only harms oneself, and acknowledging his own experience as rape rather than molestation through giving himself permission also empowered others to do the same. [13:46] The power of sharing life's hard-earned lessons We earn valuable lessons from difficult challenges, not just learn from them. Finding comfort in sharing what we endured can help change others' paths by helping them avoid similar pain, disconnect, and dissonance through what we learned. [15:03] Sharing our scars, not our wounds Focus on the lessons learned rather than graphic details. Michael emphasizes the importance of sharing life's lessons from past difficulties in a way that helps others without reopening your own wounds or soliciting an emotional response. [20:27] The three-sentence story Michael suggests a simple approach to sharing one's story in three sentences - situation, conflict, resolution - to create understanding and connection without rehashing traumatic details. This concise format allows others to relate while maintaining appropriate boundaries. [25:41] Dissonance and alignment in personal and professional growth The misalignment between your personal values and professional work can cause dissatisfaction and frustration, and the liberation that comes from achieving true alignment where one's actions and identity are congruent. [49:05] Write a letter to your younger self Michael suggests writing a letter to your younger self as an exercise to gain comfort in sharing difficult past experiences by addressing the journey, the highs and lows, and reframing events from a place of wisdom and healing. Resources Mentioned: The Backstory Initiative Dr. Michael Hudson on LinkedIn Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E184: The Ultimate Bucket List for Learning

Have you struggled to stick with learning a new skill? Discover how setting small, quarterly goals can help you consistently pursue passions and build competencies at a sustainable pace. In his latest episode, Adam Hill shares how developing new skills and pursuing mastery has helped him overcome fear and anxiety. He discusses the importance of creating a "learning list" to brainstorm all the activities and subjects that interest you. Simply writing things down isn't enough - you need a plan to take action. That's where Adam's strategy of setting small, quarterly commitments comes in. Tune in to hear Adam's approach to developing "multidisciplinary mastery" by stacking similar skills. He also emphasizes how learning connects you to new communities. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Achieving gradual mastery through focused learning How to create your own learning list The importance of quarterly check-ins When to quit a learning goal Building multidisciplinary mastery through skill stacking Finding connection through shared learning Episode Highlights: [02:28] Achieve gradual mastery through focused learning While it may appear Adam is skilled in many areas, he achieved them by gradually building competency in each area over time by focusing on one new thing at a time. [04:10] Create your own learning list List the things you want to learn that can engage your intellect, stimulate you mentally or physically, help you become healthier, or simply bring you joy and fulfillment as part of living an abundant life. [10:24] Check in quarterly to assess if each activity still inspires you Review your learning list each quarter to decide whether to continue pursuing each item or quit to make room for new goals. Consider if each activity still fulfills and inspires you or has become draining and boring. [11:39] When to quit a learning goal Adam suggests strategically quitting goals that no longer fulfill you after 90 days, to make way for new goals that better match your current interests. [12:54] Build multidisciplinary mastery through skill stacking Gaining foundational skills in one area first before taking on a new related skill allows you to build "multidisciplinary mastery" by stacking competencies in similar fields. [13:52] Find connection through shared learning Building knowledge and capabilities helps you connect with communities that provide support and human connection crucial for overcoming anxiety and fear. Resources Mentioned: Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E183: How to Become a Mindset Ninja and Find Financial Freedom with Mandy McAllister

