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Against The Grain

Storytelling Podcasts

Despite the fat furphy we've been fed, there's no ‘one way’ or ‘right way’ to do life, and nor is there a ‘one size fits all’ approach to success and fulfillment. The Against The Grain podcast is for the jaded woman who is done feeling discontent with her lukewarm life and can sense her inner rebellion rising. The woman who knows she is meant for more. She's ready to courageously ditch the rule book and willingly take action to lead a life that is different to what's expected. A life that energises and excites her. A life that she's proud of and pumped about! Tune in to hear Louise share her stories and wisdom and connect with interesting and inspiring humans who are living with intent, pursuing change as a choice and leading the way towards shaping their own success story.




Despite the fat furphy we've been fed, there's no ‘one way’ or ‘right way’ to do life, and nor is there a ‘one size fits all’ approach to success and fulfillment. The Against The Grain podcast is for the jaded woman who is done feeling discontent with her lukewarm life and can sense her inner rebellion rising. The woman who knows she is meant for more. She's ready to courageously ditch the rule book and willingly take action to lead a life that is different to what's expected. A life that energises and excites her. A life that she's proud of and pumped about! Tune in to hear Louise share her stories and wisdom and connect with interesting and inspiring humans who are living with intent, pursuing change as a choice and leading the way towards shaping their own success story.



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19 - The Power Of Planning: Why It’s Crucial In Crafting Incredible Events

Having the vision for an incredible retreat and deciding you’re ready to run one, is one thing. Actually planning and preparing your in-person event is another thing entirely. Before you get to step into the limelight and play host to your retreat attendees, at least 90% of your time, effort & energy will be consumed by all of the planning and organising that has to come FIRST. And it’s here where a lot of potential retreat leaders find themselves paralysed by the often complex planning process. I get it. As someone who’s spent a literal lifetime working in roles that require excellent planning, organisation and time management - with 20 of those years managing, operating and delivering events - I know there’s a heck of a lot of planning and coordinating that takes place BEFORE it's retreat time. There's so many elements to consider AFTER you’ve nutted out your retreat vision & vibe. So if you're about to or are in the early stages of putting a retreat together, OR if you’ve been imagining leading your own retreat in the future and have been wondering how much effort and energy will be required… this episode is for you. I’m dropping insider knowledge about the POWER OF PLANNING RETREATS > Why you shouldn’t poo-poo planning > What’s needed to properly plan a successful in-person event > And the time it realistically takes to get shit sorted So when the opportunity comes to lead a retreat, you are adequately armed to prepare and deliver the best possible experience your people will love! Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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18 - Nailing Your Vision & Vibe: Your Recipe For Retreat Success

EVERYONE wants to run a retreat, you can see that from the bazillion retreats available. But not everyone does it well. There's A LOT to consider when facilitating in-person events, and trying to plan and organise it all yourself can very quickly become overwhelming. Hot tip from a professional planner [AKA: me!]… if you intend to deliver a popping retreat your people will love, you absolutely need a framework to follow. A successful retreat, one that stands out from the crowd, needs to be intentionally curated and outcome oriented. And it all starts with nailing your retreat vision and vibe. Getting clear on this first element is what will be key in guiding every other retreat decision that comes after. So if your intention is to create an epic in-person experience AND increase your impact and income through running retreats then this episode is made for you. Expect powerful questions that’ll help you get clear on your retreat purpose and goals, and the outcome for your guests, and get ready for some fire from this professional planner as I hand over the recipe for your retreat success. Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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17 - 5 Surprising Reflections From Navigating Big Life Changes

Over the span of my lifetime I've journeyed through a heap of change and have been handed a tonne of teachings along the way. And while most of the big changes I've endured have been intentional, absolutely my choice, some of them haven't ended as I would've wished. Yet all of them, positive or not, have been memorable! Every change we encounter imprints something on us - a lesson, a learning, a little nugget of wisdom, all offered to help us progress with more ease when making future change. In this episode of Against The Grain I'm reflecting on 5 surprising lessons that have stayed with me from the times I've navigated big change. Lessons that have humbled me, empowered me, even rattled me. My hope is that through sharing my own personal experience, my insights can be of support to you when moving through a period of challenging change yourself. Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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16 - The Point Of Purpose And Why It's Vital To ‘Living The Dream’

