Kendra Motors
This is the complete bundle of all seven books in this series about anxiety. These are the books contained in it:
Book 1: In this compact guide, we will explore the causes and consequences of anxiety, the ways to stop yourself from panicking too easily, or get stressed out too much. We will discuss strategies that have worked for others and that can work for you as well. Everybody gets anxious every once in a while.
Book 2: Topics include the inner critic that makes you discouraged, what factors contribute to our stress levels, and the unusual consequences of anxiety you may not have thought of. This guide can be an eye-opener if you let it.
Book 3: This book gives a different spin to the topic of anxiety. It covers several aspects of managing stress levels and coping with negative outside influences in your life. However, it ends with a serious challenge to eliminate all anxiety triggers from your life to your greatest ability.
Book 4: This manual shows some signs of highly sensitive people, and expands on what to do when you can honestly label yourself as someone with such a personality.
Book 5: How we can recover from childhood neglect. Many of us, no matter how loving our parents tried to be, suffer from a lack of positive attention. We have often been neglected, and our needs have not been met, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
Book 6: What can this guide mean to you? Aside from these topics, questions will be answered such as:
Is my anxiety common or do I have a disorder?
How do I handle anxiety attacks?
Book 7: Some of the most powerful tools to get rid of stress or anxiety, are mindfulness and meditation. Many people use it. To some, it’s a hype, to others, a spiritual journey, but to most people, it’s a simple way of releasing stress, calming down, and recharging.
Author - Kendra Motors.
Narrator - Christopher Knight.
Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023.
Copyright - © 2020 Kendra Motors ©.
This is the complete bundle of all seven books in this series about anxiety. These are the books contained in it: Book 1: In this compact guide, we will explore the causes and consequences of anxiety, the ways to stop yourself from panicking too easily, or get stressed out too much. We will discuss strategies that have worked for others and that can work for you as well. Everybody gets anxious every once in a while. Book 2: Topics include the inner critic that makes you discouraged, what factors contribute to our stress levels, and the unusual consequences of anxiety you may not have thought of. This guide can be an eye-opener if you let it. Book 3: This book gives a different spin to the topic of anxiety. It covers several aspects of managing stress levels and coping with negative outside influences in your life. However, it ends with a serious challenge to eliminate all anxiety triggers from your life to your greatest ability. Book 4: This manual shows some signs of highly sensitive people, and expands on what to do when you can honestly label yourself as someone with such a personality. Book 5: How we can recover from childhood neglect. Many of us, no matter how loving our parents tried to be, suffer from a lack of positive attention. We have often been neglected, and our needs have not been met, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Book 6: What can this guide mean to you? Aside from these topics, questions will be answered such as: Is my anxiety common or do I have a disorder? How do I handle anxiety attacks? Book 7: Some of the most powerful tools to get rid of stress or anxiety, are mindfulness and meditation. Many people use it. To some, it’s a hype, to others, a spiritual journey, but to most people, it’s a simple way of releasing stress, calming down, and recharging. Author - Kendra Motors. Narrator - Christopher Knight. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2020 Kendra Motors ©.