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Afrikindness Podcast

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Welcome to Afrikindness Podcast POD FOR #AFRICA The first and only podcast to empower African parents, educate non-Africans, and inspire everyone to learn more about the rich culture and heritage of Africa. Listen to the tropical heart of Africa’s hustle and bustle, the echoes of mama Africa, the royalty from the beating of the African drums, the roots of spicy African cuisine, and the sizzling from ‘Koko irin’ of jollof rice, the gbedu rhythms of Owambe and the clicking of over 2000 unique African languages and more, explicitly told by amazing Africans. Join us as we take you on a journey through the African continent's past, present, and future. Through personal stories, expert views, and lively discussions, we'll explore what makes Africa unique and debunk common myths and stereotypes. We're here to empower African parents, educate non-Africans, and inspire everyone to learn more about the richness of African tradition, culture, and heritage. Who We Are as Africans. With natural, authentic, and educative conversations, we'll engage, entertain, and encourage you to get excited about Africa. It is #Africa! Mother continent! World's second-largest and second-most-populous continent! Our Culture, Our History, Our Tradition, Our Language, Our Cuisine, Our Fashion. Our memories, Our tears, Our fun, Our beauty, Our survival…. Hosted by Peace George. Forty minutes, Bi-Weekly every Thursday. Ready by 7 pm


United Kingdom


Welcome to Afrikindness Podcast POD FOR #AFRICA The first and only podcast to empower African parents, educate non-Africans, and inspire everyone to learn more about the rich culture and heritage of Africa. Listen to the tropical heart of Africa’s hustle and bustle, the echoes of mama Africa, the royalty from the beating of the African drums, the roots of spicy African cuisine, and the sizzling from ‘Koko irin’ of jollof rice, the gbedu rhythms of Owambe and the clicking of over 2000 unique African languages and more, explicitly told by amazing Africans. Join us as we take you on a journey through the African continent's past, present, and future. Through personal stories, expert views, and lively discussions, we'll explore what makes Africa unique and debunk common myths and stereotypes. We're here to empower African parents, educate non-Africans, and inspire everyone to learn more about the richness of African tradition, culture, and heritage. Who We Are as Africans. With natural, authentic, and educative conversations, we'll engage, entertain, and encourage you to get excited about Africa. It is #Africa! Mother continent! World's second-largest and second-most-populous continent! Our Culture, Our History, Our Tradition, Our Language, Our Cuisine, Our Fashion. Our memories, Our tears, Our fun, Our beauty, Our survival…. Hosted by Peace George. Forty minutes, Bi-Weekly every Thursday. Ready by 7 pm




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SPECIAL EDITION:- Little Sparks, Big Flames - Tales from the Summer of Kindness Challenge

🌟 Podcast Episode: "Kindness Unleashed: Little Sparks, Big Flames" Get ready for an episode that will warm your heart and reignite your faith in the power of kindness! 🚀 Join us as we sit down with the incredible young minds who rocked the Summer of Kindness Challenge. These pint-sized heroes share their firsthand experiences, heartwarming stories, and contagious enthusiasm for making the world a better place—one kind act at a time! 🎙️ What to Expect: 🌈 Heartfelt Tales: Listen in as our young champions recount their unforgettable moments of spreading kindness, from surprising neighbors to eco-friendly initiatives that will leave you inspired. 🌍 Global Perspectives: These mini ambassadors share their newfound connections to the world, exploring kindness across borders and embracing diverse cultures. Get ready for a journey that transcends boundaries. 💭 Dreams of Change: Hear the dreams and aspirations of these young change-makers as they envision a world transformed by compassion. Their sincerity will make you believe that even the smallest acts can create a ripple effect of love. 🤣 Kid Wisdom: Brace yourself for moments of pure, unfiltered wisdom as our young guests share their perspectives on kindness, friendship, and making the world a brighter place. Get ready to laugh, learn, and maybe shed a tear or two. 🌟 Why You Can't Miss It: This isn't just a podcast; it's a celebration of the extraordinary kindness born from the hearts of our youngest generation. Their stories will inspire you, uplift you, and remind you that, no matter your age, you have the power to make a difference. 🎧 Tune in to "Kindness Unleashed: Little Sparks, Big Flames" and let the voices of these incredible children spark a flame of kindness in your own heart! 🔥💖 #KindnessPodcast #SummerOfKindnessHeroes POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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Beyond Label: Unravelling the Tapestry of Identity