In this episode, Adam Hill sits down with Mandy McAllister about her journey from farm girl to entrepreneur – leaving the W-2 world behind after building a stable income stream through multifamily property investing. Having spent most of her career in the fast-paced world of medical device sales, Mandy was ready for a change. In 2021, she made a leap to full-time real estate investing and entrepreneurship after achieving her financial independence goals. She now leads GoBundance Women as CEO, helping other women do the same. Find out how she made the shift from the corporate grind to being her own boss and what insights she has to offer for anyone looking to escape the 9-5 life. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: The power of prioritized needs Reverse-engineering big life decisions Mandy’s financial freedom calculator Leaving a W2 job for real estate investing, with tips on mindset and strategy Securing your financial floor first How to overcome overwhelm Episode Highlights: [06:14] Your life’s trajectory depends on what your prioritize Tony Robbins taught that the human need you prioritize most often dictates the decisions you make, with the six needs being certainty, uncertainty, love and connection, feeling important, growth, and contribution. [10:30] You can experience success by reverse-engineering your decisions. Start by envisioning your desired future outcome and working backwards to identify the concrete steps required to get there. [17:45] Mandy’s financial freedom calculator Mandy created a financial freedom calculator to help others determine their personal number needed for financial independence. [20:40] Experimenting with entrepreneurship You can test out entrepreneurship as a 12-month experiment by leaving your W-2 job and then check in on your vibe. If you don’t like it, go back to the workforce. But if you like it, then double-down on it. [25:28] Planning your 9-5 escape Ensure your financial goals are achieved and you’ve established a vision before exiting your stable career. Then have backup plans in place in case of short-term income gaps during the transition. [27:30] View your current job as investment in your future Mandy advocated shifting one's mindset about an unfulfilling job to view it not as drudgery but rather as a means to fund future goals. [32:52] Secure a base level of income first Mandy advocates first establishing a stable base of buy and hold income-producing real estate to create a financial floor before taking on riskier value-add deals or projects. [43:54] How to overcome overwhelm Remove overwhelm from your vocabulary, and instead, say your life is full of opportunity. Time-block your week to focus on 2-3 big priorities and establish guardrails for your work hours to maintain balance. Resources Mentioned: www.mandymcallister.com The Financial Freedom Calculator GoBundance Women The Psychology of Money Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E182: Finding Simplicity In the Pursuit of Achievement

Ever feel like there are too many tabs open in your brain? Today, Adam Hill shares some simple strategies to help close a few of those tabs and bring more peace of mind. Learn valuable insights into simplifying your life while still achieving big goals. Adam discusses the power of guarding your priorities, saying no with integrity, and scheduling time for intentional stillness each day. Small shifts like these can make a big difference in creating space to focus on what really matters. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: The importance of community for growth Success breeds new challenges The importance of systems and guarding priorities with your life Saying no with integrity How to practice intentional nothingness Episode Highlights: [03:18] Find yourself and grow through your community Communities play a vital role in shaping who we are and can help us find opportunities for personal development. [05:36] Success breeds new challenges Achieving more leads us to believe in ourselves. It also introduces new and increasingly complex problems as we continue growing. [07:38] The path to simplicity starts with systems Implementing systems to automate daily tasks is an important first step in simplifying through removing burdens and complexities so you can focus your time elsewhere. [09:15] Guard priorities with your life Guarding your top three priorities with your life allows you to focus on what truly matters most. [11:06] Priorities should be a reflection of your core values Keep your priorities and values in sync - revisit them each quarter so that you're on track! [13:11] Saying no with integrity Saying no with integrity means declining requests that do not align with your principles or priorities without compromising your values to avoid conflict. [15:46] How to practice intentional nothingness Deliberately schedule time each day to do nothing, without distractions – to build clarity and bring simplicity to your life. Resources Mentioned: Gobundance Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E181: Mastering Daily Discipline on a 3x5 with Scotty Sanders

Ever wish you had more time to get everything done? Discover how one entrepreneur went from burnout to balance with a simple daily planner. In today’s episode, productivity expert Scotty Sanders reveals his simple system for maximizing your minutes using a 3x5 index card. Learn practical productivity hacks to help you create an extra hour in your day. Accomplish more with greater freedom and fulfillment! Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Scotty’s wake-call to find balance Developing a process for purpose-driven daily plans Achieving balance without burnout The “Life on a 3x5” approach Identifying daily disciplines through the AAA Filter Simplify to amplify what’s important Episode Highlights: [05:51] Scotty’s wake-call to find balance When he was 26, Scotty had a wake-up call when his largest store caught on fire - a "burning building experience" that crystallized his need to discover work-life balance and the secret to ultra-productivity. [17:02] Achieve balance without burnout While we should want to be productive with what we've been given, we shouldn't sacrifice our family, health, or mental well-being by becoming so stressed that we can't enjoy life. [19:49] The “Life on a 3x5” approach Scotty shares the secret to ultra productivity: Have a simple daily plan like his "Life on a 3x5" index card approach, emphasizing the importance of having a clear direction or purpose. [25:22] Identifying daily disciplines through the AAA filter Scotty discusses using a filter for identifying daily disciplines that meet criteria of Alignment (to purpose), Accountability, and Advancement towards goals and purpose. [27:59] Simplify to amplify what’s important. Scotty explains how he simplifies his daily planning by focusing on three disciplines, goals, and gratitudes on his 3x5 card rather than an overwhelming number that could lead to confusion. [35:26] Lack of passion leads to burnout Focusing your daily activities on areas you're passionate about helps avoid burnout and maintain motivation. Resources Mentioned: https://scottysanders.com/ Life on a 3x5 Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E180: How to Find Your Core Values and Avoid Sacred Cows

