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Frequency Broads

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Two broads sharing their truth on what it means to live a life connected to the energies of Earth and beyond. Tara and Victoria channel a theme on topics such as relationships, embodiment and cycles & time. Here’s your invitation to come into this space with an open heart and mind in hopes that their words resonate with you. Take what aligns, and leave the rest behind. Let their transmission awaken the divine remembrance within you. Tune in Thursdays and experience the vulnerability that comes with expressing your resonant frequency. Intro/outro music: Matthew Molnar Photographer:


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Two broads sharing their truth on what it means to live a life connected to the energies of Earth and beyond. Tara and Victoria channel a theme on topics such as relationships, embodiment and cycles & time. Here’s your invitation to come into this space with an open heart and mind in hopes that their words resonate with you. Take what aligns, and leave the rest behind. Let their transmission awaken the divine remembrance within you. Tune in Thursdays and experience the vulnerability that comes with expressing your resonant frequency. Intro/outro music: Matthew Molnar Photographer:



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Why On Earth: Messages from Mama

We’re dedicating this episode to our beloved Mother Earth, our greatest muse and medicine. She loves you and wants you to remember the importance of self-love so that your confident and embodied self walks around the world rippling out a frequency that feeds the mycelium network of inner earth. Be like the elements: flow like water, have a strong foundation like earth, keep your passions ablaze and steady the winds with your breath. Considering human existence as an energy game, we’re here to have fun as we uplevel consciousness. As we are healing, this means everything is rising to the surface to be released or reprogrammed. Feeling is healing, and your sensitivity is your super power so be mindful of numbing and avoiding at this time. We are here to feel and experience all that life brings us while also remembering that we are the creators of our realities. The mind is a powerful place so feed this intelligence center with thoughts of curiosity, wonder, joy and most importantly love. This is the last episode of season four and we’re infinitely grateful that you’ve taken the time to listen to our podcast. Remember to like, share, subscribe, and prescribe! We thank you from the very bottom of our hearts. See you soon!! xo FB *SPECIAL OFFERS* Book with Rev Christina and receive 20% off using code FREQUENCYBROADS if booked before the end of April. Check out Rev Kari’s Metatron Code workshop series here! Coupon code: MCINSIDER24


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My Goddess: Dealing with the Dial Up of Dissonance

Freedom, liberation, and detachment from what you can not control is our vibe as of late. We all want to walk through life without the bars that surround our hearts and minds from past traumas and experiences. Our internal world is likely to project out into our reality. This is why we tend to fear the powers we possess inside just as much as we fear the power outside ourselves. We program our heart, our brain and our DNA in how we respond to external stimuli based on experiences. When we can assess the origins of the scripts we play out, we can begin to rewrite them. Detaching yourself enough to let your body run through its physiological response with a grounded and clear state of mind, you are free to choose your next step. We all want to merge the many aspects within ourselves and with those around us. However, when we merge with people who do not have our best intent it is difficult to unmerge. This is often when we become accustomed to this cycle of stimulus and response. Rewiring how you deal with dissonance will set you free! The path may be winding but stay calm, confident and trust that it’s all unfolding for your highest good. *SPECIAL OFFER* Book with Rev Christina and receive 20% off using code FREQUENCYBROADS if booked before the end of April. Tarot Decks Herbal Astrology Oracle by Adriana Ayales & Josephine Klerks The Gentle Tarot from Mari in the Sky


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High Vibe: High Ride

Life sure can feel like a rollercoaster at times but there’s so much freedom in knowing that you have a say in what kind of ride you choose to journey on. From thrill seeking steep roller coasters to merry go rounds, life has highs and lows mapped out by predictable cycles and plot twists galore. Relationships are one of the greatest avenues we have for facing our triggers and responding in ways that demonstrate our maturity and soul’s growth. Platonic relationships are equally as important as our romantic relationships and it’s important to remember that we have a choice in who we surround ourselves with. We connect with one another through the energy of our hearts and minds, our frequency, and the container we create in order to exchange energy via communicating and sharing perspectives that will help us grow. It is crucial that we run this energy through our field first by making a conscious choice as to who and what frequency we allow into our energetic and physical bodies. By filtering the energy through our field we can choose partners and friends that challenge us in healthy ways and provide reciprocal energy exchanges. This is ultimately choosing yourself because sitting in the discomfort of the triggers mirrored back to you from others, within a safe container held by these relationships, allows you to break down to your core and with the knowledge you will be supported while you grow into something new. This type of exchange is vulnerability, it is intimacy and it is powerful, so be intentional with who you share it with. Tune into your frequency, let it run through your supported field, transmute it, take accountability where needed, and move on! We are running at too high a frequency to hold onto what no longer serves us.


