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This Wayfaring Life

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Stories and conversations that will call you to step out of the boat and come fully alive to the adventure of following Jesus. Each episode is filled with hope, inspiration, challenge and humor, all while being seasoned with just enough grit to give you traction. Join your host Dawn Jackson, and at times a few of her friends, as you navigate the twists, turns, ups, and downs of This Wayfaring Life.


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Stories and conversations that will call you to step out of the boat and come fully alive to the adventure of following Jesus. Each episode is filled with hope, inspiration, challenge and humor, all while being seasoned with just enough grit to give you traction. Join your host Dawn Jackson, and at times a few of her friends, as you navigate the twists, turns, ups, and downs of This Wayfaring Life.



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Special Edition: Trail Angels and Divine Appointments. An Incredible Experience In the Sierra

Send us a text Many of you know I was injured a few weeks ago on my backpacking trip in the Sierra and could not finish--I had to bail out on a side trail. But this disappointing situation turned into an incredible experience thanks to a divine appointment. The Bible says that God directs the steps of the righteous. He really does. Here is my story and I hope it encourages you! For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Wes and Erin Scheu On "Rim to Him", An Incredible Way to Encounter God in The Grand Canyon

Send us a text Do you like adventure? Are you hungry to grow in your faith? Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone? Then you are going to want to listen closely to this interview with my friends Wes and Erin Scheu as we discuss all things Rim to Him--a powerful ten-week spiritual formation experience culminating with an incredible trip in the Grand Canyon! And--registration for this event is currently open, so if you like what you hear you can jump in! Rim to Him: Revelation Wellness: Podcast Interview with Alisa Keaton: Shout Out--Mt Baldy Moonlight Hikes: For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Special Edition: Conversation With Whitney Wood and Hillary Holmes on Our Upcoming Living By Design Bible Study

Send us a text This is a fun conversation with my friends Whitney Wood and Hilary Holmes. In a couple of weeks we will be hosting our next Living By Design event which is a virtual Bible study and lunch meet up for women! In this episode we celebrate what God has done thus far in Living By Design and then give you a glimpse into the fun we are going to have with the Bible study! And since this event is virtual those of you who live far away can come!! So sign up today--the link is below! Living By Design Bible Study: For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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When God Closes A Door Of Opportunity-- How "No" Can Be A Directional Sign to A Bigger "Yes"; Some Inspiration from Christians In China; Simple and Powerful Bible Study Method

Send us a text We are in a series called Come And Study the Bible With Me. Each week we will deep dive on a devotional, be inspired by stories of those who have an incredible love for the scripture and discuss simple and powerful Bible study tools and methods. Shout Out: Living By Design Bible Study: Reflecting God's Image Through Women The Divine Mentor YouTube of Wayne Codeiro sharing the story about Chinese leaders:,vid:iwf7rmA1y9M,st:0 Article about Chinese Christians memorizing the Bible For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Come And Study The Bible With Me - Trailer

Send us a text God wants to speak to each one of us persoanlly on a daily basis and the primary way he does this is through his Word--the Bible. The thing is the Bible can be very intimidating for some people to study on their own. And even the word "study" can make it sound laborious when in fact it is life giving! Over the next 4-6 weeks we are going to have a lot of fun as we discuss simple ways to have a morning devotional or quiet time and actually experience God speaking directly to you and your life situations. Along the way each episode will have devotional and inspirational content to encourage you on your journey to follow the One who is the Way! I am looking forward to studying the Word with all of you! For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Letting Go Of Benjamin: Trusting God’s Heart Even When You Do Not Understand His Ways

Send us a text How do you respond when it appears God has forgotten you and the promises he made to you? When the direction your life is going seems to be in the opposite direction of the promise God gave you? Can you trust God's heart even when you do not understand his ways? Today we are going to deep dive on a biblical story that just might challenge you a bit--but it will also bring you hope. It is time to let go of our Benjamin! Shout Out: Hack Your Health Information On Canyoneering: For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Twelve Years Old and Lost In Joshua Tree: A Lesson Learned On Keeping Short Accounts

