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The Curated Beauty Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

The Curated Beauty Podcast highlights my mission to help women tap into their unique, authentic selves. With an education and passion for aesthetics, I have created, own, and operate a multi-million dollar aesthetic practice. Through our girlfriend effect approach with our patients, I am privy to so many enriching conversations in my treatment rooms. I want to bring all of that here! From talking about what skincare brand is more scientifically efficacious to how to lean into the vulnerabilities of life, you’ll find it all on this podcast.


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The Curated Beauty Podcast highlights my mission to help women tap into their unique, authentic selves. With an education and passion for aesthetics, I have created, own, and operate a multi-million dollar aesthetic practice. Through our girlfriend effect approach with our patients, I am privy to so many enriching conversations in my treatment rooms. I want to bring all of that here! From talking about what skincare brand is more scientifically efficacious to how to lean into the vulnerabilities of life, you’ll find it all on this podcast.



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Focus to Flourish: The #1 Key to Business Success

After having some fantastic guests on the podcast recently, I wanted to have a solo episode to catch you up on everything happening with Beauty Culture, Cultured Wellness, and myself. I’m going to share the new products and services we’re offering lately, and themes that I’m seeing come together in my businesses. I talk about some of my recent travels, sharing insights from a training session for Allergan injectors and my approach to handling competition in the beauty industry. I discuss the importance of seizing growth opportunities, and touch on my role in guiding new injectors. I’ll emphasize the strength that comes from a narrowed focus and how I’ve seen it grow my business. By narrowing your scope, you actually reduce the need to be different. Narrowing your focus and being strong somewhere is better than expanding your focus and being weak everywhere. Maintaining a concentrated brand identity is so important. I discuss the necessity of leadership in making strategic decisions that align with the brand's vision, even if it means prioritizing team development over direct patient care. The process of refining our offerings at the med spa has been allowing us to offer what resonates most with our clients, thereby enhancing the brand's appeal and establishing a deep connection with a specific clientele. Finally, I highlight our collaboration with Quicksilver Scientific, which has propelled us forward in hormone therapy innovation, while remaining faithful to our wellness philosophy. I also talk about how teaming up with Colorescience and their skincare products has been another step towards embodying the core values of our brand. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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Interview w/ Dr. Alan Widgerow: Innovations in Skincare Including His Thoughts on Exosomes

In today's episode, we’re sitting down with Dr. Alan Widgerow, who is a Professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of California as well as the Head of Alastin Innovations. We discuss the impact that Alastin’s commitment to science-backed product development has had throughout his career. Dr. Widgerow highlights the shifting perspective among plastic surgeons who now integrate skincare into their practices. He outlines the development of TriHex technology, which originated from wound healing research and has revolutionized skin bed preparation. This technology facilitates the removal of extracellular matrix debris, thus enhancing the effectiveness of surgical procedures and improving skin health. We explore the critical role of preparing the skin prior to treatments, which leads to better healing and results. We touch upon the advancements in dermatology, particularly in stimulating elastin production within the skin. Dr. Widgerow explains how new staining techniques and the incorporation of vitamin C have contributed to these breakthroughs. He also describes an antioxidant formula that combines a sodium salt of ascorbate with lactoferrin, yielding a product that supports both collagen and elastin without the irritation often associated with previous formulations. We also examine the challenges of exosome-based therapies, especially concerning the delivery and cargo complexities. The conversation turns to the need for meticulous validation of exosome counts and sizes, as well as the source of derivation. He explains the concept of designer exosomes, which harness the body's natural delivery systems to augment specific peptides. Finally, we get into the regulatory considerations surrounding exosome technology. The discussion brings to light the ethical concerns and the need for validated methodologies in this innovative field. We question the practicality of using complex technologies for conditions that could be managed with simpler methods, and stress the importance of ensuring the anti-inflammatory properties of platelet-derived exosomes. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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The Roadmap to Health: Functional Lab and Genetic Testing with Dr. Kim Bruno