“Off To Live My Dreams” It sounds like a slogan splashed across the mug you gift to your colleague on their last day working together right? Even though you wish the very best for them, you know they're probably not going to end up living their dream in their new company and role. I mean does that reality even exist? Well it did for me! In my 30’s I landed myself one of these desirable ‘dream lifestyle’ opportunities. And yet at the supposed peak of my life, the "it's not going to get better than this" stage, I gave it up. Yep, I pulled the pin on this once in a lifetime Living The Dream scenario. In this episode I talk about the point of purpose, and why it's a vital ingredient towards creating your version of soul-aligned success. I share the reasons why I decided to quit the good life, despite others telling me to stick with it, and you’ll hear how advocating for myself turned out to be a damn good decision on my part. Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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15 - Choosing Change: Why I’m Sold On Retreats

Do you ever wonder what people mean when they say retreats hit different? How? Aren’t they just an indulgent holiday that’s been organised for people with deep pockets desperate to get away from it all? Not entirely true... sure the bulk of the organising and planning has been done on a retreat allowing you to lounge back and relax... But the difference is in the PURPOSE. Retreats are for those wanting to improve the quality of their life in some way. To become happier, to feel healthier and more energised etc which means people are becoming more selective in how they take their time out. This episode highlights the value of retreats and why I think everyone should go on one and experience the benefits at least once in their life! I share why I personally choose to invest in retreats and how they’ve helped me make changes in my life. And… why I’m excited to soon start hosting my own! Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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14 - The Rise Of Retreats: Why They’re The Perfect Vehicle For Positive Change

Once upon a time going on a holiday and sipping cocktails poolside was the remedy prescribed to help us escape and reset. But not anymore. It’s no longer enough. People are craving more. No longer simply seeking mojitos and massages, they are seeking CHANGE. While there are various tools and techniques to build self-awareness and take charge of your mental narrative when it comes to making change there’s one modality that’s rising in popularity. RETREATS! Yep. According to the Global Wellness Institute the retreat industry is expected to grow an average of 21% annually through 2025 and beyond, which is almost double the rate of the tourism industry alone. It’s an industry worth an estimated $639 billion USD globally. Woah! In this episode we explore the rise of retreats - WHY I believe retreats are the perfect platform to inspire positive change and HOW attending a retreat can be another favourable option to help you move through the different stages of change. Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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13 - The 4 Things You Want To Get Right When Running A Retreat

Ask any professional planner what it really takes to prepare, plan and put on an awesome event and they’ll tell you it’s a freakin’ lot. Whether it’s a conference or a concert, a fete or fundraiser, a rodeo or a RETREAT, there's lots of blood, sweat and tears that go into pulling off a successful event. Events in general are complex to plan and handle so it’s not at all surprising that many people go cuckoo over the coordination, and consequently miss the mark in delivering a truly memorable experience. If you've been imagining your own retreat and are getting fired up about facilitating one in the near future this episode is especially for you. I reveal the 4 crucial things you want to focus on and get right to help you prepare the best possible experience and deliver a successful retreat your people will love! This episode talks through the importance of: This episode is a goodie. Make sure you download it so you can easily come back and wrap your ears around it as you move through the often paralysing process of creating your retreat. Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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12 - How To Lead Yourself In 2024: What’s Out & What’s In

How is it that we skip into the new year feeling pumped and with the greatest of intentions yet it doesn’t take long at all, sometimes just a few weeks, to notice we’re not keeping those promises we made to ourselves? We’re not leading our life as we had initially intended, and we’re now casually being swept along by society… again. In this episode of Against The Grain I share my list of What’s Out and What’s In to lead yourself effectively in 2024. What you need to focus on to be the boss of your life, to shape more success, contentment and fun into your year. This episode is short and sharp, intended for you to return back to it over and over as needed throughout the year, because we all know learning how to lead yourself is an art not a one-off activity. It takes practice to build this lifestyle habit, and it requires commitment over time to be able to lead yourself and do it well. I’m sharing 4 strategies that’ll strengthen your leadership ability fast, making you feel like you’re steering your own ship in 2024. Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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11 - The Reason Your Goals End Up Dead & Buried By February (and how to change that)

