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Talk with Fr. Barouyr

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Join the Very Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian, Dean of the Armenian Theological Seminary of the Catholicosate of the Great See of Cilicia, in weekly conversations in Armenian and English about the Armenian Apostolic Church, church traditions, Christian spirituality, and current events in the Church.


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Join the Very Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian, Dean of the Armenian Theological Seminary of the Catholicosate of the Great See of Cilicia, in weekly conversations in Armenian and English about the Armenian Apostolic Church, church traditions, Christian spirituality, and current events in the Church.



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Episode 65 - The Spirituality of St. Gregory of Nareg (ENG 🇬🇧)

This week, Fr. Barouyr investigates the spirituality behind. St. Gregory of Nareg’s masterwork, his Book of Lamentations. He explores what we need to understand to use the prayers in our prayer practice, such as St. Gregory’s deep spiritual understanding of Biblical figures, and that it approaches prayer from the viewpoint that we cannot live without God’s mercy.


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Episode 64 - The Good Shepherd and Us (ENG 🇬🇧)

This week, join Fr. Barouyr for a discussion about The Good Shepherd. In the Gospels, Jesus is described both ad The Good Shepherd, and the Lamb of God. Father Barouyr explains how Jesus does both His part and our part in our salvation, and how that means we should live our lives.


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Episode 63 - Thy Kingdom Come (ENG 🇬🇧)

This week, join Fr. Barouyr for a discussion about what we mean when we pray for God’s Kingdom to come. This phrase is found in the Lord’s Prayer, but impacts how we pray and even the direction of our prayer during the Liturgy. While God’s Kingdom means our judgment, we should find comfort in it because it will bring His love to completely fill our lives.


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Episode 62 - Listen, Lord (ENG 🇬🇧)

This week, join Fr. Barouyr as he shares a prayer from his book, Listen, Lord. Translated from the krapar, the Armenian title means “Listen, Lord,” but in modern Armenian, the title means “Lord, Who Listens.” Fr. Barouyr reminds us that we don’t need special words to pray, but to share ourselves with God openly, and be open to God’s presence in our lives.


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Episode 61 - Human Kindness (ENG 🇬🇧)

This week, join Fr. Barouyr as he talks about how human history has been marked by cruelty towards others, exemplified by the decision to sacrifice Christ on the cross. Fr. Barouyr notes how throughout history, we have been lead by politicians who have sacrificed others for the sake of political expediency. God made us in His image, and we are commanded to plant the seeds of kindness, not be cruel to one another.


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Episode 60 - Remembering the Armenian Genocide (ENG 🇬🇧)

This week, Fr. Barouyr remembers the martyrs of the Armenian Genocide. He charges us to honor their memory by working together to overcome our current adversity.


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Episode 59 - Sunday of the World Church (Green Sunday) (ARM 🇦🇲)

This week, listen in to Father Barouyr’s sermon on the occasion of Green Sunday, April 14, 2024. Father Barouyr challenges us to take our faith beyond the four walls of the church, and understand what the church’s ministry truly is. We are required to partake in God’s Body and Blood each Sunday, not for ourselves, but to take the love that culminated in Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and Resurrection out to everyone in our lives.


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Episode 58 - Christian Meditation (ENG 🇬🇧)

This week, Fr. Barouyr is joined by His Grace Bishop Daniel Findikyan, former Primate of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America and Dean of St. Nersess Armenian Seminary, in Holy Etchmiadzin for a discussion about meditation in the context of the Armenian Church. They delve into what Christian meditation means, and what we can do to direct our attention to Christ when we pray. Further, they highlight that God wants our love and trust. Finally, they exhort the faithful to start a daily practice of dedicating at least 10 seconds of each day to prayer.


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Episode 57 - Easter: Re-Centering Life (ARM 🇦🇲)

This week, join Fr. Barouyr for a discussion about Easter. Fr. Barouyr reminds us to respond to the injustices of life with love, and delves into how Christ’s Resurrection changes not only death but also our lives.


