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From the Frontlines of Fatherhood: Talk, Tips & Tech with Profession Dads
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Ep 449 – What Day Is It?
All of the days are beginning to run together for the Dad Bros as the Coronavirus Stay at Home trudges on. The boys look at some statistics to ease some minds. Despite the offer of free tacos, Josh isn’t sure about getting fast food. Jon’s first post surgery workout goes well. The boys wrap up...
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Ep 448 – Bubble Boys
This episode of the Dad Bro’s Show, Josh discovers homeschooling has not turned out as fun and easy as first expected. Wrestlemania & UFC are getting weird. Doom Eternal is a reminder of why Josh doesn’t like gaming anymore. Jon has some serious conversations about birds and the bees. Drink of the Show: Pure Corruption...
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Ep 447 – Everything’s Closed
This episode of the Dad Bros Show is so Corona heavy, Josh and Jon make it the drink of the show. If you’re now like Josh and are a homeschooling parent that wasn’t your choosing, or enjoy looking at and playing with the numbers like Jon, this episode of the Dad Bros Show is a...
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Ep 446 – And I feel fine.
The Dad Bros kick off with some new thoughts on the Coronavirus. Jon’s gallbladder goes bye bye as the boys talk about the pain scale. After the drink of the show, it’s more Covid 19 talk including Elon Musk’s statements before wrapping up with a little Joe Biden “gaff”. Drink of the Show: VooDoo Ranger...
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Ep 445 – Start Worrying?
The Dad Bros kick off with some new thoughts on the Coronavirus and think it might be a good idea to stock up on your medicines and other goods. They boys talk about a zamboni driver being recruited to be a substitute goalie for the Hurricanes and a Korean mother reunited with dead child via...
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Ep 444 – WooHoo Flu 9
The Dad Bros give a quick wrap up Valentine’s Day as Jon gets his wife a special gift and Josh takes the family to see Sonic the Hedgehog movie. The boys talk about latest Coronavirus news and rumors. Josh’s iPhone almost called 911 which leads into future phone talk. Josh and Jon talk about millennial...
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Ep 443 – No Sleep
The Dad Bros view a Super Bowl commercial before getting into the nightmare that is the sleep over birthday party with weird kids that refuse to go to sleep. Jon wants to try a shot of Malört. The boys marvel at the stupidity of the Tik Tok generation as they eat the tablets out of...
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Ep 442 – Wash Your Hands
The Dad Bros talk about the coverage and reactions that surrounded the untimely death of Kobe Bryant and the 8 other people involved in the weekend’s helicopter crash. The boys discuss whether beer is emotional support animal how they can get their hands on the upcoming Jameson Cold Brew. Josh and his son give the...
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Ep 441 – Pills
The Dad Bro’s are back with some projects getting done as Jon gets his Bidet seat installed. The boys have issues with the online ordering process as some businesses don’t know what they’re doing and the old school customers think it’s one skipping. Josh and Jon ask if the kids are watching you drink. Would...
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Ep 440 – First Show of 2020
The Dad Bros are back from their big family Christmas and are ready to dig in to 2020. Josh chauffeurs his son on a first date. They boys recap their New Years Eve and consider moderation. Josh and Jon talk about the tobacco purchasing age being raised to 21. Jon is ready for the machines...
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Ep 439 – Christmas House
The Dad Bros prepare mentally and plan for a super sized Christmas with extended family. Jon upgrades his phone and goes to a big cheer competition. Josh and Jon talk a little TikTok. The Boys finish with some bread talk and “brutally honest funny tweets”. Drink of the Show: Andechs Doppebock Dunkel SHOW LINKS SMOEX...
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Ep 438 – Beyond Impossible
Christmas parades are being canceled in the back yards of the Dad Bros. A lockdown at a local high school causes the community to lose it’s mind and Jon is there to be reasonable. Josh is considering hosting an Impossible/Beyond burger taste test. The boys learn a new definition for the word “Shipping”, find out...
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Ep 437 – The Tale of Corn Pop
Josh deals with the beginnings of the teenage attitude years. The Dad Bros take some time to look at Joe Biden’s No Malarky tour and learn about an old school bad dude named Corn Pop. Josh is slightly interested in the Tesla Cyber Truck. Drink of the Show: Clown Shoes Beer’s Fist Full of Unidragon...
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Ep 436 – Fights Fights Fights
The Dad Bros propose the idea for Ear braces. Jon replaces all of his smoke alarms has internet issues and begins playing Fortnite with the kids. Bourbon season. Josh and Jon take a gander at the new Motorola Razr. The Chicken Sandwich Wars have gone hot and the boys go through several instances of Sandwich...
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Ep 435 – It Was Right There
The Dad Bros have blasted through Halloween and traveled through daylight savings time just to meet with boring teachers and lose things right in front of them. Jon introduces Josh to VSCO girls and the boys review a Kickstarter product aimed at saving plastic. Drink of the Show: Hi-Wire Brewing Zirkusfest Oktoberfest SHOW LINKS GoSun...
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Ep 434 – On Fire
The Dad Bros kick off talking about the head of ISIS meeting his end. Josh and Jon are annoyed by the sounds Edward Snowden makes with his mouth. The boys are a more than a little disturbed by the recent release of FBI Documents concerning a group called The Finders. To lighten the mood, the...
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Ep 433 – Make Time
The Dad Bros go to Arnold Schwartzenegger for advice on making time. Jon goes on a Bourbon themed road trip. The Boys visit the State Fair to sample all the wacky food. Josh and Jon help the Pennsylvania police spread the message about checking your kid’s Halloween candy THC laced treats. Keeping with Halloween, the...
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Ep 432 – Always Listening
The Dad Bros talk about VR and take a look at the Occulus Rift. Naturally the conversation moves to the new developments in sex robots as claims of how realistic these devices will be sound unbelievable. Josh and Jon take a look at the new line of Amazon devices, including a microwave, glasses and a...
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Ep 431 – Little Drops of Water
The Dad Bros get into Facebook arguments and are fed up with weirdos. The Dad Bros discover Glenlivit’s new Scotch Pods. Jon goes to Disney and Josh goes camping. The boys talk about a mom that is angry at childless millennials at Disney and Tesla’s Smart Summon feature that is causing accidents. Saki of the...
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Ep 430 – Awe Nuts
We discuss a story about an unfortunate circumstance for a young lad across the pond. It is a very sensitive subject but you know us it is too hard to resist a little good natured ribbing. Feel free to comment with your thoughts by sending your emails to us here If your interested in following up on the...
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