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Don't Eat Poop! A Food Safety Podcast

Health & Wellness Podcasts

Join us every Tuesday for new episodes of Don't Eat Poop! A Food Safety Podcast. This informative podcast is hosted by renowned food safety specialists Francine L. Shaw, the CEO and Founder of Savvy Food Safety, and Matthew Regusci, the Founder of Fostering Compliance. Together, they delve into a wide range of topics related to food safety. The podcast covers everything from industry trends and food safety news to product recalls. It provides an in-depth look at the complexities of the food supply chain, offering listeners a comprehensive understanding of how food reaches their tables. The hosts also share personal stories and discuss recurring frustrations within the food industry, providing a unique insider's perspective. Occasional guest appearances add further depth to the discussions, bringing diverse viewpoints and expertise to the table. Whether you're a professional in the food industry or simply a curious consumer, this podcast will equip you with valuable knowledge about food safety. In essence, Don't Eat Poop! A Food Safety Podcast is not just about imparting information; it's about fostering a culture of food safety. By shedding light on the intricacies of the food supply chain and the latest food safety news, it aims to promote awareness and encourage responsible practices among consumers and industry professionals alike. Despite the seriousness of the topic, Shaw and Regusci manage to keep the tone light and entertaining. They offer fresh takes on food safety issues, often infusing humor into their discussions. However, they never lose sight of the importance of their message. At the heart of every episode is one golden rule: Don't Eat Poop!


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Join us every Tuesday for new episodes of Don't Eat Poop! A Food Safety Podcast. This informative podcast is hosted by renowned food safety specialists Francine L. Shaw, the CEO and Founder of Savvy Food Safety, and Matthew Regusci, the Founder of Fostering Compliance. Together, they delve into a wide range of topics related to food safety. The podcast covers everything from industry trends and food safety news to product recalls. It provides an in-depth look at the complexities of the food supply chain, offering listeners a comprehensive understanding of how food reaches their tables. The hosts also share personal stories and discuss recurring frustrations within the food industry, providing a unique insider's perspective. Occasional guest appearances add further depth to the discussions, bringing diverse viewpoints and expertise to the table. Whether you're a professional in the food industry or simply a curious consumer, this podcast will equip you with valuable knowledge about food safety. In essence, Don't Eat Poop! A Food Safety Podcast is not just about imparting information; it's about fostering a culture of food safety. By shedding light on the intricacies of the food supply chain and the latest food safety news, it aims to promote awareness and encourage responsible practices among consumers and industry professionals alike. Despite the seriousness of the topic, Shaw and Regusci manage to keep the tone light and entertaining. They offer fresh takes on food safety issues, often infusing humor into their discussions. However, they never lose sight of the importance of their message. At the heart of every episode is one golden rule: Don't Eat Poop!



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A Better Way to Do Supply Chain Management with Sara Jane Bellocchi from TraceGains | Episode 65

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are joined by Sara Jane Bellocchi, a Functional Consultant at TraceGains. They talk about how much of a game-changer a tool like TraceGains can be, especially when it comes to supply chain management. You’ll learn that there is a better way to do things that doesn't involve Excel, manual data, or having to access 18 different platforms for each of your suppliers just so you can become compliant. Tune in for a short and sweet episode that’s packed full of information about the power of the network and more. In this episode: 💩 [01:12] Sara Jane’s journey in the food safety industry 💩 [02:21] Showing people there’s a better way to do supply chain management 💩 [04:03] The power of the TraceGains’ Network 💩 [06:03] The benefit of having all documentation in one platform 💩 [06:52] The evolution of TraceGains and its offerings 💩 [08:12] Supply chain management success stories 💩 [10:18] What’s great about the Food Safety Consortium and what could change 💩 [11:42] What trust means to Sara Jane Resources from this episode Register for the Food Safety Consortium 2024 here. TraceGains website Noteworthy quotes from this episode “They fill it out once and then it goes to everyone that they're connected with instead of having to go to 18 different portals and upload 18 different sets of documents and remember all those passwords. The power of the network makes the supplier’s life easier as well as the quality manager’s life easier.” – Sara Jane Bellocchi We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Sara Jane, Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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Paper, Spreadsheets, and the Need to Raise the Bar with David Hatch of Neogen | Episode 64

