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Calvary Baptist Church of Hiawassee Georgia

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Calvary Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church serving the community of Hiawassee, Georgia. Through faithful Bible preaching and compassionate outreach, CBC continues to effectively minister to the spiritual needs of North Georgia and beyond.


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Calvary Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church serving the community of Hiawassee, Georgia. Through faithful Bible preaching and compassionate outreach, CBC continues to effectively minister to the spiritual needs of North Georgia and beyond.





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Ready to Answer: Is Truth Knowable

In today's episode, we dive deep into the often uncomfortable but essential concept of truth. We explore why truth is frequently unpopular and unaccepted in our culture, and how many prefer to view it as abstract and unknowable rather than face their own faults and weaknesses. Using the biblical account of Pilate's question to Jesus, "What is truth?" we discuss the profound implications of this inquiry. Join us as we unpack: - **What Truth Accomplishes**: Learn how truth appeals to both the mind and the spirit, and why intent is crucial in the pursuit of truth. - **Opponents of Truth**: Discover the different philosophies—Relativism, Agnosticism, Skepticism, Post-modernism, and Pluralism—that challenge the concept of absolute truth, and why these views are self-defeating. - **Can We Know the Truth?**: Understand how truth can be known and experienced through a relationship with Christ and the teachings of the Bible. Whether you're grappling with questions about faith or seeking to strengthen your understanding of truth in a world that often denies it, this episode offers valuable insights and encourages a deeper exploration of eternal truth. Tune in to equip yourself with the knowledge and confidence to share this truth with others.


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Ready to Answer: A Introductory Study in Apologetics

Join us as we explore the essence of readiness to defend our faith in today's challenging times. Drawing from key scriptures, we uncover the importance of meekness, fear, and spiritual empowerment in our readiness. Over the next weeks, we'll tackle essential questions and equip ourselves with a solid foundation for defending our faith. Don't miss out on this enlightening journey to stand firm in our beliefs amidst skepticism.


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Building A Godly Home: Rediscovering the Biblical View of a Parent

In this episode, we delve into the profound wisdom of Proverbs 20:11, which reminds us that even children bear a testimony through their actions. Through biblical exploration, we uncover the essence of goodness and righteousness, as exemplified in the creation account and the delineation of good and evil in Genesis. We then dissect the two fundamental commands guiding parental responsibility: "Train up a child in the way he should go" and "Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Drawing parallels from ancient scriptures, such as the training of Abram's servants and Joseph's nourishment of his family during famine, we discern the holistic nature of parental guidance, encompassing both physical and spiritual provision. The episode underscores the pivotal role of parents in nurturing their children in the ways of the Lord, offering spiritual nourishment through the Word of God and imparting wisdom through admonition. It challenges parents to reflect on the foundation of their homes and to prioritize the eternal over the temporal in the upbringing of their children.


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Building A Godly Home: Rediscovering the Biblical View of the Husband

In this episode, we delve into the profound responsibilities outlined for husbands in Colossians 3:19 and Ephesians 5:25–29 regarding their role in marriage. We explore the detrimental effects of bitterness, drawing parallels from biblical narratives like Job's afflictions. Highlighting Ephesians 5, we examine the husband's duty to safeguard his wife's purity and provide for her needs, mirroring Christ's love for the Church. Through 1 Peter 3:7, we unravel the significance of honoring one's spouse and its impact on spiritual life. Join us as we reflect on these timeless truths and challenge ourselves to love and honor our wives as Christ does the Church, fostering homes of spiritual safety and reverence.


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Unveiling The Parables of Jesus: Restoration

In this episode, journey through Luke's Gospel as we uncover the timeless wisdom within three parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. Explore the depths of redemption, the joy of restoration, and the challenge of overcoming hardened hearts. Join us as we delve into the transformative power of seeking out the lost and embracing the boundless love of the Father. Tune in for an enriching exploration of grace and compassion.