Are you living in alignment with your core values or holding onto beliefs that no longer serve you? In this episode, Adam Hill delves into the importance of identifying your true north through self-examination and reflection on life experiences. He shares how overcoming addiction helped him understand the difference between core values that cultivate abundance and "sacred cows" that act as anchors. Adam offers guidance on transforming your life by letting go of limiting beliefs and breaking free to live authentically. Tune in to gain insight and tools to uncover your inner truth and overcome what may be unconsciously holding you back from your fullest potential. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Identifying and letting go of limiting beliefs Core values and sacred cows in personal and professional growth Identifying and transforming sacred cows in life Identifying core values through self-reflection and storytelling Episode Highlights: [03:22] How long standing practices can hold you back Habits and behaviors can develop into values and anchors that may no longer drive your company or life forward and instead hold you back without realizing it. [06:31] Generational beliefs can anchor us We may develop sacred cows around beliefs we feel we need to hold onto, even if passed down generationally. They may be anchoring us without serving our true values. [08:15] See through sacred cows by distinguishing surface values from your inner truth Those sacred cows may feel superficially like values but are veiled beliefs that can go against our true core values and ability to discover who we truly are. [08:56] Your life's peaks and valleys reveal your core values Your core values will be reinforced during life's highs and lows. Self-reflection on what gives you strength or brings you down can help uncover your inner truth and guide you authentically. [09:48] Distinguishing core from cow Core values create expansive alignment and abundance through difficulty while sacred cows avoid growth and breed unnecessary restriction through easy attachment to past ways. [13:24] How do you identify your sacred cows and change them in your life? Reflect on positive and negative life events to help uncover core values to replace sacred cows unconsciously holding you back. [18:07] Identify your core values through stories Stories have the power to tap into our souls. Paying attention to themes that deeply touch our hearts can help identify core values to live by. Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E179: Finding Courage Under Fire: How KC Campbell Flew in the Face of Fear

Have you ever wondered how people rise above intense fear in high-stakes situations? In this recent episode, Adam Hill sits down with retired Air Force Colonel Kim "KC" Campbell as she describes her harrowing experience of being hit by enemy fire during a combat mission - and somehow landing her severely damaged plane safely. KC takes us through the emotions of facing a life-threatening crisis, from the initial fear and adrenaline to prolonged anxiety during her emergency flight. KC also discusses how this near-death experience shaped her perspective on leadership. Tune in to hear KC share invaluable insights on compartmentalizing thoughts, trusting your training under pressure, and drawing on support from others. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Kim’s childhood dream meets reality How she almost faced death in the cockpit Use fear as fuel, instead of seeing it as a weakness Coping with trauma after a near-death experience in combat Small actions can conquer big fears Facing fears head-on as a leader Taking action in the face of fear Episode Highlights: [07:00] Kim’s childhood dream meets reality Kim did not have a relationship with fear around their initial idea of becoming a pilot as a child. The fear of the risks involved in her chosen career path did not sink in until reality set in through her military training. [14:00] How she almost faced death in the cockpit During a mission in Iraq in 2003, Kim’s plane was hit by enemy anti-aircraft fire after firing rockets in support of ground troops on the ground. She faced a harrowing near-death experience as she safely landed the severely damaged aircraft. [25:42] Use fear as a fuel instead of seeing it as a weakness Fear is natural, but we're too tough on ourselves when it hits, thinking it means we're weak. Instead, we should see it as a sign to gear up and deal with whatever's causing the nerves. [32:25] Coping with trauma after a near-death experience in combat Kim coped with the trauma of their near-death experience in combat by writing in a journal after returning to her room that night and purging her emotions and adrenaline onto the page. [38:38] Small actions can conquer big fears Fear can be overwhelming. So just take small steps back into facing challenging activities. Even just getting out of bed and back to tasks is a step towards managing fear instead of being enveloped by it. [42:53] Facing fears head-on as a leader Leaders should acknowledge fears instead of hiding them. Then make plans to take action when feeling fear since facing challenges in the moment is what truly makes a difference. Resources Mentioned: https://kim-kc-campbell.com/ Flying in the Face of Fear by Kim Campbell Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E178: How to Make Your Wins “Stick”