Send us a text Leaning into another Tales From The Trails story for you today! While on a junior high rock climbing trip my friend and I ended up getting separated from our group and lost in the desert. It taught me a good life lesson that has spiritual application--the importance of keeping short accounts with God. Getting just a couple degrees off course matters over time. But His grace is there to bring us in if we will allow it. Details on Canyoneering Shout Out: Mt Sac Hydrostatic Weighing For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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ROCKSLIDE!!! Encountering God's Peace After Surviving a Rockslide in the Grand Canyon

Send us a text It was a beautiful and clear day in July when we left to hike the Bright Angel Trail but all of that changed when a freak storm drenched us to the bone, bruised us with hail and then caused a rockslide that struck one of our group members. To say it was crazy is an understatement. Later the San Gabriel Valley Tribune would put us on the front page with the caption: Youth Group Survives the Slide! Yet even in the midst of chaos, when I lifted my eyes up to Jesus I found peace. This holds true in the midst of any chaotic storm we may find ourselves in in life. Join me today as we continue our Tales From The Trails series for a little story time. For Morning Information On canyoneering: For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Tales From The Trails: Dean Kirchner 0n Canyoneering as a Sport and Ministry

Send us a text Canyoneering is the sport of navigating down steep mountain gorges through fast, flowing mountain streams–often rappelling over waterfalls, It provides an amazing balance between the quiet serenity of nature and the extreme thrill of rappelling over spectacular waterfalls. Dean Kirchner runs Canyon Adventures where he regularly guides groups on canyoneering adventures and trains others to become guides. He also uses this incredibly fun sport as a ministry--and his stories are amazing! This Wayfaring Life is partnering with Dean and Canyon Adventures to provide an opportunity to particpate in a canyoneering adventure while also being coached in leadership and risk management skills. Space is limited to 8 people. For more information click the link below: This Wayfaring Life information and registration for "Coaching Via Canyoneering": Canyon Adventures: This Weeks Shout Out: The Wildflower Hotline (818) 768-1802 For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Tales From The Trails: Julie George (aka Mountain Goat) - 2024 Appalachian Trail Chaplain

Send us a text Imagine being given the opportunity to be a chaplain on the Appalachian Trail where you will hike over 2000 miles (from Georgia to Maine) for the purpose of being available to provide pastoral care for those on trail this summer. That is the opportunity that Julie George accepted and is currently living out. I was able to catch up with her virtually and do a fun interview. As of this recording she has completed 400 miles of the AT and has some amazing stories to share. To follow Julie: - Instagram: - Facebook: and Today's Shout Out: Propel Cohorts for Women - For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Tales From The Trails: All Things RevWild with Chuck Johnson

Send us a text RevWild! What happens when you train people to take others into the outdoors not simply to be outside (as good as that is!), but to encounter the presence of God? Lives are changed in a profound way! People discover who they are and what they are living for! Participating in RevWild was one of my highlights from 2023. Join me for a fun conversation with Chuck Johnson the director of RevWild as we unpack the incredible impact of this ministry. And then consider joining them for the next round of RevWild or their annual hike across the Grand Canyon which is known as Rim to Him. Want more info on RevWild? Interested in participating in Rim to Him and hiking across the Grand Canyon: Shout Out: Appalachian Mountain Club Huts For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Tales From The Trails: Good Friday At The Garcia Cross

Send us a text When you take people outside you give them the opportunity to encounter God in a whole new way. That is what happened on Good Friday when 100+ of my friends (many of whom were non-hikers) and I made the trek up to the Garcia Cross to celebrate Good Friday at sunrise--it was glorious! Come relive it with me! Shout Out: The Hiking Guy For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Tales From The Trails: Cairn

Send us a text I wasn't lost but I also was not where I should be. And while I knew the general direction home I was not sure how to get back. This is a true story from a crazy experience in our San Gabriel Mountains and it has some strong spiritual correlation. When life knocks you sideways or you find yourself in a tough place due to your own poor choices--a cairn will get you home friends. Enjoy! Shout Out: Nick Caine Cape Epic Fundraiser for A21 Cape Epic Website: For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Season 3: Tales From The Trails Trailer

Send us a text I am getting really excited for our next series! You can hear all about it here on this trailer. Plus I share a little on the upcoming 21 Days of Restoration & Renewal. So consider this a double trailer! :) And for more information on 21 days click this link: For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Storytime: Stealing Toilet Paper From The Church--Does Confession Matter?