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Perspective: It’s All Just Jeremy Bearimy Baby

It has been a minute, but we are back! Pisces season was a dream, one we got ripped awake from when Aries season began. Now the fire is burning and challenges are rising to the surface for us to be fully illuminated as who we are in this current state. When you shift your perspective to see these challenges as an opportunity to realign, you begin to focus on the internal support you can give yourself instead of external validation. We can explore how to navigate challenges with grace. In the midst of this cosmic reboot, we're reminded that time is not linear – it's fluid, ever-changing, and open to interpretation. When we delve into the beauty of uncertainty, we embrace the power of intuition and freedom. Remember, time is like water – it's about empowering our intuition. You can surf time to heal the past, tap into the future, and be present with what is all at the same time. Let's shift our perspective on chaos, surrender to release, and rise with Earth's energy. It's about taking charge of our responses and leading with love and compassion.


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Nervous System: So What Are You Going To Do About It?

The nervous system is our central processing network, where input from this world and the ethers run through, giving our body reactions before our brain can make sense of it. How can we create a relationship with our nervous system to tap into the rising sensations, listen and feel into the activation, and come back to the present moment, before we boil over like a pressure pot? We use these messages from our nervous system as a compass, one that tells us things need to change either in our external environment or internal in our thoughts or perspective. When we learn to read our nervous system, we can focus on creating high frequency exchanges. We engage in reciprocal exchanges with the highest integrity for ourselves and all beings, for we are all connected in the collective consciousness. As we move through life tending to ourselves and paying attention to our nervous system, we begin to coast through life embodying our highest frequency. Then when something comes into our field that activates the nervous system it is our sign that something needs tending to. Living a high frequency life isn’t always rainbows and smiles, but when we can use these unpleasant experiences as a compass for what needs tending, we can find gratitude for our challenges. There are many ways to regulate and tend to our nervous system. We invite you to explore these practices and find your unique recipe, allowing for the flexibility of growth to show you when you are ready to evolve into something new. It is important to listen to what these messages are trying to share, and identify if it is coming from fear or love, from this lifetime, parallel lifetimes, or from your lineage. You get to ground yourself and ask is this what is or a ‘what if’?


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Conscious Consumption: Separation is an Illusion

Do you know what energetically fuels you? It’s a loaded question with many avenues to explore. We are often faced with duality in this reality but sometimes operating above the playing field gives us a holistic advantage to any situation by simultaneously navigating any polaring thought, belief or action. Perspective is truly one of our greatest gifts as individuals having this human experience. The level of destruction and pollution humanity has reached must be openly discussed. This continuous take, take, take without any regard to the repercussions of never giving back or considering the impact of overconsumption is what’s gotten us to this point, not to mention the plaguing egoism and extreme arrogance of those pulling the financial strings. This episode is dedicated to Earth and serves as a reminder of our responsibility for practicing reciprocity for all that we consume. The energies of Earth contain an enormous amount of information for us to tap into. Our sense of responsibility for either creating or destroying this world, our environment, must be awakened in order for humanity to blaze a new trail of how we operate on this planet. It’s time to wake up!


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Being Human: Raw Dogging This Existence

Coming to this planet with very little guidance or memory of why we’re here can make for an interesting life experience. Turns out the guidance we need to make the most out of our time here lives within our DNA and can be activated through remembrance. What does it take for this activation to take place? Love, creativity and curiosity are a few but ultimately knowing how to feel safe to be human is what propels the unraveling of information to unfold. We are all made up of the same stardust elements and matter yet the specific construction of elements and matter matter. Each of us are unique beings and share this through creative expression. Programming your thoughts is how you create your own reality, and taking ownership of your unique expression is when you start to wake up to the understanding of free will. This expression is how you share your energy with the world and is ultimately our medicine and greatest form of contribution on this planet. One of the biggest sources of power fueling this expression is choice. Choosing to love yourself is what keeps your inner fire or spark ignited and that self-love is one of the greatest anchors for us to harness whether solo or in a relationship. Most of us didn’t know what we were doing until we had the courage to face our fears and find our truth. This is this ultimate act of trust - knowing that simply by showing up, being yourself in your integrity and having the willingness to sink deeper into the human body, the path of alignment paves itself for you to walk in your wholeness.


