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MoonShooting Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

MoonShooting is a podcast about following your dreams, reconnecting to your passion, and the money to get you there. Join venture capital insider, Mark Modica, and his millennial co-host, Kristen Espinosa, as they walk through what it means to be "stuck" in life, how to get "un-stuck", and how to thrive financially while doing it. Follow along to find out how your MoonShot dream might not be as impossible as you think.


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MoonShooting is a podcast about following your dreams, reconnecting to your passion, and the money to get you there. Join venture capital insider, Mark Modica, and his millennial co-host, Kristen Espinosa, as they walk through what it means to be "stuck" in life, how to get "un-stuck", and how to thrive financially while doing it. Follow along to find out how your MoonShot dream might not be as impossible as you think.



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Episode 10: Cutting the Tie: When Relationships Devalue Your Brand

In episode 10, Mark teaches Kristen the very tough concept of “spring cleaning” our relationships and the theoretical pruning of relationships that aren’t supporting you becoming your best self and achieving your goals. He discusses WHO to cut out, HOW to do it, and defines the difference between “toxic” relationships and relationships that aren’t necessarily “negative,” but still keep you from moving forward to your dream. We also talk about people-pleasing and how following your MoonShooting journey is not always for the faint of heart. Lastly, Kristen makes an interesting connection to pruning her basil plant. If you want to level-up in life and are ready for some tough love, then this episode is for you! Do you believe in our mission and want to help? Leave us a review (just one sentence or rating helps!) OR Follow us on our Socials! Instagram: TikTok: Want to see the video version of this episode? Subscribe to our YouTube: Thoughts, questions, suggestions, or sponsorships? Email us at


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Episode 9: Brand Ownership & Viewing Yourself as a Stock

How many hours a week do you spend working on your own brand vs. working on someone else’s? In episode 9, we talk about ownership and how maintaining ownership over yourself and your brand can be the difference between a powerful or a powerless life. Mark shows us how to view ourselves as a stock and how just the simplest things can increase or decrease our value. Mark reveals whether he thinks Kristen is at a “premium” or a “discount” according to her own personal “stock value.” And lastly, Mark compares the valuations of Tesla and Ford, showing how the power of perception can affect everything. Do you believe in our mission and want to help? Leave us a review (just one sentence or rating helps!) OR Follow us on our Socials! Instagram: TikTok: Want to see the video version of this episode? Subscribe to our YouTube: Thoughts, questions, suggestions, or sponsorships? Email us at


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Episode 8: Systems of Value & Harnessing Your Weaknesses as Superpowers

In episode 8, Mark and Kristen discuss systems of value and how traditional systems, like the toxic patriarchy, have given us a biased view of our own worth. Mark shows us how to create our OWN valuation system, based on your tangible and intangible assets. Kristen shares how something as simple as changing how you introduce yourself can make a huge difference in how you value and see yourself. Finally, Mark touches on how our weaknesses are really our superpowers and how ultimately, no one can do you better than YOU! Do you believe in our mission and want to help? Leave us a review (just one sentence or rating helps!) OR Follow us on our Socials! Instagram: TikTok: Want to see the video version of this episode? Subscribe to our YouTube: Thoughts, questions, suggestions, or sponsorships? Email us at


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Episode 7: Why Toxic Productivity Hurts You & How To Maximize Your VALUE

In this episode, we DEEP dive on toxic productivity and flip the script on that well-known phrase "work smarter, not harder" into "work less, and add more VALUE." Mark shows us how to tackle what you want differently, highlighting the value only YOU can bring to the table. Kristen shares a story of how toxic productivity and chasing perfectionism has impacted her health in more than one occasion over her life. Then, we zoom out to YOU and how you can make these value changes in your life every day! Do you believe in our mission and want to help? Leave us a review (just one sentence or rating helps!) OR Follow us on our Socials! Instagram: TikTok: Want to see the video version of this episode? Subscribe to our YouTube: Thoughts, questions, suggestions, or sponsorships? Email us at


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Episode 6: The Brand of YOU and Harnessing Your Power

Does the idea of "power" make you cringe? In this first episode of our 5 episode series on power, Mark shows us how to change our mindset on "power", how to gain more autonomy over your life, and how to begin viewing yourself as a BRAND, rather than as a job title or a service. We share examples of how powerful icons have made their brands into platforms, and how you can do that exact same thing on a smaller level. Finally, we laugh about how a Crème brûlée moment changed Kristen's thoughts on power and how we give our power away without even knowing it! Do you believe in our mission and want to help? Leave us a review (just one sentence or rating helps!) OR Follow us on our Socials! Instagram: TikTok: Want to see the video version of this episode? Subscribe to our YouTube: Thoughts, questions, suggestions, or sponsorships? Email us at


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Episode 5: How to get UN-stuck: Step by Step Advice, Layoffs, the Illusion of Job Security & the Value of YOU!

