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Velkommen til Dancing Heart podcast. Tema for denne podcasten er purpose, mindset og reise. Her kan du hente inspirasjon, motivasjon og tips på din reise mot å leve din purpose og hvordan gjøre drømmer om til realitet. Din host, Torny Wigum, sertifisert Purpose og Embodiment Coach, deler tanker, erfaringer og refleksjoner fra sin personlige reise og har inspirerende samtaler med gjester som også "bare gjør det". Sett deg godt til rette hvis du er klar for å være en del av reisen og la hjerte ditt danse litt ekstra. Instagram: @tornywigum Hjemmeside: www.tornywigum.com


United States


Velkommen til Dancing Heart podcast. Tema for denne podcasten er purpose, mindset og reise. Her kan du hente inspirasjon, motivasjon og tips på din reise mot å leve din purpose og hvordan gjøre drømmer om til realitet. Din host, Torny Wigum, sertifisert Purpose og Embodiment Coach, deler tanker, erfaringer og refleksjoner fra sin personlige reise og har inspirerende samtaler med gjester som også "bare gjør det". Sett deg godt til rette hvis du er klar for å være en del av reisen og la hjerte ditt danse litt ekstra. Instagram: @tornywigum Hjemmeside: www.tornywigum.com



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28. Vendepunktet: fra sosial sommerfugl til alenemor og starten på purposereisen.

Det er to år siden Torny og hennes datter tok det store hoppet, forlot Norge og reiste til Costa Rica for å følge drømmen og starte som coach. I denne episoden forteller Torny om begynnelsen på hennes purposereise og det som ble vendepunktet i livet. Det hele startet for 7 år siden da hun kom hjem fra Ecaudor, var gravid og skulle bli mamma. Hun skulle også gjøre det alene, og det førte til at hun fikk mye tid til å være med seg selv. Det var nytt for Torny som alltid hadde vært vant til å være sosial og aktiv. Gjennom permisjonslivet fikk hun anledning til å rette fokuset innover, lytte til sin indre stemme, og sette sine egne ideer ut i livet. Denne prosessen markerte begynnelsen på oppdagelsen av hennes livsformål, eller "purpose". Tornys erfaring viser hvordan utfordringer og alenetid kan lede til personlig vekst og nye retninger i livet. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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27. Å finne ro når det er kaos i hodet.

Hvordan finne tilbake til den indre roen når det er kaos i hodet, mange ulike ting å ta hensyn til og ingen baller har landet enda? Det er ikke alltid lett å være bevisst på seg selv og sine mønster når man står i overveldende situasjoner i livet hvor det er mange ting som skjer samtidig og det er mye uvisshet. I denne episoden gir Torny et innblikk i hvordan hun bruker ulike verktøy for å finne tilbake til indre ro og gjenskaping av egen energiflyt i perioder hvor livet føles overveldende og man opplever mentalt stress. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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26. 4 steg til hvordan endre ditt forhold til avvisning.

Det som holder mange igjen fra å leve sin purpose eller fra å gjøre noe nytt, er frykten for å bli avvist og troen på at man ikke er god nok. Dersom du endrer forholdet du har til avvisning til noe positivt og motiverende, og samtidig befrir deg fra å ta avvisning personlig så kan det hjelpe deg til å gjøre deg sterkere og mer utholdende i din vei mot suksess. I denne episoden vil du lære 4 steg til hvordan du kan endre ditt forhold til avvisning ved å endre tankesettet ditt. De 4 stegene er: 1) Avdekke 2) Redefinere 3) Gå tilbake og omformulere 4) Avdekke mulige fremtidige avvisninger For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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25. Forskjellen på selvtillit og selvverd og hva skal til for å leve et liv man er tilfreds med?