Get ready for a mind-expanding journey as we delve deep into the fascinating world of racial labels and identity in our latest episode. Evolution of Identity: Unravelling the Racial Labels Join us as we explore the ever-evolving language used to define ourselves and each other. From "Coloured" to "African American" and beyond, we'll uncover the powerful stories behind these labels and their impact on our individual and collective identities. 🌱 Discover the roots of these labels, buried in history, and understand how they've shaped the way we perceive ourselves and others. 🌟 Explore the complexities of identity and how language plays a pivotal role in our self-expression. But that's not all! Stay tuned as we unveil a thought-provoking discussion on the "Global Majority" label and its implications for a more inclusive world. Ready to challenge your perspective and ignite meaningful conversations? Tune in now and be part of this enlightening dialogue. 🎧 Listen, learn, and let's reshape our world together. Don't miss it! Join us in two weeks for another exciting episode where we bring in young voices from our Afrikindness Summer of Kindness Challenge. Stay tuned and stay engaged! 🌟👥 Image Credit: Nat. Geo POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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Unmasking the Myths: Africa’s Hidden Histories and Impact on Racism

Uncover the extraordinary journey in our latest episode as we delve deep into the realm of African myths and their profound connection to racism. We unravel the stories and misconceptions that have long obscured Africa's vibrant history and unique contributions to civilization. From debunking the misconception that Africa has no ancient cultures to exploring the interconnectedness between Africa and the ancient world, we bring to light the undeniable truth: Africa's legacy is rich and enduring. Join us as we expose the harmful impact of these myths on racism and division. As we scrutinize these narratives, we ask the pivotal questions:- Do they empower or diminish? Do they unite or divide? It's a call to action for critical thinking, questioning every narrative that perpetuates stereotypes and division. Let this episode be a beacon of enlightenment, challenging the falsehoods that have plagued African history. Together, we'll rise from the ashes of these myths and embrace the beauty of Africa's rich tapestry. Tune in now and become part of the movement to rewrite history and eradicate racism. Don't just listen; let's change the narrative together! 🎧 Listen now and be part of the change POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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The African Reality - Debunking Myths and Misconceptions

"Unveiling Africa’s Reality: Beyond Myths, Misconceptions, and #Hollywood" Buckle up for an eye-opening journey in this episode of Afrikindness #Podcast! Guest host, Bunmi Owolabi takes you on a riveting exploration of Africa's multifaceted reality, far removed from the myths and misconceptions that often cloud our perceptions. Imagine landing in a new country, eagerly anticipating adventure and discovery. The vibrant colors, unfamiliar sounds, and the promise of unfiltered authenticity fill the air. But what happens when you bring along preconceptions and the baggage of stereotypes? Do you miss the profound beauty of reality? Join Bunmi as she guides you through a transformative experience. Discover how traveling and education allow us to shed old stereotypes and explore the rich tapestry of African life. Unveil the truth about Africa's diversity, complexity, and resilience as Bunmi delves deep into the misconceptions that persist globally. From colonial-era attitudes to Hollywood's portrayal of Africa, you'll gain a fresh perspective on how media shapes our perceptions. And that's not all! Bunmi sheds light on the concept of the "danger of a single story," as advocated by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Understand how these single narratives can perpetuate myths, foster prejudice, and hinder progress, especially in the context of Africa. Prepare to challenge your own perceptions and embark on a journey that will leave you enlightened and inspired. Click the link and tune in to this captivating episode, because it's time to see Africa for what it truly is – a continent bursting with vitality, innovation, and untold stories. Don't miss this opportunity to unveil Africa's reality beyond the preconceptions. Join us on Afrikindness Podcast and let's explore together! POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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Unmasking Myths: Navigating the Impact on African Communities

