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Marketing The Invisible

Business & Economics Podcasts

The Mission of Marketing The Invisible is to bring proven marketing ideas to professionals offering a service, advice or software and who want a weekly flow of inbound new client inquiries. We deliver one idea to boost marketing results using our “7 questions in 7 minutes”.


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The Mission of Marketing The Invisible is to bring proven marketing ideas to professionals offering a service, advice or software and who want a weekly flow of inbound new client inquiries. We deliver one idea to boost marketing results using our “7 questions in 7 minutes”.



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How To Get More Leads By Leveraging Your Podcast Guest Interviews – In Just 7 Minutes with Lyndsay Phillips

Why you've got to check out today's episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Are you making guest appearances on different podcast shows and depending solely on the podcast host to handle all the promotions for you? Why not take advantage of those guest appearances and create your own call to action on your platforms? This way, you can generate more leads and attract new clients. Host of Leverage Your Podcast Show, Lyndsay Phillips, of Smooth Business Podcasting, helps all podcasters leverage and repurpose their episodes to create authority-boosting content that attracts leads and clients. In this episode, Lyndsay discusses strategies for repurposing podcast guest opportunities to effectively attract high-quality leads and clients for yourself, rather than solely benefiting the podcast host. Check out these episode highlights: 02:51 - Lyndsay's ideal client: I would say authors, speakers, entrepreneurs that have a business model. 03:28 - The problem her clients face: A lot of guests are relying on the host to do all the heavy lifting, promote for them. It helps, but it's not your ticket to winning. 04:56 - Symptoms to her client's problem: It's sharing the host's links all the time. 06:50 - Lyndsay's Valuable Free Action [VFA]: Make sure that you're publishing it on your own website. 08:23 - Her Valuable Free Resource: Learn to repurpose your podcast guest opportunities and get more leads and clients: 08:34 - Q: What is the missing piece of how and what you need to repurpose from those episodes?A: And that would be reels and YouTube shorts. Tweetable episode from this episode: “Ask for the raw video from the host so that you can use that to select the sound bites and nuggets, reels, so that you're showcased in the way that you want to be showcased." - Lyndsay Phillips


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How to Predictably Grow your Company with a Sales Operating System – In Just 7 Minutes with Liz Heiman

Why you've got to check out today's episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Are you struggling with unpredictable sales and cash flow issues, or finding it challenging to get a handle on how things are running? It seems like your system may be in chaos, which could be impacting your business's potential to soar. It might be time to fix things and get on track for success! Liz Heiman is the Sales Operating System Architect and the founder of Regarding Sales. She guides leaders from what’s often a random and chaotic sales process to a systematic and sustainable strategy that fills their prospect pipeline week in and week out. Listen to Liz as she shares how to implement a sales process that effectively addresses chaos, rather than simply putting a CRM bandaid on top of it, which could potentially worsen the situation. Check out these episode highlights: 02:26 - Liz's ideal client: I like working with companies that are between like 25 and a hundred million who are changing their go-to market strategies. 03:09 - The problem she helps solve: I take the chaos out of sales so that they have a system that is predictable and manageable so they can grow or scale. 04:24 - Symptom of the problem: One is that feeling that this is chaos. The second is that projection forecasts are completely unpredictable. 05:20 - Mistakes clients often make: That you can just keep doing the same thing for 10, 20, or 30 years. 06:41 - Liz's Valuable Free Action [VFA]: Start doing funnel reviews with your team. 07:25 - Liz's Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: Download the Sales Operating Guide here: 08:08 - Q: How did I get here? A: I got to this point of creating this system because I started with systems and processes and then watched it grow and grow. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “You have to change with the market. You have to change with the technology.” - Liz Heiman


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How to Mimic Nature In Your Business for More Abundance, Fulfillment, and Impact – In Just 7 Minutes with Sam Garcia

Why you've got to check out today's episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Want to leave a positive and lasting impact to the world and to the people you connect with? More than sales and profits think about how you can make a real difference in the lives of people you come in contact with. Sam Garcia is the author of the bestselling book, Regenerative Business, and is the founder of Dirty Alchemy, the marketing agency & consulting firm for conscious entrepreneurs, coaches & course creators. In this episode Sam shares about what she's doing in regenerative farming. How the idea closely mirrors what we should be like towards the environment and to the people we encounter. It's about touching lives and impacting them. Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: "With the regenerative business framework, it really is about how we build our business based on how nature designs systems versus how humans design systems." - Sam Garcia


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How to Make Your Business More Valuable – In Just 7 Minutes with Laurie Barkman