Tired of feeling anxious or overwhelmed by your big goals and dreams? Stop getting overwhelmed by your to-do list. In this episode, Adam Hill shares his system for achieving big results by consistently increasing your intensity – by just 5% at a time. Learn Adam Hill's simple strategy for achieving big goals through small daily wins. Track your progress on sticky notes to visualize your journey toward success, and break down lofty dreams into manageable steps. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Setting 90-day "rocks" to stay focused Breaking goals into daily 5% increases Tracking progress with sticky notes Episode Highlights: [02:29] Change your relationship with fear While acknowledging that feeling fear is inevitable, it's better to change one's relationship with fear rather than letting it control us. [04:20] The roots of modern anxiety We don't face as many life threats today as in history, yet we still feel fear and anxiety. The three core elements that contribute to modern anxiety are – uncertainty, overwhelm, and self-doubt. [08:35] Build your courage muscle through gradual exposure When overcoming fear by gradually nudging outside our comfort zone in a controlled way, we can expand that comfort zone over time. Having developed points of reference for courage through regular, small exposures prepares us to take bigger leaps confidently when needed. [10:19] The power of 5% increments Start with small goals, 5% beyond your current abilities. Then gradually increasing intensity in increments of just 5% to build skills and confidence over time. [14:23] Why 90-day goals are key to success Adam stresses the importance of setting 90-day goals, or "rocks," because human attention spans typically last 90 days. Beyond that, it’s easy to lose sight of goals and momentum, causing resolutions to fail. [15:47] How to determine your 5% Determining the right 5% increment depends on the goal's size and timeframe - smaller goals may see daily habits as 5%, while larger aims need weekly or monthly milestones to reach 5% closer. [17:02] The 5% Sticky Wins Adam suggests celebrating each 5% achievement by writing it on a sticky note and placing it on a wall to visually track progress, calling this strategy "5% Sticky Wins." Resources Mentioned: Traction EOS Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E177: From Homeless to Millionaire Coach With

Do you struggle with overwhelm, fear, and anxiety, or lack direction in your life and career? In this episode, Adam Hill sits down with Mark J. Silverman as he shares his incredible story of overcoming homelessness to become a millionaire coach. Mark discusses his journey from addiction and achieving success through personal growth. Mark shares his strategies for prioritizing tasks, managing distractions, and transforming fear into flow. Gain valuable insights on developing leadership skills to help rising executives reach their potential. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: How childhood experiences shape how you see things Turn your fears into a superpower Accomplish goals through intention Guard your to-do lists like a junkyard dog Learn how to establish your worth Leading by example: The importance of personal accountability Episode Highlights: [09:20] How childhood experiences shape how you see things Doing trauma work later in life allowed Mark to realize how his childhood experiences shaped how he views things today. For instance, being violently ostracized from his neighborhood made him distrustful of groups. [12:10] Most of our thoughts and feelings are conditioned responses Mark explains that 95% of what drives us is subconscious. As children, we were conditioned in ways that influence our thoughts, feelings, and body chemistry as adults, without us realizing it. [17:06] Turn your fear into superpower Despite being an introvert who was afraid to pick up the phone, he realized his ability to connect with people and honor their trust was his strength. [23:12] Accomplish goals through intention Shift your perspective on your ability to focus and prioritize the things that you want to accomplish. It’s not a time management problem but rather an honesty problem, if you don’t know how to say no to unnecessary tasks or say yes to things you want due to fear holding you back. [28:23] Guard your to-do lists like a junkyard dog Mark advises guarding your to-do lists carefully and having each item fight to stay on the list by determining if it truly needs to be done today by you or else the world will end. [37:53] Learn how to establish your worth Mark realized he was transactional in needing validation from clients telling him he was wonderful in order to feel worthwhile, but doubling his prices established his true worth and value as a coach. [51:07] Leading by example: The importance of personal accountability As a leader, it's important to hold yourself accountable to the commitments and goals you set for yourself. Set the right example for your team to follow and stay accountable to their goals as well. Resources Mentioned: www.markjsilverman.com The Rising Leader Podcast Mark’s books: Only 10s 2.0: Confront Your To-Do List and Transform Your Life The Rising Leader Handbook Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E176: The Unexpected Power of Coincidences