Did you know most New Year’s Eve resolutions are on life support by January 15th… and completely dead and buried by February? Which makes me wonder, now that we’ve entered February, how ALIVE are your 2024 goals and aspirations? Are you still eagerly pushing forward with them, or have you fallen out of sync and already experiencing the wobbles? It’s no secret that it can be hard to find the motivation and enthusiasm to keep chasing down your goals after the hype of a new year has worn off. In fact it’s quite disheartening that 90% of people fail to follow through with their good intentions, allowing daily distractions to take over. So how DO you keep pushing forward on your goals and maintain consistency once you’re out of the January / New Year haze without it feeling like a massive effort? Listen in to this episode and uncover the tools and tips that’ll help bring your dreams and desires back to the forefront of your mind, so you can do what needs to be done to continue moving forward in the direction you want to lead your life. Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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10 - My 2024 Vision & How I'm Bringing It To Life

There's something refreshing about a new year… don't you think? Maybe it's the sense of permission we feel to start over, to call in something great, or to make a change to something. It's like we get to wipe away the haze that's clouded our vision throughout the year, and with fresh eyes we once again can see the opportunities and possibilities in front of us. No matter how your 2023 ended, the fresh new year vibes are encouraging you to once again create a compelling vision of the life you want to lead. In this episode I share my 2024 vision, and the process I take myself through each year to bring my intentions to life. If you’re ready to start the year feeling centered so you can move through 2024 with more clarity, listen in and download my free Visioning Journal [the link is below]... And commit to spending some time reflecting and casting a vision for how your life is going to flow forward in 2024. Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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09 - Dealing With Changes That Don't Go To Plan

It can be both courageous and impressive when you bravely bite the bullet and make a big change in your life. When you finally make that bold move. And it can also be tough, really tough, to then have things go to shit and it doesn’t work out as you had hoped or expected. On this episode of Against The Grain I’m discussing the dilemma of dealing with changes that don’t go to plan. The challenges we face when we intentionally take the leap to make a big life change, when we’re the ones driving that change, yet things don’t work out in our favour. Listen in to hear me talk about a time when I packed up my life, made a move interstate in search of warmer weather and to be closer to my family… and welp… nothing quite worked out as I had hoped. It was a costly move. A move that resulted in me going financially backwards in a hurry, where I went from being flushed with funds at 40 to flat out broke at 41. So what do you do when the shift you make shatters your stability? Now you might be hoping I’ll provide you with the perfect remedy of what to do when you find yourself in this predicament, or in a similar sticky situation… that I’ll tell you THE THING you need to do. But I don’t. And I won't. Why? Well just as it wasn't ONE thing in particular that upended our well laid out plans... it wasn’t ONE thing that helped us stabilise our situation. It was LOTS of things. And that’s the thing! Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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08 - 15 Signs It’s Time To Make A Change: Part 3

Welcome to the third and final installment of this 3 part mini series 15 Signs It's Time To Make A Change. It’s the end of the year and it’s a time when many of us are thinking about next year and contemplating the changes we’d like to see happen. But you might be feeling cautious at the moment, wondering if NOW really is the best time to take action towards change. If you're feeling this then you’ve landed in the right place. This mini-series was made especially for your ears. Today in Part 3 I’m covering the final 5 signs that highlight WHEN it’s time to make a change in your life. If you haven’t yet listened to Part 1 & 2, no worries, go have a listen in to episodes 06 & 07 after this one as there’s no set order. The 5 signs covered in this final episode are: 11. You're exhausted from trying 12. You shy away from taking risks 13. Things just feel off 14. You become ok with settling 15. Everything feels hard Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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07 - 15 Signs It’s Time To Make A Change: Part 2

