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PROPHESY IMPACT with Dr. Arleen Westerhof

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Powerful insights and interviews on how to receive God’s strategies for personal, city and national transformation. Host Dr. Arleen Westerhof has seen God change the Red Light District of Amsterdam, and launched organizations that are changing the face of business and economics. It’s no longer enough to know how to get prophetic revelation. We also have to know how to apply it. This podcast will show you how.


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Powerful insights and interviews on how to receive God’s strategies for personal, city and national transformation. Host Dr. Arleen Westerhof has seen God change the Red Light District of Amsterdam, and launched organizations that are changing the face of business and economics. It’s no longer enough to know how to get prophetic revelation. We also have to know how to apply it. This podcast will show you how.



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The role of the prophetic in being strong and doing exploits.

One of my favorite Bible verses is Daniel 11:32b “But the people who know their God will be strong and do exploits.” If there was ever a time that we needed to know how to be strong and do exploits, it’s now. In this podcast I share three testimonies about the role of the prophetic in mobilizing my husband and I into transformational ministry. I also talk about how God used it to encourage key missions leaders who were originally against the prophetic, and how He used it to mobilize a friend...


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Overcoming confusion by getting our priorities right

As we read the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we see that Jesus had one message, one mandate and one mission. In this podcast I talk about what this is. I also talk about some keys to the Kingdom of God that, as we make His priority ours, will help us to walk in an increase of Kingdom authority this year. Dr. Arleen Westerhof is the co-Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam together with her husband Dick. She is the Founder and Facilitator of the Netherlands...


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Word of the Lord for 2022. Time to confuse confusion!

We’re living in a time that many of us would prefer not to be in. We long to go back to the time when we’d never heard of the word COVID. This year, I hear the Lord saying that 2022 will be a year of “divine high-water marks”, both good and bad. We can expect to see a peak in God’s glory and intervention, but also in evil and spiritual opposition to His plans. Confusion is one of the key strategies that the enemy will try to use. In this podcast I deal with the specific areas in which we can...


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Time to take back your identity

There’s a saying that’s often quoted, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” However, this isn’t true. Many are stuck in jobs that they hate, relationships that aren’t good for them, and live unfulfilled lives because they believe the things that the world says about them. It’s a spiritual principle that we always act out of who we believe we are. The names are the things that define our identities and that’s why it’s so important that we live by who God says...


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What the prophetic voice is going to do in 2022.

We’re living in dark times. Back when God created the earth, things were also dark. However, when God’s voice sounded, it pierced through the darkness and light came. In 2022, God is going to cause specific things to happen as His prophets speak. These are things you must know if you want to align with the move of God’s Spirit in this next season! Dr. Arleen Westerhof is the co-Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam together with her husband Dick. She is the Founder and...


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Overcoming crisis Part 2. Expect trouble when paupers become kings

Proverbs 30:21-22 says, “There are three things that make the earth tremble— no, four it cannot endure: a slave who becomes a king…” Slaves, or paupers, are born into insignificance and they grow up believing that their actions don’t matter. Therefore, even when paupers become kings, they still feel insignificant. To overcome crisis and to enter fully into our callings it’s important that we learn the supernatural ways of royalty. This podcast will help you to stand firmer in your identity...


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Overcoming crisis

What do you do when everything you trusted in collapses? How do you prepare for a sudden change in life - you lose your job, your marriage partner, your health? Jesus never promised us a crisis-free life. This podcast talks about how crises force us to change and develop during life’s storms. Dr. Arleen Westerhof is the co-Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam together with her husband Dick. She is the Founder and Facilitator of the Netherlands Prophetic Council, and she...


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How family dysfunction is making us sick

Family is an institution created by God and when the love and commitment of humans to the moral and biblical covenant of family are broken, it leads the way to almost every other social problem imaginable. In this podcast we talk about why that is, how that happens and what you can do about it. Dr. Arleen Westerhof is the co-Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam together with her husband Dick. She is the Founder and Facilitator of the Netherlands Prophetic Council, and she...


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The war on the blood of Christ in you

There’s a war going on inside of us. There’s a war with our evil nature. There’s a war with sin domination, and there’s a war going on for your spiritual inheritance. This war within us manifests itself outside of us in conflicts that can span generations. However, God’s voice is sounding, and it is saying, “I AM able to restore all that you have lost!” In this podcast I talk about how the blood of Christ is related to the refreshing of our souls and how it can still the conflicts within...