Kjenner du på at det er noe "mer" og lurer på hvorfor du ikke er/blir helt og fullt tilfreds i livet? Torny lurte lenger på om det var noe "galt" med henne og skjønte ikke hvorfor hun ikke greide å lande og være fornøyd. I denne episoden snakker Torny om begrepene selvverd og selvtillit, hva som er forskjellen på de to og hvorfor begge er viktig for å kunne leve et liv man er tilfreds med. Selvtillit er noe man bygger med ekstern bekreftelse, resultatet og tilbakemeldinger fra andre, mens selvverd er den indre følelsen om troen på at man er god nok akkurat som man er uavhengig hva som skjer rundt. Torny deler fra sin egen reise og hvilke verktøy som hjalp å bygge hennes selvverd da hun startet som entreprenør samt tips til hvordan du kan styrke ditt indre selvverd. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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22. Velkommen til Dancing Heart på norsk.

Velkommen til Dancing Heart podcast på norsk. Torny er sertifisert purpose og embodiment coach og etter hun tok steget ut og hoppet av det tradisjonelle 8-4 livet for to år siden relanserer hun nå podcasten på norsk for å dele mer fra hennes personlige reise. Hovedtema for podcasten vil være knyttet til purpose, selvutvikling, og mindset. Intensjonen er å inspirere og motivere andre i sin reise mot å leve sin purpose og gjøre drøm om til realitet. Podcasten vil være en miks av soloepisoder og samtaler med andre personer. Sett deg godt til rette og la deg bli inspirert. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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23. Hvordan overvinne frykten og ta steget ut i det ukjente.

I denne episoden får du høre om hvordan Torny overvant frykten; sa opp fast jobb, solgte hus, tok steget ut i en ukjent verden og dro til Costa Rica med sin 4 år gamle datter for 2 år siden. Mange tenker at de ønsker å gjøre en endring i livet, men blir holdt tilbake av frykt. Torny deler sine refleksjoner og erfaringer fra det å gå fra frykt til handling og gir deg tips til hvordan du kan overvinne frykten og stole på deg selv. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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24. Om å starte helt på nytt: Fra identitetskrise til å finne tilbake til den man er.

Hvem er du når du står på bar bakke i nytt land, uten "tittel", familie og kjente rundt deg. I denne episoden forteller Torny om hvordan hun gikk gjennom en identitetskrise da hun forlot det kjente og startet på nytt i et nytt land og deler tips om hva man kan gjøre for å finne tilbake til seg selv igjen når man står midt i et stort skifte eller om man ønsker å komme mer tilbake til den man egentlig er. Gå til hjemmesiden og få din gratise joy workbook. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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21. Meghann Reilly big money mindset talk on how to pursue the life of your dreams.

Living life from a place of joy doing what we love and not worrying about money is something that many of us dream about. We are all the creator of our lives and this episode will make you shift the mindset you have around money and see that everything is possible when you just get clear on what life you want. In this episode Torny is joined by Meghann Reilly who is a money and life coach originally from New York City. For the past 5 years Meghann has been traveling around the world pursuing the life of her dreams without having to work. She was able to retire at the age of 36 and she shares her story on how that was possible for her, what she did and how she now is helping others creating the life of their dreams feeling empowered doing what they want. It all starts with the mindset you have around money and taking action from an empowered place. Tune in for a real talk about money, mindset and how to start living the life of your dreams today with money & life coach Meghann. She shares valuable information about how you can start from where you are, her thoughts on how to invest and spend money and why you shouldn't wait living your best life. Follow Meghann on IG: @the9to5travelchick Follow Torny on IG: @tornywigum. Torny is a certified Life Purpose coach from Dharma Coaching Institute and offers 1:1 purpose embodiment mentorship. Show some love if you like this podcast by leaving a review or tag Torny on instagram. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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20. Kaley Ann Wasielewski on: the journey of understanding the fullness of her soul.