Welcome to the second episode of this 3 part mini series where I share with you 15 Signs It's Time To Make A Change. EVERYONE’S life could use a little change. But, it can be HARD to know when it’s the best time to make a change. On today’s episode of Against The Grain I reveal another 5 fairly common, but often overlooked signs that scream IT’S TIME TO MAKE A SHIFT! If you want to be able to recognise the signs WHEN it’s time to make meaningful, lasting change, change that makes your life better, then you must listen to this 3 part mini-series. Not yet listened to Part 1, Episode 06? No problem, you can go back anytime to check out the first 5 gold nugget signs I dropped. The next 5 signs covered in this episode are: 6. Your life lacks purpose 7. You're not getting results you hope for 8. You either wish for the days gone by OR you daydream of your future 9. You feel trapped 10. You're becoming a person you don’t like Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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06 - 15 Signs It’s Time To Make A Change: Part 1

I’m a big believer that your ability to recognise when change is calling, and your willingness to change, plays a huge part in whether you reach your full potential and live out your best life. But, it can be HARD to know when it’s the best time to make a change. Am I right? If you're nodding along here then this 3 part mini-series, designed to help you recognise if NOW really is the right time to make a change, is for you. The fact is, EVERYONE’S life could use a little change. But most people are either too busy, stuck in surviving the day to day, that they never make the time to objectively evaluate their life… OR... they've become VERY GOOD at ignoring the signs they’re out of alignment and consequently brush off how a change could positively benefit them. So how can YOU create lasting change, meaningful change? Change that makes your life better? In this first episode of three inside the mini-series we dive into 5 fairly common, but often overlooked signs that scream IT’S TIME TO MAKE A SHIFT! 1. You're no longer happy 2. Everything just feels ho-hum 3. You aren't being recognised or appreciated 4. Your well-being is taking a hit 5. What you’re doing feels stale, boring, no longer exciting or inspiring After listening to this mini-series 15 Signs It's Time To Make A Change you’ll be clear on WHEN the best time is to open the door to change, AND you'll know what you can easily do to start making a shift. Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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05 - 3 Beliefs Blocking You From Making Change & Moving Forward

How it is that you can be right on the edge of making change but then you back out last minute? You never take the leap. Have you ever wondered what it is exactly that is blocking you from blasting forward? Well hold onto your hats guys because I’m about to serve this to you straight. It’s your bullshit beliefs! Yep, I'm talking about the way you see yourself. The biggest block to people facilitating change in their life is the set of beliefs they hold about themselves. We all hold onto some non-serving beliefs. Beliefs that become harmful when they hold us back from taking action, achieving our goals and reaching our full potential. It’s this state of mind that restricts us. In today’s episode of Against The Grain I’m sharing the three biggest beliefs you gotta bust if you want to make change. Because I know one, if not ALL of these beliefs have stopped you at some stage from making the shift you want in your life. Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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04 - Why “Having It All” Is An Outdated Concept

You're often told "having it all" looks like the luxury lifestyle - a mansion with all the modern toys, sailing in Seychelles, private parties, Louboutin loafers and Hermes handbags. But what if I told you, you've been lied to? That the shiny shit that smothers Instagram isn’t a real replica of success. In this episode of Against The Grain we’re diving into the concept of "having it all" - the fat furphy we've been fed about WHAT having it all looks like and HOW these ideals can leave us feeling jaded about our own accomplishments. Maybe, like me, you've been led to believe that attaining society's standards of perceived success, and having it all, would most likely be out of reach for you. But I'm here to tell you otherwise. That you CAN in fact, have it all. You CAN become successful and abundant in all areas of your life. How do I know? Because I have it all. Yet… it doesn’t look like what you imagine. Listen in to find out why impressing yourself is the real remedy to having it all. Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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03 - The Success Formula: 4 Elements To Build A Soul-Driven Successful Life

What if I told you that YOU have the power to shape your own success story and to do it in a way that feels good to you? No more being caught up in the rat race and the endless pursuit of chasing and consuming. Would you want to know how? In this episode I share my personal formula for building a soul-driven successful life. I call it my 4 P’s of Success: Planning, Prioritising, Pivoting & Perseverance. You’ll learn: Are you ready to consciously opt out of what the world says you should do and instead define success on your own terms? Are you all for achieving it by your own rules? I think so! So listen in, because I’m certain once you know how to nail this 4 P process you’ll find it much easier to stay on track to creating a life you not only deem successful, but one you also love. One you’re proud of and pumped about! Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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02 - Embracing Self-Leadership: The Key to Living Life on Your Terms

