How to Act Fereldan: A Dragon Age Fancast-logo

How to Act Fereldan: A Dragon Age Fancast

Media & Entertainment Podcasts

How to Act Fereldan is your podcast field guide to all things Dragon Age. Join Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera as they play through the fantasy RPG series Dragon Age. They’ll ask the important questions, like What Is This Dragon Age? But also — what are the sociopolitical ramifications of the architecture in the Emerald Graves? How do the mechanics change from game to game? Is Anders a war criminal? Your hosts will also bring you fanfic recommendations, lore analysis, and more in each episode.


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How to Act Fereldan is your podcast field guide to all things Dragon Age. Join Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera as they play through the fantasy RPG series Dragon Age. They’ll ask the important questions, like What Is This Dragon Age? But also — what are the sociopolitical ramifications of the architecture in the Emerald Graves? How do the mechanics change from game to game? Is Anders a war criminal? Your hosts will also bring you fanfic recommendations, lore analysis, and more in each episode.



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Get the Fuck Outta Kirkwall

We finally make it out of Kirkwall! Giancarlo finished the game and we look back on our thoughts and his decisions. Also I think we accidentally became Anders apologists? Don't think too hard about it. What's that Dragon Age?SECOND ONE Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Elena Fernández Collins. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos.


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The Human Body is a Jar

This week on How to Act Fereldan, we get... way to philosophical. Don't think too hard about the lore, you'll just hurt yourself like we did. What's that Dragon Age? Dragon Age News: Dragon Age: The Veilguard director reckons he could write the base for 5 more games "in a couple of weeks because I'm always thinking about Dragon Age" #10 - Accessibility Spotlight #8 - Exploration Across Thedas Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Elena Fernández Collins. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos.


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A Glowing Rock-Ass Rock

Don't be deceived by the goofy title—this week we talk about how fucked up the lore behind lyrium is... and then Giancarlo tells us about his experience of the All That Remains quest! Yaaaay! [confetti emoji] What's that Dragon Age? Dragon Age News: Passing of Peter Renaday Age: The Veilguard Reveals How Long It Takes to Beat the GameDon't worry, Dragon Age fans, The Veilguard will be a "complete out-of-the-box package" meaning no post-release DLC that finishes the story | VG247Dragon Age: The Veilguard Fans Are Worried About Certain Choices Not Carrying Over Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Elena Fernández Collins Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos.


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Sorry to all the Anders fans. We're Fenris Girlies (gender neutral) for Life. This week, we poorly debate whether Anders or Fenris is the better love interest, and also Giancarlo braves the DEEP ROADS. What's that Dragon Age?Evil New Jersey Falkor Dragon Age News: Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Elena Fernández Collins. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos.


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Serving Qunt

Let it be known that Anne still objects to this episode title, but its release is here and we don't have a better option. That's right, this week in How to Act Fereldan, your podcast field guide to all things Dragon Age, we're talking about the Qunari. What's that Dragon Age? Dragon Age News: Voice Actors in Dragon Age: The Veilguard – Full Announced Cast - Press SPACE to JumpDragon Age: The Veilguard Art Director Hopes New Character Designs Will Give Cosplayers A ChallengeDragon Age Developer Q&A Hosted On Discord Reveals More About The VeilguardDragon Age: Inquisition's Forbidden Oasis Temple Is Everything That's Wrong With The Game Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Elena Fernández Collins. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos.


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Dirty Kinky Kirkwall

Welcome to How to Act Fereldan, your podcast field guide to all things Dragon Age. This week, we break Giancarlo's heart with news that you can't romance Varric, and we dive into the absolutely messed up history of the worst town in Thedas. What's that Dragon Age? News: Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Elena Fernández Collins Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos.


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That Dragon Age is 2

Welcome to How to Act Fereldan, your podcast field guide to all things Dragon Age. This week, we finally start DRAGON AGE 2. It's time for this game to make Giancarlo insane, too. What's that Dragon Age? Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Elena Fernández Collins. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos.


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Thank you SO MUCH for joining us for this first season of How to Act Fereldan and coming along with our Hug House Hero of Fereldan on his adventure to save Thedas from the darkspawn. We'll be back on October 22nd with our introduction to Dragon Age 2 and then following Giancarlo's Hug Hawke from there! If you want to get access to the audio before its public release, you can support us on Patreon at Supporters get early audio, extended episodes, can join us in Discord to rant about just how much we don't like the combat style, and also get bonus audio... like Anne and Wil's initial reactions to Dragon Age: The Veilguard that we'll be releasing in early November after taking October 31st to play the game. Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Elena Fernández Collins. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos.


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The End (of Origins)

We made it! It's been a wild introduction to the Dragon Age series for Giancarlo and he's leaving full of Dragon Age Romance Trauma, courtesy of Morrigan. :) That totally won't come back to haunt him in later games, right? :) What's that Dragon Age? Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Ted Heavner. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos. Mentioned in this episode: Mother She Wrote Promo This episode is brought to you by “MOTHER,” She Wrote: An EarthBound Podcast. You can find it on your podcatcher or at


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This episode of How To Act Fereldan takes a lovely journey outside of Fereldan... to Tevinter? And as Wil continues to be baffled by the concept of time in Thedas, Giancarlo is rapidly approaching the end of Origins! We're almost there, folks! What's that Dragon Age? Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Ted Heavner. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos. Mentioned in this episode: Mother She Wrote Promo This episode is brought to you by “MOTHER,” She Wrote: An EarthBound Podcast. You can find it on your podcatcher or at