The journey of who we came here to be as a soul looks different for everyone. Life is a journey and we go through different experiences so we can learn, grow and expand our souls. This episode will take you through a magical journey on how to embody the fullness of your soul. In todays episode Torny is joined by Kaley Ann Wasielewski who is an ascension coach and an energy attunement healer. Kaley shares her story on how she was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and panic disorder and was told that something was wrong with her and how that period of her life led her on a journey of connecting with her soul, open up her consciousness and understanding the fullness of who she came here to be. Tune in for an inspiring and beautiful episode where Kaley shares her wisdom from her own souls experience, how she discovered and embodied her unique gifts and tip on how to connect with your highest self. At the end of the episode she shares the expression of her soul and frequency through light language. Follow Kaley on IG: @adivinedream Follow Torny on IG: @tornywigum. Torny is a certified Life Purpose coach from Dharma Coaching Institute and offers 1:1 purpose embodiment mentorship. Show some love if you like this podcast by leaving a review or tag Torny on instagram. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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19. Martin Diaz on coming out as gay in a latin household and turning pain into purpose.

The feeling of being different and hiding yourself from who you are is not a good feeling to grow up with. This episode will give you a real story on how it is to come out as gay and how to love and accept yourself for who you truly are. This week Torny is joined by Martin Diaz who is an empowerment and self love coach for the queer community. Martin was born in Mexico but grew up in San Diego in a latin household. He shares his story on how it was to grow up being different, coming out as gay in a catholic family with a conservative background and how a lot of his youth was defined by an internal battle about his sexuality. Tune in for a raw and inspiring story on how Martin turned his pain into purpose. From being a people pleaser looking for validation and proof from other people to fully love and accept himself for who he is. Follow Martin on IG or TikTok: @iammartindiaz Follow Torny on IG: @tornywigum. Torny is a certified Life Purpose coach from Dharma Coaching Institute. Coach with Torny 1:1- Life Purpose Coaching to be guided back to a dancing heart and discover your purpose. Send me a DM on instagram. Show some love if you like this podcast by leaving a review or tag me on instagram. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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18. Rivkie Goldstein on being a conscious parent, homeschooling and how to repair when we mess up.

Being a parent takes us into many different situations and its not always easy to navigate through them all. We try our best and we all mess up. But how do we repair after we mess up with our children? And is there really such thing as a perfect parent? This episode will give you new inspiration on how to be a conscious parent and what we can do when we mess up as parents. This week Torny is joined by Rivkie Goldstein who is a parent educator and empowerment coach. She is a mother of 7 that she homeschools. Rivkie shares her story on how she went from being a parent that focused on discipline and behavior into parenting from a place of awarness. As she became more conscious as a parent and learned more about connection and the function of the brain she went into homeschooling. She shares how shifting to homeschooling changed the whole family dynamic and now she's doing what she always dreamt about. Today Rivkie is supporting parents in how to restore connection to their children, she's teaching classes and offering her services to her community. Tune into this powerful episode to hear Rivkie talk about conscious parenting, repairing after we mess up and the concept of homeschooling. Connect with Rivkie on IG: @rivkiegoldtstein Follow Torny on IG: @tornywigum. Torny is a certified Life Purpose coach from Dharma Coaching Institute. Coach with Torny 1:1- Life Purpose Coaching to be guided back to a dancing heart and discover your purpose. Send me a DM on instagram. Show some love if you like this podcast by leaving a review or tag me on instagram. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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17. Dream big visualization.

Map out your big dreams with this guided visualization. In this episode Torny is guiding you through a visualization to connect you with your highest self so you can tap into your big dreams, goals and desires. You can use your dreams as a roadmap to your purpose in life. Have your pen and paper ready. Visualization is a powerful tool to use not only for mapping out your dreams but also to manifest them. Follow me on instagram: @tornywigum. Torny is a certified Life Purpose coach from Dharma Coaching Institute. Show some love if you like this podcast by leaving a review or tag me on instagram. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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16. Rejection as a redirection.

We have all experienced rejection in our lives. In this episode Torny talks about how you can use rejection as a sign towards something better that's meant for you instead of as seeing it as a bad thing. She shares a story from her personal experience about when she recently came back to Mexico and nothing worked out as she had planned. Follow me on instagram on @tornywigum. Torny is a certified Life Purpose coach from Dharma Coaching Institute. Show me some love if you like this podcast by leaving a review or on instagram. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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15. How one leap turned into three.

