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The Early Roots Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Follow Neuro-Developmental Delay Therapist Emily Roper as she discusses common problems she encounters working with children with developmental delays. She takes a deep dive into things like primitive reflexes, anxiety, ADHD, Autism, brain development, pregnancy, birth and more. This podcast provides information to parents and providers alike to bring understanding and help to children with developmental delays.


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Follow Neuro-Developmental Delay Therapist Emily Roper as she discusses common problems she encounters working with children with developmental delays. She takes a deep dive into things like primitive reflexes, anxiety, ADHD, Autism, brain development, pregnancy, birth and more. This podcast provides information to parents and providers alike to bring understanding and help to children with developmental delays.



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#024 Adoption and Early Trauma

Today's episode is all about adoption. I work with a lot of adopted kids and they each come with their own considerations. Many social, emotional, behavioral and learning difficulties have their roots in early neurological development; the development that happens from conception through infancy. Neglect, trauma, and other adverse childhood experiences shape the way the brain develops and functions. Today episode explores these stages through an adoption lens and also covers other considerations like attachment and family dynamics. If you have a child you're concerned about you can learn more on my website here. If you are looking for a therapist to help you navigate parenting an adopted child I suggest starting here.


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#023 My Journey Through NDD Therapy

Today's episode is all about my journey through NDD therapy as a teen. I'm not sure if I have mentioned it in previous episodes but before I became a therapist I went through this process myself. It is one of the things that solidified my desire to pursue this as a profession. If you are concerned about your child or teen visit my website:


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#022 Dyslexia: More than a Brain Problem

Today's episode is all about dyslexia! This episode covers a 2001 study that evaluated the physical development of children with dyslexia and found a significant problem with their physical maturity. This study indicates that dyslexia is less of a problem with the brain and more of a problem with the connection between the brain and the body. This may seem insignificant, but it has reaching implications for treatment protocols. There are lots of things that we can do to improve the brain body connection and mitigate dyslexia symptoms. Find the summary of the study mentioned in this episode here.


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#021 Common Primitive Reflexes Explained

Today's episode takes a look at some of the most common retained primitive reflexes that I see. I discuss the Moro, ATNR, STNR, Spinal Galant and Palmer reflexes. Specifically what they are, what purpose they serve in infancy and how their improper development and inhibition impacts children as they age. If you have a child who struggles with emotional, social, behavioral or learning difficulties, then this episode is a must hear! Learn more at


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#020 ADHD: An Epidemic of Overdiagnosis?

Today’s episode is all about ADHD. Specifically the question of whether or not ADHD is being over diagnosed. This episode covers a brief history of the diagnosis, the different theories around the increase in ADHD diagnoses over the last few decades and a critique of our current system for helping children and adults with ADHD. In this episode I reference a lot of different resources if anyone wants to get more in depth with this topic. Here are some important links: Diagnostic criteria for ADHD here Dr. Ruth Schmidt Neven’s podcast episode on ADHD here Dr. Schmidt Neven's publication list here MTA Study Review here ADHD Long-term medication use and cardiovascular risk here Large review published studies on ADHD here Sami Timimi publications here Keith Conners letter here British Psychological Society critique of the DSM 5 here Alan Schwartz exposure of Big Pharma’s influence on ADHD diagnosis here Crime of the Century Documentary here My website here


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#019 But I thought it was genetic?

Today’s episode is all about genetics. When I talk about the connection between primitive reflexes, poor brain development and diagnoses like ADHD and Autism I often get the response: But I thought it was genetic? The quick answer is yes, there is a genetic connection between ADHD and Autism, but saying this can be very misleading. This episode explores the link between genetics and these diagnoses. We will look at what that actually means and how genes influence developmental delays. Find my website here.


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#018 The History and Research on Primitive Reflexes

Today’s episode is all about the history and current research on primitive reflexes. I also cover the three main organizations that offer training on primitive reflex integration and discuss specific research findings. My goal for this episode is to help parents understand what we know, suspect, and need more information on when it comes to primitive reflexes and developmental delays. My hope is that this will help parents find the right care for their children. Here are links to the three main training organizations. I studied with the Institute of Neuro-Physiological Psychology and LOVE their program (I am obviously biased). You can find information about their programs as well as links to their books and research here. They also have branches all over the world and each country has a separate website. You can find information on the U.S. branch as well as a list of current U.S. licentiates here. I think you have to contact them in order to get the contact information of the licentiates though. You can find the website for the MNRI method here. You can find the website for the rhythmic movement method here. When I started this episode I was surprised to see how much new research has come out since I was in school. Below are links to several different studies, some mentioned specifically in this episode some not: You can find a long list of research authored or co-authored by INPP licentiates here. You can find a long list of research specifically related to MNRI here. Here is a list of individual studies related to primitive reflexes. I mention a couple of these specifically in the episode, the rest extra for any other crazy nerds out there who like to really get into the weeds with this stuff. Enjoy! (I had to just make a numbered list to save character space in this description) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. There is more research if any of you get that far! I was very excited to see research coming from so many different areas all saying similar things. Obviously we need research to help refine practices and look at long term impacts, but I am excited that this area is growing. If you want more information you can find my website here.