Today we’re welcoming Dr. Kim Bruno, the Clinical Director and Medical Science Liaison for Vibrant Wellness, which is a cutting-edge functional lab testing facility renowned for its work with very complex patients. In this episode, our main focus is the often-overlooked subject of oxidative stress and how it differs from inflammation in our bodies. Dr. Bruno shares details about her husband's battle with chronic illness, which serves as a reminder that behind every diagnosis is a human being with a unique health narrative. Her transition from patient care to education and lab testing is a compelling example of the breadth of impact one can have in the field of medicine. We learn about the groundbreaking oxidative stress panel from Vibrant Wellness, which marks a new era in personalized healthcare. Then, Dr. Bruno explains genetic SNPs and the necessity of individualized health strategies, showing the importance of patient-provider collaboration. It’s clear that strategic testing and patient education are essential to demystify complex health conditions and foster adherence to treatment. Understanding oxidative stress is vital, and it plays an integral role in healthcare protocols. We explore its implications for gut health, cardiovascular wellness, and autoimmune treatments, acknowledging the power of functional lab tests to guide personalized care. Wrapping up the episode, the focus shifts to autoimmune conditions and the burgeoning interest in immune health. The pandemic has indeed sparked a renewed quest for understanding the root causes of health issues, and functional lab tests are the keys to unlocking these mysteries, offering a clear pathway for patient wellness. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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Hormone Replacement Therapy Reimagined w/ Dr. Christopher Shade

Dr. Christopher Shade, the CEO and visionary founder of Quicksilver Scientific, joins us this week. He is a pioneer in health innovation, specializing in detoxification and nutritional support. His work includes the development of advanced testing for mercury levels and the creation of supplements that significantly enhance detoxification and overall health. Dr. Shade's approach to detox through Quicksilver Scientific resonates with my belief in supporting the body's innate ability to heal and regenerate. During our conversation, we’ll tackle the misconceptions surrounding hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and detox. I had an eye-opening moment myself with Quicksilver's products, which emphasized the importance of proper dosing and delivery systems. Dr. Shade's explanation of the synergy between low-dose, bioavailable supplements and the body's natural detox pathways emphasized the need for personalized approaches to wellness. As a proponent of empowering women through education and wellness, Dr. Shade’s explanation about the positive effects of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy during perimenopause and beyond is particularly fascinating. It's clear that balancing hormones can rejuvenate vitality and improve overall quality of life. Dr. Shade also talks about the benefits of estriol in cosmeceuticals. My personal experience with estriol's effects on skin health underscores the potential of hormones in beauty treatments. His insights into the protective effects of estradiol on cardiovascular health and neurological function provided a holistic view of hormone therapy that goes beyond aesthetics, delving into long-term wellness. Finally, Dr. Shade helps us understand how AMPK activators can work together with hormone therapy and nutritional supplements for health optimization. We’ll finish up by talking about how healthcare providers can integrate innovative approaches from Quicksilver into their practices. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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The Hallmarks of Aging

This week, we're going to unravel the latest research on the hallmarks of aging, exploring the ways we can biohack our biological clocks to not just live longer, but to thrive with vigor and health. The hallmarks of aging are those biological signposts that guide us through the aging process. Recent advancements have introduced five additional hallmarks to the original nine, shedding light on areas such as compromised autophagy and the intriguing concept of "inflammaging." By understanding these markers, we're better equipped to personalize anti-aging therapies, targeting the root causes of aging for each individual. Epigenetic alterations can play a critical role in how they influence our susceptibility to diseases like cancer. The importance of maintaining protein homeostasis and the need for regulated nutrient sensing is also very important as we age. With practical tips on intermittent fasting and smart nutrition, we can empower ourselves to take control of our cellular well-being, staving off the detrimental effects of aging on our metabolism. Emerging therapies offer a glimmer of hope in our quest for eternal vitality. By exploring the complex relationship between autophagy, aging, and cellular senescence, we can balance our health more effectively. I’ll discuss the profound impact of the microbiome on aging and how maintaining a healthy gut can signal a younger biological age. It's clear that by harnessing these groundbreaking therapies, we can revolutionize healthcare and promote a longer, healthier life. By delving into the hallmarks of aging and understanding how we can influence them, we open the doors to a future where aging is not feared but embraced with wisdom and grace. Together, let's redefine what it means to age, fostering a life that's not only longer, but enriched with unparalleled vitality. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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The Remarkable Benefits of Methylene Blue in Regenerative Medicine w/ Dr. Warren and Dan Schmidt from Best 365 Labs