Why you've got to check out today's episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Is the idea of succession planning always being pushed to the side? Before it's too late, it's important to assess your company's value and ensure that you are duly rewarded for it. Whether the company is sold or not in the future, proper preparation can help you avoid succession issues and facilitate a smooth transition for your business. Laurie Barkman, The Business Transition Sherpa(TM), works with owners from transition to transaction as a business growth and M&A Advisor. Author: "The Business Transition Handbook". Host: "Succession Stories Podcast" Join Laurie as she explores through the importance of succession planning and helps you develop valuable exit strategies for your business. Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: "Set an intention for your end game, even if it's 5, 7, 10 years away; think forward to be able to look backward." - Laurie Barkman


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What I’ve Learned From Breaking Down 100 Proven Sales Letters in 100 Days – In Just 7 Minutes with Csaba Borzasi

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Resources Links: Summary: Do you want to know how to create high-conversion sales copy that will get you that sweet “YES” all the time? The right sales copy is the answer to all your lead problems. By having a high-impact sales copy equipped with the power of human psychology, you can get anyone to say “YES” to you! All you need is the right equipment, a better mindset, and the perfect sales copy technique for you and your business. Csaba Borzasi is a former psychology researcher turned lead activation and conversion expert. Don’t forget to grab a pen and paper as we listen to Csaba’s insightful message on how you can close deals all the time without worrying about changing up your sales copy all the time. He also shares a glimpse into the secret recipe behind 100 of the most profitable ads of all time. Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “People buy from people.” -Csaba Borzasi 


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How to Build Conversion and Connection Through Your Content – In Just 7 Minutes with Mariah MacInnes

Why you've got to check out today's episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Is your content falling flat, leaving you with no engagement or resonance, and hearing crickets in the response? When creating content, it's essential to go beyond just posting for the sake of it. Three key elements need to be present for it to be relevant and strategic. Mariah MacInnes is the Founder of Content Queen and a digital nomad. She is a professional marketer with a background in Journalism and Public Relations. Get ready to lend an ear as Mariah shares her winning content strategy for captivating your audience, getting them to resonate with you, and ultimately converting. Check out these episode highlights: 02:16 - Mariah's ideal client: Small business owner and entrepreneur who is now being turned into a little bit of a content creator. 02:56 - The problems she helps her clients solve: This connection, conversion, and brand awareness elements that comes through strategic content. 04:16 - How to be strategic with your content: I break it up into three parts, which is research, the strategy element and the process. 06:24 - Symptoms to her client's problems: They're burnt out and in the hamster wheel of content creation. 06:45 - Mariah's Valuable Free Action [VFA]: Sitting down and building out a strategy for your business that aligns with that sales plan. 07:54 - Her Valuable Free Resource [VFR]: 08:41 - Q: What is one thing missing in people's content strategy? A: And the answer is storytelling. Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: "If you're not sharing stories, you can't captivate your audience and you can't connect with them and build conversion." - Mariah MacInnes 


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One Thing Small Business Owners Can Do To 3X Sales – In Just 7 Minutes with Jon Benson

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Do you really think doing your own copywriting can save you tons of money? Spend your time and effort on something else, and let someone do your copywriting for you. Or even now, in our techno-centric world, try incorporating AI into your sales copy. Words are just as vital as anything else, especially when you’re trying to sell. Say the best words, secure your ideal clients, and sell more with the right sales copy. Jon Benson is one of the top copywriters alive, plus is the Founder of BNSN.AI, the “magic button” app for sales copy. Listen in to Jon’s magical words on how you can persuade your ideal buyers to always say “YES” to you through the power of the right words and excellent copywriting magic. Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Copywriters are both scientists and artists combined in a sense. We understand persuasion, so there's a psychology to it.” - Jon Benson 


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How to Sell with the Tao of Sales Babble – In Just 7 Minutes with Pat Helmers

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode Resources/Links: Summary Do you often get the sales jitters whenever you make a sales call? Selling shouldn’t be complicated and stressful. Get over your fear and stop the sales babble by starting to get clear of your intentions and adopt an attitude of reciprocity. Pat Helmers is a software engineer turned startup sales manager turned podcaster/influencer dedicated to helping others find success using non-pushy sales by authoring a new book titled, Tao of Sales Babble. Listen in to Pat’s sales-changing advice on how the power of talking less and listening more can greatly shift your sales game in the market. He also shares the importance of shifting your sales intentions into helping solve people’s problems rather than just extensively marketing your product. Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “The more they talk, the more likely they'll buy.” -Pat Helmers


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How to Build a Marketing System That Works for Small Business Growth – In Just 7 Minutes with Daisy McCarty

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Have you been spending most of your budget on marketing but nothing just seems to be working? A great marketing system doesn’t start with splurging most of your money into it without getting consistent results. Marketing isn’t supposed to be complicated. Start first with allocating a budget, spending your time wisely, and prioritizing the important high-impact, less-cost aspects of your business. Daisy McCarty is a fractional chief marketing officer and brand message strategist committed to helping businesses STOP wasting time and money on marketing that doesn’t work. Listen to Daisy’s recommendable and promising tips on how you can build a marketing system that actually works for you and turns prospects into clients without needing to splurge! Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Marketing is a solvable problem. It's not a mystery.” -Daisy McCarty 


