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The American Life League Podcast


American Life League provides weekly commentary on the issues affecting the culture, the Catholic Church, and pro-life activism. Judie's immoderate and uncompromising dedication gives testimony to the truth that all human life is sacred.


United States


American Life League provides weekly commentary on the issues affecting the culture, the Catholic Church, and pro-life activism. Judie's immoderate and uncompromising dedication gives testimony to the truth that all human life is sacred.



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Acting to Expose the Pill



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Truth and the Birth Control Pill

In a society devoid of morality, should it be surprising that lies surround us and advocates of the pill attempt to obfuscate when it comes to birth control?


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Ruthless Sympathy

The disposable mentality of our society had permeated into all areas of life, and now we see that even the sick or terminally ill are thought of in this way.


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And Now a Word about Justice

Man wants to be so independent that he is leaving God out of more and more of his life.


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Catholic Relief Services Smells Like Rotten Eggs

An organization should not call itself Catholic if it does not follow and teach the tenets of the faith. It’s pretty simple. Yet why does CRS not seem to understand this?


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The Challenge to Believing Catholics

The formation of a conscience is integral in the development of each and every human being. And the Church has clergy who are here to help us. We look to these men to guide us and to lead us. But are they doing that?


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Planned Parenthood and Tuskegee—No Difference

Duplicity—the main thing both Planned Parenthood and the Tuskegee experiments have in common. We eventually realized the harm done to hundreds of men. Yet people can’t seem to see through the lies told daily by PP. They can’t seem to understand the destruction this organization causes each and every day. When will the fog lift?


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Babies 'Incompatible with Life'

The innocent, the hurting, the sick, or anyone crying for help should immediately evoke love and compassion. We should reach out to them, not shun them, not kill them. They were given to us to care for, and care for them we must. To do anything else is simply barbaric.


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Science Run Amok

Science fiction was once just that—fiction. They were stories meant to frighten us, to make us wary of what the future might hold. Well, now we seem to be living that future. And we should be very worried.


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The Vatican's Own Colonel Mustard

When we encounter a mystery, we must examine the clues, look at all the evidence, and make a decision based on what those things tell us. We have a bizarre mystery at hand, and we must sift through all the clues to find the truth. What exactly is that truth?


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Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Are You There?

A fun celebration of a beloved Catholic saint has been usurped by a part of our community bent on shouting immorality for all to hear. And where is our Catholic clergy?


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Two Parents, Multiple Parents, Human Clones, Scientific Deceptions, and Nightmares!

A child created within a marital unit and out of love? Those were the old days. These days, we can mix up the “perfect” creation in a petri dish. But at what cost?


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A Cold, Cold Heart

The icy fingers of selfishness and callousness have crept into the collective body of society and left its members chilled to the bone


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Bringing Abortion out of the Closet?

We live in a backward culture that somehow thinks the murder of a child is not only acceptable, but something that should be celebrated and embraced. We’ve allowed minds to become so twisted and confused that they don’t even see the resulting destruction. We say all the time that we must be voices for the preborn, but are we loud enough to be heard over all this noise?


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Measles Vaccine: A Not-So-Innocent Shot in the Arm

The reason why many pro-life parents have decided not to give their children the MMR vaccine is a shocking one. Part of this vaccine is derived from the cells of aborted babies. This horrid reality presses upon the consciences of many. Yet there is a solution—one that the manufacturer will not consider.


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The Pill and the Big Chill

Touted as liberation. Touted as a way for women to take control. The pill has long been described as something positive women should do for themselves. But how often do we hear about its negative consequences and deadly effects? Not often enough. Now is the time for the truth.


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Shepherds Who Rock Our World

We are proud of the actions of clergy who stand up for the truths of the Church and who, despite backlash from secular society, refuse to back down. This is truly what it means to lead. And we must strive to follow this lead—not only in our own hearts, but with our own voices.


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'Volunteering' to Die

The life of a human being is something that should be treasured, valued, and respected. Yet we don’t see that in today’s society when it comes to a tiny preborn baby, a terminally sick individual, an elderly person, or anyone deemed unworthy or unwanted.


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January 22 Again

We honor the millions of children slaughtered needlessly at the hands of abortionists. It’s the perfect time to remember the importance of actions and the necessity of speaking for those who have been silenced.


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A Human Being Dies Every Time

