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Divine Revelations

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A Christian library of divine encounters, testimonies, anointed messages, and revelations; documenting several face-to-face visitations of Jesus Christ.


United States


A Christian library of divine encounters, testimonies, anointed messages, and revelations; documenting several face-to-face visitations of Jesus Christ.



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Heaven is so Real

Do you believe heaven really exists? Choo Thomas tells a remarkable story of her encounters with Jesus Christ, where she visited heaven many times and saw hell twice. Her book, Heaven is so Real is more than just a book - it is Christs loving message to a generation that has largely forgotten, misunderstood or is indifferent about Him. This book will touch your heart and soul and will challenge you to live a life of obedience and purity like you have never done before.


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Revelation of Heaven

Together as a group, these 7 Columbian youths were taken by Jesus Christ and shown Heaven and Hell. Hear their account of the Glories of Heaven, the unimaginable paradise prepared for obedient Christians.


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When Jesus showed me Hell

Hepzibahs Story of a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ. A message for all people of Gods great salvation,and the horrible alternative.


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Muslims comming to Jesus

Fantastic testimonies of how many Hard Core Muslims came to faith in Jesus Christ. Even with all the persecution and backlash against them.


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8 Hours in Heaven

Gods given warning to preachers who dont teach about holiness. Without holiness no one will see the Lord.


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Revelations of Hell, 7 Columbian Youths

Jesus showed up in the middle of their prayer group, and gave them a tour of Hell, revealing what happens to the disobedient and wicked. This will help you develop a healthy fear of God, and to avoid the traps of satan.


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A wake up call to the Church, giving us a good understanding of satans weapons and tactics against Gods people, and how many Christian are NOT yet ready for Heaven.


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The Mystery of Paradise

A remarkable near death experience revealing both hell and heaven. He was formerly in witchcraft, and reveals many secrets of his former practice. He was also given a powerful warning to the Church and to America.


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Heaven and Hell

After Rev. Yong Park died, he was shown how each person is rewarded in Heaven, and what mistakes can lead a Christian to Hell.


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2nd Chances, Theo Nez

Theo Nez grew up on the Navajo Nation near the 4 corners of the USA. He still lives in that area. In 1995 he bought Mary Baxter's book Divine Revelation Of Hell thinking he would live for another 30 years and had plenty of time to get right with God. He put it off but, six months later while doing Meth in his home he died of an over dose. The Lord Jesus himself took Theo by the hand and lead him to his pit in Hell. And then he was given another chance.


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A Celestial Odyssey

A Short and fantastic vision of the Glory of Heaven. One late evening while deep in worship, in a vision I saw an enormous angel ten times larger that the most physical and muscular man I had ever seen on this earth. He had golden curly hair, with eyes like liquid blue lightning. His face was like that of a shining white hot furnace and in his mouth were tongues of fire form which came forth beautiful celestial languages of the heavens. And suddenly, his right hand extended upward toward the northern sky while his lift hand clasped the end of a brilliant, bright, glowing amber sword.


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Baptized by Blazing Fire, Book 1

During 30 days of continual midnight prayer at a small Korean Church, the congregation experienced a unbelievable revival. With their hands raised up, and praying all night long, the congregation had their spiritual eyes opened as they experienced visions, healings, intense spiritual warfare, and transforming encounters with Jesus. With their spiritual eyes opened, they could actually see the demonic battles taking place during their prayer time. They were shown how devils and demons try to distract us, scare us, and deceive us while we are praying. Every demonic trick in the book was used against them to stop them from praying. They encountered and fought against numerous dragons, demon kings, false angels, false christs, demons seeking sympathy, vampires, evil spirits disguised as beautiful women, etc. They were shown demonic strategies used against Christians, and powerful new spiritual weapons useful in defeating the enemy.


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Exorcism and Deliverance

Doing what Jesus Did. Learn how to identify, deal with and cast out evil spirits.


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Passion of the Chirst.

The movie that all people must see; how their loving savior suffered and died for mankind. Don't hide your eyes from the real cost of our sin, and the loving passion of Christ.


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How satan stops our Prayers

An incredible testimony of a former witch, who specialized at attacking Churches, destorying pastors, and hindering Christian prayers.


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Muslim Dreams, Story of Ali

Ali, this Turkish man in bondage to alcohol saw Jesus in a dream and his life was changed forever. Desperate, he moved to Saudi Arabia — a place where alcohol is forbidden. However, upon his arrival, he found liquor there. He then made the pilgrimage to Mecca, hoping to be freed of his addiction and to be led in the way of a true Muslim. To his surprise, he met Jesus Christ instead.


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Divine Revelation of Hell

Mary Baxter was chosen by God to let the world know of the REALITY of Hell. For 30 consecutive nights Jesus took Mary on a tour of the horrors of Hell, and talked with many people there. Jesus showed her what happens to souls when they die and what happens to unbelievers and Servants of God who dont obey their calling.


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Heaven is for Real, Burpo

Coltons Story, Heaven Is for Real is the true story of a four-year old son of a small town Nebraska pastor who experienced heaven during emergency surgery. He talks about looking down to see the doctor operating and his dad praying in the waiting room. The family didnt know what to believe but soon the evidence was very clear.


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Escape from Hell, Ex satan worshiper John Ramirez

John Ramirez was ranked the third highest devil worshiper in New York. He received his orders directly from Satan himself. But what was strong enough to rescue John? Who had enough light to shine into his darkness? There is only one answer.


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Glimpse of Eternity, Ian McCormack

Ian was night diving off the island of Mauritius when he was stung multiple times by Box Jellyfish, which are among the most venomous creatures in the world. His testimony relates how he clung to life while getting to hospital, was declared clinically dead soon afterwards, and how during this time he had an encounter with Jesus, which radically changed the direction of his life.