Dr. Steven Warren and Dan Schmidt from Best 365 Labs join me today to discuss the transformative potential of methylene blue. From Dr. Warren's experience with treating post-COVID brain fog to the development of their non-staining oral formulation, they are at the forefront of innovative health solutions. We get into the history of methylene blue, learning about its evolution from a simple textile dye to a powerful medical agent capable of combating infections and poisonings. It's amazing to think that something once used so casually in psychiatric hospitals to monitor patient compliance could now be a key player in enhancing brain function and longevity. Choosing the right brain health supplement can be a daunting task, especially for those dealing with ADHD or brain fog. Dr. Warren and Dan explain how methylene blue supports ATP production, offering a natural source of energy and focus. They also address the compatibility of methylene blue with SSRIs, which relates to concerns about serotonin syndrome. We’ll hear about different offerings from Best 365 Labs, including the “travel pack” that Dr. Warren encourages everyone to bring when going anywhere with lots of people. With the ongoing need for strong immune systems, it's great to know there are products out there that can provide an additional layer of protection. Tailoring your supplement intake can lead to improved focus and energy levels, and we share firsthand accounts of those who've experienced the remarkable benefits of methylene blue products. By sharing stories of profound personal impacts, including women proclaiming methylene blue as a “miracle product,” we underscore the importance of learning as an ongoing adventure. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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Detox: Nurturing Gut Microbiome & Beyond

This week I’m taking you on a transformative journey into the intricate world of the gut microbiome and its profound connection to our well-being. It's astonishing how our internal ecosystem plays such a pivotal role in not just our immunity and brain function, but our overall systemic wellness. As we dive deeper into the impact of our modern lifestyle on health, I’ll reflect on the changes I've made to improve my own well-being. Moving to sunny Florida, embracing homeschooling, and leading an active life were all part of a conscious decision to distance myself from the stress and sedentary habits that plague our society. The standard American diet, high in processed foods and toxins, can ravage our microbiome and contribute to systemic diseases. Addressing the pressing issue of 'forever chemicals' like polychlorinated bisphenols and PFAS, I share my personal brush with glyphosate exposure. Despite a mostly organic diet, the impact on my gut health was undeniable. These toxins, along with mold and endotoxins, can lead to autoimmune diseases, mental health problems, and metabolic disorders. In discussing the body's detoxification process, I highlight the critical nature of supporting each phase, from oxidative activation to filtration. The PushCatch Detox System, Liver Sauce, and other supplements like liposomal glutathione are game changers in toxin elimination. It's about providing our bodies with the tools they need to function optimally in a world laden with toxins. I want to express the sheer importance of viewing our health as a holistic picture. The steps towards a healthier lifestyle may not be effortless, but they are undoubtedly rewarding. Remember, your gut microbiome is as good as the terrain of your body, and with a commitment to detoxification and clean living, a more vibrant and healthier life awaits. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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Perimenopause: Are You Being MISDIAGNOSED?

This time I’m here to shine a light on perimenopause, a transformative phase that so many women navigate in silence. The misconceptions and societal stigmas surrounding hormone deficiencies can no longer dictate how we perceive and manage our health. With this episode, my aim is to empower you with the knowledge to recognize the signs of perimenopause and encourage a shift from passive acceptance to proactive wellness. Understanding hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be a daunting task, with big pharma's profit-driven focus often obscuring the benefits of this effective treatment. I’ll share some practical tips for selecting a healthcare provider that aligns with your needs and offers a treatment approach that you're comfortable with. It's essential to feel empowered in your choices and find a provider who champions a tailored care plan that brings harmony to your perimenopausal experience. I'm a firm believer in the power of beauty as a force for change, extending beyond the surface to encompass our inner health and wellbeing. From hot flashes to mood swings, I’ll unpack the complexities of hormonal changes that many women face, yet hesitate to acknowledge. This reluctance, deeply rooted in societal stigmas and the fear of aging, calls for a broader understanding and acceptance of this natural phase. Remember, my friends, perimenopause doesn't have to be a silent struggle. With the right knowledge and resources, we can approach this phase with confidence and grace. By exploring all facets of hormonal health, we open the door to a more fulfilling and empowered chapter in our lives. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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Menopause & Mental Health Issues: A Discussion on the Association