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IDK: F*ck Around & Find Out

Normally when we prepare for an episode we sit with ourselves to reflect on what information is coming into our field. Narrowing it down to a common topic, we meditate and listen to our hearts on what we feel called to share with the collective. This week we had so much coming to us, we couldn’t pin down just one topic so we decided to F*ck around and find out what happens when we let consciousness flow through us. So for this episode we are bringing you into the field as we share the background work live to you. Well, if you are going to just tap in, mess around, and bring to life whatever is in your field, you are truly enacting the dragon energy! Now is the time to reclaim your power and shed that victim mentality. We are all strong powerful beings that have the ability to create the world around us. Tune into the Kundalini, creatrix, dragon energy that rises up your spine and shifts your reality into something new. Your intuition is your guide, trust it. This primal spark of energy is most easily accessed through anger, but we can use this fuel to create rather than destroy. Let’s create for creation's sake, without judgment or trying to fit in the box. Tapping into our dragon energy unlocks our starseed blueprint, our layout of our best timeline plan, we can follow to live a life to our highest potential. Explore holding space for each other, playing with energy as a unique form of creation, and witness the magic of frequency shaping our reality. Just F*ck around and find out!


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Expectations Minus Reality: Disappointment

How can we handle disappointment? If we break it down into a simple formula you can learn how to hack the emotion. Disappointment = Expectation - Reality. When our reality is so distant from what we expect it to be or desire, we become disappointed. This can lead to anger, frustration, and pain. It is the attachment to the expectation and the longing for change that brings this unpleasant experience to fruition. We create boundaries, which is our stopping point, our wall, or line for when things no longer align with us. We have standards for what we are currently desiring and create expectations for the future. Can we shift our expectations into hope? When we remember that all is happening for our highest good, we can have hope and hold the vision of what is for our highest potential. Accepting that if we do not receive what we desire, it was not meant for us at this moment. When you set expectations, or standards, it is important to communicate your needs to those around you. This is the first step in bringing that expectation closer to your realm. As co-creators of our own reality, it can be tricky to navigate our desires, but by taking steps to embody said reality in our actions and perspective, we can bring it into our field leaving the distance between expectations and reality much smaller, thus leading to less disappointment. Whatever you are not changing your choosing - change your reality to reach your expectation. Use disappointment as a compass to see where you need to realign. Become the observer of your existence, taking note of what you need to change in your current reality to line up the trajectory with your expectation without attachment to the outcome. How can you give yourself grace and ease during the transition into a new reality?


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Living Ritual: Evolved Personal Practice

We are so happy to be back, sitting deep into our truth, and sharing the wisdom with all of you for season 4! When we work so hard to tend to and learn about ourselves in our time of spiritual practice, it can be frustrating to feel unable to access that inner knowing and confidence in our day to day life. This is why evolving your personal practice to become a living ritual is so helpful in keeping one foot on Earth and another in the cosmos / your inner universe. Existing in both energetic spaces allows you to access these higher frequencies and anchor them down into the density that is your body and mind. A ritual is something you do daily, but how often are you truly present during your daily routines? Can you invite intentionality to your routines by using the mindfulness and intuitive tools you’ve gained during your personal practice? How can you be aware of your energy flow to keep it aligned with your highest potential? When we can anchor in the knowledge that all is happening for our highest good, we become the observer of our experiences, course-correcting in real time as we read our energy. We become confident in our own truth before being influenced by others, allowing inspiration to be reciprocal with those around us to collaborate and gain new perspectives. This allows us to activate our starseed blueprint authentically. When we create a personal practice, it is the idea that we carve out a specific time of the day for self-care, tending, learning, and deepening our knowledge of ourselves, how we respond to the world around us, and to hone in skills for our individual way of connecting to source. It is here that you learn your unique vocabulary for the messages you receive. This dictionary is your guide book to finding meaning in all things beyond their definition. We begin to rewire the brain to come back to presence as the symbols and signs around us bring us back to a moment from our personal practice.