In this eye-opening episode of "Myths and Misconceptions," we dive headfirst into the heart of the matter – how myths and misconceptions weave themselves into the fabric of African communities, especially among our youngest members. Brace yourself for a personal story that uncovers the unsettling truth: our children are not immune to the influence of misinformation. Join us as we dissect the intricate cycle through which myths travel, jumping from one child to another like whispers in the wind. But these aren't just whispers; they're powerful narratives that shape young minds, affecting their self-esteem, aspirations, and cultural identity. Delve deep into the psychological and emotional consequences of these misconceptions, and uncover how the wisdom of "The fool speaks, the wise man listens" comes alive within our communities. Discover tales of resilience and triumph, stories that inspire us to embrace our identity and champion positive narratives. As we wrap up, remember that every conversation, correction, and moment of understanding can rewrite the narrative. Join us in this unending quest to empower the next generation, ensuring that they inherit a legacy of truth and unity. Tune in to this episode that's not just a discussion – it's a call to action. Let's be the wise ones who listen, challenge misconceptions, and empower our children to see Africa's true brilliance. #UnmaskingMyths #EmpowerTheFuture #MythsAndMisconceptions #PodcastJourney POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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MYTH-BUSTERS UNITE: AFRIKINDNESS UNVEILS AFRICA with Bunmi Owolabi, Rotimi Davids, Edward Obi & Peace George (Host).

Welcome to a myth-busting extravaganza on the Afrikindness Podcast! 🌟 In this 2nd series of our 4th episode hosted by the fabulous Peace George, we're back with our incredible guests: Rotimi Davids; Mythbuster Extraordinaire, Edward Obi; the Truth Unraveler, and Bunmi Owolabi; the Culture Defender! Together, we're on a mission to debunk myths and misconceptions about Africa and celebrate its true essence! Get ready for a wild ride as we explore various myths head-on! From intelligence and language to Africans' self-determination, we reveal the empowering stories of resilience and progress across the continent! Corruption and governance? We've got you covered—it's a global issue, folks! Prepare to be enlightened on cultural complexities! Think Africa is perpetually poor? Think again! We'll show you Africa's booming economy, innovation, and tech brilliance! Beyond Safari & Party Time! 🎉 Hold on to your misconceptions because we're breaking them all! Africa is so much more than just safari—its cultures, urban life, and arts scenes are vibrant and diverse! 🚀 Join the Myth-Busters Unite! 🚀 Are you ready to embrace the real Africa? 🌍 Tune in as we celebrate diversity, crush stereotypes, and promote Afrikindness! Let's shatter myths, share truths, and build a world of understanding and unity! Ready to rock the myth-busting journey? Let's unveil Africa together! 🌍💚 POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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🎉 Get ready for a wild ride as we dive into the captivating world of myths and misconceptions about Africa! 🌟 In this special episode of the Afrikindness Podcast, hosted by the fabulous Peace George, we've got three extraordinary guests bringing their A-game to debunk the stereotypes and spice things up! 🔥 💫 Meet our Amazing Guests! 💫 🎤 Rotimi Davids: The Mythbuster Extraordinaire! 🎤 Edward Obi: The Truth Unraveler! 🎤 Bunmi Owolabi: The Culture Defender! 🧐 What are the myths, you ask? 🧐 Hold onto your hats, folks! We're debunking some of the most jaw-dropping myths about Africa that have floated around for way too long! 🚀 Get ready to have your minds blown and your assumptions shattered! POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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BEYOND THE STEREOTYPES: Unveiling Africa’s True Colours with Dr Ollie Folayan & Isabella Mascarenhas

Join host Peace George and captivating guests, Dr. Ollie Folayan and Isabella Mascarenhas, on a vibrant episode of Afrikindness. They dive into the exhilarating journey of unraveling stereotypes and their impact on the African continent. From personal anecdotes to global initiatives, this discussion explores the consequences of stereotypes, strategies for empowerment, and inspiring tales of positive change. In this rollercoaster of emotions, Dr. Ollie and Isabella share many insights as the discussion zooms out to show how stereotypes stifle Africa's growth, dampening its potential on psychological, social, and economic levels. But fear not! Our guests bring forth strategies that empower African communities and challenge stereotypes head-on. They emphasize the power of education, awareness, and inclusive narratives to combat biases. Brace yourself for uplifting stories of successful initiatives, both local and global, that have defied stereotypes and fostered a brighter future for Africa. Join the movement, as Dr. Ollie and Isabella inspire listeners to take action. From engaging in open dialogue to supporting African-led initiatives, they share practical steps to rewrite the narrative and create a more accurate, inclusive portrayal of the continent. Get ready for an electrifying episode packed with laughter, empowerment, and the vibrant spirit of Africa. Unravel stereotypes with Afrikindness and witness Africa's rise as it defies expectations, one stereotype at a time. POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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REAL STORIES, REAL IMPACTS: Embracing the African Identity and Challenging Stereotypes with Tevin Kittoe and Dr Rosalili Wan Rosli