In this episode we’re deep diving into Self-Leadership and why this skill, yes it’s a skill, is so important to us pursuing the lives we desperately yearn for. You’ll come to understand how self-leadership differs from regular leadership, because there's a misconception that they are one and the same thing. They're not! You’ll also learn why it’s the foundation to leading your life your way, and I share ways you can start to develop your own personal leadership today. Building Self-Leadership is a journey that takes time and effort through self-exploration, visioning and goal setting, building self-awareness and investing in self-development. There are no hacks, no shortcuts. And the reason it’s so damn important is because YOU are personally responsible for the life you lead. This episode emphasizes the importance of practicing self-leadership across ALL areas of life as a key factor in shaping personal success. Self-Leadership is about stepping into that 'main character' energy everyone is talking about right now. It’s not easy. It takes courage, curiosity and discipline. But it’s definitely worth it. When you can lead yourself, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. You can reach your full potential. On the flip side, NOT knowing who you are, what you’re capable of and where you’re headed can leave you looking out to the world to be told what you should want, how you should think and how you should feel. And it’s here where you become susceptible to accepting others' views, opinions and suggestions on how to live your life. Don’t fall into that trap. Instead be brave, take control of your own life so you can consciously create the kind of future you want to experience. Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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01 - The Art Of Change: My Journey of Boldly Pursuing Change as a Choice

Welcome friends to the very first episode of Against The Grain. Thank you so much for tuning in. I'm so happy to have your support here and super chuffed to be able to connect with you in this new way. This opening episode is where I share a bite-sized bit of my story and what you can expect listening to Against The Grain, the podcast. So hey there, I’m Louise, your host… and I’m coming to you from Melbourne, Australia where I currently live with my French husband Ben and our Dalmatian dog Maia. Over the years I’ve had many, many people say to me “Wow, you’ve done so much in your life!”. It’s one of the most common things I hear from others when I chat to them about the various things I’ve experienced. And you know what, they’re not wrong. I've definitely encountered some interesting things, I’ve made MANY changes and have been blessed with success. But what really blows me away is they then follow that up with "Gee I wish I could experience as much as what you have, but I could never do what you've done, you're so brave". The thing is YOU CAN! You too can learn how to expand your capacity to adapt to change so you can live a life that inspires, energises and excites you. And that right there, is why I've created this podcast. There’s no more thinking “why can’t my life be like that?” As you journey with me, my hope is that you become open to boldly pursuing change as a choice and along the way you too learn how to take the lead and build a life you’re proud of and pumped about! Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE


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Introducing Against The Grain

Welcome to Against The Grain. A podcast centred around self-exploration, leadership, lifestyle change and soul-driven success. Your host Louise Fuster, is a self-leadership coach, retreat facilitator and skilled practitioner in the art of change. And her mission is to help you expand your capacity to adapt to change, and guide you towards leading your life your way. Join her as she explores what it takes to cultivate a strong sense of self, explore your edges, boldly lead from your heart and pursue change as a choice. This podcast, Against The Grain, is for the woman who is done feeling discontent and can sense her inner rebellion rising. She knows she is meant for more, and is ready to take the lead and build a life she's proud of and pumped about. So what makes Louise the perfect person to guide you through change? Well, over the course of her life she’s successfully navigated ALL sorts of shifts and tackled varying degrees of change, and… still continues to do so. Some of these shifts have been big and challenging, others small and more manageable. Some changes have been intentional, where they've absolutely been her choice. Others circumstantial, completely out of her control, even forced upon her. Some have been proactive change, others reactive. Change that has sometimes been subtle, and at other times brutal. And it’s all these experiences that have helped shape who Louise is today. The ONLY reason she can speak so genuinely about making shifts and, not only accepting but inviting and embracing change, is that she knows it so intimately. So stick around, because in future episodes Louise will share more about these pivotal moments so you too can learn what it takes to move through the varying degrees of change life throws your way, and embrace the responsibility and the challenges that come with being the authority of your own life. Send us a Text Message. Connect with me on IG: louise.fuster Jump on my mailing list HERE Grab your free Visioning Journal HERE Work with me as your coach HERE