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Episode 56 - Lazarus Saturday (ARM 🇦🇲)

The Armenian Church calls the day before Palm Sunday Lazarus Saturday. Join Fr. Barouyr this week for a conversation about what we can learn from Lazarus. Fr. Barouyr highlights that Jesus considered Lazarus a friend, and emphasized that Christ demonstrated that He wasn’t incarnated just for His own resurrection, but to resurrect us as well. Further, God is more than our Creator, but wants to also be our friends just as Lazarus was. The Gospel describes Lazarus’s death and resurrection by Jesus in John, chapter 11.


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Episode 55 - St. Gregory’s Feast and Relics (ARM 🇦🇲)

This Sunday of Lent in the Armenian Church is called Sunday of the Advent. This year, the Armenian Church commemorates St. Gregory the Illuminator’s entry into the Pit on Saturday. As a feast day dedicated the St. Gregory a special day of pilgrimage takes place at the Mother Cathedral in Antelias. For this holy day, the relics of St. Gregory are processed around the church and then used to bless the congregation. This week, Fr. Barouyr discusses three important questions. What are relics? What is the church’s belief about relics? What is a saint?


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Episode 54 - Sunday of the Unjust Judge (ENG 🇬🇧)

This week, the Armenian Church remembers Jesus’ Parable of the Unjust Judge. Join Fr. Barouyr as he delves into what this parable means. He exhorts us to remain faithful to God’s principles when faced with the injustice that surrounds us in the world, as the widow did in the parable.


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Episode 53 - Sunday of the Unjust Steward (ENG 🇬🇧)

Join Fr. Barouyr this week for a discussion on this Lenten Sunday’s theme. He breaks down how every role that we play carries with it unique responsibilities. This translates directly to the responsibilities of our faith. Our spiritual life is similar to a climb, and we engage in spiritual battle on the way to the top, carried by Christ.


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Episode 52 - Sunday of the Prodigal Son (ENG 🇬🇧)

The Armenian Church remembers the Second Sunday of Lent as the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. Join Fr. Barouyr this week for a discussion about the Parable of the Prodigal Son, what it teaches us about forgiveness, jealousy, and God’s love. He reminds us that jealousy stops us from growing and truly loving others, and how important it is to Armenians to remove this impediment to unity. Finally, Fr. Barouyr digs into what we can learn about both sons in the parable.


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Episode 51 - Sunday of the Expulsion (ENG 🇬🇧)

Each Sunday of Great Lent centers around a parable or message. This Sunday is called the Sunday of the Expulsion, referring to Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Join Fr. Barouyr as he explains how this ties into Great Lent, and the importance of fasting and praying in the Lenten Journey.


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Episode 50 - Great Lent (ENG 🇬🇧)

This week, join Fr. Barouyr for a spiritual reflection about Great Lent. He points out the changes that take place in our churches, and how we should change our lives during this time. He reminds us that Christ became a new Adam, and through his trial, torture, crucifixion, and resurrection overcame Adam’s sin. Lent gives us a time to disconnect from the material and prepare us for God’s grace at its other end, Easter.


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Episode 49 - Christ-Centered Life (ARM 🇦🇲)

Join Father Barouyr this week as he talks about living a Christ-centered life. He discusses how over time, our surroundings have made us more self-centered, driving us away from Christ and away from peace. In order to find peace, we must turn the focus off of us and onto Christ, and onto those around us.


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Episode 48 - Communion and the Requiem (ARM 🇦🇲)

This week, join Fr. Barouyr as he is interviewed on Radio Voice of Van. He answers questions centered around the Holy Sacrament of Communion and the Holy Requiem. He discusses the salvific and renewing nature of the Holy Communion, as well as when and how to receive it. Regarding the Requiem, Father Barouyr delves into why we perform them, what we believe about those who are at rest, and who we perform the Requiem for.


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Episode 47 - Change Your Mindset to Change Your Life (ENG 🇬🇧)

In St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, he advises the Ephesians to “put on the new man.” Join Fr. Barouyr this week as he breaks this down into practical advice: we must change our mindsets to change our lives, and allow Jesus Christ to lead us.


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Episode 46 - Connecting Us Closer to Our Faith and Renewing the Church (ARM 🇦🇲)

Join Fr. Barouyr this week as he discusses the treasure that is the Armenian Church. The Church, while ancient, speaks truth into our daily lives. He challenges us to connect to the Church, and work together to use new means to connect others to the Church. Its spirit extends beyond the Liturgy and into our culture and values.
