If You Don’t Want My Opinion...
Storytelling Podcasts
Short stories about life, resilience, and survivorship.
United States
Storytelling Podcasts
Short stories about life, resilience, and survivorship.
National Coming Out Day 2024
This is not a victory lap, this is a call to action. Donald Trump and Project 2025 are poised to deprive of us of our hard fought rights, and the hard fought rights of our allies. Never before has an election or allyship been so important. Please listen to my analysis of the Trump re-election campaign within the context of Project 2025 and my personal historical perspective.
Independence Day 2024
My somewhat impromptu thoughts on the state of America this Independence Day 2024.
Marked explicit due to language.
Recollections of My Brother
This episode, at its core, is about the legacy of my father’s abusiveness. Abuses he first unleashed upon his wife, then his children. There is no end to the variations of behaviors people adopt to cope with abuse. Some survive it. Many don’t. My father’s behavior destroyed our family from the inside out. The events I recount in this episode were deeply painful to research, relive, and record. I hope some good comes from their retelling. Trigger warnings for physical, emotional, and sexual abuse apply. This episode is classified as "Explicit" content.
It occurred to me, given how much time has gone by and how many life events have unfolded, none of these people exist any longer as we were. We’re all a bit like Schrödinger's cat – we exist and we don’t depending on where and when I’m looking.
Good. Grief.
Whether suffering from a concrete loss, such as the loss of a pet or loved one, or from an abstract loss, such as the loss of faith or innocence, all losses have one thing in common; they must be grieved.
I began writing this episode after I finished my podcasts on the loss of my dog, Shelby. I have survived many losses throughout the course of my life. I had to learn not only the value in grieving, but also the benefits of doing the work to find the other side of grief. Sometimes that was simply moving forward. Sometimes it was forgiveness. Sometimes it was finding out that there is life after sorrow.
Listen as I explore loss, grief, grieving, and the value in moving forward.
Ah, the Holidays!
My short satirical take on Christmas, gift giving, and party etiquette pet peeves.
NCOD Ep 4: No Son of Mine
The dust settles with my friends following winter break and I decide to come out to my family on Easter Sunday.
My coming out origin story comes to a close as my life long journey of coming out begins.
NCOD Ep 3: Rumors and Revelations
Rumors spread as I come to terms with my truth and begin to share who I am with friends.
This picture seemed appropriate given it was taken during the summer musical that forever changed the course of my life. It is one of only two pictures I have of myself from this time.
The rest were lost to Hurricane Floyd.
NCOD Ep 2: Me and that Train
Truths are shared and retracted. Friendships are forged and lost. I continue working to figure it all out.
This episode is marked "Explicit". If you have triggers, enter cautiously.
NCOD Ep 1: Asked and Answered
In honor of National Coming Out Day (NCOD).
The beginning of a four part series on my coming to understand and claim the fact that I was gay. The series begins in elementary school and runs through college.
For those who need trigger warnings, be warned. I don't want to give anything away up front, but enter cautiously and rest assured, I am OK. I've done the work and am fortunate to be in a tremendously loving relationship.
At the end of the day - I'm so grateful and so VERY lucky!
Shelby Love: The End, Part 2
The conclusion of Shelby's story. Please don't look away from the end. I know it's painful and sad, but being present at a pet's end is just as important as all the other phases of your time together.
I learned a lot about grief in writing and recording our story. As much as I dreaded writing this episode, because I'd have to face her death all over again, doing so brought her back to me and for the last five weeks we were together again.
This one's for you Shelby. No longer in our home. Forever in our hearts.
Shelby Love: The End, Part 1
Today is the three month anniversay of Shelby's last day with us. I had intended to finish her story today in honor of that anniversary. But she has a bit more to tell us, before we conclude her tale.
I learned an important life lesson in intention vs. impact.
Shelby Love: The Middle
This is the second episode in a four episode series about the life and loss of my dog, Shelby. She was a rescue from the south, I took her in as a medical foster, and we spent the rest of her life together. This is our tale.
Shelby Love: The Beginning
This is the first episode in a four episode series about the life and loss of my dog, Shelby. She was a rescue from the south, I took her in as a medical foster, and we spent the rest of her life together. This is our tale.