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Newbreak Church

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Here at Newbreak Church, we exist to connect people with God through authentic relationships to serve communities. This podcast features messages from Pastor Markus Witherspoon and our speaking team. For more info, visit us online at: If you are new to Newbreak, we would love for you to fill out a connect card: Are you ready to take a next step in your faith or with Newbreak: We have Church Online for your Kids too: Your giving helps bring life change to the entire world. Giving online is simple and easy: Ready to find your God given purpose? Then join our Online Discovering Your Pathway course:​​​​​​​​​​​ Download the sermon notes for today’s message:


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Here at Newbreak Church, we exist to connect people with God through authentic relationships to serve communities. This podcast features messages from Pastor Markus Witherspoon and our speaking team. For more info, visit us online at: If you are new to Newbreak, we would love for you to fill out a connect card: Are you ready to take a next step in your faith or with Newbreak: We have Church Online for your Kids too: Your giving helps bring life change to the entire world. Giving online is simple and easy: Ready to find your God given purpose? Then join our Online Discovering Your Pathway course:​​​​​​​​​​​ Download the sermon notes for today’s message:





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Hearing The Voice Of God Part 3 (Hearing God's Voice through God's World and His Word) Pastor Markus Witherspoon

Sept 1, 2024 As we look at Psalm 19, we learn the obvious ways God has been revealed. Tune in as our Tierrasanta Campus Pastor, Markus Witherspoon, helps us hear God's voice through creation and Scripture. In this week's message, you'll be 1. Challenged to slow down and notice the details in creation 2. Encouraged to let God's unchanging Word change us


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Hearing The Voice Of God Part 2 (Hearing God's Voice Despite Disappointment) Pastor JoAnn Johnson

Aug 25, 2024 Hearing God's voice in our lives can be challenging as is, but compound that with the heaviness with disappointment and it might seem like God is silent altogether. As we look at the story of Elijah, we learn the importance of hearing God's whisper. Tune in as Lead Pastor, JoAnn Johnson, helps us hear God amidst crisis and disappointment. In this week's message, you'll be:


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Hearing The Voice Of God Part 1 (Hearing God's Voice in the Mundane) Pastor Markus Witherspoon

Aug 19, 2024 Communication is key to any healthy relationship. And this is also true in our relationship with God! Far from simply talking to God, we are invited to listen for God's voice in our lives. Listen to Pastor Markus Witherspoon from our Tierrasanta campus as we kick off this series by talking about how Moses's story encourages us to learn to hear God's voice. In this week's message, you'll be:


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Newbreak 360 Part 7 (Building a Culture of Faith) Pastor Brayden Brookshier

Aug 11, 2024 Newbreak Church is all about, "Connecting people with God through authentic relationships to serve communities." We build intentional community through our Life Groups, serve locally and globally through Kingdom Builders, and gather in-person and online every Sunday across San Diego at our three campuses in Tierrasanta, Scripps Ranch, and Ocean Beach. This week, during our Newbreak 360 series, you get to hear from our Ocean Beach Campus Pastor, Brayden Brookshier, as he talks about building a culture of faith. In this week's message, you'll be


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Newbreak 360 Part 6 (A Lesson on How to Live On-Mission for Jesus in San Diego) Pastor Jared Johnson

Aug 4, 2024 Newbreak Church is all about, "Connecting people with God through authentic relationships to serve communities." We build intentional community through our Life Groups, serve locally and globally through Kingdom Builders, and gather in-person and online every Sunday across San Diego at our three campuses in Tierrasanta, Scripps Ranch, and Ocean Beach. This week, during our Newbreak 360 series, you get to hear from our Scripps Ranch Campus Pastor, Jared Johnson, as he talks about living boldly and on mission for Jesus! In this week's message, you'll be:


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Newbreak 360 Part 5 (Open Doors) Pastor Brooks Fuller

July 28, 2024 Newbreak Church is all about, "Connecting people with God through authentic relationships to serve communities." We build intentional community through our Life Groups, serve locally and globally through Kingdom Builders, and gather in-person and online every Sunday across San Diego at our three campuses in Tierrasanta, Scripps Ranch, and Ocean Beach. This week, during our Newbreak 360 series, you get to hear from our Life Groups Pastor Brooks Fuller as he talks about the times when God opens and closes doors. In this week's message, you'll be


