


Nostalgia, they say, is a hell of a drug! Join hosts Derek, Jason, and Dustin every Monday as they celebrate pop culture properties from days gone by. Cartoons, toys, television, and film…they’re all up for grabs! So get your dopamine hit of nostalgia, and prepare for a glory days haze with Yesterdaze.


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Nostalgia, they say, is a hell of a drug! Join hosts Derek, Jason, and Dustin every Monday as they celebrate pop culture properties from days gone by. Cartoons, toys, television, and film…they’re all up for grabs! So get your dopamine hit of nostalgia, and prepare for a glory days haze with Yesterdaze.



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The Story of Ghostbusters

Season 2 Episode 23: The Story of Ghostbusters Welcome to June, a month of Awesome Anniversaries! We’re kicking it off with a keystone property of the 80s, Ghostbusters! The iconic film celebrates its 40th anniversary this week, and we really get into it! Please excuse how awful I sound, as my allergies were in full swing, just like those damn cicadas! Enjoy the show, and if you’re looking for some great Ghostbusters threads hit that 80s Tees link below. Cheers! 80s tees:


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The Story of My Pet Monster

Season 2 Ep 22: The Story of My Pet Monster Week 4 for Picks 'n 'Preciation has arrived, and boy did I pick out something special, JUST for Jason. Today we discuss the story of My Pet Monster, covering the toy, pilot movie/special, and cartoon! Born from an unlikely realization, delivered by a company more known for their cuddly offerings, My Pet Monster burst onto the scene in the 1980s, and gave us a means to let our id run wild. We are joined in studio by the actual Monzie Jason owned in our youth...he didn;t say much, but damn did he still look great. Unleash your inner monster with us, on Yesterdaze!!!


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The Story of The Blues Brothers

Season 2 Ep 21: The Story of The Blues Brothers Week 3 of PnP Month brings us our final Patron Pick for now, and it's from our good buddy Johnny-Boy! An old soul at heart, JB has a taste for the classics, and he picked a staple of iconic 80's comedy...The Blues Brothers! An interesting topic to cover, this marks the first Jason has EVER seen it, and we discuss whether or not this comedy from over 40 years ago stands the test of time. Along the way, a good measure of trivia regarding production cost is discussed, and you better believe the truly "courageous" use of cocaine is mentioned as well. Come learn about the highs and lows of this unlikely franchise on another episode of Yesterdaze. Hey, we're on a mission from God!


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The Story of Mousercise

Season 2 Ep 20: The Story of Mousercise Week 2 of PnP month sees us diving into an unlikely topic! Courtesy of patron and friend of the show Quip, the boys and I discuss the genesis of Mousercise during the launch of The Disney Channel, as well as the finer points of stolen cable. Look, our parents weren't perfect people, they were humans like you or me...and sometimes that means you slip your buddy at the cable company a fifski to get Mickey AND the dirty channels. Hey, it's the story of Mousercise, with that Yesterdaze flair!


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The Story of SNICK

Season 2 Ep 19: The Story of SNICK Welcome to May, and a whole new round of episodes handpicked with love. Speaking of picks, that's just what this month is all about as we get our last two Patron Picks (for now) in, as well as two from Dustin's personal list as a token of my 'preciation (that's a sweet abreve for alliteration's sake!). It's Picks 'n 'Preciation Month, and we kick it off with the story of SNICK's early days, and what it meant for us at the time. Yes, noted jack-ass Dan Schneider comes up. Be thee warned.


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An Evening with Larry Kenney

Season 2: Ep. 18: An Evening with Larry Kenney If you would have told me a year ago that I’d be fulfilling a boyhood dream of talking with one of my heroes… I’d have likely said you were beyond crazy. Well, for this week’s episode, I went crazy and set up an interview with the one and only Larry Kenney. This was just tremendous, Larry was a class act, and truly great to talk to. Please, enjoy!!


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Thundercats 2011

Season 2 Ep 17: A MID-2000’s PIECE OF MEDIA? AS A STAND ALONE EPISODE?! ON A NOSTALGIA PODCAST FOCUSING ON THE 80s & 90s? MADNESS, I TELL YOU!! If you’re confused, that’s fine and understandable. It did seem relevant to cover the 2011 iteration of Thundercats as it is a piece of legacy media, features Larry Kenney, and would act as the last animated collaboration between Arthur Rankin & Jules Bass. We’re subverting expectations here, on Yesterdaze!


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Season 2 Ep 16: TigerSharks Third time is NOT always the charm…in 1987, Rankin/Bass took one more shot at the space faring human/animal hybrid formula with their third effort…TigerSharks. Part of the Comic Strip syndicated cartoon block, TigerSharks would once again feature Larry Kenney and his Thundercats costars. Would this show make a splash like its predecessors? Find out on Yesterdaze!


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Season 2 Ep 15: Silverhawks Our month long celebration continues as we take flight to discuss Silverhawks! This 1986 series by Rankin/Bass saw several Thundercats actors (namely, Larry Kenney) giving life to a second roster of characters that seemed to be in a similar vein to the already successful Thundercats. Join the fun with Yesterdaze!


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Season 2 Ep 14: Thundercats 1985 Welcome to an all new month jammed packed with so much action you won’t even know what to do! Today we kick off a celebration of hometown boy made good Larry Kenney, and his relationship with Rankin/Bass with a cornerstone of iconic 80’s properties…Thundercats! It all leads up to our epic 5th week event! It’s all here, on Yesterdaze!