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are joined by David Hatch from Neogen, one of the world's largest suppliers of food safety testing platforms. Get ready to learn all about food safety testing, such as what type of technology is available when it comes to testing (get results within seconds) and how the tests work in practice to keep food safe. Unfortunately, you’ll also learn about the sad truth about most of the food safety industry being almost 2 decades behind when it comes to actually being able to do anything with the important data that it collects. Tune in to hear the reasons why and how David and Neogen are working to change the tide. In this episode: 💩 [01:57] Meet David and Neogen 💩 [03:09] The first major food safety incident David witnessed 💩 [05:00] The type of testing that most companies use and how it works 💩 [07:49] The importance of testing in food safety 💩 [10:49] The problem of managing testing information on spreadsheets and paper 💩 [14:45] David’s mission at Neogen to bring food safety to the present 💩 [16:40] Using spreadsheets doesn’t actually mean the process is digitized 💩 [18:02] What it takes for food safety to become preventative instead of reactive 💩 [19:19] What’s great about the Food Safety Consortium 💩 [20:14] Trust and how our jobs interfere with how we see it 💩 [26:14] The other side of Neogen: making food safe upstream Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Register for the Food Safety Consortium 2024 here. Neogen website Noteworthy quotes from this episode “The problem is that the corporate management at food companies hasn't found a way to justify the digital transformation that needs to take place. And it's not that they don't want to, it's that the food industry operates at the lowest margins of any industry in the world. On average, it's only a 2.8% margin, which is the lowest in all industries in the world.” – David Hatch We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with David, Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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The Future of the Fast Food Industry and Robot Food Safety | Episode 63

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are talking about the future of the fast food industry, more specifically the rise of automation and robotics in fast food kitchens. You’ll get to meet Flippy, a kitchen robot that “mans” the fry station at a cutting-edge fast food in Los Angeles, California. Robots like this are here to stay so you’ll also get to hear all about what they mean for food safety in the restaurant setting. Lastly, you’ll hear about the world’s most questionable pizza which has been made using construction equipment. PSA: do not try this at home! In this episode: 💩 [01:02] Buying the plane tickets without a plan and being on YouTube 💩 [05:29] The disregard for food safety when it comes to the media 💩 [08:45] Flippy, the robot “manning” the fry station with the help of AI 💩 [11:37] How food safety doesn’t get portrayed on TV 💩 [13:18] Our points of view on restaurants with robot cooks 💩 [19:40] The shifts in the fast food industry over the past couple of decades 💩 [23:52] Foodborne illness outbreaks and automated kitchens 💩 [29:18] How to make a (questionable) pizza on a construction site Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Read Francine’s LinkedIn post about Flippy the robot and Food Safety here. Check out the video from NBC about Flippy and other robots being the cooks at a fast food restaurant that Matt and Francine are dissecting in this episode, here. Here’s Jim Miller’s LinkedIn Post about Jobsite Pizza, if you want to go straight to the video on Instagram that shows the whole bizarre process go here. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “The economics of fast food does not make sense if you want cheap fast food to hire full-time employees on a large scale. It just doesn't work. So, the robot thing is going to happen. It is here. Everything has to now evolve to match that, including food safety.” – Matthew Regusci “I think that the technology is a good thing and we need it, the industry needs it. I'm also concerned about how it's going to operate and be monitored and are the employees going to be trained properly to take care of it properly.” – Francine L Shaw We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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Food Safety Gets the Short End of the Stick (Again) | Episode 62

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are talking about the very concerning fact that the FDA is considering cutting funding for state food inspection programs, which is how a big part of the country’s inspections happen. As usual, food safety is not being prioritized by the government, in fact, it’s being put last. Tune in as Matt and Francine try to understand why this budget cut involved inspections and audits and as they contemplate the possible (and scary) consequences of getting rid of these inspection programs by removing their funds. You will also hear a story from Francine’s book ‘Who Watches the Kitchen?’. It is truly one of the craziest things that’s ever happened to her while she was doing an inspection, and trust us there have been many. In this episode: 💩 [03:59] The FDA is recommending cutting the funding for state food inspection programs 💩 [05:13] Food safety gets the short end of the stick again 💩 [07:16] Food safety is a universal conversation we should all be having 💩 [09:16] The reasoning behind the cut and what it signals to the industry 💩 [14:01] The value and importance of third-party food safety inspections 💩 [18:09] Alternatives for the FDA if current audits aren’t working 💩 [22:44] The shortage of auditors and inspectors 💩 [27:11] Is auditing going away? The scary alternatives 💩 [28:33] Running for politics to fix food safety issues 💩 [31:44] Little legs all over the floor: one of the craziest things that’s ever happened to Francine when she was doing an inspection Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode For more stories like the one Francine shared today, check out her book ‘Who Watches the Kitchen?’ on Amazon. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “People eat every single day. And when people eat, they don't want to get sick and they definitely do not want to die. So, this is a universal conversation.” – Matthew Regusci “[Food Safety]’s one of those things that doesn't affect you until it affects you. Until you get sick and it affects you for the rest of your life or until your mother or your aunt or your child gets sick and it affects you for the rest of your life.” – Francine L Shaw We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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Lead in Lunchables: Unpacking What’s Really Going On | Episode 61