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Newbreak 360 Part 4 (Know Your Assignment) Pastor JoAnn Johnson

July 21, 2024 Newbreak Church is all about, "Connecting people with God through authentic relationships to serve communities." We build intentional community through our Life Groups, serve locally and globally through Kingdom Builders, and gather in-person and online every Sunday across San Diego at our three campuses in Tierrasanta, Scripps Ranch, and Ocean Beach. This week, during our Newbreak 360 series, you get to hear from Lead Pastor JoAnn Johnson as she talks about knowing our assignment as Christ-followers. In this week's message you'll be: 1. Challenged to embrace a faith that requires sacrifice 2. Encouraged to find fulfillment in a life with mission and purpose


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Newbreak 360 Part 3 (Global Impact) Pastor Darrel Larson

July 14, 2024 Newbreak Church is all about, "Connecting people with God through authentic relationships to serve communities." We build intentional community through our Life Groups, serve locally and globally through Kingdom Builders, and gather in-person and online every Sunday across San Diego at our three campuses in Tierrasanta, Scripps Ranch, and Ocean Beach. This week you’ll hear from our International Outreach Pastor Darrel Larson, as they shares an inspiring message on how we can engage with our community and make God known in all circumstances. As you listen in, you will be: 1. Challenged to embrace your current position and location as God's witness in San Diego 2. Encouraged to help those around you understand who God is and what He is doing


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Newbreak 360 Part 2 (Making God Known) Pastor Kamar Bevil

July 7, 2024 Newbreak Church is all about, "Connecting people with God through authentic relationships to serve communities." We build intentional community through our Life Groups, serve locally and globally through Kingdom Builders, and gather in-person and online every Sunday across San Diego at our three campuses in Tierrasanta, Scripps Ranch, and Ocean Beach. This week you’ll hear from Kamar Bevil from our Tierrasanta Campus, as they shares an inspiring message on how we can engage with our community and make God known in all circumstances. As you listen in, you will be: 1. Challenged to listen to the needs of your community 2. Encouraged to always be ready to make God known


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Newbreak 360 Part 1 (An Unexpected Encounter) Pastor Markus Witherspoon

June 30, 2024 Newbreak Church is all about, "Connecting people with God through authentic relationships to serve communities." We build intentional community through our Life Groups, serve locally and globally through Kingdom Builders, and gather in-person and online every Sunday across San Diego at our three campuses in Tierrasanta, Scripps Ranch, and Ocean Beach. This week you’ll hear from Pastor Markus Witherspoon from our Tierrasanta Campus, as he shares an inspiring message about how one encounter with Jesus changes everything. As you listen in, you will be: 1. Challenged to pursue God as you live in His name. 2. Encouraged to let the Holy Spirit work through you in your daily life.


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The Book Of Colossians / Christ Is Our Center Part 5 (Putting on Christ) Pastor Brayden Brookshier

June 23, 2024 When you go to a restaurant, you can tell who the waiters and the cooks are based on their clothes. This makes a great analogy for how Paul encourages us in Colossians 3. We “wear” a new wardrobe as a Christ-follower. Listen in as we talk about how our relationship with Christ changes how we represent him in our interactions with others! As you listen in, you will be: 1. Challenged to be mindful of what characteristics we put on everyday 2. Encouraged to let God’s words become the playlist in our mind


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The Book Of Colossians / Christ Is Our Center Part 4 (Father’s Day 2024) Pastor Jared Johnson

June 16, 2024 We celebrate Father’s Day by continuing in our sermon series in Colossians as we are encouraged to put off the distractions that are getting in the way of us being the Christ-like people the world (and our families) need us to be! As you listen in, you will be: 1. Challenged to embrace the renewal process of being made more like God 2. Encouraged to give yourself grace and keep your mind set on the life we are called to live


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The Book Of Colossians / Christ Is Our Center Part 3 (Jesus is Better) Pastor Kamar Bevil