Send us a text Today we are lightening things up a bit with a "Storytime" edition! We all have those times when we make decisions and then wonder, "What was I thinking?!!" I have had many of those moments and today I share one from my youth ministry days. As foolish as I felt when I finally responded well to the Holy Spirits conviction, it turned into being a big life lesson for the twenty year old me. :) Shout Out: ULA Circuit For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Come Alive: Crafting Your Mission Statements and Fueling Your Goals

Send us a text This is the final episode of "Come Alive" coaching series to help you come alive to God's purpose for your life. So many people start the year with New Year's resolutions that three weeks later end up pushed to the side. If resolutions work for you--great! But for many of us resolutions fail because they are not connected to the main reason God put us on this planet--our life purpose and vision. This series has endeavored to give you the tools to discern and craft your life vision and life purpose. Today we complete the series with tools for discerning and writing your life mission statements and goals that are fueled by your life vision and legacy. Enjoy! Shout Out: Whit's Three day Challenge Whitney Wood Instagram: Dawn's free webinar: Silencing the Imposter: Professional Christian Coaching Institute Podcast: For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Special Edition: A Devo on Ps 77 for Those Feeling Anxious and Consumed With Doubt

Send us a text In Psalm 77 we find the author distressed and filled with anxiety and pouring out his frustration and doubt before God. Moments later he has an epiphany and everything shifts. I sensed this morning some of you might be feeling the same way as the writer of this Psalm--anxious, discouraged, afraid, so I felt led to post this quick devo to support you while you process your circumstances. I hope this encourages you. Praying for you this morning! For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Come Alive: Discerning and Writing Your Life Purpose

Send us a text Todays episode continues our coaching series on what it looks like to come alive to who God has made you to be. One in twenty Christians do not know the unique purpose for which God created them. When we do not discern our giftings or live out our calling we are in danger of living aimless lives going nowhere. We get stuck. But you are not an accident. You were put here for a reason. When you discern your unique purpose it enables you to bring your life into alignment and live a purpose filled life. This series, Come Alive, is a coaching series where I give you tools that you can use on your own, with a friend or in your small group to bring your life into alignment with the reason God placed you on this planet. I hope you will listen in, :) Shout Out - Colorado River and Trail Expeditions: Professional Christian Coaching Institute Podcast: Becoming A Professional Life Coach book: For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Come Alive: Unleash Your Creativity By Discovering and Aligning With Your Core Values

Send us a text Most people do not live their life in alignment with their core values. In fact, most people do not know what their core values are. This leads to feeling stuck or frustrated or unmotivated. But it does't have to be that way. God has uniquely shaped each one of us, and when we live according to His design we come alive. Your core values are part of His unique design for your life. In this episode we deep dive on discerning our core values and steps we can take to bring our life into alignment with them. There is also an assessment in the show notes below to support you in this experience. Values assessment by Cheryl Weir and Associates: Coaching Book (my main resource of this content) Becoming A Professional Life Coach: Shout Out - Mt Whitney Permit Lottery: For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay


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Come Alive: Deep Diving On Core Needs and How I Accidentally Ended Up In A Week of Intensive Group Processing Therapy :)

Send us a text So seventeen years ago I accidentally ended up in a week of intensive group processing therapy. Yep--accidentally! God has a sense of humor! Truth is it changed my life. In this episode I share that story as we continue the conversation on what it looks like to come alive to the call of God on our life . After the story we do a deep dive on the importance of meeting our core needs in a healthy way. If you would like to take the needs and values assessment I reference in the podcast you will find the link below. This episode addresses the needs section and next week we will discuss living creatively from our values. Needs and Values Assessment by Cheryl Weir: Shout Out: RevWild Practicing The Way by John Mark Comer: Becoming A Professional Life Coach by Patrick Williams Ed.D and Diane S. Menendez, Ph.D.: For info on coaching with me: Follow me on IG: Music by Roman Senyk from Pixabay