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are talking about lead one more time, but this time it’s in Lunchables, which are part of school cafeterias and households across America. Tune in to better understand the situation, including what it means to have allowable levels of heavy metals in food (yes, that’s a thing) and what it means in the Lunchables case. They also dive into mold and what to do when you find a moldy surprise in your food. Tip: don’t eat it! In this episode: 💩 [01:17] Consumer Reports investigation that found high levels of lead in Lunchables 💩 [04:09] Processed food and high levels of sodium 💩 [07:07] Yes, there is an allowable limit of lead in food, here’s why 💩 [10:33] The real issue with the amount of lead in Lunchables 💩 [14:22] Why being vigilant of heavy metals in food is so important 💩 [16:12] Flint, Michigan and the consequences of high lead exposure 💩 [18:01] The consequences for Lunchables from this investigation 💩 [21:12] Social media perception: never tick off a mother 💩 [24:58] A moldy surprise in a free burger Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Read the Consumer Reports’ article on their investigation on Lunchables: Should You Pack Lunchables for Your Kid’s School Lunch? Check out the episode where we talked about “food filth”: Over 40% of Restaurant Foodborne Illness Outbreaks Are Caused by THIS! | Episode 16. If you’re curious about what we meant when we talked about the applesauce, catch up with Episode 51: Stanley Cups vs. Cinnamon Applesauce: Which Is More Likely To Give You Lead Poisoning? If you want to see the moldy surprise Francine’s friend found, go here. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “So, spoiler alert world, there is lead, arsenic, cadmium. All of these heavy metals are in food, a trace amount. There's really no way of getting rid of that.” – Matthew Regusci We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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Food Safety Culture and The Next Big Food Safety Crisis | Episode 60

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, food safety industry veterans Matt and Francine are talking about food safety culture falling apart and when and where the next major food safety outbreak will be. Because it will happen, there’s no doubt about it. They address the troubling fact that just because you think you’re company has a good food safety culture that doesn’t mean that’s true. They also point out how important it is to explain the why behind things, to be on the floor checking that things are as they should be, and to lead by example. Tune in for this very important conversation that needs to be had about food safety culture. In this episode: 💩 [06:17] Food safety culture, the Food Safety Summit, and ruffling feathers 💩 [08:15] Dr. Darin Detwiler’s recent article “Anticipating the inevitable” 💩 [11:48] Companies’ (skewed) perceptions of their own food safety culture 💩 [15:51] The importance of stepping into where the processes and procedures are applied, walking through them, and leading by example 💩 [19:40] Even companies that are amazing at training seem to fail to teach the most important thing 💩 [21:40] The things we need to talk about, even if people don’t want to hear 💩 [24:23] Where the next major food safety crisis will come from 💩 [25:50] The importance of checking that the right things are actually getting done 💩 [28:15] Matt’s prediction for food safety culture in the next 2 decades 💩 [29:12] Good auditors, bad auditors, and the realities of being one 💩 [32:07] Someone found a present in their popsicle Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Read Dr. Darin Detwiler’s recent article Anticipating the inevitable: Predicting the next major food safety failure. See the popsicle with a special present inside here. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “The ones that don't want to hear what you have to say are the ones that need to hear what you have to say.” – Matthew Regusci “A good food safety culture sets those policies and procedures and they follow them from the top to the team member level. And they explain the whys of why this stuff is important. They don't just say this is how we have to do it.” – Francine L Shaw We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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Insights into the Food Safety Consortium with RJ Palermo, Sales Director of Food Safety Tech | Episode 59

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are joined by RJ Palermo, the Sales Director of Food Safety Tech, which hosts the Food Safety Consortium. So, you’ll get some insights into the Food Safety Consortium, like why this last edition was held in New Jersey and why it’s such a small event when compared to some others out there. We also talk about the importance of content, how it drives the world now, and the impacts AI will have on the industry. In this episode: 💩 [01:13] From outside salesperson to engagement specialist 💩 [02:06] The evolution and future of how to get your brand out there 💩 [03:23] The most engaging content on Food Safety Tech 💩 [04:14] The impact of AI in food safety and other industries 💩 [05:41] RJ’s insights into people’s favorite and least favorite parts of the Consortium 💩 [07:19] What trust means to RJ 💩 [07:31] How to create better engagement and sales within the Consortium 💩 [11:45] What it’s like to work with Food Safety Tech Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Food Safety Tech website: Register for the Food Safety Consortium 2024 here. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “Banner ads are important to get your brand out there, but it's other content that drives it, whether it be webinars, web seminars, and the Consortium itself.” – RJ Palermo