Podcast summary: Summary: In this thought-provoking episode of Afrikindness, host Peace George welcomes two inspiring guests, Tevin Kittoe and Wan Rosalili, as they share their personal experiences with stereotypes and discuss the importance of embracing the African identity. Tevin Kittoe, a young African professional, opens up about his childhood experiences with stereotypes. He vividly describes the challenges he faced growing up, constantly battling preconceived notions about his abilities and potential due to his African heritage. Tevin highlights the emotional impact stereotypes can have on an individual's self-esteem and aspirations, emphasizing the need for society to acknowledge the harmful effects of these misconceptions. Wan Rosalili, a parent whose child also faced stereotypes, shares her perspective on the issue. She reflects on the pain and frustration she felt when her child was subjected to unfair judgments based solely on their African background. Wan emphasizes the importance of empowering children to confront and challenge stereotypes, enabling them to embrace their heritage with pride and resilience. Throughout the episode, Peace George leads a candid discussion that delves into the wider implications of stereotypes and their effects on African communities. The conversation emphasizes the urgent need to break free from these limiting narratives and foster a more inclusive society where all individuals, regardless of their background, can thrive. The guests and the host collectively emphasize the power of storytelling in dispelling stereotypes and reshaping perceptions. By sharing their personal experiences, Tevin and Wan inspire listeners to confront biases, embrace diversity, and promote a culture of kindness and empathy. ABOUT THE SPEAKER Tevin Kittoe, Founder of 1000 Voices whose mission is to celebrate and amplify the stories of 1000 black British changemakers, challenging stereotypes and building a more inclusive society. Dr Rosalili Wan Rosli, a lecturer at the University of Bradford, and a former senior lecturer from the Faculty of Law, University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia, where she spends more than 11 years teaching various undergraduate and postgraduate subjects. POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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BREAK THE SILENCE: Confronting Stereotypes And Changing Narratives with Peace George

Welcome to Afrikindness Podcast! In this episode, host Peace George tackles the intriguing question: Are stereotypes a problem? Join us as we explore why people often remain silent about this issue and uncover the incredible advantages of speaking out. In this episode, we'll unveil the impact of stereotypes on individuals and communities. Prepare to challenge your perspective, break down barriers, and embrace empathy. But don't worry; it's not all serious! We'll infuse this conversation with a touch of fun and excitement as we navigate through the complexities of stereotypes. Together, we'll discover the power of raising awareness and using our voices effectively. POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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UNRAVELLING THE TRUTH: Challenging Stereotypes & the impact on African Identity with Dr Ollie Folayan & Isabella Mascarenhas