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#017 FAQ: Can You Help My Child?

Today’s episode is going to cover one of my most frequently asked question which is: Can you help my child? This episode is going to go over the history of neuro-developmental delay more recently called neuro-motor immaturity and the research on primitive reflexes and the connection between physical and mental development. I’m also going to talk about the most common symptoms I see in the kids I work with and the benefits, limitations and disadvantages of this type of therapy. Research Links Visit my website to learn more:


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#016 Early Development Special Series: Immediate Postpartum Period

Today’s episode is the final part of our mini series on early development. This episode looks at the immediate postpartum period, the few hours after birth, and how this time period impacts our long-term neurological development. We are talking about things like delayed cord clamping, primitive reflex function and development, attachment, resuscitation practices and more. You can find my website here. There is an amazing ted talk called 90 Seconds to Change the World that discusses delayed cord clamping and its benefits here. You can also find great information on optimal cord clamping at the Wait for White website here. If you want more in depth information on fetal circulation and transitions there is a cool Khan academy video here. There is some cool research on Kangaroo Care here and here.


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#015 Early Development Special Series: Labor and Birth

This is the second episode in our special series on early brain development. Today we are looking at labor and birth and how this process affects our brain long-term. Many people understand the importance of pregnancy on brain development but often skip over labor and birth and jump right into infancy. Even though labor and birth are relatively short period of time in our neurological development they play a huge role in helping us transition into newborn life and help us set the foundation for future brain development. This episode goes into depth on the process of labor and birth and what is happening from the baby’s perspective. It covers normal and abnormal birth experiences and risk factors that can arise during this important time. Labor and birth play an important role in how your child’s brain will function in the future. If we as a society want to curb this explosion of developmental problems we are seeing we have to back up and figure out where they start. You can find my website here. If you want to learn more about the midwifery model of care, breech birth, home birth, the microbiome and other things I mention in this episode, I highly recommend these resources: The Business of Being Born Why Not Home The Birthing Instincts Podcast VBAC Facts Microbirth Ina May's Guide to Childbirth (book) You can find a list of research and resources from the Institute of Neuro-Physiological Psychology Research here.


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#014 Early Development Special Series: Conception and Pregnancy

This is the first episode in a special series on early development. This series is looking at the neurological development that is happening during pregnancy, birth and the early infancy period and how things that happen during these stages can impact the brain years down the road. This first episode is looking at conception and pregnancy. We are going to take a deep look at fertility problems, maternal health, pregnancy complications and more. Each of these stages plays a role in how your child’s brain will function in the future. If we as a society want to curb this explosion of developmental problems we are seeing we have to back up and figure out where they start. Below are a few other podcast episodes that discuss similar topics. Enjoy! The Joe Rogan Experience Episode #1638 Dr. Shanna Swan Birthing Instincts Episode #315 Advanced Maternal Age: Debunking Myths Institute of Neuro-Physiological Psychology Research List I looked at a ton of research articles on fertility for this episode, if you want to read what I did just google IVF research articles. I try to sort through a lot of it in the podcast episode but I figured I would list what I think is the most important one here. This paper includes reference to a lot of other studies so if you want to go down the rabbit hole it’s a good place to start. The Early Roots Website


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#013 Brain Development Crash Course

This episode is a crash course in brain development. We dive into how the brain develops and how early experiences change the trajectory of brain function. This is important to know if you are working with children with developmental delays like ADHD, dyslexia, sensory processing problems and Autism. Understanding brain development enables us to address the root cause of developmental delays rather than focusing on the symptoms. Early Roots Website


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#012 Sensory Processing Problems

Today's episode is all about sensory processing problems! We are diving into the normal 5 senses: light, sound, touch, taste and smell. We are also looking at other lesser known senses such as the vestibular, propriocetive and interoceptive systems. Many children with developmental dealys struggle with one or more of these sensory systems. This episode looks at the most common sensory related problems and their neurological roots. If you have a child you are concerned about, then visit my website to learn more.