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Food Allergies: Important Data, Recent Deaths, and Hidden Dangers | Episode 58

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are diving back into food allergies. In episode 55, they interviewed Betsy Craig, the CEO and Founder of MenuTrinfo, who is a leader in the food allergen space. However, this is an important topic that deserves to be revisited. Today, our food safety veterans are sharing some important data about food allergies, commenting on two tragic food allergy-related deaths reported by the media, warning about hidden allergens that we may not be aware of, and more. Tune in to also hear about and understand the debate over “Would you rather eat a raw caterpillar or raw chicken?” (Yes, this is seriously a topic of conversation.) In this episode: 💩 [02:32] Diving deeper into food allergies with some important data 💩 [04:53] Allergies in children: 1 in 13 children in the US have food allergies 💩 [06:21] 2 recent and tragic food allergy deaths in the news 💩 [09:28] People with food allergies are protected by the ADA 💩 [10:32] The dangers of food allergies versus the dangers of fentanyl 💩 [11:44] Undeclared allergens are the leading cause of recalls in the US 💩 [12:50] Hidden allergens that we normally wouldn’t know of or think about 💩 [14:02] The challenges of eating out with food allergies 💩 [16:48] Some extra protein inside someone’s In-N-Out peppers 💩 [18:50] Busy restaurants and being served raw chicken Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Catch up with Episode 55: Making Food Safe For Everyone (Not Just Some) with Betsy Craig, CEO and Founder of MenuTrinfo®. Learn more about the young woman who died from an allergic reaction after eating a mislabeled cookie here. Learn more about the New York doctor who died from an allergic reaction after dining at a Disney World restaurant here. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “Food allergies cause 30,000 cases of anaphylactic shock, 2,000 hospitalizations, and 150 deaths annually.” – Matthew Regusci “People don't take it seriously enough to be properly trained and educated.” – Francine L Shaw We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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The Glove Food Safety Gap: Raising Disposable Glove Standards with Steve Ardagh, CEO and Founder of Eagle Protect | Episode 57

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, food safety industry veterans Matt and Francine are joined by the “Glove Guy”, Steve Ardagh, the CEO and Founder of Eagle Protect. He is really passionate about food safety and his mission is to save the world one glove at a time. Steve challenges the assumptions we have about gloves and helps shine a light on the food safety gap that comes from the use in the food industry of disposable gloves that are neither clean nor intact. Get ready for some shocking and eye-opening stories that Steve has to share. I’m sure you too will never look at disposable gloves the same after listening to this episode. In this episode: 💩 [01:15] Saving the food industry one glove at a time 💩 [03:10] The great experience at the intimate Food Safety Consortium 💩 [04:15] An overview of the glove industry and market in the US 💩 [05:35] Turns out disposable gloves aren’t as clean as one would imagine 💩 [08:54] The big food safety gap no one is talking about 💩 [10:57] The role of graphic details in raising awareness 💩 [14:11] Challenging the assumptions people make about gloves 💩 [15:45] The regulations haven't caught up with how the gloves are being used 💩 [16:58] Steve’s optimistic view of trust 💩 [17:55] What’s great about the Food Safety Consortium and what could change Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Eagle Protect Website Catch up on the episode we mentioned Episode 15: Sell Your Poop! Register for the Food Safety Consortium 2024 here. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “Every time you bring a box of gloves into your food processing facility, you're bringing in potentially a million plus coliform units. Now, is that a problem? I'm not a microbiologist, but if some of them take hold in a dirty corner of a plant or they find a space to start propagating, then you've got a problem.” – Steve Ardagh We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Steve, Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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The Truth About Single-Use Gloves: Are They Actually Helping? | Episode 56

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are talking about single-use gloves in preparation for next week’s interview episode with Steve Ardagh, the “Glove Guy”. They expose some truly shocking truths about single-use gloves that most people can’t even fathom. I mean, who would ever think that most of the time these gloves are neither clean nor sanitary? They also talk about the instances where gloves are misused and how they provide a false sense of security that ends up making things worse. Lastly, they chat about something that will have you never looking at a piece of undercooked bacon the same again: tapeworms, more specifically tapeworm eggs in the brain. In this episode: 💩 [00:49] Navigating different timezones and Daylight Savings time 💩 [03:08] Don’t Eat Poop! Podcast is in the Top 100 and it hit the charts internationally 💩 [05:34] Some shocking truths about single-use gloves 💩 [09:45] Beware the false sense of security provided by gloves 💩 [13:29] Who are the gloves to protect? 💩 [14:40] Single-use gloves in quick-serve restaurants 💩 [16:11] The quality of the gloves that are sold in the US isn’t guaranteed 💩 [19:45] Tapeworm eggs in the brain: a cautionary tale to properly cook your bacon Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Catch Up with our LinkedIn Live with Tia Glave and Jill Stuber from Catalyst: Real Talk Food Safety: Making Food Safety Fun! Here is the Food Safety News article we mentioned: The ‘Glove Guy’ calls upon his industry to ban the sale of vinyl gloves. Here is the brain tapeworm CNN article we mentioned Doctors identify source of man’s migraines: tapeworm larvae, likely from undercooked bacon, in his brain. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “The amount of money companies spend on gloves every single year is 10 times the budget of the food side of the FDA.” – Matthew Regusci “One of the questions I would ask is who are the gloves to protect?” – Francine L Shaw We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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Making Food Safe For Everyone (Not Just Some) with Betsy Craig, CEO and Founder of MenuTrinfo® | Episode 55