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Winter: Rest to Integrate and Regenerate

Join us for the final episode of 2023 where we talk about the energy of winter. ‘Tis the season for us to prepare our nests, cuddle up and turn inward. The idea of sitting with oneself with no distractions like tv, social media, partying, etc. can feel daunting. Going inward is uncomfortable for many which is understandable because we’re not taught the skills on how to harness the energy of stillness and reflection to serve in our soul’s evolution and deepest healing. The energy of winter offers solitude whether it be embracing hermit mode or experiencing a dark night of the soul. This is the time to reassess and consider if the direction you’re currently going is in your highest alignment. The in between of what is and what’s to come is also the space that’s holding who you once were and who you’re becoming. Considering your future self and making choices now is one of the best investments you can make for yourself. Be kind, be present and know you are divinely protected and guided as you move into what’s to come. May the introspective magic of this season nurture and replenish you. Happy Solstice! Journal Prompts for Winter - If there were nothing to do, what would I do? - What kind of rest does my heart desire? - What would I do differently if there were no rules or judgment? Resources The Witch’s Herbal Apothecary by Marysia Miernowska


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Bonus Episode: You Asked, We Got You!

The first year of Frequency Broads is coming to an end and we are back for a bonus episode to expand upon concepts or vocabulary that our listeners have asked for us to elaborate on. We are so appreciative that you trust our insight and are looking for more. Keep asking questions and stay curious! This bonus episode is just for you! Here are the questions we cover in this episode: We thank you so much for connecting with us and sharing your questions! Beginner Book Recommendations: The Witch’s Herbal Apothecary by Marysia Miernowska The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals, and Stones by Margaret Ann Lembo By Candlelight by Janina Renee Animal Speak by Ted Andrews Practical Magic by Nikki Van De Car The Zenned Out Guide To Understanding Auras by Cassie Uhl A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe by Michael S. Schneider Chakra Balancing by Anodea Judith The Secret Language of Astrology by Roy Gillett Tending to the Sacred by Ashley River Brant The Dream Dictionary From A to Z by Theresa Cheung Audio Recommendations:


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Celebration of Culture: Continue to Stay Curious

For our final episode this season we are joined by Danae, host of the Conscious Communion podcast. Together, we begin to explore what it means to celebrate cultures. In a world that suffers from whitewashing and cultural appropriation, the need to shift into celebrating diversity and our connectedness as stewards of the Earth is essential to humanity. Throughout history we have seen large separations and divisions between groups of people, as well as humans division from the Earth. The opposite of separation is unification! Unification internally, uniting your shadow and light and remembering we are whole, is the first step to accepting the differences externally. Honor the land you walk on and those who have walked this land before you. We reside on land that is now called Portland, Oregon in Multnomah County. This is the ancestral lands of the Multnomah, Wasco, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Kaulets, bands of Chinook, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other tribes who made their homes along the Columbia and Willamette rivers. Thank you for the past, present, and future of your tribes, and we honor and deeply respect all that you are. We invite you to learn about those who tended to your Earth before you, express your own cultures, and share stories that acknowledge each person’s unique contributions. This division we are currently facing is an opportunity for a new form of unification, a collaboration with the land, and a return to indigenous practices. It's a call to become the living ancestors, creating a future where it's okay to feel okay in our bodies. We carry the energies of our ancestors within us, and by accepting those emotions and reframing our perspective we can help transmute the trauma that came before us, sending a frequency wave of unity and acceptance back to our ancestors and forward to our future generations. Unification within ourselves leads to unification outside ourselves, echoing like a powerful ping in the field that lays the new grid for the future. Rediscover the power of faith in humanity, as we envision a world with good leaders working together to unify the earth and its inhabitants. When we can use the divide as a catalyst to embody faith and become mirrors for others, we can demonstrate that change begins within oneself. Through storytelling and holding space, we emphasize the respect and love needed to win collectively. Curiosity, exploration, learning from others, and recognizing the underlying thread that connects cultures across the globe will unify us all! Check out the Conscious Communion podcast as well as Danae’s breathwork offerings by following @the.conscious.communion and @unearthingeve on Instagram.


