Unconventionally Systemic
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A group of 4 women from the global majority based in the UK, having recently completed their training in Systemic Family Psychotherapy. They share their journey using their professional & lived experiences to broaden systemic ideas with spotlight on issues and experiences faced particularly by the global majority.
United States
A group of 4 women from the global majority based in the UK, having recently completed their training in Systemic Family Psychotherapy. They share their journey using their professional & lived experiences to broaden systemic ideas with spotlight on issues and experiences faced particularly by the global majority.
Season 4: Episode 5 - Decolonising Systemic Psychotherapy
Happy New Year! Welcome back to another episode of US! Today, we have another special guest joining us, Newly Qualified Systemic Family psychotherapist, Naomi. Naomi shares with us her dissertation on decolonising family therapy in training, supervision and in the therapy room. She begins to fill an important gap in the research following on Burnham's work around decolonising systemic therapy on the level of ethics (AMT). We also discuss what it means in practice.
As always, we would love to hear your thoughts. You can interact with us on Spotify or email us on unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com.
#therapy #systemictherapy #decolonisingtherapy #familytherapy #psychotherapy
Season 4: Episode 4 - Reflecting on unsafe uncertainty
Welcome back to another episode of US! Today we're reflecting on our conversation with Dr Sara and considering the real world risks of discussing politics.
***As a heads up, at one point one of us swears, so if you're not keen on swearing, or have young impressionable ears, you may want to skip this episode!***
As always, we would love to hear your thoughts. You can interact with us on Spotify or email us on unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com
#reflections #systemictherapy #safeuncertainty #familytherapy
Can psychotherapy be apolitical?
Welcome back to another episode of US! Today, we have another special guest joining us, trainee Psychiatrist and all round wonderful human being Dr. Sara. We've been building up to discussing politics and mental health and in this episode, with the help of Dr. Sara, we begin to explore what is restricted when we ignore the politics of our lives.
As always, we would love to hear your thoughts. You can interact with us on Spotify or email us on unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com.
#therapy #systemictherapy #politicsandmentalhealth #familytherapy
Season 4: Episode 2 - Male Clinician on 'Toxic Masculinity'
Welcome back to another episode of US! Today, we have a special guest join us, seasoned Systemic Family Psychotherapist - Richard. Following our popular epsiode, 'Man Up' we thought it would be good to get a male's perspective on the idea of 'Toxic Masculinity'. Richard shares some of his professional and personal perspective on the conception of mascunility.
As always, we would love to hear your thoughts. You can interact with us on Spotify or email us on: unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com.
#therapy #masculinity #systemictherapy #familytherapy #manup
Season 4: Episode 1 - Here's To A New Season
Hi guys! Welcome back to another season of US! We appreciate you all for your patience and those that always check in on us. This episode we give you a sneak peek of what to expect from us this season and some of the special guests we'll be featuring!
As always, let us know your thoughts via email on: unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com
#systemicpsychotherapy #familytherapy #therapists #psychotherapy
Season 3: Episode 4 - Goodbyee...for now!
Tune in to hear us reflect on this season, and share some sneak peaks of the themes of the next one! We anticipate to return in late spring so keep your eyes peeled for the new season!! In the meantime we welcome any further suggestions or feedback which you can share with us via our email at unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com :) #familytherapy #psychotherapy #systemictherapy #podcast #globalmajority #mentalhealth
Season 3: Episode 3 - 'Only Systemic Practitioners Call Out Racial Biases?'
Hi guys! Thank you for joining us for another episode. Today, we discuss our experiences as professionals navigating ours and other professionals within the health and social care field's racial biases regarding the families we work with. We also link it to some of the racial biases we face in our different contexts. We'd love to hear from you so please interact with us via the Q&A or you can also email us on: unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com #familytherapy #psychotherapy #therapists #globalmajority #systemictherapy #therapy #racialbias #prejudice #multidisciplinary #unconventional #mentalhealth
Season 3: Episode 2 - Surviving Systemic Therapy Training
Hi guys! Welcome back again to another video episode. Today, we are reflecting on the end of our Systemic Training journey and how we transitioned/are transitioning into our first roles as qualified Systemic Family Psychotherapists. We'd love to hear from you so please interact with us via the Q&A or you can also email us on: unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com #familytherapy #psychotherapy #therapists #globalmajority #systemictherapy #therapy www.youtube.com/@UnconventionallySystemic
Season 3: Episode 1 - Where Have We Been??
Hey guys, We are back....this time on camera!! Sorry for the hiatus. We have been busy completing/qualifying in our systemic psychotherapy training! Tune in to hear updates! :) Let us know your thoughts via Email us on: unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com
#Systemicpsychotherapy #familytherapy #therapists #psychotherapy
Season 2 - Episode 5 - Who makes the decisions?
Apologies for the hiatus from us, it has been a busy time academically for us all. Today’s episode is looking at some of the systematic barriers faced in the mental health system, especially by people of the global majority. As always, we would love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Email us: unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com
Season 2 - Episode 4 'Racism in the Therapy Room'
In this episode we discuss our experiences of racism whilst working in mental health settings (and in life in general).
If you're after some light relief after a potentially intense episode, stick around till the end to hear a snippet from our pre-recording chat (just fyi Megan found her 'brain crystal').
Season 2: Episode 3 - All about colourism
In this episode we delve into colourism, exploring our experiences both inside and outside the therapy room.
Season 2: Episode 2 - 'Man up'
This episode is us discussing 'Toxic Masculinity' reflecting on how society perpetuates it and the barriers it can create for men in regards to accessing and engaging with therapy. Email us on: unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com
Season 2: Episode 1 - What Next?
Welcome back! On today’s episode, we’re discussing some of our ideas for this upcoming season. Apologies for some of the sound quality, we had some connection issues whilst recording this season. Email us on: unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com
Episode 6 - Reflecting on US
In today’s episode, we all reflect on our own feelings, thoughts and reactions we have shared so far on the podcast. We also think about the versions of ourselves that we present in this space. This is a process we’re encouraged to go through as systemic therapists regarding how we bring ourselves into the therapeutic space. Email us your thoughts on: unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com
Episode 5 - Therapy for Therapists
Hey again! Today we share a little bit on our personal experiences of different forms of therapy as emerging systemic family psychotherapists. We also wanted to share the following website of counsellors/therapists from the Global Majority: https://www.baatn.org.uk/ Email us your thoughts on: Unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com
Episode 4 - Routes to Systemic Training/The Side Hustle
On today's episode we share our stories and experiences on what it took for us to get to this point, and delve into how, despite the financial obstacles, training as a Family & Systemic Therapist is possible (we hope)....let us know your thoughts via Email us on: unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com
Episode 3 - How Did We Get Here?
Today we talk about our Journey to the systemic world, with possible ideas of how to start yours if it's something you've been considering.
Let us know your thoughts via Email us on: unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com
Episode 2 - How Do We Define Love?
Ooooo guys.....this is a deep one..... inspired by Bell Hooks' ideas about Love and her book, 'All about Love'. May her soul rest in Peace, her teachings live on.. Let us know your thoughts! Email us on: unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com
Episode 1 - Introduction to US
On today’s episode, we wanted to share a bit about who we are, what we do and what you can expect from us as you come on this journey with us. We would love to hear from you! Email us on: unconventionallysystemic@outlook.com