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are joined by Betsy Craig, the CEO and Founder of MenuTrinfo, the leaders in the food allergen space for food service who have been saving people’s lives since 2010. Be prepared for some emotional and impactful stories that will hit home as they talk about food allergy success stories and tragedies. You will learn about some changes in the legislation and in the food allergen space both of which Betsy has been a driving force for. You will also discover some important food allergy-related facts that not even Matt or Francine knew about. So, tune in for this short but moving interview that might just change how you look at food because we can do better and it’s time we stopped hurting people with food. In this episode: 💩 [00:48] How MenuTrinfo came to be and Betsy’s long history with restaurants 💩 [02:52] One of MenuTrinfo’s biggest success stories 💩 [04:28] The tragic story of Elijah and the legislative changes that came from it 💩 [06:43] What Betsy wishes the industry would understand about food allergies 💩 [09:07] The incredible benefits for restaurants when they guarantee their food is safe for everyone (not just some) 💩 [12:01] The difference between dietary intolerances and dietary allergens 💩 [14:13] How Betsy sees the difference between faith and trust 💩 [15:47] The Food Safety Consortium and how to make it better Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Learn more about MenuTrinfo at Register for the Food Safety Consortium 2024 here. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “I wish the industry would understand [...] they don't know what they don't know. And the arrogance of pretending they know is harming people.” – Betsy Craig We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Betsy, Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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Salmon in the Dishwasher: Finally Understand the Inside Joke and Why That’s Not a Good Idea | Episode 54

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are righting a wrong. Inside jokes are a lot funnier when the person understands the inside joke. So it’s high time they let you in on one of the Don’t Eat Poop! Podcast’s longest-running jokes: the salmon in the dishwasher. Due to some technical issues, the original episode was never aired. Not knowing this didn’t get fixed, Matt and Francine kept mentioning it thinking their audience was in on the joke. Well, don’t worry! The fish will finally get cooked in the dishwasher today. Tune in to finally hear the infamous episode about the dishwasher salmon. Matt and Francine also talk about a woman charged with murder in Australia for allegedly poisoning her ex-husband's family with toxic mushrooms in fancy Beef Wellington. Matt also gives a big shout-out to his wife, who truly deserves it. In this episode: 💩 [00:05] The Mix-up: sorry for the podcast episode that never aired 💩 [03:46] Matt’s life as “Mr. Mom” for a week 💩 [05:52] Matt’s shout-out to his absolutely amazing wife 💩 [10:27] Death by Beef Wellington: woman tries to kill ex’s family with poisonous mushrooms 💩 [15:12] The unusual way Matt and Francine deal with stress 💩 [16:34] Their fascination with True Crime and how criminal minds work 💩 [19:25] The mindset behind criminals and the power of choices 💩 [24:08] Dishwasher salmon and why that is NOT a good idea Sorry for the delay! We hope you enjoy this great episode and get to truly appreciate this Don’t Eat Poop! inside joke. Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Check out the video Matt mentions of him talking about inside jokes and dishwasher salmon here. Learn more about the poisoning case in the Food Safety News article Woman charged with murder in mushroom poisoning case. You’ll find the original Dishwasher Salmon TikTok video Matt and Francine talk about in this episode here. LauraAura, the host of The Gutsy Podcast, is the one who sent Francine the video. Back in 2020, Francine was a guest on The Gutsy Podcast. You can listen to that interview here: Episode 60: The Perception of Being an Overnight Success with Francine Shaw. Francine mentions the hilarious “placenta episode”, you can listen to it here: Don't Eat Placentas! (or do, maybe, I guess) | Episode 28. Connect with Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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Good Job! You’re Fired. Food Safety: The Industry You Can Lose Your Job by Doing It Too Well | Episode 53

