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Escape Diet Prison Podcast – Anne-Sophie

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Body Image Coach, Emotional Eating Coach, Self-Love Coach


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Body Image Coach, Emotional Eating Coach, Self-Love Coach



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Reclaim Your Curves

As a world, we are so scared of fat. Terrified of it. We have built a universe of mysticism and meaning around this natural oily substance on our bodies. We have hyped fat up to such a degree that today this word is full of pain, terror and agony. But worse than the word itself is […]


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The Balance between Healing and Real Life – Does it Exist?

How do you find the balance between going deep into your healing process and at the same time still being a functional adult? Is there even the chance of finding balance or do you have to dive in deep, neglecting “real” life while breaking free? Obviously, the journey is different for everyone. Some have the […]


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Thin People Have Heart Attacks Too

Bob Harper, the host of the super awful TV show The Biggest Loser, had a heart attack and everyone is acting as if it was just a case of poor genetics – when it could’ve just as well been his way of treating his body. This hypocrisy – and the fact that it would’ve been […]


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Let Your Body Autocorrect Itself

It’s quite understandable – at least in the bubble of the weight culture that our modern society has created – to freak out when you gain weight. After all, we’re being told over and over and over again that gaining weight is a moral wrongdoing, a personal failure and a lack of willpower. It’s everything […]


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Finding that “Other Life” – Real stories about finding freedom from food

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Deb, Leila and I talk about their stories of struggling with food and truly breaking free. In honor of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, we share the ups and downs of living in diet prison, living our day-to-day lives in order to lose weight, control food and our […]


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What else is there?

You are not your thoughts – even though it often feels that way. Whether you do anything or not, your thoughts will appear. The automatic process of the brain will produce a random string of thoughts that, over time, form beliefs and then create your life. That is not you though. That’s not your core. […]


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It Always Comes Back to Food

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Leila and I share the challenges of taking great care of yourself, leaving diet prison, being a mom, building a business and ,well, having a life. The truth is that self-care isn’t always the easy choice. When feeling overwhelmed, stressed or like life is throwing you one […]


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People Pleasing and Wanting to be Thin

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Deb, Leila and I talk about the many ways we try to control people by changing our weight and how we can stop the “need” for people pleasing. I’ve tried to make people like me more by losing weight for most of my life. I thought I […]


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What does it mean to be Feminine in today’s world?

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Leila and I talk about the Beauty Myth, Feminine ideals, the Feminine Mystique, the divide within the body positive movement and so much more. Even though women all over the world have made great movements toward equality, there’s still more work to be done. The more […]


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The message Oprah’s Weight Watchers’ ad sends out to the world

Oprah’s Weight Watchers’ ads are all over American TVs these days creating more frustration than inspiration in women everywhere. Ever since Oprah got financially involved in the weight loss industry, there’s been an outcry amongst those of us who do not dedicate their life to achieving thinness at all costs. Looking at the claims of eternal […]


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Weight Bias and Stigmatization – Let’s Talk About It

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Deb, Leila and Anne-Sophie take on the subject of weight bias. There are so many (long debunked) “facts” circulating around weight that judging those who are not stick thin is a favorite past time of many and is – sadly – the last socially acceptable form of discrimination […]


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… because I should!

In this last episode of 2017, Deb and I talk about how we love up our bodies now that we are free of dieting and body-shame (or if we even do it), vacations and (possible) weight gain, the best parts of 2016, our intentions for the New Year and so much more. Read Deb Oswald‘s […]


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Are there any Downsides to Not Dieting?

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison podcast, Deb and I share our views on what body-love actually means. We talk about the positive and the negative sides of not being part of the dieting club anymore and more. Read Deb Oswald‘s blog here and follow her on Instagram here. The Circles are coming up […]


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How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself

When you’re a woman, you know of all the forms you can self-sabotage your diet: basically, if you eat, you sabotage your life. Why would you ever do that? I am kidding, of course. But that is what we’re being told: we shouldn’t eat, shouldn’t look like this or that and when we do, we […]


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Body Image, Food and the Holidays

… or that time Deb forgot to prepare her own food at Thanksgiving. The holidays are a stressful time for most people. The parties, the expectations, the consumerism, the pressure, the food… it’s easy to unravel and lose track of yourself – especially if you’re in the midst of a struggle with your body and your […]


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Your Body Is Not A Scapegoat

11/15/2016 In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Deb Oswald, Leila Hays and I talk about the many ways in which we turn against the body when life is not going as planned and what you can do in order to begin being kind and feel great in the skin you’re in – […]


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Being Thin is Meaningless with Debi Oswald

In this episode of the Escape Diet Prison Podcast, Debi Oswald shares her story of regaining her life after decades of going from one diet to the next. Deb is an art teacher, photographer, all around creative person, wife, mom of 3, grandma of 4, an avid kayaker and such a great friend. I met Deb […]


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Do you ever listen to your true needs?

There’s a point in your life where not listening to your needs drives you down a road that is hard to recover from. And although taking care of your needs still has a bad rap, especially if you have a family, it is essential if you want to stop abusing food as a way to […]


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When Your Body Says No More… How to Heal Extreme Fatigue

Ever since June, I’ve struggled with extreme fatigue. First, I tried to push through it and just hoped that I would have my energy back soon. But as it continued for months, I had to begin to dig deep and figure out what was going on in my life that caused my body to completely stop functioning […]


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How to Cultivate Self-Intimacy

Getting to know yourself. Being who you are without apology, without fear, without shame. Taking a stand for yourself and knowing – without a shadow of a doubt – that you deserve to be respected, seen, take up space. Waking up in the morning realizing yet again that no matter how much you weigh, no […]
