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Quantum Physics, Science, Torah, Spirituality

Books & Literature

Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui, a veteran Rabbi of forty years, author of www.maimonidesadvice.com and www.aspiritualsoulbook.com, a Pioneer Rabbi in Palm Beach, Florida, who started the first Orthodox Minyan and Mikvah there, now brings all his knowledge and experience to the field of Quantum Physics and Science. This Show will educate and demonstrate the incredible parallels between the fields of science and our age-old eternal wisdom and the practices of our traditions. It will broaden your understanding of science and our Jewish identity, inspire you to follow our traditions, and boost your motivation to be the best you can be.


United States


Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui, a veteran Rabbi of forty years, author of www.maimonidesadvice.com and www.aspiritualsoulbook.com, a Pioneer Rabbi in Palm Beach, Florida, who started the first Orthodox Minyan and Mikvah there, now brings all his knowledge and experience to the field of Quantum Physics and Science. This Show will educate and demonstrate the incredible parallels between the fields of science and our age-old eternal wisdom and the practices of our traditions. It will broaden your understanding of science and our Jewish identity, inspire you to follow our traditions, and boost your motivation to be the best you can be.



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The Absoluteness of God & Light. *Black Holes*

Everything in the universe is relative to the absolute standard that is set by God, just as every one of the universe’s physical properties, including space, time, matter, and energy, is relative to the absolute standard that is set by light. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever; an individual cannot influence God’s character in any way.
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Protons Neutrons Electrons Mitzva and Sins



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Timelessness of God from the Absolute speed of Light.

Physics of the Mystics @gmail.com


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Gods omnipotence from the science of Light.

Anything can happen with God. Just look at the characteristics of light and appreciate that nothing stands in the way of the infinite powers of God Almighty.


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Dna & Gods 4 letter name plus 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Dna & Gods 4 letter name plus 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.


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God is everywhere Light Special Relativity.

Light, a creation of God, assists us to physically appreciate the omnipresence of God.


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The All Knowing God from Light

Light helps us appreciate the characteristics of the Creator of Light, who has no limits to His knowledge and awareness.


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Decoherence, Consciousness, The power of measurement.

Decoherence, Consciousness, The power of measurement. Free Will and G-d.


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Theory of Everything?

Nothing else but Him.


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Understanding Heisenberg uncertainty Principle Super entanglement

Understanding the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Super entanglement and the oneness of God Inside it all.


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Light is a wave AND a Particle. Miracles EVERYWHERE.



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Accessing the Quantum Fields. How? Is that Possible?



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Einstein on the Talmud and left handedness of the weak force.

physicsofthemystics@gmail.com https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/author/shlomo-ezagui/


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Physics of the mystics. The secret why the numbers three and four are so basic in Quantum physics.

The best yet. 26 Constants, 24 Quantum Fields, Three generations of matter Four forces, Gods essential name, Intellect emotions, three patriarchs four matriarchs.


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What did Erwin Schrodinger say about ONE consciousness?

What does all this mean to me. Letting go of the ego is the key to Godliness and miracles. physicsofthemystics@gmail.com


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Accessing the deeper dimensions of reality -- How?

Max Planck says it's impossible. We know its not. The teachings of Jewish Halacha and Mysticism have long discussed the concept of expanding the limits of reality. Now, with the emergence of Quantum Mechanics, we can see how this idea is actually put into practice.


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Different Phases of Matter and God becoming the energy of matter.

Different Phases of Matter and God becoming the energy of matter.


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The wave of infinity - Time Dilation & prayer

your attitude in prayer, your focus, can connect you with the wave of infinity. Some Halachic insight.


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PanTheism, PanPsychism, Monism, Quantum Fluctuations. God Almighty

How YOU can experience Quantum infinity and miracles. Explain How underlying all quantum fluctuations and the vacuum of nothing is the infinite unseen energy of God Almighty.


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Quantum Entanglement , Superposition, retroactive Causality

Kabbalah and Torah had a long head start before Quantum Mechanics was discovered.