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our food safety industry veterans Francine L. Shaw and Matt Regusci come together to talk about something that hit a little too close to home. In Lewiston, ME, a veteran restaurant inspector and the long-time and respected Code Enforcement Director are being ostracized and possibly fired for doing their job and asking that a popular local restaurant close their doors while they remediate a cockroach infestation. During her journey as a health inspector herself, Francine faced a very similar situation and she shares what that experience was like, including being threatened with a gun and taken in front of the City Council for a grilling. Tune in to hear this and other real-life stories from Francine’s and Matt’s careers as they navigate illegal and unethical demands from clients (and sometimes society) and stay true to what they believe in. They also hone in on the challenges inspectors and auditors face and talk about some solutions. In this episode: 💩 [02:27] The town that is voting to end city restaurant inspections 💩 [04:41] Francine’s very own story of backlash from the public for doing her job 💩 [08:05] The challenges faced by health inspectors 💩 [11:05] The importance of proper documentation and legal responsibility 💩 [13:31] The consequences of bad inspectors and auditors for the industry 💩 [19:10] Navigating illegal and unethical requests from clients 💩 [22:43] The untold hero of Lewiston’s restaurant inspection drama 💩 [24:55] What happens when you step on a double stack of 5-gallon storage buckets 💩 [29:17] What we can do better with food safety culture in fast food restaurants Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Connect with Jonathan Needham. You can read more about other “too-out-there-to-actually-be-true” real stories from Francine’s remarkable thirty-plus-year career as a foodservice professional in her book ‘Who Watches the Kitchen?’ on Amazon! Check out Francine’s post about the story and look to the comments for the link with more material on the case from supporting documentation to email communication. Go to Dr. Darin Detwiler, LP.D.’s post for the video of a guy trying to get something at the top of the shelf of a restaurant cooler by stepping on buckets that he tagged Matt on. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “Occasionally, we had a big company that would just be like, ‘No, we pay you for this and you need to be able to change it if we want to.’ No! That's not how this works. That was definitely not in the agreement.” – Matthew Regusci “Health inspectors need to be able to do their job. Don't hire people for any position anywhere and not let them do their job. And they're there for a good reason and that's to protect the public's health.” – Francine L Shaw We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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Happy 1 Year Anniversary! The Highlights of This Food Safety Podcast And Our Goals for 2024 | Episode 52

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are celebrating a very important milestone for the podcast, its 1 Year Anniversary! To celebrate they reflected on the podcast’s journey, the many great surprises it brought them, and how it ended up being the opposite of a trash can fire for their careers. Not only that, in true Matt-and-Francine fashion there are inside jokes and super relatable real-life stories. With their great humor and incredible banter, they looked back on the first year of the podcast by sharing their favorite episodes so far: the ones with their dream guests, the funniest one, the ones that were the most impactful, and of course the ones with the craziest or most disgusting segments. As the good strategic dreamers they are, the hosts also looked into the future and shared with us the goals they set for the second year of the podcast. Thank you for listening and here’s to another 52 weeks of the Don’t Eat Poop! Podcast. In this episode: 💩 [02:25] The people we dreamed of interviewing and that became guests 💩 [08:20] The funniest podcast episode so far (one word: Placenta) 💩 [10:45] Which were the most impactful Don’t Eat Poop! episodes 💩 [13:15] What surprised us the most with the podcast 💩 [16:32] Our goals for the 2nd year of Don’t Eat Poop! 💩 [22:30] The craziest and most disgusting things we talked about 💩 [26:32] The cool thing about having a podcast, inside jokes, and the time Francine’s dogs almost did her in Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Go to the newest edition of the Don’t Eat Poop! LinkedIn Newsletter for a compilation of all the episodes Matt and Francine mentioned as they looked back on the previous 51 episodes. You can also subscribe to the Don’t Eat Poop! LinkedIn Newsletter here so you never miss out on an important Food Safety discussion. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “I figured we were either going to have to create a company or close it down because nobody was listening. I just didn't know when that was going to be either one of those triggers.” – Matthew Regusci “I'm very strategic and I'm also a dreamer. If we weren't dreamers, we wouldn't be entrepreneurs. Right?” – Francine L Shaw We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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Stanley Cups vs. Cinnamon Applesauce: Which Is More Likely To Give You Lead Poisoning? | Episode 51