Are you looking for signs of reassurance or guidance during times of uncertainty? In this episode, Adam Hill explores how meaningful coincidences can offer spiritual comfort and inspiration. He shares powerful personal stories of serendipitous events that helped him overcome self-doubt and find meaning. He discusses the importance of paying attention to synchronicities in our lives and finding empowering interpretations that can transform our perspective and push us forward. Discover lessons on how to rise above fear, establish self-worth, and gain reassurance through seemingly "small" coincidences. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: The role of spirituality in recovery Adam’s experience of meaningful coincidences early in sobriety Finding guidance through a timely video and unexpected book delivery Transformation through empowering interpretations of coincidences Episode Highlights: [03:15] Spirituality plays an essential role in recovery Addiction recovery like a 12-step program involves developing a spiritual relationship with a higher power. Though some may find this difficult to grasp, maintaining an open mind can be beneficial. [03:39] Adam’s experience of meaningful coincidences early in sobriety Early in his sobriety, Adam started noticing coincidences that people in recovery meetings would discuss, like seeing a butterfly after a conversation about butterflies, waking up his senses to coincidences. [08:49] Finding guidance through a timely video and unexpected book delivery Adam recalls watching a video about Jamie Kern Lima's book on self-worth called "Worthy." It resonated with him as he's been struggling with self-doubt. Then he unexpectedly received a copy of the book shortly after. [11:03] We find transformation through empowering interpretations of coincidences. We can view coincidences as mere coincidences or as spiritual messages. Finding empowering meaning behind coincidences can help transform our lives. [13:53] Receiving messages of reassurance through coincidences After thinking about coincidences on a retreat, Adam thought about bubbles and then heard a new Jimmy Buffett song "Bubbles Up" about finding bubbles in challenges, which became a meaningful message for him. [18:20] Pay attention to coincidences in your life Pay attention to the coincidences you have experienced in your life as those synchronicities could help you find meaning and guidance. Resources Mentioned: Worthy by Jamie Kern Lima Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill


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E175: How Failure Can Be a Stepping Stone to Success with Jeremy Delk

On this episode of the Flow Over Fear podcast, Adam Hill sits down with serial entrepreneur Jeremy Delk to discuss his journey of overcoming challenges through failure. From losing everything as a young day trader to building a successful venture capital firm, Jeremy shares powerful lessons on embracing vulnerability, managing mindset over money, and allowing failures to fuel future growth. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Failure is the pathway to success Comfort is a prescription for complacency The path to prosperity: focus, amplify, and diversify The cash-starved mentality The importance of setting boundaries Our perspective defines our path Episode Highlights: [03:43] How upbringing and self-interest impact our perspectives Many of us are raised to think failure is bad. So we avoid it at all costs and focus outwardly on how others perceive us. However, most people are preoccupied with themselves and their own concerns. [05:31] Failure is the pathway to success Big breakthroughs and successes often follow major failures because that is when we learn the most and are most driven to prove ourselves. [11:25] Get out of your own head We construct emotional walls within ourselves as blockers due to fear, which is usually unfounded and based on our imagined concerns about what others may think rather than reality. [22:00] The path to prosperity: focus, amplify, and diversify While investments like crypto may seem get-rich-quick, true wealth is built through laser-focused effort in a niche. Achieve outsized gains, then diversify those profits more broadly once established. [30:03] The cash-starved mentality Operating with a "cash-starved mentality" forces entrepreneurs to be resourceful with limited funds, make prudent financial decisions, and focus on creativity and strategy over lavish spending. [37:17] Set boundaries without cutting ties While it's not necessary to cut people out of your life entirely, it is important to set boundaries by limiting exposure to toxic attitudes and negative energy that can drag you down. [40:40] Our perspective defines our path In life, there are only events that happen. It's the emotions and the actions that we attach to those events that determine if they were a positive or a negative thing. Resources Mentioned: www.jeremydelk.com Without a Plan: A Memoir of Unbound Action and Failing My Way to Success Follow Adam… Sign up for my newsletter and get my free Vision/Reflection Retreat Guide: Follow me and turn fear into flow! IG: @theadamchill YouTube: @adamchill TikTok: @theadamchill