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Hormone Harmony: Sovereign Healthcare with Dr. Kelsey Stang

This week Frequency Broads welcomes Dr. Kelsey Stang, a licensed naturopathic doctor, to explore the concept of hormone harmony. It is crucial to educate ourselves and the next generation on balancing hormones, as it affects many different aspects of our lives. By shedding light on the monthly cycles all humans go through we can learn to tend to ourselves, and our relationships by supporting each other based on the phases we are in. This aids in breaking taboos surrounding topics such as a menstrual cycle and allows us to celebrate and navigate the stages of cycling, whether it's the power of ovulation or the significance of bleeding. Dr. Kelsey guides us through the journey of understanding our bodies, emphasizing the global impact that comes from learning about and respecting our unique needs. We are programmed by the trend of opting for quick fixes through medication rather than addressing the root causes. However, when you can track your cycle and tune into your body, you begin to see these symptoms as messengers. The body is in constant pursuit of homeostasis and the signals it sends is an indicator that something is amiss. Dr. Kelsey provides five essential tips for supporting healthy hormone balance and optimizing overall health as well as the significance of gut health, the importance of tuning in to our body's needs, and the myriad of internal and external factors that impact our hormones. To add a celestial twist, we explore the connection between our bodies, the moon cycle, and the monthly cycles experienced by both women and men. When working with a naturopathic doctor like Dr. Kelsey, you can step into sovereign healthcare, by learning all the tools you can use to optimize your health and choosing what is best for your body, being supported by her along the way. Take back your control on how you tend to your body! Tune in this week for an empowering conversation with Dr. Kelsey, where education and self-awareness intersect on the path to hormone harmony. Dr. Kelsey Stang: Hormone Harmony Course: Link to castor oil packs: Link to TempDrop: Project Drawdown:


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Human Sexuality: The Sacred Energy Exchange

It is time for one of our favorite topics… S.E.X. We take a look at sex and sexuality from an energetic viewpoint, sacred sex. Sexual expression has changed over generations, and we are seeing more fluidity in gender and sexuality. Let’s celebrate the wisdom that diverse genders and sexualities bring to our collective strength, countering the cis-normative world's limitations. This increasing power of freedom of self-expression is what will lead to new perspectives in finding solutions to generational trauma and dis-alignment. Culture has now opened its vision to include many labels and identifications that help people find community and learn more about themselves. However, a label only works until it doesn’t. In work, play, and relationships you must find the flexibility needed for continued growth and development. Your genitals are a sacred land, one that must be explored to learn its boundaries and needs. When you adventure into your sacred land through self pleasure you can learn to cultivate the energy that you create to amplify your intentions. Once you understand your sacred land you can communicate these pleasures and boundaries to your partners. The act of sex is an energetic exchange that shares each partner's energetic blueprint and DNA codes with one another. This could be a beautiful dance of energy between two or more partners that allows you to learn about yourself, your beliefs, as well as those of the others. However, it is important to practice energetic hygiene. This act of intentional cleansing invites the medicine of others to stay and heal the body, while the other energy that isn’t serving you is transmuted. It is not just the partner's energy that is flowing through you but your own. Any blockages that are stored in your chakras or energetic vortexes in the body will begin to rise to the surface. Having a safe space and a trusted partner allows you to process and release any stored trauma you are holding in these areas. Increased safety and trust will not only bring opportunities for healing, but also exploration as you play with your energy and pleasure. In the midst of a paradigm shift towards learning through creation rather than suffering, we offer insights into the power of sexual exploration, self-discovery, and the transformation of our beliefs and experiences. Sex isn't just physical; it's transformative. Learn about pleasure mapping, setting boundaries, and harnessing the power of desire. Sex is good for the body, mind, and soul so use it as a tool for fueling you and the collective, and remember to have fun! Questions from Path of Empowerment to reflect on your sexual experiences: - When you are activating sexual energy what are you thinking about? - Are you aware of what is happening in your body on a cellular level? - What is your heart feeling, and what about the sensations in your genitals? - What else is occurring besides the obvious outwardly physical aspects of the sexual experience? - How do you feel in the days following your sexual activities? Are your moods stable or do they fluctuate? What is on your mind? - What is your energy like a day or two before your sexual encounter? - What is the point and positive purpose of the information you are tuning into? - What have you learned about yourself or life through your sexual experiences? - Am I fully occupying my body and am I having sex of my own volition? - Are my sexual experiences consensual, joyful expressions of love making based on intimacy, trust, and truthfulness with a partner? Path of Empowerment New Pleiadian Wisdom for a World in Chaos: Barbara Marciniak TikTok of biology guy:


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Acceptance: The Age of Least Resistance