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"Weird Al" Yankovic

Season 2 Ep 13: Weird Al Yankovic A special treat for all three of us, and specifically picked for Jason and Dustin to have a grand time…today, Yesterdaze celebrates Weird Al! From his humble beginnings, to a bit of a low, to resurgence that saw his place in pop culture cemented moving forward, we truly show our love for the weird one. We talk favorite albums, parodies, and originals, as well as how each of us discovered him. As an added bonus, you REALLY get a feel for just how much I’ve learned about having fun! Come get weird with Yesterdaze! BONUS link: Drunk at the Movies - UHF


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Rock and Rule

Season 2 Ep 12 Week Three of Music Mayhem Month rocks the HELL out as we discuss an animated cult classic that has something for all three of us! For Dustin, there’s Cheap Trick. Jason? Well you know he loves classic & quality animation. Me? Hell, if it’s obscure and from the depths of my memory, I am SO in! Nelvana’s Rock & Rule is on the docket today. Special thanks to patron and friend Johnny Boy for hooking us up with copies of this gem, as it is out of print! Get ready to rock with Yesterdaze!


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Heavy Metal

Season 2 Ep 11: Heavy Metal Oooh, it’s your one way ticket to midnight, and you better believe you can call it…HEAVY METAL! Me & the boys keep on rockin’ as we slide into week two of Music Mayhem Month, and we decide to get a bit animated. That’s right, we dive into the history of the animated classic Heavy Metal. We’re joined once more by our good buddy Marty Wombacher, we learn how this film shares a slight connection with next week’s subject, and we discover how its eventual home release owes a debt of gratitude to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! What can I say, we like to rock! It’s Yesterdaze, baby.


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This is Spinal Tap

Season 2 Ep 10: This is Spinal Tap Welcome to March, and a brand new theme baby! It’s Music Mayhem Month, and we’re kicking it off by taking things to 11! Today, we celebrate 40 years of This is Spinal Tap. The boys and I are joined by one Marty Wombacher, a local legend with a rock-n-roll past of his own! Best known for his blog “Meanwhile, Back in Peoria,” Marty shares his own experiences of having viewed this gem when it first released, as well as a few stories related to the film and that era. An additional treat comes by way of Jason, and an excerpt of his legendary interview with star of the film Harry Shearer from “The TV Show” episode of Couch Pilots. All this AND MORE, on Yesterdaze!


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King Arthur & The Knights of Justice

Season 2 Episode 9: King Arthur & The Knights of Justice Not a patron pick this week, but a listener suggestion instead! In my search for the obscure, odd, and even overlooked, I took to the interwebs for a little help to round out and end The Odd & Obscure Month. Thankfully, friend of the show Matt aka Quip came to our aid, and suggested this oft forgotten gem of the 90s. Close out February as we discuss King Arthur & The Knights of Justice, and its many connections and similarities to Masters of The Universe!


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Season 2 Ep 8: Madballs! A slightly different approach to this week’s Patron Pick for The Odd & The Obscure month. Our dear Patron Maddy wasn’t quite sure what to pick so she left it up to me. Friend of the show Eric of Hey Internet, Eric Here has been holding out hope that we’d cover Madballs. Well, my friend…welcome to flavor country! It’s Madballs on Yesterdaze!!! And won’t you please check out Eric’s content as well? If you like horror and wrestling, amongst other things, chances are you’ll have a good time there!


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Golden Girl & The Guardians of the Gemstones

Season 2 Ep 7: Golden Girl & The Guardians of the Gemstones Today, on a very special episode of Yesterdaze…Jason is kind enough to teach Derek the magic of having fun by way of gassiness. We take a deep dive into a VERY obscure line from Galoob called Golden Girl & The Guardians of the Gemstone, and The American Dream Dusty Rhodes does supervillain hype once again! Today’s Odd & Obscure entry comes by way of our dear friend Allison Troy, The Retro Toy Princess. Follow the link below to go check out her amazing content, and enjoy her deep cut pick!


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Sectaurs: The Warriors of Symbion

Season 2 Ep 6: Sectaurs: The Warriors of Symbion It’s a brand new month, and a brand new theme! Welcome to The Odd & The Obscure Month. It’s a patron heavy month, and to kick things off we are revisiting a classic picked by our good buddy Nate, affectionately known as Nostalgia Nate. Join us as we get into the history and current state of Sectaurs: The Warriors of Symbion!


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SUPER STINKERS: Silver Surfer & Avengers: United They Stand

Season 2 Episode 5: SUPER STINKERS: Silver Surfer & Avengers: United They Stand In an act that can only be described as a crossroads between hubris and self-deprecation, I subject Dustin & Jason to two shows nobody asked for…but damn if Fox Kids didn’t try. Make Mine Marvel Month comes to a close as we begrudgingly discuss these two 13 episode long failures that close out Marvel’s reign over 90’s animation. Come sing the sorrow with today’s episode of Yesterdaze. Thanks…and may god have mercy on my soul!


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The Incredible Hulk

Season 2 Episode 4: The Incredible Hulk The only animated offering on this 90s roster that WASN’T on Fox Kids, the boys and I dive into the show that tried its heart out…1996’s The Incredible Hulk from the defunct UPN. Make Mine Marvel Month marches on as we cover our SIXTH property in four weeks, won’t you please join us for the fun here on Yesterdaze?! Thanks, and enjoy!