Taking an unconventional choice as the leap is never easy and its certainly not predictable. One year after taking the big scary leap into the unknown Torny has taken two more leaps. It has been a year with a lot of challenges and personal growth but she finally feels more at peace with herself at this point in her life. In this episode Torny talks about how one leap turned into three leaps, her experiences, the lessons and her top 5 things she wished she knew before she took the first leap. She also shares a bit of a life update on what has been going on for the past months. Follow me on instagram on @tornywigum. Torny is a certified Life Purpose coach from Dharma Coaching Institute. Coach with Torny 1:1- Life Purpose Coaching to be guided back to a dancing heart and discover your purpose. Send me a DM on instagram. Show me some love if you like this podcast by leaving a review or share on instagram. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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14. Laura K. Robles on seeking wisdom inwards to discover your purpose.

To discover who we truly are and what we're here to do is not always an easy and a straight forward task. This episode will take you through how it can look like to discover your true self and discover your purpose in life. In todays episode Torny is joined by Laura K. Robles who is the host of Seeking Sabiduria podcast and a self discovery coach. Laura shares her story on how it was to grow up as the only girl apart from her mother in a latin family in America and how being in two different cultures made her go through an identity crises and ask her self the question "who am I?". Laura shares how she went through the dark night of the soul, how hitting rock bottom at the age of 25 led her through discovering who she truly are and finding out that all the answers she was looking for was inside of herself. Tune in to hear Lauras self discovery journey and get some wisdom and tools to find out who you truly are. Connect with Laura on IG: @lauraaaloves Podcast: @Seekingsabiduria Follow Torny on IG: @tornywigum. Torny is a certified Life Purpose coach from Dharma Coaching Institute. Coach with Torny 1:1- Life Purpose Coaching to be guided back to a dancing heart and discover your purpose. Send me a DM on instagram. Show some love if you like this podcast by leaving a review or on instagram. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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13. Maria Luisa Cianna from Hollywood to Playa, redefining success and starting from scratch.

Many times in life we have to start all over and redefine the meaning of success and the things that truly matters in life. This episode will give you a new perspective on what success is and that it's not about the material things in life. In todays episode Torny is joined by her good friend Maria Luisa Cianna who had to redefine her whole life after she got unexpectedly pregnant with her daughter who was diagnosed with downs syndrome. Maria followed her heart and her dreams in her early 20s to go to Hollywood and work in the film industry and live the free spirit life in LA. When she got pregnant with her daughter her whole life changed and she had to redefine the meaning of success. That took her back to Canada for some years until she decided to move to Playa del Carmen in Mexico two years ago. Maria shares her story on how her life changed when she got pregnant and what being a mother to a daughter with special needs has taught her about life. She shares her move to Playa del Carmen in Mexico and her view on redefining success. Tune in to a beautiful episode with Maria Luisa and hear her story about redefining success and living a free spirit life. Connect with Maria Luisa on IG: @passion_4_architecture. Follow Torny on IG: @tornywigum. Torny is a certified Life Purpose coach from Dharma Coaching Institute. Coach with Torny 1:1- Life Purpose Coaching to be guided back to a dancing heart and discover your purpose. Send me a DM on instagram. Show some love if you like this podcast by leaving a review or on instagram. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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12. Jimena Amezquita on manifesting love with self love.