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How to Quit Procrastinating, Get Your Sales Calls Done, and Actually Enjoy the Calls – In Just 7 Minutes with Wendy Weiss

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Do you want to know how you can close more sales without sacrificing a dime? Sales don’t have to be scary and stressful. It doesn’t have to cost a lot too! For you to feel more confident and comfortable and close more sales calls, you need to understand the importance of practice and preparation. Gain control and get more sales while building confidence! Wendy Weiss is the creator of the Salesology Prospecting Method which generates predictable sales revenue results. She has helped 775 businesses increase qualified appointments and sales faster, more easily, and more profitably. A former ballet dancer, Wendy believes everything she knows in life and business she learned in ballet class. Sit back and grab a pen as Wendy talks about how you can close more high-ticket sales with the power of taking action. She also dives deeper into how you can get better at prospecting with the three-step Salesology Method! Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Perfection is the enemy of selling. Good enough is good enough. Your sales conversations don't have to be perfect. You just have to do it!” -Wendy Weiss 


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How Your CEO Leadership Style Can Make or Break Your Business – In Just 7 Minutes with Liz Wolfe

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Do you want to know how you can grow your business without the stress, hassle, and expenses just by how you lead? Your CEO leadership style plays a big and crucial role in determining if your business is out for success or failure. It can make or break your business if you don’t get it right. Stop the resistance and find out what your CEO leadership style is– your secret superpower! Liz Wolfe is a business coach who helps entrepreneurs get unstuck so that they can create an abundant business. Catch Liz as she shares the ultimate secret on how to grow your business— by embracing your strengths and loving your leadership style! She also talks about how to avoid potential pitfalls and unlock abundance. Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Ask yourself the question, what am I resisting right now? And I promise you, you will discover something helpful for you to move forward in your day.” - Liz Wolfe


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Answer the Call to Love Your Business and Your Life Right Now – In Just 7 Minutes with Nancy Juetten

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Do you want to know how you can love your business and love your life at the same time without any constraints? Growing out your business shouldn’t be stressful and lonely. Escape that loneliness and dive into business and life fulfillment by being in a room full of like-minded people that share the same goal and purpose as you! But, growth doesn’t have to stop there. By having a clear mind, and an offer to give to your clients, you’ll be one step away from loving your business and life right now! Podcast Guesting Success Expert Nancy Juetten loves her business and her life. One without the other isn’t good enough. Today, we talk about how this can be your reality, too. Get your ears and pen ready as Nancy talks about how you can love your business and life right now through the right network and a better mindset. She also shares her secrets on how you can bring confidence and conviction to the table to turn prospects into long-term clients. Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Love your offer enough that you would be willing to invest 10 times the value to get the same benefit for yourself.” -Nancy Juetten 


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How to Grow Your Coaching Business with the Lead Surge Book – In Just 7 Minutes with Terence Tam

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Do you want to know how you can implement the right funnel for your business and get a stream of high-ticket sales? Growing your business by just relying on referrals and ads isn’t going to get you anywhere. You need to first establish the right funnel to drive traffic and generate constant high sales! Terence Tam is the Founder of the Radical Marketing agency which drives growth for coaches and course creators. He recently authored Lead Surge which details 8 effective funnels for coaching businesses. Grab your coffee and take a pen as we listen to Terence's promising secrets on how you can find the best funnel for your business and get multiple streams of high-ticket sales. Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Track everything to make sure which ads are getting the right people into your funnel and getting you the ideal clients.” -Terence Tam 


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How to Serve 10x the Clients in Half the Time – In Just 7 Minutes with Jason Van Orden

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode Resources/Links: Summary Do you want to know how you can increase your sales by serving more clients in half the time and stress? Having a model isn’t enough if you are more stressed, losing prospects, and often caught up in it. A one-to-one model may sound the best, but having your very own signature process (and maybe, even switching to a one-to-many model) can promise you more leads and more profit at a lesser time and cost. Jason Van Orden helps coaches and consultants create group programs that serve ten times the clients and cut their workload in half without sacrificing client results. Make sure you’ve got your pen and paper ready as Jason talks about how you can create your very own signature process that can guarantee you more clients without sacrificing any of your current progress or sales. He also shares his secrets on how you switch to a one-to-many model at ease! Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Your ideas can be turned into a system where that becomes the star of the show. That becomes the thing that your clients are buying into.” - Jason Van Orden 


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How to Convert Prospects Into Clients Using LinkedIn – In Just 7 Minutes with Nancy Zare