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The Dwarves

Fine dwarven castes! Direct from Orzammar! Giancarlo and his Hug House Hero of Fereldan have made it through the Orzammar questline, so obviously we have to talk about what even is going on with the dwarves in this game. Also, we mention in this episode that there are no romance-able dwarves in the series, but it was recorded in June 2023, before we knew that the gorgeous gorgeous girl Scout Lace Harding could be romanced in the upcoming Dreadwolf! Something around the central theme of LyriumWhat's that Dragon Age? Other references: Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Ted Heavner. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos. Mentioned in this episode: Mother She Wrote Promo This episode is brought to you by “MOTHER,” She Wrote: An EarthBound Podcast. You can find it on your podcatcher or at


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Magic & Mages

Mages are to playable classes as elves are to playable races in Dragon Age—don't boo me, I'm right! This episode of How to Act Fereldan is chock full of now-stale series news (but still relevant to the episode topic) and the deepest dive into the magic system you've ever seen. A bunch of images of the now-arrived vinyls that Anne pre-ordered during this episodeThe lovely painting mentioned in the Fanfiction Challenge, found on AO3What's that Dragon Age? Other references: BioWare Announces and Immediately Pulls Super Bizarre Mass Effect Statue SpaceLab9 opened pre-orders for the Dragon Age Series VinylsEA Games is dead, long live EA Entertainment and EA Sports | Rock Paper ShotgunAll Cut Content in Dragon Age: Inquisition ExplainedDragon Age writer says there's nothing wrong with magic in games - as long as you avoid one very specific problemBioWare Confirms Undisclosed Number of Layoffs as Star Wars: The Old Republic Moves to New Developer - IGN Former BioWare Director's New Studio Is Working On A Game In Unreal Engine - Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Ted Heavner. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos Mentioned in this episode: Mother She Wrote Promo This episode is brought to you by “MOTHER,” She Wrote: An EarthBound Podcast. You can find it on your podcatcher or at


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The Elven Pantheon

If you're new to the Dragon Age Series (which can also be abbreviated as THEDAS), you may not have realized yet that they may very likely be the Canon Universe race for most games in the series. These story writers LOVE elves. In this episode of How to Act Fereldan, your podcast field guide to all things Dragon Age, we'll dive just so deep into the elven lore and pantheon... PLEASE DON'T SPOIL THE BIG THING ABOUT ONE OF THE GODS FOR GIANCARLO! What's that Dragon Age? Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Ted Heavner. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos Mentioned in this episode: Mother She Wrote Promo This episode is brought to you by “MOTHER,” She Wrote: An EarthBound Podcast. You can find it on your podcatcher or at


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The Chantry

So here's the deal: fuck the Chantry. In this episode of How to Act Fereldan, your podcast field guide to all things Dragon Age, we talk about how much the Chantry in Thedas just really really sucks. We also dive into all the fun stuff, like where Giancarlo's at in his playthrough and continue with our fanfic challenges! What's that Dragon Age? Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Ted Heavner. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos Mentioned in this episode: Mother She Wrote Promo This episode is brought to you by “MOTHER,” She Wrote: An EarthBound Podcast. You can find it on your podcatcher or at


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Alistair Theirin

Welcome to How to Act Fereldan, your podcast field guide to all things Dragon Age. This week, we're catching up with Giancarlo and his Hero of Fereldan until Wil swoops in to tell us about the #1 Dragon Age: Origins love interest himself... Alistair Theirin. (Yes, swooping is bad.) What's that Dragon Age? Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Ted Heavner. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos. Mentioned in this episode: Mother She Wrote Promo This episode is brought to you by “MOTHER,” She Wrote: An EarthBound Podcast. You can find it on your podcatcher or at


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Welcome to Thedas

Welcome to How to Act Fereldan, your podcast field guide to all things Dragon Age. Join Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera as they play through the fantasy RPG series Dragon Age. They’ll ask the important questions, like What Is This Dragon Age? But also — what are the sociopolitical ramifications of the architecture in the Emerald Graves? How do the mechanics change from game to game? Is Anders a war criminal? (Probably.) Your hosts will also bring you fanfic recommendations, lore analysis, and more in each episode. In the first episode, we discuss our history with the series and dive into Giancarlo's Hero of Fereldan! What's that Dragon Age? Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Ted Heavner. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos. Mentioned in this episode: Mother She Wrote Promo This episode is brought to you by “MOTHER,” She Wrote: An EarthBound Podcast. You can find it on your podcatcher or at


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In the world of Thedas, there are some questions better left unanswered like... What Is This Dragon Age? How to Act Fereldan: A Dragon Age Fancast is your podcast field guide to all things Dragon Age. Join Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera as they play through the fantasy RPG series Dragon Age. They'll ask the important questions, like What Is This Dragon Age? But also -- what are the sociopolitical ramifications of the architecture in the Emerald Graves? How do the mechanics change from game to game? Is Anders a war criminal? (Probably.) Your hosts will also bring you fanfic recommendations, lore analysis, and more in each episode. Their replay will begin where it all started, with Dragon Age: Origins. Episodes coming soon. --- Credits: How To Act Fereldan is made in collaboration between Hug House Productions and Whimsic Productions. It is co-hosted by Anne Baird, Wil Williams, and Giancarlo Herrera, with sound designed by Wil Williams and transcripts by Ted Heavner. Learn more and access full research notes for each episode at, and follow us on Tumblr at @ActFereldan for even more Dragon Age chaos. Mentioned in this episode: Mother She Wrote Promo This episode is brought to you by “MOTHER,” She Wrote: An EarthBound Podcast. You can find it on your podcatcher or at