Get ready for a wild ride of laughter, empowerment, and celebration in Episode 3 of the Afrikindness Podcast! Hosted by the dynamic Peace George, this episode is all about breaking free from stereotypes and embracing the true essence of African identity. Joining Peace are two extraordinary guests, the brilliant Dr. Ollie Folayan and the vibrant Isabella Marancahas. In this captivating episode, we dive headfirst into the misconceptions and narratives that have shaped perceptions of Africa for far too long. With fearless enthusiasm, our guests debunk stereotypes, sharing powerful strategies to reclaim African narratives, foster empathy, and celebrate the multifaceted nature of African cultures. Laughs are guaranteed as this dynamic trio unravels stereotypes and embraces the beauty of Africa's true identity. About our speakers:- Dr. Ollie Folayan:- An award-winning diversity champion, visiting professor, public speaker, mentor, and esteemed member of the Royal Academy of Engineering D&I Steering Committee. Co-founder AFBE-UK. With a passion for driving #inclusivity and fostering change, this exceptional individual has made remarkable contributions to the field of diversity and inclusion. His expertise and invaluable insights have empowered organizations and individuals to embrace diversity, create equitable environments, and unlock the full potential of every individual. An influential force for change and a true champion of #diversity. Isabella Marancahas:- A youth champion, DEI expert, Anti-racism advocate, social impact leader, EMpower Top 100 Executive Role Model, and the Chair of the EmbRace Employee Resource Group. With a passion for driving social change and empowering youth, Isabella has become a beacon of inspiration for individuals and organizations alike. Her exceptional leadership, dedication, and impact have earned her prestigious recognition and positioned them as a true role model in the field. Prepare to be captivated by their powerful voice, profound knowledge, and unwavering commitment to building a more inclusive world. Join us on this transformative journey of empowerment and inclusivity! Together, let's make kindness and diversity the guiding principles of our shared humanity. POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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UNVEILING AFRICAN IDENTITY: Preserving the African Cultural Heritage with Shrouk El-Attar, Dr Ollie Folayan, Julie Sylvia Kalungi and Mara Makoni

Are you ready? Afrikindness Podcast - Series 2, Episode 2: Embracing African Culture; Preserving the African Heritage. In this week's episode, we are joined by our esteemed guests below:- - Dr. Ollie Folayan, Co-Founder AFBE UK, Visiting Professor, University of Dundee, and Diversity Specialist. (West Africa (Nigeria) - Shrouk El-Attah, Engineer, BBC 100 Most Influential Women in the World (North Africa (Egypt) - Julie Sylvia Kalungi, COO Kalungi Group, Digital Brand Strategist (East Africa (Uganda) - Mara Makoni, PA Consulting, D&I Specialist (South Africa (Zimbabwe) We dive deeper into the exploration of our African-ess and how people from diverse backgrounds are embracing all things African. Together, we embark on an insightful discussion about the various aspects of African culture that have garnered global attention, including hairstyles, textiles, and music. We begin by addressing the popular standards of beauty prevalent in today's world and the significant impact of the media on how Africans perceive and embrace their cultural heritage. Our guests shed light on how the representation of African beauty has evolved over time and how this has influenced the self-perception and pride of Africans worldwide. With a particular focus on hairstyles, we explore the rich diversity of African hair traditions and their significance in cultural identity. From intricate braids and cornrows to majestic afros, we celebrate the beauty and resilience encapsulated in African hairstyles. Our guests share personal stories, discuss the importance of hair as a form of self-expression, and highlight the role of hairstyling in preserving African traditions. Furthermore, we address the challenges faced by Africans in the diaspora in preserving their cultural heritage. Our guests provide valuable tips and strategies on how individuals can maintain a strong connection to their African roots. We emphasize the significance of intergenerational knowledge transfer and the importance of creating spaces that nurture African traditions outside of the continent. Join us for another thought-provoking and enlightening conversation as we continue debunking stereotypes and celebrating African culture's vibrant tapestry. Through engaging stories and practical advice, we aim to inspire Africans and non-Africans to embrace and appreciate the true essence of Africa. POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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UNVEILING AFRICAN IDENTITY: A Vibrant Tapestry of Festivals and Stories with Shrouk El-Attar, Dr Ollie Folayan, Julie Sylvia Kalungi and Mara Makoni