Today we take a deep dive into the often-overlooked realm of mental health during menopause. I've witnessed firsthand how hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can revolutionize not just physical health, but mental well-being too. Through a nuanced approach that weaves together lifestyle changes and hormonal balance, we can usher in a new era of personalized care that truly addresses the root causes of mental distress during this pivotal life stage. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone have profound effects on mood and brain function. The imbalance of these hormones can exacerbate or even trigger mental health issues. It's not just about treating symptoms, it's about understanding the underlying hormonal shifts that occur during menopause. I’m advocating for a shift in mental health care that includes hormone level assessments and integrates primary care with mental health services. This is about empowering women to take control of their health journey, to seek the support they need, and to consider HRT as a potential game-changer for their mental health. HRT can reduce the risks associated with osteoporosis, heart disease, and cognitive decline without the once-feared risks of blood clots or breast cancer. I believe that it's essential for both patients and healthcare providers to view hormone levels as a vital component of mental health evaluations and to adopt a more holistic, multidisciplinary approach to patient care. Personalized treatment plans should be the norm, not the exception. As we wrap up today's episode, I invite you to share the knowledge and insights we've uncovered with those around you. Knowledge is power, and by spreading the word, we can help more women find balance and vibrancy in their lives. Remember, beauty is not just skin deep—it's interwoven with our overall health and well-being. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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The #1 Thing You Can Do To Avoid Chronic Diseases and Cancer

In today's episode we’re exploring the world of ozone therapy, a treatment gaining traction in the wellness world. We explore the potential benefits of ozone saunas, specifically focusing my recent experience with HOCATT Ozone Sauna, a therapy session that provides 10 treatments in one, at Tringali Vibrant Health in West Palm Beach, Florida. I am thrilled to share my personal experience and how it invigorated my health journey. As we journey together in the wellness world, we can't ignore the lurking shadow of chronic diseases. Conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders are disturbingly on the rise. Environmental factors such as pollution and chemicals contribute to these health issues, but there are innovative solutions like ozone therapy that can provide support. Ozone therapy, often misunderstood, is a potent treatment that shows promise in battling chronic diseases. It works by enhancing oxygen delivery and utilization in the body, a fundamental aspect of health often overlooked by traditional medicine. But it's crucial to remember that ozone therapy isn't a standalone solution; it's a part of a holistic approach to health. I’ll go through eight things that ozone therapy can do for our bodies on a scientific level. For example, with its power to increase oxygen delivery and utilization, stimulate cytokine function, and promote detoxification, ozone therapy could be a game changer for people with so-called incurable infections. I’m really excited to be able to bring this into Beauty Culture. It was such an amazing experience and I really look forward to being able to get ongoing treatment myself, while also having the ability to provide it to my clients. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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MYTH BUSTING: Bioidentical Hormones and WHY you need them!

There are many misconceptions around bioidentical hormone replacement therapy that have persisted despite scientific evidence, so today we’ll debunk these myths and shed light on the truth. Hormones play a crucial role in our bodies at every stage of life, from puberty to menopause and beyond. While the primary focus of this episode is women's hormonal health, we also touch on male hormones and their unique challenges. One common myth is that hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of cancer. This has been debunked time and again, yet fear and misinformation still exist. Not only do patients fear this therapy, but many physicians are also scared to prescribe it. The complexity of hormonal health is vast, and it has taken me a long time to master the understanding of how to provide this type of care to my patients. However, I believe that empowering you with knowledge and understanding is the key to making informed decisions about your health. The difference between bioidentical hormones and synthetic ones is very important to note when considering replacement therapy. Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical to the hormones produced in our bodies, leading to fewer side effects. In contrast, synthetic hormones are often chemically altered, leading to more unpredictable effects on the body. Hormone replacement therapy isn't just about alleviating symptoms. It’s about understanding the intricate balances between the interactions of the hormones in our bodies. If you are experiencing symptoms, I hope this episode resonates with you and helps you make informed decisions about your health. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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A Letter to My Younger Self and How Hater's Words Weigh You Down

