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Living Out Loud with Laura

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Living Out Loud with Laura Being a strong woman means respecting yourself enough to stand up for yourself, the causes you believe in and the welfare of others. Join Laura weekly as she navigates this crazy world of being being a loud proud ally of 2 adult LGBTQ+ children while being the wife of 29+ years to her high school sweetheart, only child to aging parents, and learning to live with chronic health issues. Laura will share her journey from stumbling through her reply to her youngest daughters news of being transgender to being not only a loud proud ally but also an advocate for the entire LGBTQ+ community. Many episode will feature different LGBTQ+ topics designed to share knowledge, understanding and compassion. Guests will be invited onto the show to discuss their experiences openly and honestly with respect. Laura is a previvor for breast cancer and has recently completed a double prophylactic mastectomy with reconstruction. She will continue to require frequent monitoring due to a high family history and will openly be discussing and sharing this experience as well. If you’re looking to be entertained and empowered by a sarcastic Gen X’er who is intent on living her life out loud so that others can too, come along for a colorful adventure.


United States


Living Out Loud with Laura Being a strong woman means respecting yourself enough to stand up for yourself, the causes you believe in and the welfare of others. Join Laura weekly as she navigates this crazy world of being being a loud proud ally of 2 adult LGBTQ+ children while being the wife of 29+ years to her high school sweetheart, only child to aging parents, and learning to live with chronic health issues. Laura will share her journey from stumbling through her reply to her youngest daughters news of being transgender to being not only a loud proud ally but also an advocate for the entire LGBTQ+ community. Many episode will feature different LGBTQ+ topics designed to share knowledge, understanding and compassion. Guests will be invited onto the show to discuss their experiences openly and honestly with respect. Laura is a previvor for breast cancer and has recently completed a double prophylactic mastectomy with reconstruction. She will continue to require frequent monitoring due to a high family history and will openly be discussing and sharing this experience as well. If you’re looking to be entertained and empowered by a sarcastic Gen X’er who is intent on living her life out loud so that others can too, come along for a colorful adventure.



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040 Chat with Vicki a fierce trans woman

In this episode I chat with Vick. She shares her thoughts and experiences with her first year as a Fierce Trans Woman. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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039 Chat with Douglas Bell author of Love Cake and Cakewalk

In this episode I chat with Douglas Bell the author of Love Cake and Cakewalk. Douglas tackles not only transgender issues but a lot of LGBTQ+ issues from a privileged perspective. He includes the happenings of this modern day world and the struggles of the heart. Check out his books at Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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038 Chat with Ashe about Ableism

In this episode I chat with Ashe about ableism. As usual we get into just about everything. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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037 Chat with Jon about Women's Rights and Equality.

In this episode I chat with my husband about women's rights and domestic violence. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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036 Chat with Lisa about everything.

In this episode I chat with my friend Lisa. We talk about everything and anything. From becoming true allies to being given warning labels. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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035 The Cult of Dance, I chat with my husband about our experience with a dance studio

In this episode I chat with my husband, Jon, and we share our story of being parents of kids on a competition dance team. We share why parents should always be wary of adults in power positions over your children. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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034 Chat with Declan, a transgender man discusses his journey.

In this episode I chat with Declan, a transgender man. We discuss his journey of figuring out who he is and taking that leap to be himself later in life. Declan came out as transgender at the age of 59 and explains his experience, worries, troubles, and accomplishments. Declan is part of "Where True Love Is". Please check out the resources and helpful information. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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033 Chat with Julie, we discuss a very sensitive but important subject, abortion and women's rights.

In this episode I chat with Julie about abortion. We discuss how being a Christian does not mean you are anti-abortion. We talk about how the far right are misusing the Bible to control women and their rights. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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032 Chat with Jen, mom of a nonbinary teenager and a tough LGBTQIA+ activist

In this episode I chat with Jen, a mother of a nonbinary teenager and an LGBTQIA+ activist. We talk about Jen's journey through learning her child is nonbinary and also talk about her fight for justice for the LGBTQIA+ community. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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031 Chat with Lisa, wife of a transgender woman talks about her journey

In this episode I chat with Lisa, a wife of a transgender woman. Lisa shares her story of being married to a transgender woman. She explains the steps she went through learning her spouse is transgender and the coming out process. There were many ups and downs through the years but Lisa and Vicki are now living their amazing life fully out and proud. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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030 Chat with Holly, mother of a transgender son

In this episode I chat with Holly a mother of a transgender son. We discuss Holly's journey with her son coming out as non-binary and later as transgender. We talk about all of the challenges and the celebrations that come with raising a transgender child. From worrying about them to seeing the transformation into a happy person after they are accepted and present how they truly see them selves. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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029 Chat with Lisa, we discuss my struggles to find answers to my health issues

In this episode I chat with Lisa about my health issues and the journey to find answers. I discuss how it can be tough to find the correct doctor and learn how to be an advocate for myself. Learn that PTSD from decades ago can reappear when the body is being stressed from other medical issues. I also talk about the difficulties of getting to see the correct doctors and the long wait to be seen at the Mayo Clinic. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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028 Chat with Denise about her experience with different churches.

In this episode I chat with Denise about finding an affirming church. Denise talks about her experiences with different churches and how some of them "Holy Ghosted" her family after finding out her children are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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027 - Chat with Julie, a Catholic from Texas, who is on a mission to help Catholics become Allies in Action

We are back after a short break and in this episode I chat with Julie, a Catholic from Texas, who is on a mission to help Catholics become Allies in Action. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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026 Chat with Amber Marie part 2.

In this episode I chat with Amber again. This will be the last episode for season 1. I will be taking a break while I tend to my own medical issues. Be back soon. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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025 - Chat with a gay man from Uganda seeking asylum in Kenya.

In this episode I chat with a friend from Uganda who is a gay man having to seek asylum in Kenya. He and I discuss his family's reaction to being gay and the persecution he endures. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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024 Chat with Marci, transgender woman who has struggled her entire life to figure out who she is.

In this episode I chat with Marci, a transgender woman. We discuss Marci's her life from being bullied when she was a young child and how being gay used to be illegal. Marci discusses how gender identity is not related sexual preference. We find out that we were both at the Florida board of medicine to fight for transgender rights. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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023 - Living Out Loud Live with Laura and Vicki.

In this episode I was live on YouTube with Vicki to discuss how stories matter and voices matter. Join me on this crossover episode as I share my journey on my deconstruction from "Karening" on Living Out Loud Live with Laura and Vicki, unfiltered and unedited. Please check out our live show every Wednesday at 8 pm on YouTube or Facebook Live. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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022 Chat with Jon, Laura's husband and father of a transgender daughter

In this episode I chat with Jon, my amazing husband. Jon joins me to discuss my health issues and the journey into being allies for the LGBTQIA+ community. Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.


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021 Chat with Skylar and David, Producers of Thrive an accessible drag show

In this episode I chat with Skylar and David. Skylar is the director and coproducer of an accessible drag show, Thrive. David is a coproducer of Thrive and runs Punk Rock Makeup Studios where they create special effects and decorations for the shows. Among the many things we discuss we dive into the need to ensure events are accessible to all. Thrive Facebook Page Thrive.ds Instagram Page Punk Rock Makeup Studio Check out the Living Out Loud with Laura merchandise here.