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Building A Godly Home: Rediscovering the Biblical View of a Wife

In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the timeless wisdom of Scripture to explore the profound role of a wife within the sanctity of the home. Opening with the illuminating words of Proverbs 18:22, we confront the prevalent misconceptions surrounding the biblical perspective on marriage in today's culture. Our exploration begins with the concept of being "fit in the Lord," as outlined in Colossians 3:18. Drawing parallels from the Old Testament, we uncover the depth of readiness and preparedness required for spiritual warfare, emphasizing the transformative power of submission within marriage. Continuing our journey, we unravel the rich symbolism of the wife as a reflection of the Church, as depicted in Ephesians 5:22–24. Through profound analogies, we contemplate the sacrificial love and divine purpose embedded in the marital union. As we delve into 1 Peter 3:1–6, we are challenged to embrace the intrinsic value of a meek and quiet spirit, transcending fleeting outward appearances. Through powerful examples and biblical truths, we discover the profound impact of a wife's conduct on both her household and the world. Concluding with introspective questions, we invite listeners to reflect on their own lives and relationships. Are we aligning our roles as wives with the sacred standards set forth in Scripture? Join us as we embark on a journey to rediscover the beauty and significance of the biblical view of a wife.


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Unveiling The Parables of Jesus: Discovering Divine WisdomThe Treasure, Pearl and Scribe

Join us as we decode the profound teachings of Christ through parables in this enlightening episode. Explore how these narratives reveal hidden truths to seekers while challenging the indifferent. We delve into the purpose of parables, examining their dual nature of revealing and concealing divine truths. From the parable of the Hidden Treasure to the Pearl of Great Price, we unravel the significance of Israel and the transformative power of redemption. Discover the role of scribes in safeguarding the kingdom's law, drawing parallels to the Householder parable. Reflect on the treasures of your heart and align your pursuits with eternal values. Tune in to uncover the depth of wisdom within Christ's parables and embark on a journey of spiritual enlightenment.


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Building A Godly Home: God's Institution

Join us as we unpack the profound wisdom of God's Word, delving into the intricate dynamics of family life. From the staggering statistics of fatherless homes to the divine blueprint outlined in Scripture, we embark on a journey to fortify our understanding of the family unit. In this episode, we explore the foundational relationships within the home, highlighting the roles of Wives, Husbands, Children, and Fathers. With a focus on two key factors: I. The Architect and Foundation: Christ as the cornerstone, central to every home's strength and stability. II. The Structure: From the sanctity of marriage to the hierarchical order and the essence of submission and obedience, we unravel the divine design for family dynamics. As we reflect on these timeless truths, let's commit to aligning our homes with God's plan, seeking His guidance to navigate the challenges and joys of family life. Tune in as we embark on a journey to strengthen the very fabric of our society—one family at a time.


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Walking in Truth: Insights from 3 John

Join us in this episode as we explore the profound teachings of 3 John. Discover the essence of true joy as John rejoices in seeing believers walking in truth. We'll examine the exemplary lives of Gaius and Demetrius, who embody the principles of truth and charity, serving as beacons for fellow believers. However, we'll also heed the cautionary tale of Diotrephes, whose pride and divisiveness serve as a stark reminder of the dangers lurking within. Take a moment to reflect on what brings you genuine joy and whether your life reflects a positive example for others. Join us as we draw timeless wisdom from 3 John for our ongoing journey of faith.


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Exploring 2 John: Guarding the Doctrine

In this gripping episode, we delve into the profound warnings laid out in 2 John, urging believers to safeguard the precious doctrine of Christ against compromise and false teachings. With a meticulous breakdown of key verses, we explore the sobering truth that transgression against the doctrine of Christ jeopardizes the rewards we have wrought. Through powerful scriptural references, we uncover the gravity of disobeying and failing to abide in the truth revealed through Jesus Christ. Central to our discussion is the admonition to not well wish or bid God speed to those who bring contrary teachings. Drawing from the wisdom of James Knox, we understand the importance of giving no place to the Devil and maintaining unwavering fidelity to the doctrine of the deity of Christ. Join us as we navigate the treacherous waters of false teachings and learn to stand firm in our faith, refusing to compromise with ideologies that undermine the essence of Christ's truth. Tune in to discover how rejecting compromise is not only a defense of our faith but also a safeguarding of our spiritual integrity.