June 9, 2024 Culture is changing, and changing fast! Everywhere you look there are ideas marketed and philosophies advocated for and all of this challenges Christ-followers to know what we believe and how to sift through them. When Paul wrote to the Colossians, he wanted them to know that they would hear ideas that would sound “good” and would come against your faith. Lean in with us as we talk about how to stay in step with Christ and not fall to the prevailing ideas of the day. As you listen in, you will be: 1. Challenged to live in the freedom Christ gave to us 2. Encouraged to be mindful of the ways we are still “under construction”


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The Book Of Colossians / Christ Is Our Center Part 2 (Jesus at the Center) Pastor Markus Witherspoon

June 2, 2024 What makes Christians “Christians” is how we exalt and exemplify Christ. While most worldviews have a positive view of Jesus, they all have too low a view of him. Join Newbreak Church and Pastor Marcus Witherspoon as we see how Paul’s letter to the Colossians challenges us to elevate our view of Jesus, for who he is and what he has done! As you listen in, you will be: 1. Challenged to appreciate Christ as our Creator and Redeemer 2. Encouraged to let your position in Christ establish your assurance of right standing with God


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The Book Of Colossians / Christ Is Our Center Part 1 (The Worthy Life) Pastor Brooks Fuller

May 26, 2024 Walking with Jesus begins a new journey for us all. No matter where we stand with Jesus, we can hear Paul’s prayer for the Colossians as something we need, too! Lean in as Newbreak Church talks about four results of what the life of worth looks like! As you listen in, you will be: 1. Challenged to operate in God’s strength, not our own 2. Encouraged to see how the life worthy of the Lord is empowered by the Lord


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The Book Of James / Living Authentically Pt. 6 (The Praying Church) Pastor Markus Witherspoon

May 19, 2024 We all pray: maybe for our favorite sports team to have a comeback win or for cancer to be eradicated or everything in-between. The question is: Does prayer actually do something? Does prayer help carry us through the seasons of trial and triumph or is it just a formality? Join us as we hear the letter of James challenge us to pray boldly for God to act in miraculous ways! As you listen in, you will be: 1. Challenged to see how our prayers reveal what we believe about God 2. Encouraged to allow God to expand our imagination of what God wants us to pray for


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The Book Of James / Living Authentically Pt. 5 (Navigating Conflict on Mother's Day) Pastor JoAnn Johnson

May 12, 2024 Navigating conflict allows us to peacefully navigate conflicts as they arise, and lead by example for others to see Jesus in Newbreak Church. As you listen in, you will be: 1. Challenged to calm yourself so you can respond and not react. 2. Encouraged to allow God to guide you through conflict toward a Jesus-centered resolution.


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The Book Of James / Living Authentically Pt. 4 (Your Words Have Power) Pastor Jared Johnson

May 5, 2024 “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” This old adage is said often but completely untrue. Many of us can probably think of plenty of times when the power of words have torn us down or inspired us forward in a positive direction. Lean in with Newbreak Church as we see what James has to say about the power of the words we speak! As you listen in, you will be: 1. Challenged to not be quick to speak when our words can have serious effects 2. Encouraged to be generous in giving our encouragement, especially to those who need it!


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The Book Of James / Living Authentically Pt. 3 (Local Impact Sunday) Pastor Markus Witherspoon

April 28, 2024 James has some strong words for those who say they have faith but they don’t do anything with it. “Your faith is dead!” Strong words, but he is right! Jesus brings us to new life through faith in him and now we are challenged to put our faith into action to serve those around us. Join us as we highlight some of our local impact partners who are helping us make a difference in our city! As you listen in, you will be: challenged to see ourselves as participating in God’s mission in our city encouraged to pray, give, and go serve locally


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The Book Of James / Living Authentically Pt. 2 (Playing Favorites) Pastor Rich Guerra

April 21, 2024 We all play favorites. We have a favorite restaurant, a favorite sports team, a favorite movie, etc. Favorites are fine, when applied to these things. But favorites are wrong when it comes to how we treat other people–especially when we let the social-scorecard deem who matters and who doesn’t. In God’s economy, we are all his favorites! Lean in with us as we talk about the value of all people and how to treat each other through the eyes of God’s amazing mercy! As you listen in, you will be: 1. Challenged to see ourselves as all level at the foot of the cross 2. Encouraged to take steps of mercy and compassion towards those who are not treated as equals