I've noticed that as my businesses have grown, the cheers of support have started to wane. Not because my achievements are unworthy, but because my rise has triggered envy in some. I've come to realize that my success serves as a mirror, reflecting back the dreams others have shelved. This tough realization is what I’m discussing in this episode, along with how it led me to understand that my journey is about me and not about others. Bernard Baruch's quote, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind,” has guided me through this journey. It's a liberating philosophy that has taught me not to care so much about what others think. It's easy to get caught up in justifying your actions to others, but if you are content with your success, you won't feel the need to disparage others or their success. Focusing on customers and the services I provide has been my key to success. Winners focus on winning, and in our field, focusing on the patients is the way to win. Competitors who focus on you are missing the mark because they are not focusing on their customers. In the world of aesthetics, the pie is much larger than anyone perceives it to be. Scarcity is often a mindset, not a reality. It's about fostering an abundance mindset. This mindset, regardless of the situation, brings abundance to your life. So, focus on your race, at your pace, and keep moving forward with a team that believes in your vision. This journey is yours. It's personal, unique, and beautiful. Keep your head high, your spirit unshaken, and your heart open to those who truly support you.


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The Aesthetic Innovator: Crafting a New Vision in Beauty

Today, I want to share the insightful journey of business transformation using the J-curve framework. I have navigated through significant changes in business, and this framework has helped me steer my businesses through challenging times. The J-curve is essentially a graphical representation of performance and productivity during a major shift. It may sound daunting as we experience the initial dip, communication challenges, and trial and error phase, but it's all part of the process. I've learned that to refine processes and keep the team aligned, it's crucial to communicate the reasons behind the change and maintain transparency. Resistance to the changes during a major shift can lead to a drop in engagement, and we might see some team members leaving. However, as we adapt to the new systems and processes, we begin to see the visible outcomes of the change. This is the stage where our businesses can reach new heights and achieve exponential growth. Navigating the J-curve isn't easy, but it's a journey of resilience and belief in leadership. We must draw insights from other thought leaders who have been through similar experiences. And, most importantly, we need to remain committed to the vision to navigate this curve successfully. Understanding change is the first step to mastering it. You need to always keep in mind the purpose that the changes you are making will serve. Remember, with every challenge we face, with every change we make, it's all part of the process that leads us to the exponential business growth that we want.


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10 Paths to Unconventional Leadership Mastery

As an unconventional leader in the beauty, aesthetic, and regenerative medicine industry, I've navigated a path less traveled. There was a time when my beliefs seemed to clash with the traditional notions of leadership. I felt overshadowed, unsure, and at odds with my instincts. However, my journey has taught me to trust my intuition and embrace my unique perspective, leading me to invest in my own business and face the skepticism that came along with it. Today, I’m sharing 10 paths to help you become an unconventional leader. I remember sitting with my husband, maxing out our credit cards, trying to make ends meet as we poured our resources into establishing our business. There were doubts and fears, but my passion for innovation and transformation in the aesthetic field was stronger. This passion drove me to take risks and challenge the naysayers, proving them wrong with my success. Through my journey, I've learned the essence of unconventional leadership. It involves self-awareness, lifelong learning, the courage to shake up the status quo, empathy, embracing diversity, and resilience. As a leader, it's crucial to create a team environment built on psychological safety, embracing vulnerability, and fostering a growth mindset. I believe it's essential to be committed to your core values and understand the power of collaborative relationships. It's not just about being a leader or an entrepreneur, it's about navigating life's challenges with resilience and a fresh perspective. Let’s inspire each other and chart our own courses in the world of beauty and aesthetics. I hope my story can serve as a beacon for others seeking their own unique path.