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Exploring 2 John: The Call to Walk in Truth

Join us in this insightful episode as we embark on a journey through the shortest book in the Bible, 2 John. With only 13 verses, this powerful epistle is rich with wisdom and guidance for believers, urging them to remain faithful to the truth of Jesus Christ. At the heart of 2 John lies a pivotal verse, 2 John 8, reminding us of the importance of safeguarding our faith and not losing the rewards that come with it. Through a simple breakdown of the text, we explore the roles of "The Elder" and the "Elect Lady," deciphering their significance in the broader context of Scripture. Delving into the concept of election, we uncover its various meanings in the Bible, from angels to the church and Israel, shedding light on the profound truth that underpins the idea of being chosen by God. Central to the message of 2 John is the call to "walk in truth." We unpack the significance of truth in Scripture, both as God's written word and the teachings of Jesus Christ. With each mention of truth in the first four verses, we gain a deeper understanding of the imperative to align our lives with God's truth. Join us as we explore the timeless wisdom of 2 John and discover the transformative power of walking in truth, rejoicing in the knowledge that our faithfulness brings glory to God. Tune in and be inspired to embrace truth in every aspect of your life.


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Unveiling The Parables of Jesus: The Mustard Seed and the Leaven

In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into two captivating parables from the teachings of Jesus Christ: the Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Parable of the Leaven. Often overlooked, these parables carry profound warnings against the infiltration of false teachings and the insidious nature of evil within both the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God. These Parables offer a poignant metaphor for the pervasive influence of evil within the spiritual realm. Leaven, typically symbolizing corruption and impurity in biblical contexts, infiltrates and permeates the dough, causing it to rise. Through this parable, Jesus warns against the subtle but potent spread of wickedness and deceit, urging believers to remain steadfast in their faith and discerning in their pursuit of truth. Join us as we unpack the profound insights embedded within these parables, uncovering timeless lessons that resonate in our contemporary world. Through careful analysis and reflection, we illuminate the dangers of false teachings and evil influences, emphasizing the importance of grounding ourselves in the authentic teachings of Christ. In a world fraught with misinformation and deception, these parables serve as beacons of wisdom, guiding us toward spiritual discernment and steadfastness in our journey towards the Kingdom of Heaven.


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The Divine Nature: A Look into the Trinity of God

In this enlightening episode, we delve into the profound mysteries of the Trinity as revealed in 1 John 5:7-9. Join us as we uncover the essence of the divine nature of Jesus Christ, intricately woven into the fabric of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. From the timeless truths of Scripture, we gain insight into the eternal relationship between the Father and the Son, illuminated by the Spirit of truth. Through contemplation and reflection, we come to grasp the incomprehensible depth of God's love manifested in the Trinity. Tune in to this thought-provoking episode and discover the profound implications of 1 John 5:7-9 for our faith and understanding of God's triune nature.


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Born of God: Overcoming the World

In this episode, we delve into the profound wisdom found in the scripture of 1 John 5:1-5, exploring the transformative power of being born of God and the victory it brings over the world's challenges. Join us as we journey through the timeless truths encapsulated in these verses and uncover practical insights for living a life marked by spiritual rebirth and triumph. As we unpack the significance of faith as the catalyst for our victory, we invite listeners to contemplate the transformative journey of spiritual growth and the role it plays in shaping our perspective on the world around us. With each passing moment, we discover that our connection to God not only defines our purpose but equips us with the fortitude to rise above adversity and walk in the fullness of God's promises.


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All You Need is Love

Today, we embark on a journey through the transformative teachings of 1 John 4, exploring the profound call to love one another as Jesus loved us. In this captivating passage, we encounter the essence of Christian faith distilled into one powerful commandment: to love one another. But what does it truly mean to love like Jesus? How can we embody this radical and selfless love in our everyday lives? Join us as we unpack the rich layers of meaning within 1 John 4, delving into the nature of divine love and its transformative power. Through insightful reflections and practical wisdom, we'll explore the characteristics of Christ-like love and its profound implications for our relationships, communities, and the world at large. Whether you're a seasoned believer seeking to deepen your understanding of Christian love or a curious seeker exploring spiritual truths, this episode offers profound insights and practical guidance for living out the transformative power of love in your own life.