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The purpose of curses

One of the main instruments that the devil uses against us is a curse. If he can find a legal right to land curses against us, then he can sabotage our future and our success. In this podcast I use practical examples to show how curses weaken us and our family lines, the processes through which they develop, and why we must be aggressive in recognizing them and breaking their power over our lives. Dr. Arleen Westerhof is the co-Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam together...


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The Devil is after Your Destiny

In this season of expansion, satan is after our destinies on a scale that we have not often seen before. He does this by using curses. When curses are active, we see believers dying prematurely who believe in healing. We see people bound in poverty who believe that God wants them to prosper. We also see family lines decimated as children walk away from their God-given callings through rebellion. In this podcast I give recent examples of how satan is using curses to stop believers, how to...


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The Importance of Alignment in Times of Expansion

Despite the darkness, this is getting set to be a season of great expansion for those who can focus on the Lord and not get distracted. During seasons of expansion our alignment with others is extremely important. In this podcast I talk about a Biblical example of how alignment helps us and share some recent testimonies. The results are surprising! Dr. Arleen Westerhof is the co-Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam together with her husband Dick. She is the Founder and...


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The Role of the Accuser in the Courts of Heaven

Even though the devil has been cast down, he is still able to accuse us before God. His aim: to knock us out of our callings and to destroy us. In this podcast I talk about why God sometimes allows satan to present cases against us in the Courts of Heaven, how you can recognize in your daily life when this is happening and what you can do about it. Dr. Arleen Westerhof is the co-Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam together with her husband Dick. She is the Founder and...


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Releasing your destiny from the Courts of Heaven

We become dangerous to the realm of darkness when we discover and walk in the calling of God for our lives. In this podcast I talk about how to pray from the Courts of Heaven to see your destiny released. During the podcast I also do a session as an example to show you how it’s done. Dr. Arleen Westerhof is the co-Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam together with her husband Dick. She is the Founder and Facilitator of the Netherlands Prophetic Council and she co-leads the...


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The Courts of Heaven. God or not?

Righteousness and justice are the foundations of God’s throne and praying from the Courts of Heaven is a way to see these things manifest on the earth. Many have testified of miracles of healing and of demonic delay being broken as they have learned to pray in this way. However, some people have reservations about the whole idea of praying from the Courts of Heaven. During this podcast I’ll explain what it is, some of the theological background to it and why some people have reservations. We...


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God and Pandemics

Even though many parts of the world have been laid low by the COVID-19 pandemic, God is not limited in what He can do. Throughout history He has used plagues and pandemics as catalysts for great advances and to propel His people forward. In this podcast I talk about some of these advances and about what you can do to help this next year, as we come out of COVID, to be one of the most significant in your life. Dr. Arleen Westerhof is the co-Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in...


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Be a voice and not an echo. What to do when prophecy goes wrong.

With so much going on, it’s essential that we get solid, dependable prophetic input. However, the level of the prophetic can be lower than we need it to be at crucial times. When that happens, we can get into trouble. In this podcast I discuss the Y2K and Trump prophecies, why they didn’t turn out as expected and what we need to learn. Dr. Arleen Westerhof is the co-Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam together with her husband Dick. She is the Founder and Facilitator of the...


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New mantles for our times.

We don’t often talk about mantles, but in Israel, mantles represented the possibilities and the promises of God. For example, Joseph’s coat of many colors was a mantle under which he dreamt of his destiny. We’re living in a time in which God is releasing new mantles to His Church. This podcast talks about the role of mantles and why we need them, especially now. Dr. Arleen Westerhof is the co-Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam together with her husband Dick. She is the...


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Spiritual Pride. A legacy killer.

It is possible for us to be loyal in our love for the Lord, but still miss His highest purpose for our lives through spiritual pride. It creeps in slowly and can manifest itself in ways that many of us haven’t even thought about. In this podcast I talk about how spiritual pride manifested itself in the life of the great Reformer, King Hezekiah, and about what we must learn from his example in order to preserve the legacy God wants us to leave behind. Dr. Arleen Westerhof is the co-Lead...


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Dethrone Baal

It may sound strange, but the ancient Canaanite god, Baal, is still alive and well in our culture and even in our churches today! In this podcast, I describe how Baal works and, using practical examples, how we can defeat this spirit in every area of our lives. Dr. Arleen Westerhof is the co-Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam together with her husband Dick. She is the Founder and Facilitator of the Netherlands Prophetic Council and she co-leads the European Prophetic...