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Beyond the Pill: The Untold Health Secret of IV Drip Therapy

I have seen firsthand the transformative magic of IV drip therapy in the realms of beauty and wellness. IV drip therapy is like the Rolls Royce of nutrient delivery. It offers nearly 100% absorption rates, unlike oral supplements which sometimes have an absorption rate as low as 10%. It's a way to get immediate, efficient wellness. Some nutrients truly shine when delivered via IV. Vitamin C, for example, is our immune system's best friend. It can cause digestive issues when taken orally in high doses, but when introduced via an IV, you get the high doses without the digestive risk. Similarly, glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, gets lost when taken orally but becomes a direct line of defense against oxidative stress when given via an IV. B vitamins, which are critical for energy, can be challenging to absorb orally for some people. But with IV drip therapy, they can get the full benefits. Magnesium, nature's chill pill, can cause gut issues when taken orally in high doses. But with IV administration, these problems are solved. There’s also immense value in NAD, a molecule that has been making waves for its connections to energy, anti-aging, immune system health, and gut health. Though it can be taken orally, the IV method is much more impactful. And let's not forget about zinc, amino acids, fatty acids, and EDTA. Each plays a unique role and can be fully harnessed through IV therapy. But remember, despite the benefits of IV drip therapy, it may not be for everyone. Obviously, talk with a professional to see if it’s a good fit for you. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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Reviving Intimate Wellness: A Natural Approach

Today we’re talking all about women's sexual health: Everything from the complexities of the human body to the science behind orgasms, vaginal health, and libido. It's astonishing to know that conditions such as urinary incontinence (which affects between 10 to 20 million women), is the primary reason women are placed in nursing homes. Additionally, around 50 million women suffer from some form of sexual dysfunction. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) provides a safe, natural method for vaginal rejuvenation. PRF is autologous, meaning it is biocompatible; derived from your own blood. This reduces the risk of allergic reactions or rejections. With the growth factor release of PRF, we can stimulate regeneration and enhance collagen, which improves vaginal tightness, structure, and tone. Women's sexual health has been neglected in terms of research funding. Myths still surround hormone therapy and the potential hazards of Premarin. It's crucial to bust these myths and bring to light how a positive sexual experience can create a healthy feedback loop for arousal. Additionally, bioidentical hormones can rejuvenate a woman's libido, providing a more enjoyable sexual experience. Remember, women's sexual health is a significant part of overall wellbeing. There is a glaring disparity in research and treatment options, but advancements are creating ripples in the field. The journey towards better understanding of women's sexual health is ongoing, and we all need to be part of it. Join us as we continue exploring the transformative advancements in women's health. Don't let societal norms or lack of information hold you back. It's time to open our minds and invest in our sexual health, and by extension, our overall wellbeing. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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Maximizing Practice Growth: Should You Adopt RepeatMD?

Today, I am thrilled to get into the potential of membership programs such as RepeatMD in aesthetic and regenerative medicine practices. We've been seeing remarkable results by implementing these programs, especially with patient loyalty and consistent revenue growth. Embracing change, prioritizing training, and maintaining open communication channels with our patients are vital aspects to realize the full potential of these programs. A big part of the success comes from customizing tier memberships. We have to listen to our patients' needs and then tailor our offerings accordingly. Whether it's leveraging built-in tools for patient communication or using data analytics to understand revenue growth, it all comes back to giving patients what they need and want. Creating a sense of urgency through limited-time promotions has also been an effective strategy for us. It motivates our patients to act promptly and make the most out of their memberships. We also encourage word-of-mouth promotions and offer referral programs, which have been highly effective in bringing in new patients. Being transparent about the future of aesthetic and regenerative medicine is key. I believe it's essential to educate our patients about the advancements and potential benefits they can enjoy. It's not just about selling treatments, it's about building relationships and helping patients reach their overall health and wellness goals. The journey with membership programs has been enlightening, and the impact on our practice has been immense. We are constantly learning, adapting, and looking for ways to improve our offerings. Our ultimate goal is to provide our patients with the best possible care while ensuring a sustainable revenue model for our practice. Sign up for RepeatMD @beautyculture.medspa