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#011 Treating Retained Primitive Reflexes

This episode is all about treating primitive reflexes. I am very excited that awareness about primitive reflexes has exploded over the last few years. More and more parents and professionals are becoming aware of how they impact development and they are starting look at diagnoses like ADHD and dyslexia through this developmental lens. While this awareness is amazing, I am concerned about the different "treatments" that I have seen pop up online. Usually these are videos or blog posts giving parents oversimplified exercises to try with their children. This episode dives into what parents should look for in an effective treatment plan and also gives recourses for professionals who are wanting to expand their education. I did my post-graduate training at the Institute of Neuro-Physiological Psychology. They are both a school and a research institution and have the most in-depth education on treating primitive reflexes that I have found. If you want more in-depth information on primitive reflexes check out the book Attention Balance and Coordination the A.B.C. of Learning Success. It is one of the main textbooks that INPP uses in their post-graduate degree program. If you are concerned about your child, then visit my website to learn more!


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#010 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and the Anxiety Umbrella

This episode is all about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and the umbrella of anxiety related disorders. I work with a lot of kids who have OCD type symptoms. This episode talks about the underlying neurological systems at play and why these symptoms exist. Visit my website here to learn more.


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#009 Preventing Developmental Delays

This episode is all about preventing retained reflexes and developmental dealys. It builds on a previous episode about complications and risk factors and gives practical steps parents can take to prevent developmental delays in their future children. Resources for treating parental anxiety and other mental health problems: Follow Dr. Psych Mom's blog and podcast. She also has a whole network of therapists that work in several different states. Here you can find some information about brainspotting. This is a new theraputic technique that can really help work through specific fears and traumas. Here you can find some information about EMDR. With both brain spotting and EMDR you will need to find a therapist who utilizes these techniques and work with them. Here you can find information about MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies). They have a LOT of promising research on the use of psychedelic drugs in combination with therapy and the benefits on a wide range of mental health problems. Like I mention in the podcast, if it were me, this is where I would start. Here you can find more information about the midwifery model of care including the benefits and research. If you want to learn more about prevention there is a book called What Babies and Children Really Need by Sally Goddard Blythe. This book goes into a lot of depth on prevention. Lastly you can visit my website here if you want to learn more.


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#008 Tough Dads and Sensitive Kids

This episode is all about the relationship between tough dads and sensitive kids. I work with a lot of highly sensitive and emotionally immature children. Parenting these kids can be particularly difficult for dads with more traditional, masculine personalities. This relationship can also be tough for moms who feel caught in the middle of the dad/child relationship. This episode looks at some of the struggles and benefits of this relationship dynamic. If you and your spouse need help figuring out how to parent a sensitive child I highly recommend these resources: Lori Roper (LCSW) Lori is actually my mother and she specializes in marriage, family and parenting dynamics. She is also very familiar with NDD therapy so if you have a child who is working with me she will understand the process. She is licensed in both Oklahoma and Colorado. Dr. Psych Mom: Dr. Psych Mom is my next recommendation. She has an entire network of parenting coaches and therapists that work in a lot of different states. She also has a huge stock of blog posts and podcast episode on a wide range of topics. Here is the Dr. Psych Mom blog post I reference in this episode: Lastly if you are concerned about your child and want more information about my services you can visit my website:


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#007 An ADHD Special

This episode is an ADHD special! We take an in-depth look at what it is, how the ADHD brain works and the different neurological and physiological systems at play. We also look at some of the current theories about the cause of ADHD and I lay out an argument that most causes of ADHD are the direct result of negative early experiences and delays in nervous system development. Relevant Links: Scattered Minds by Dr. Gabor Mate Driven to Distraction by Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Ratey Diagnostic criteria for ADHD


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#006 The Eyes: The Window to the Brain

This episode is all about visual development and how kids learn how to control their eyes. Pretty much all of the kids I work with who struggle in school have some problems with the way they move thier eyes. Eye development happens early in the first year after birth and when this system doesn't work properly it can tank our ability to learn in school. Visit my website here to learn more.


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#005 The Body's "Sixth Sense" the Vestibular System

This episode is all about the vestibular system which is arguably our body's most important sensory system. Vestibular dysfunction is very common in children with developmental delays and it impacts lots of different areas that you might not expect. Listen in to learn how the vestibular system contributes to anxiety, social problems and academic underachievement. Visit my website here to learn more.