PART 1:- In this episode, we embark on a captivating journey through the diverse tapestry of African cultures. We explore how different African countries and regions embrace and celebrate their rich cultural heritage through vibrant festivals and captivating ceremonies. From the enchanting Shrouk El-Attar festival in North Africa's Egypt to the dynamic Dr. Ollie Folayan in West Africa's Nigeria, the spirited Mara Makoni in South Africa's Zimbabwe, and the inspiring Julie Sylvia Kalungi in East Africa's Uganda, we dive into the colorful world of African festivities. Discover unique examples of cultural expressions that highlight each region's identity and foster a sense of collective pride. But it doesn't stop there! We also delve into the power of cultural diversity within Africa, examining how it contributes to a richer African identity. We'll explore effective ways to celebrate and embrace this diversity, ensuring that every culture's voice is heard and valued. While celebrating African heritage is crucial, we also tackle the challenges faced in preserving and passing on cultural traditions. Join us as we identify these challenges and discuss potential solutions and strategies to overcome them, safeguarding Africa's cultural legacies for future generations. Power of Story-telling Furthermore, we discuss the role of storytelling in preserving African cultural heritage. From ancient oral traditions to the influence of technology and globalization, we'll examine how storytelling has evolved and adapted, keeping African narratives alive and vibrant. Join us as we celebrate, embrace, and honor the incredible diversity and beauty of Africa's cultural mosaic. Let's celebrate the heartbeat of Africa together! POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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AFRICA DAY - Unity in Diversity: Reflecting on Africa Day and Embracing Our Africanness with Dr. Ollie Folayan

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Afrikindness, the podcast that brings you on a thrilling voyage through the diverse and vibrant cultures of Africa. In this special episode, we gather to commemorate Africa Day, an occasion that marks the establishment of the African Union and pays tribute to the extraordinary accomplishments of the African continent. What is Africa Day? Africa Day stands as a momentous event, presenting us with an opportunity to contemplate the advancements achieved by African nations and their people. It also serves as a reminder to embrace the unity, resilience, and fortitude that have consistently characterized the African spirit throughout history. In this captivating conversation, we delve into thought-provoking topics such as African self-awareness, communal and individual identity, internalized racism, neocolonialism, and more. Our Podcast Host, Peace George, will be joined by a special guest, Dr. Ollie Folayan MBE, Co-founder of Scottish Branch: Association for Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers and a Diversity & Inclusion Champion. A true #African. 💫✨ He brings a unique perspective to the conversation, sharing personal experiences of reconnecting with African roots and how African Day resonates with the African diaspora community. Also joining are members of the Afrikindness team, Nnamdi Agbanelo, Yu-Wen Chiu, Bunmi Owolabi. In this episode, we'll explore how deeply rooted it is in African heritage to celebrate Africa Day. We'll delve into the essence of this special day, and how it embodies the spirit of Africa. Let's explore these questions and uncover the truth! POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...


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POD FOR AFRICA: Embark on a Cultural Expedition: Discover the Soul of Africa!

📢 Attention, everyone! 🌍✨ We have an exciting announcement to make! 🎉🎙️ 🎧 Introducing the maiden edition of Afrikindness Podcast! 🎧 Join us on Africa Day, 25th May, 2023, as we dive into a captivating discussion about the celebration of Africa Day itself. 🌟🎊 Have you ever heard of Africa Day? 🌍 It's a day dedicated to honoring the richness of African culture, traditions, and unity. 🌿✨ In this episode, we'll explore how deeply rooted it is in African heritage to celebrate Africa Day. We'll delve into the essence of this special day, and how it embodies the spirit of Africa. 🌍🔥 We want to hear from YOU! Have you ever celebrated Africa Day? Share your experiences, thoughts, and questions in the comment section below! Let's ignite a lively conversation and celebrate Africa's incredible heritage together! 🌍❤️ Mark your calendars and get ready for an enlightening and entertaining podcast episode that will leave you inspired and proud of Africa's rich tapestry of cultures! Stay tuned for the maiden edition of Afrikindness Podcast! 🎙️✨ #AfrikindnessPodcast #AfricaDayCelebration #AfricanHeritage #JoinTheConversation POD FOR AFRICA! From thought-provoking conversations on African identity to reflecting on Africa Day and its significance and the celebration of the continent's rich cultural heritage, this episode is a must-watch for anyone passionate about #Africa and its people. 🌟 But wait, there's more! Don't forget to watch the full video podcast for a deep dive into the intriguing topics covered. 🎙️🔊 Watch the video podcast here And hey, if you enjoy what you hear, make sure to hit that #subscribe button on your favorite podcast platform to stay tuned for our upcoming episodes. 🎙️🔔 Like it! Please leave us a review or comment on each episode. We would love to hear from you. Connect with us on Instagram at Afrikindness Podcast To Sponsor, we have a fantastic sponsorship package. Please reach out through our email - ...