The frequency of acceptance has been coming into our field for some time now and it started with inspiration from women who are openly accepting their aging and the wisdom and beauty that comes with it. The more we resist aging with creams and medications, the faster we age because we are not caring for our body from the inside out. We started to look at acceptance of our outward appearances as we were guided through our transmission, but this episode took us down a path we weren’t expecting. We began by examining the importance of accepting who you are at your core. When you accept yourself and live a life of authenticity, it may trigger others to respond to your light. We must be accountable and responsible for our energy, but we cannot control others' reactions. This is something we must accept in order to walk the path of least resistance. On this path you can find a flow with the energy that is brought your way by people, other lifetimes, the cosmos and more. By staying grounded to the Earth you can feel the gentle and sometimes powerful frequencies that come into our field, but we are not grasping on to them. We let them flow through us, listen to their message, allow them to release, and when we are back to center, with a calm nervous system, we can make any needed adjustments to remain on our highest path, and heal our being. You develop confidence with who you are and become the observer of your life simultaneously being present in that moment and being able to zoom out to find the bigger picture. Everything happens for us and accepting that allows for detachment from the outcome and to flow with the energies and situations we go through for our ultimate evolution. To embrace who you are you must learn who you are, meet your inner child, inner teen, your shadow, these parts of you may store unpleasant memories and frequencies that are hindering your energy centers. With these blockages a lens of trauma can form, and with clouded filters it becomes difficult to determine if your emotions are stemming from your trauma or your intuition. Then it is challenging to discern what is in alignment and what is not. Our emotions are messengers, guiding you to make adjustments to align with your core frequency. However sometimes we get stuck in a feedback loop, unsure if we need to stay and accept this discomfort because it is teaching you something, as if you leave the discomfort you’re not accepting the message. Your brain, heart, and body functions are all connected. When you can clear your channels and tune in you can gather the message required to move forward, and then release that discomfort so you may make your next step with confidence that it is in alignment. When the messages from inside are hard to understand you can connect with nature, the mirror you need to see all parts of your journey with love and acceptance, knowing the currents of your ebbs and flows are important to your evolution and the evolution of our planet. Although acceptance is a big part of our journey, recognizing what we are accepting from others that doesn’t align with you is just as important. What narratives have you been given that are holding you back? What beliefs have you lived by that are keeping you in a state of discomfort? We invite you to explore the things in your life that you are accepting and things you are resisting. Where does that choice of acceptance or rejection stem from: trauma, intuition, a narrative others have given you, or one from your core knowing?


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Bonus Episode: Spooky Stories

To celebrate the spooky season we give you a bonus episode of true experiences of the supernatural. Turn out your lights and settle in for some scary stories! 2:22 "Serpent in the basement" with SimplyApril 14:30 "The Exorcism of 690" with Megan 40:10 "Demon in the Dorm Room" with Tara 45:54 "The Residents of Van Duzer" with Anthony 1:01:00 "Creepy Creatures and Me" with Victoria Article about Van Duzer


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Trust & Transparency: Speak Your Truth

You can't transform without transparency. As you become the observer in how you react to the world around you, your truths slowly reveal themselves. Sharing your truth is always worth it, a win-win, because it gives an opportunity for realignment. When truths are not expressed resentment arises creating more discomfort and resistance to the situation. The path to true transparency is first sitting with yourself to learn your truth, then creating a safe place for both the giver of truth and the receiver, this helps the expression to be best perceived. Honest conversations about your boundaries, shifts in needs, triggers or whatever your heart calls out to share, is the foundational groundwork that holds a healthy relationship up. These conversations can be difficult, transparency is vulnerability. We're always evolving, both individually and within our relationships, so these conversations should continue to happen so you can grow together instead of growing apart. Sit with what's arising, find the message or truth it's trying to show you, calm your nervous system, and then express your truth. When we are preparing to make any decision we ask ourselves is this coming from a place of fear or love? We want to present our truth through a frequency of love not fear, you trust in your gut, your guidance, and the diving timing for why this is coming to the surface at this time. However, the fear frequency is not something to shame. It is a frequency set in motion to keep us safe, like our shadow, and to teach us alignment. Trusting in your power, and your divine protection is your shining light to explore a bit of controlled fear. This may look like observing your triggers, fears or anxieties, but this can also be exploring the world of the paranormal, shadow, or energetic realms, especially during this spooky season. Being safe in the frequency of controlled fear, allows us to explore the unknown and discover truths hidden in the shadows. But you must keep yourself protected when playing in this realm. Operate from a place of deep trust that you are safe.