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Unveiling The Parables of Jesus: Parable of the Sower Part 2

Welcome back to another enlightening episode of "The Parables of Jesus." In part two of our series delving into the profound teachings of Jesus, we continue our exploration of the Parable of the Sower and the Seed, as recounted in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 13. Last time, we examined the significance of the different types of soil representing the various conditions of the human heart. Today, we delve deeper into the layers of meaning embedded within this timeless parable. Join us as we uncover the transformative power of the seed, representing the Word of God, and its profound implications for our spiritual growth and journey. We'll explore the obstacles that hinder the growth of the seed in certain hearts, shedding light on the importance of cultivating fertile soil in our own lives.


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Unveiling The Parables of Jesus: Parable of the Sower Part 1

Embark on a journey of spiritual enlightenment as we delve into the profound wisdom embedded within the Parable of the Sower, the Seed, and the Ground from Matthew 13. In this illuminating episode, we unravel the layers of meaning behind this timeless parable, exploring its relevance in our modern lives. Through insightful analysis and poignant reflection, we uncover the intricate dynamics between the seed representing God's Word, the various types of soil symbolizing the receptivity of human hearts, and the transformative power of God's word.


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Loves Got Something to do with it

In this powerful episode, join us as we dive deep into the timeless wisdom of 1 John 4:7-13, exploring the profound message of love that transcends human understanding. The sermon focuses on the call to reflect God's sacrificial love in our relationships with others, drawing inspiration from the ultimate act of love—God sending His only begotten Son. As we unpack the verses, we'll discover the transformative power of love that goes beyond mere words and encompasses genuine actions. The Apostle John challenges believers to love one another because love originates from God, and those who embrace it reflect God's very nature. The scripture serves as a guiding light, reminding us of the boundless love God has shown us through the sacrifice of His Son. Our pastor delves into the implications of this love in our daily lives, exploring how we can embody this divine love in our relationships, communities, and the world at large. Drawing parallels between God's love and our human interactions, the sermon inspires us to move beyond superficial gestures and extend a love that mirrors the sacrificial nature of Christ's love for us.


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Unveiling The Parables of Jesus: Introduction

In this enlightening episode, join us as Pastor Nate Browning takes us on a profound journey into the heart of the Scriptures, unveiling the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the parables of Jesus. In this introductory lesson, discover what parables are and why Jesus chose to communicate profound truths through these vivid narratives. As we journey through this podcast episode, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the importance of parables in conveying profound doctrinal truths in a relatable and accessible manner. Discover how these stories serve as windows into the heart of God and how they challenge us to live out our faith in tangible and transformative ways. Join us as we embark on a thought-provoking exploration of the parables of Jesus with Pastor Nate Browning, inviting you to open your heart and mind to the timeless wisdom encapsulated in these scriptures.


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The Ugly Truth about Spirits

This sermon dives deep into 1 John Chapter 4 to navigate the complex world of spirits and prophets, encouraging believers to discern the nature of each spirit. The speaker explores various types of spirits symbolized in biblical scriptures, including the Spirit of God, the Spirit of man, beastly spirits, and satanic spirits which are further categorized into unclean spirits, familiar spirits, and the spirit of the antichrist. Interweaving verses from Genesis, Job, and Revelation among others, the speaker reflects on the prophet's role in speaking in the spirit of another. Echoing 1 John's wisdom, he urges vigilance upon his congregation towards false prophets who embody and espouse spirits not aligned with God's teachings. As a key takeaway, the sermon illuminates the necessity of evaluating all actions in the light of Scripture. This sermon ultimately presents the Spirit of God as a beacon of truth and a shield against spiritual fallacy, and concludes with an empowering affirmation that every believer is an overcomer through God’s grace. By celebrating the power of Christ residing within us, it serves as a reaffirmation of faith that's resilient in the face of trials and tribulations, and a call-to-arms for believers to remain vigilant in spiritual warfare.
