Happy Living Expert
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Vancouver, BC
包含單元:我家有妙招 - 設計在身邊 (I Have an Idea - Design is Everywhere) 想要把生活過得更加創意,充滿樂趣嗎? 想要知道在我們習以為常的物件背後,有怎樣不為人知的設計故事嗎?《快樂生活家》,帶你發現生活中的智慧與創意,妙法和巧思。 在這裡,《我家有妙招》告訴你種種實用小竅門,幫你應對日常生活當中的種種難題,讓生活更加輕鬆美好。單元二《設計在身邊》,為你講述生活當中的產品設計,以及這些設計背後的故事,讓你更加理解創意,感悟生活。 Do you want to make life more creative and interesting? Do you want to explore the unknown stories behind daily objects? “Happy Living Expert” will bring you abundant creative thoughts and useful methods. As the first segment, “I Have an Idea” introduces you a diversity of feasible tips to help you deal with daily life problems. “Design is Everywhere” uncovers the design stories behind everyday objects to make you better understand creativity in life.