We are always in between our manifestations and we can't get everything at the same time but everything will come when we are patient and committed to ourselves. This episode will give you a guidance on how you can attract your soulmate and manifest your dreams. In todays episode Torny is joined by Jimena Amezquita who took the leap of faith 7 years ago when she left Colombia to follow her dreams to travel the world. Her dreams took her to Dubai where she manifested her dream job, a beautiful apartment overlooking the ocean and her soulmate. Jimena takes us on her self love journey and how her life shifted when she put herself as the center of her own life instead of everybody else. She shares her toolkit on how to attract your soulmate, how to set healthy boundaries and how her dreams kept her going until they were accomplished. Tune in to hear Jimenas beautiful story about love and most importantly self love, and how you can put yourself in the state of unconditional love to attract your soulmate. Connect with Jimena on IG: @jimena_freespirit Website: https://www.jimenafreespirit.com Follow Torny on IG: @tornywigum. Torny is a certified Life Purpose coach from Dharma Coaching Institute. Coach with Torny 1:1- Life Purpose Coaching to be guided back to a dancing heart and discover your purpose. Send me a DM on instagram. Show some love if you like this podcast by leaving a review or on instagram. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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11. Lena Moxon on letting go of what's good to experience what's great.

Definition of success has changed over the past years and it's not longer about the degree from university, the well paid job or the materialistic things. When you live a life where you have done all the right things based on how society defines success but then you're just not happy! Your body and your mental health is telling you a different story, then you need to redefine everything in your life. That's what this episode is all about. This week Torny is joined by Lena Moxon who is a Somatic Activated Healer and a Spiritual Life Coach from Australia. Lena shares her story on how she walked away from everything in her life at the age of 30 and asked her self the question, if this wasn't for me what is? Lena takes us through this big transition and challenging time in her life and shares openly about the struggles, the shame she felt and how she navigated through it all. She talks about how she slowly but steady rebuilt her life again based on a conscious choice on how she want to feel in the body. And how this whole transition also led her to her purpose in life. Tune into a powerful episode to be inspired to follow your heart and to always listen to your body. Trust your body and your inner voice and you will be guided in the right direction and to your truth. Connect with Lena on IG: @lenamoxon or check out her website: https://www.lenamoxon.com Follow Torny on IG: @tornywigum. Torny is a certified Life Purpose coach from Dharma Coaching Institute. Coach with Torny 1:1- Life Purpose Coaching to be guided back to a dancing heart and discover your purpose. Send me a DM on instagram. Show some love if you like this podcast by leaving a review or on instagram. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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10. What is life purpose ?

Everyone is here on their own unique mission in life and if you are curious about your purpose in life this is the episode for you. We are all born with a purpose in life an its not about what you do but who you are. In this episode Torny answers the question "what is a life purpose" and also shares from her own personal journey. She also shares her life purpose right now and explain what she does as a life purpose coach. Tune in to get curious about your life purpose. Follow me on instagram on @tornywigum. Torny is a certified Life Purpose coach from Dharma Coaching Institute. Coach with Torny 1:1- Life Purpose Coaching to be guided back to a dancing heart and discover your purpose. Send me a DM on instagram. Show me some love if you like this podcast by leaving a review or on instagram. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com


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09. Gabriele Lopez on turning challenging times into something good.

Where do you start and how do you navigate when you are going through a challenging time in your life? This weeks episode will give you some tips on where to start and give you some ideas and what tools to use when navigating through these times in life. This week Torny is joined by her good friend Gabriele Lopez; a certified life book leader, spiritual life coach and a sovereign mum of two. Gabriele shares her wisdom on how she navigated through her divorce and how that led her back to Lithuania after a decade living in Germany. The transition back to Lithuania opened new doors and new dreams for Gabriele. Tune in to listen to a powerful story on how you can make a challenging time in life into an opportunity instead. Connect with Gabriele on IG: @coachgabriele. Torny is a certified Life Purpose coach from Dharma Coaching Institute. Coach with Torny 1:1- Life Purpose Coaching to be guided back to a dancing heart and discover your purpose. Send me a DM on instagram. Show me some love if you like this podcast by leaving a review or on instagram. For daglig inspirasjon og positiv energi, følg meg på instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tornywigum/ Bli en del av min Dancing Heart Community på Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386394800982308/ Hjemmeside. Få din gratis joy workbook her: https://www.tornywigum.com Kontakt meg: tornywigum.business@gmail.com