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Do you keep on trying different marketing tactics but struggle to secure a stable stream of sales? Marketing doesn’t automatically equate to sales. For you to successfully grow your business, it is important to generate visibility and credibility. But for you to close sales, connecting with prospects through conversations is crucial. Using psychology, Nance Zare, Ph.D. teaches caring professionals how to get clients without being salesy. Marketing isn’t enough if you don’t know how to close sales. Sit in and listen to Nance as she shares how to authentically secure more clients without wasting a penny on your marketing. She also talks about how you can use LinkedIn to help grow your business through connecting and conversing. Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Marketing fills the sales funnel, as you know. It should generate visibility and even credibility. But in order to close sales, you're going to have to have a conversation with that prospect.” - Nancy Zare 


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How to Turn Your Knowledge Into Income – In Just 7 Minutes with Mike Gowans

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Do you want to know how you can sell your knowledge and expertise online without sacrificing your time, money, and efforts? In order for you and your Internet business to get the success it deserves, it is important to create a digital product that can solve your audience’s problems while building a subscription community around it. Mike Gowans is an expert in launching, growing, and monetizing digital businesses and memberships. Sit back and tune in to Mike’s amazing insights as he talks about how you can monetize your knowledge into a successful Internet business. Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Figure out a problem that you actually get excited about solving, and then start solving it for people.” -Mike Gowans


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How to Become a Trusted Advisor in Your Business – In Just 7 Minutes with Christopher Salem

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Do you want to know what you can do to increase your revenue and make an impact on your KPIs without the stress? Growing out your business won’t be possible if you’re not open to innovation and new ideas. Constant communication, openness to help, and removing ignorance can be your stepping stones to increasing your business growth, and revenue and becoming a trusted advisor in your business as well. Christopher Salem is a Business Growth Strategist. His weekly radio show, Sustainable Success, is a part of the Voice of America Influencers Channel. Watch out for Chris’ amazing insights and top tips on how you can increase your profit and grow your business by being a trusted advisor in your business. Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Everything starts with strong communication where it's not based on assumption and speculation, but when it's specific, clear, and concise.” -Christopher Salem


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Turning Conversations Into Customers – In Just 7 Minutes with Tom Martin

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Are you tired of selling and selling but nothing seems to be working? Selling isn’t to be scary and tiring, especially in a digitally-centric world. Establishing relationships and connecting with your audience is a crucial step in increasing your sales. Introduce yourself, get connected, and feed them the information they might need. Tom Martin, the author of The Invisible Sale, is a no-nonsense, straight-talking 30-year vet of the sales and marketing business who favors stiff drinks, good debates, and helping people and organizations turn conversations into customers. Take a break and listen to Tom’s amazing insights on how you can skip the sales stress and turn your simple conversations into some promising sales! Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “Continue building a relationship. Eventually, you'll find an opportunity to start selling. And when you do, you'll find a much better success rate.” -Tom Martin


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How to Prospect Without Rejection or Fear – In Just 7 Minutes with Dan Jourdan

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode: Resources/Links: Summary: Do you want to switch up your sales game and effectively increase your revenue for your company? In a world where AI is slowly rising, most content can already be written by AI or be computer-made. Despite these trends and new innovations, authenticity and sincerity will always be the superpowers of humans that AI can never replace. Blending your core values into your work culture and keeping authenticity in sales is the key to increasing your revenue. Dan Jourdan works with companies that are having problems getting new customers. Get your pen and paper ready with what Dan has to share on how you can get off that sales plateau and increase your profit through the power of authenticity, sincerity, and kindness. Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “While I think that cold calling is probably the worst way to get a customer, it's probably the best way to learn how to sell.” -Dan Jourdan


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Learning Up: How the World’s Top Companies Have 10x Impact with Less Drama – In Just 7 Minutes with Daniel Marcos

Why you’ve got to check out today’s episode Resources/Links: Summary Do you want to know how you can 10x your impact without all the stress and drama? We may have big plans for our team, but not until you have a simple yet effective strategy to execute it, you’ll have a hard time aligning it with your team. This can later on cause drama and tension. To effectively increase your impact (even by 10x) and have less drama, you need to plan everything, even the unexpected things. Daniel Marcos is the co-founder and CEO of Growth Institute, the leading online education company for C-level executives at fast-growing firms. He is a keynote speaker and a CEO Coach with a mission to help 1 million entrepreneurs scale their impact and reduce drama. Come and join Daniel as he talks about how you can build a better impact and avoid that unnecessary drama by thorough planning. He also shares his tips on how you can get your team aligned by building a simple yet effective strategy. Check out these episode highlights: Tweetable Takeaways from this Episode: “You're going to have a great idea, but if you cannot implement it, it's not worth it.” -Daniel Marcos