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Resentment: The Righteous Rage of Justice

This week, we are delighted to have our friend and coworker, Jeff Mallinson, join us for a discussion on a topic that has been showing up in the field recently: resentment. Resentment is the unpleasant feeling that arises when one perceives unfair treatment. This emotion often evolves from disappointment and regret, but what makes it truly unique is the experience of unjust actions taken against you. We each examine resentment in various aspects of our lives: relationships, spiritual practices, and society. Sometimes, we confront our challenges head-on, expressing what doesn't align with us so that the right actions can be taken, creating a sense of support and inclusion for everyone involved. However, many of us have been silenced, our voices suppressed, and told that this is just the way things are. Some individuals haven't had the chance to voice their discomfort due to feeling unworthy to speak up, past traumas related to expressing their needs, or their empathetic nature, prioritizing others' needs over their own. The accumulation of feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, being unheard, rejected, and the resulting resentment within can lead to physical discomfort or dis-ease. This leads to resentment towards others, creating distance between us and the situation, making us feel helpless. Unfortunately, in cases like the gender pay gap or organized religious practices, we may lack the control needed for equality. This remains a challenge we face today. We witness societal shifts occurring around us as structures crumble, but sometimes, we're left with little hope for change. At this moment in time, it's crucial to keep moving forward and maintain hope that we can break free from the old to build something better. It begins with the places, relationships, and situations in your life that you do have control over. Voicing your needs paves the way for change. When we stay silent, we choose to live in this reality; when we speak our truth, we offer ourselves and others the opportunity to realign. It's then that we tap into our intuitive centers to determine if the shifts being made can align with everyone's truth in fairness. When resentment surfaces, it's vital not to suppress it. Take a moment to check in with your body. What physical sensations, thoughts, and emotions accompany it? Allow it to flow through you so you can grasp its message. Just like the many cycles we experience, let it rise and then take time for stillness, sitting with the message and contemplating how to take action. When the nervous system is calm, you can speak, act, and change what no longer aligns with you. Continually assess your energy to observe the shifts within you as you grow, heal, and change. In relationships, jobs, and communities, your needs and the needs of others will continue to evolve. If we don't voice these changes, others can't understand or adapt to them. This leads to resentment towards both others and ourselves for not standing up against injustice. The initial step to letting go is forgiving yourself. You can only speak up and make changes when the timing is right for you. Divine timing is precisely that—divine. Trust that you're making shifts at the time that will bring the most significant alignment into your life. BIO Jeff Mallinson (D.Phil., Oxford) is a historian of religion and philosophy who’s taught folks of all ages. Having served as a university professor and administrator, he now teaches at an alternative middle school, where he enjoys helping young scholars chart their unique paths toward happiness and freedom. In addition to authoring scholarly books and journal articles, he recently published The Tao Te Ching: A Playfully Sincere Rendition with his partner Stacie, with whom he also runs and the Protect Your Noggin Podcast.


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Leadership: A New Perspective on Authority & Control

Frequency Broads are in their new leadership era as we continue to teach from new evolved perspectives, and learn new ways of guiding others not only at work, but in life. We are passionate about empowering others. However, most leadership today has been a form of control with biased views, teaching and leading others to continue in their footsteps, for they are above all and think they know best. We examine how to step into the teacher and leader role without control over others. What would it look like to lead a group of individuals who are fully sovereign, with the power to direct the path in which they want or need to take? Are you committed to your goal and the goal of the collective? We are all connected and when we do the work for ourselves, we are walking a path of knowledge and discovery that has been carved out for us by those who came before. Continuing along the trail allows us to finetune the way, deepening the knowledge that came before us and leaving a clearer path for those who are next. This is why a growth mindset as a leader is so essential! Leaders and teachers give their knowledge and questions to those they guide. Fresh eyes can give a new perspective on how to move forward. Be the mirror for those you are guiding, present the knowledge to them and then hold space as they figure it out. Surrender your ideas to those you are leading, let them adjust and evaluate what you are giving them, and take the feedback to realign. Be confident in what you are saying, for we are working as a team not a hierarchy. Teaching to critically think instead of spit out your facts will save humanity. The power lies in the evolution of the collective consciousness and your sovereignty. Let's empower others, work as one, and feed the collective consciousness with our love and support!