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Skin Deep: Alisa Lask & The Exosome Revolution

We’re welcoming Alisa Lask, the CEO of Rion Aesthetics, to the show today. She has over two decades of experience in this industry, spanning across pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and cosmeceuticals. Our focus in today’s discussion is Rion’s revolutionary ( plated ) Skin Science products. You’ll know by listening to this episode that the future is here. When she ventured into skincare, Alisa thought exosomes were useless because of her science-based background. After a doctor that she trusts really recommended them, Alisa used them for 5 months and realized that the science behind them is amazing. After explaining what exactly exosomes are, Alisa takes us through the different ( plated ) Skin Science offerings from Rion. Some of the most common feedback about ( plated ) is appreciation of the source material of the product being so transparent. Also, providers are saying that by using this product, they’re able to simplify skincare routines. Exosomes are so extremely small, and very sophisticated machinery is needed to extract them properly for use on your skin. Rion’s products do not contain anything else, such as DNA, which is quite mind-blowing given their size. There are a lot more exciting things coming from Rion, and Alisa provides a timeline of what we can expect. Still, they’re focused on not getting too big too fast. Their long-term goal is to help advance aesthetics, especially in the regenerative space. Stimulating tissue to grow collagen and elastin on its own is so much more effective than using filler. @beautyculture.medspa


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Revive & Glow: The NEWEST Age-Defying Skin Secret

We’re diving deep into anti-aging in this episode. There’s a new revolutionary solution that could be your answer to a youthful, glowing complexion. But before getting into that, I want to talk about the concept of aging itself. Have you ever wondered about the science behind aging, why we get wrinkles, and why our skin loses its elasticity? Aging is not just about the passing of years. It’s a complex process that affects every layer of our face, starting from the bone. Youthful skin is typically soft and glowing, and contains plenty of collagen and elastin. By the time you’re 40, you lose about 1% of your collagen every year. Let’s talk about SKINVIVE. This is a breakthrough treatment, which is not classified as a filler, but is a hyaluronic acid injectable that acts as an internal moisturizer. Studies done on forearms show that SKINVIVE significantly changes the hydration level of treated tissues and returns it to that youthful look. We’ve had treatments like topicals, chemical peels, micro needling, and more, but the problem is that some of these can take several series to see improvement. SKINVIVE, on the other hand, requires no downtime. It has also been FDA approved by several clinical trials. If you come to Beauty Culture, there are two options for SKINVIVE. Level 1 is $800, while Level 2 is $1200. If you are eager to restore that youthful glow, SKINVIVE could really be your answer, especially since it enhances the effects of Botox and filler as well. @beautyculture.medspa


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Unlocking Your Hidden Power: Everyone's a Leader Inside!

Today, let’s take some time to talk about leadership. Everyone in my business is a leader whether they know it or not. So much goes into being a leader, and a lot of that comes with experience, but it’s true definition is the ability to inspire and guide others towards the same goal. The work environment you create as a leader needs to be positive and productive. Your business should be a vessel for everyone else that works with you to accomplish their own goals. Emotional intelligence is a key component to being a good leader, and that can be broken down into four points: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. You also need to be open to brutal honesty so that you can take feedback, even when it’s not positive. Being a thoughtful person also goes a long way when you’re in a leadership role. Leadership is not about changing the world, nor an untouchable concept that not everyone will experience. It’s really about the tiny moments where you’re creating interpersonal connection for the greater common goal. Remember that people want to be a part of what you’re doing, otherwise they wouldn’t be working for you. It’s important to recognize when people are nurturing a good work environment. There are three main ways to do this: giving the gift of active listening, giving acknowledgement in meetings, and giving personalized notes or messages. It all goes back to celebrating your team and highlighting the people that are doing really well, which will encourage everyone to raise the bar. Remember, again, leadership is not about holding a title, it’s about inspiring other people. @beautyculture.medspa