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are talking about the very exciting topic of lead poisoning. With the recent Cinnamon Applesauce Pouches Lead and Chromium Poisoning Outbreak, and the media speculation about Stanley cups containing lead and their safety, this is a very necessary discussion. They debunk the concerns around the Stanley cups and get to the bottom of what’s behind the lead poisoning linked to the cinnamon applesauce pouches: food fraud. Tune in to learn about the symptoms of lead poisoning (some are similar to flu and cold symptoms so beware!), the true nature of recalls (you should always be vigilant of what you buy), and how serious outbreaks like this can be avoided. They also delve into the importance of providing the correct food allergen information on labels and social media’s impact on people’s food safety perceptions. In this episode: 💩 [02:48] The Stanley Cup craze and the concerns around the cups causing lead poisoning 💩 [11:42] The seriousness of the Cinnamon Applesauce Pouches Lead and Chromium Poisoning Outbreak 💩 [15:15] The symptoms and long-term issues linked to lead poisoning 💩 [19:50] Other recently recalled supposedly healthy snacks 💩 [22:56] The importance of including food allergen information on labels 💩 [24:34] The duty to properly verify your suppliers and learn about food fraud risks 💩 [29:08] Social media and the skewed public perception of foodborne illnesses 💩 [35:07] Interacting with our audience and the challenges of dealing with trolls Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode The Quaker Recall of certain granola bars and granola cereals because of potential Salmonella contamination, see this post. Learn more about the Clean Label Project here. Francine’s LinkedIn post about the broccoli salad without food allergen information. To learn more about the story of the girl who passed after eating an unmarked allergen cookie with peanuts in it, check out this post. Here’s the Food Safety News’s The Litigated Dish: Can foodborne illnesses cause death? article. Our most controversial Don’t Eat Poop! Episode to date: Body Fluids in Kids’ School Lunches! Eww… | Episode 41. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “My job is not to make people believe that they are going to die of foodborne illness if they just 100 percent don't believe it. My job is to get people who actually believe it to do the right thing.” – Matthew Regusci “It's just so scary when you start to think about the fact that so many people just don't know. We need to do better. As a country we need to do better.” – Francine L Shaw We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Francine, Matt, Jonathan, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers, Washing Your Hands, and How To Actually Prevent Diseases | Episode 50

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our food safety industry veterans Francine L. Shaw and Matt Regusci come together to talk about hand washing and why relying solely on alcohol-based hand sanitizers does not cut it, especially in the produce and food industries. They debunk some misconceptions about using alcohol-based hand sanitizers as the primary hand-cleaning method and warn of its risks. These sanitizers are ineffective against some diseases, most notably the Norovirus. They explore solutions and alternatives that can be more effective, such as Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl), and emphasize the importance of training and education to guarantee food safety. Lastly, they dive right into some very unusual TikTok content: a guy who is “eating raw chicken every day until I get a tummy ache,” which sounds more like a foodborne illness-diarrhea diet instead. In this episode: 💩 [00:58] The incredible experience of interviewing so many amazing people at the Food Safety Consortium 💩 [06:08] PSA: do NOT drink alcohol-based hand sanitizers 💩 [07:35] The misconception about alcohol-based hand sanitizers being enough 💩 [13:09] The importance of training and education in food safety 💩 [15:22] The risks of heavily relying on hand sanitizers for food safety 💩 [16:58] Norovirus: its “fun” symptoms and what actually kills it 💩 [21:17] The potential of hypochlorous acid in food safety 💩 [23:21] Why isn’t HOCl being widely used when it’s safer and so effective? 💩 [29:11] Don’t do this at home! Our reaction to the Raw Chicken Experiment guy Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Check out Cori Muse’s post that Matt and Francine hijacked on LinkedIn here. Access Neal Wieselman’s article, The Science of Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers and Norovirus, here. If you’re curious, you can find Francine’s post to Matt about the guy who is “eating raw chicken every day until I get a tummy ache” here. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “There's so many products I think should be on the market that would help save lives that just aren't for some weird reasons. And I don't understand it.” – Matthew Regusci “I guess they think because they have sand sanitizer, it's not a problem. It doesn't work like that.” – Francine L Shaw We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show, and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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How to Actually Make a Difference in Food Safety with Seasoned Industry Veteran Jorge Hernandez | Episode 49

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are joined by long-time industry expert and professional Jorge Hernandez. He has an extensive career in food safety with experience on both the regulatory side and the industry side. Tune in for a great conversation with someone who has a true passion for what he does and discover how you too can actually make a difference. Jorge imparts his wisdom around food safety, emphasizes the importance of trust and communication in the industry, as well as shares a story from his time as a health inspector about how to achieve long-term results and actually improve food safety. In this episode: 💩 [01:15] Jorge’s trajectory in the Food Safety industry 💩 [02:30] A story of how Jorge made a difference as a food safety inspector 💩 [09:00] Looking at your suppliers as your partners 💩 [10:44] Connection and effective communication are key drivers of food safety 💩 [12:37] The biggest changes to the industry over Jorge’s career 💩 [14:25] Jorge’s alert and predictions on the future of food safety 💩 [17:18] The need for solutions that align with business needs 💩 [20:20] The Food Safety Consortium and bringing in younger people 💩 [22:38] Trust is everything Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice. Resources from this episode Register for the Food Safety Consortium 2024 here. Catch up with our conversation with Tyler on Episode 48: A Fresh Perspective in the Food Safety Industry with Tyler Williams, CEO of ASI Food Safety. Noteworthy quotes from this episode “Everybody's trying to do the right thing. They just need to understand why and how.” – Jorge Hernandez We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Jorge, Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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A Fresh Perspective in the Food Safety Industry with Tyler Williams, CEO of ASI Food Safety | Episode 48

