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Good Night Music

3 Favorites


Vancouver, BC


好好聽音樂 (Good Night Music) 情感音樂類節目。聽眾人群定位在所有熱愛音樂,熱愛廣播,熱愛生活的,以及想要在週末晚上通過音樂放鬆身心的人。節目宗旨是通過播放一些舒緩好聽的流行音樂,配合親切溫和的語言創建一個能夠走進聽眾心裡的一個平台。目的在於給人們一種情感交流,心情釋放的空間。 This is a relaxing music show. The audience will be the people who love music, love radio, love their lives and want to relax themselves on weekend nights by music. Vera will be playing some soothing nice pop song, with the kind of language to give the audience a great Sunday evening time.



This show will be available on Mon, Feb 17 at 12AM.