This week, we begin to unravel the step-by-step process of getting UN-STUCK. We also discuss why there are so many LAYOFFS happening right now, the truth behind the job security illusion, and how to value yourself as a BRAND, rather than a commodity. We know there are a lot of ways to be “stuck”, so we cast a wide net with our advice, breaking it down for multiple job and career scenarios. No matter what your path you’re on, this episode gives practical advice and inspiration on helping you figure out what that next step looks like! Do you believe in our mission and want to help? Leave us a review (just one sentence or rating helps!) OR Follow us on our Socials! Instagram: TikTok: Want to see the video version of this episode? Subscribe to our YouTube: Thoughts, questions, suggestions, or sponsorships? Email us at


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Episode 4: How to know you’re STUCK: Burn out, autopilot, and creating your OWN path.

In Episode 4, we dive into how to know you’re STUCK. We discuss the obvious and most intense signs such as burn out, but also the sneakier signs that make us rationalize our unhappiness and send us down that slippery auto-pilot slope. Join Mark and Kristen as they discuss all of this and more, including how to realize you’re following someone else’s MoonShot instead of yours and how to begin thinking about creating your own, NEW pathway to your MoonShot dream - no matter where you are in life! Do you believe in our mission and want to help? Leave us a review (just one sentence or rating helps!) OR Follow us on our Socials! Instagram: TikTok: Want to see the video version of this episode? Subscribe to our YouTube: Thoughts, questions, suggestions, or sponsorships? Email us at


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Episode 3: LEAPS of Faith and How to Know You’re Working AGAINST the Grain

This week, we break down the falsely held belief that work should always equal sacrifice, how to know you're “working against the grain” in your life and why just “being good” at something shouldn’t be the only reason to stay in a job that doesn’t fulfill you. Kristen takes us on her own journey of deviating from her creative path and how believing the false notion that following your passion is “selfish” ultimately led her to a career that didn’t fulfill her. She shares her moment of clarity that allowed her to finally listen to what her gut had been telling her all along - to face that FEAR and finally take that scary leap of faith in her life. Do you believe in our mission and want to help? Leave us a review (just one sentence or rating helps!) OR Follow us on our Socials! Instagram: TikTok: Want to see the video version of this episode? Subscribe to our YouTube: Thoughts, questions, suggestions, or sponsorships? Email us at


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Episode 2: Being STUCK in Life and the Power of a Pivot

In episode 2, we discuss what it means and feels like to be STUCK. We reframe the idea of “quitting” and how taking risks can change your life for the better. We also share how we got unstuck with our podcast, and Mark shares his own deeply personal experience with being stuck, hitting his “rock bottom” and how he pivoted in his life to follow his passion. Finally, we end with discussing why RIGHT NOW is the perfect time to take that leap, follow your passion, and change your life for the better! Do you believe in our mission and want to help? Leave us a review (just one sentence or rating helps!) OR Follow us on our Socials! Instagram: TikTok: Want to see the video version of this episode? Subscribe to our YouTube: Thoughts, questions, suggestions, or sponsorships? Email us at


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Episode 1: What's WRONG With The Current Financial System!??

In our very first episode, we talk about what is WRONG with the current financial system, how it holds us back, what barriers are in place to keep us there, and why we ALL might be feeling some degree of “STUCK” in our lives. Do you believe in our mission and want to help? Leave us a review (just one sentence or rating helps!) OR Follow us on our Socials! Instagram: TikTok: Want to see the video version of this episode? Subscribe to our YouTube: Thoughts, questions, suggestions, or sponsorships? Email us at


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MoonShooting Podcast Trailer

Welcome to MoonShooting - a podcast about following your dreams, reconnecting to your passion, and the money to get you there. Hosted by venture capital insider and financial expert, Mark Modica, and millennial dreamer, Kristen Espinosa, who left a career that wasn't fulfilling her and has recently restarted her journey to reconnect to her passion. With over 30 years experience in the business and financial trenches, Mark will show all of us how to make our dreams come true, how to have the money to make it happen, and how to still maintain your freedom while following the path in life that is most authentically YOU. No matter where you are on your journey, we’ll show you how your moonshot dream isn’t as impossible as you might think. Do you believe in our mission and want to help? Leave us a review (just one sentence or rating helps!) OR Follow us on our Socials! Instagram: TikTok: Want to see the video version of this episode? Subscribe to our YouTube: Thoughts, questions, suggestions, or sponsorships? Email us at