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, food safety industry veterans Matt and Francine chat with one of the youngest names in the food compliance world, Forbes 30 Under 30, and CEO of ASI Food Safety, Tyler Williams. This is a short and fun conversation that also goes deep on the foundational topic of trust in the food industry, the importance of engaging with your team, and more. You’ll get to know the young CEO, what he sees for the future of food safety, and the fresh perspective he brings into the industry. In this episode: 💩 [00:56] Tyler’s journey in the food safety world 💩 [02:25] What he brings to the table as one of the youngest in the industry 💩 [04:51] Tyler’s favorite parts of his job in the food compliance world 💩 [06:17] The impacts of breaking consumer loyalty and trust 💩 [08:41] What’s great about the Food Safety Consortium and what could change Resources from this episode Register for the Food Safety Consortium 2024 here. ASI Food Safety Website: Noteworthy quotes from this episode “Age is just a number. I tell my team that it's like building a soccer team, right? You have to have experienced people and you have to have those young energetic people on your team. So, I think at ASI, we have a good mix.” – Tyler Williams We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Tyler, Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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Creating Effective, Relatable & Engaging Training Videos with Austin Welch from Sage Media | Episode 47

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine talk to the co-founder of Sage Media, Austin Welch. They discuss their unique approach to learning and training programs in various industries with a special emphasis on food safety. Sage Media focuses on creating engrossing narratives and employing cognitive science to design effective training videos that aim at triggering cultural shifts within organizations. The co-founder explains their successful programs, how they personalize them for individual companies, and the longevity and effectiveness of such videos. The discussion also touches upon the aspect of trust and delivery within budget in the creative media industry and provides an overview of the Food Safety Consortium. In this episode: 💩 [01:31] The unique approach of Sage Media to corporate training videos 💩 [02:42] Creating engaging training videos – and why most trainings are ineffective 💩 [05:16] The process of creating impactful videos that inform, impact, and create change. 💩 [11:37] The value and shelf-life of high-quality training material 💩 [13:49] The importance of trust and timeliness in creative media 💩 [14:53] Austin's experience at the Food Safety Consortium Resources from this episode Sage Media Website: Noteworthy quotes from this episode “For me as a producer of creative media, it’s getting a product out on budget and on time. That's my biggest thing.” – Austin Welch We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Austin, Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms


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Do You Know How to Get Rid of Salmonella? And How About An Airplane Bathroom Garlic Shrimp to Go? | Episode 46

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, food safety industry veterans Francine L. Shaw and Matt Ragucci talk about another recent Salmonella outbreak which leads to a discussion on developing standard food safety procedures in homes and the role of consumers in demanding safer food through better food safety regulations. Towards the end, there is a humorous discussion about a 'chef' who prepares meals in very unconventional settings. The episode concludes with their signature sign-off, 'Don't eat poop!' (especially from airplane bathrooms!). In this episode: 💩 [01:17] Breaking news: We made it to the top 100 Podcasts! 💩 [05:34] Dealing with another salmonella outbreak 💩 [14:40] The basic steps of a recall 💩 [16:42] Do you know how to get rid of salmonella in poultry? 💩 [17:58] Understanding the risks of raw cookie dough 💩 [20:59] The dangers of raw ingredients: eggs and flour 💩 [26:27] The hotel room cook strikes again (in an airplane bathroom!) Resources from this episode Quaker Oats Recall Creating a Recall-Ready Food Safety Industry | Episode 42 Mile High Bathroom Garlic Shrimp & Mash Noteworthy quotes from this episode “Our government has created an atmosphere of [...] rolling the dice every time we eat products. They’re literally okay with salmonella being in chicken and eggs. The expectation is that "housewives should know what to do with their chicken.” – Matthew Regusci “I truly don't think anything will happen until consumers demand a change.” – Francine L Shaw We hope you enjoy this episode! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety! We'd love to hear from you! Connect with Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed. Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon! _______ Produced by Ideablossoms
