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Pastor to Pastor

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

This podcast is dedicated to iron sharpening iron, current events, and culture trends. You will hear pastors perspectives on a variety of topics including leadership development, evangelism, outreach and so much more.


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This podcast is dedicated to iron sharpening iron, current events, and culture trends. You will hear pastors perspectives on a variety of topics including leadership development, evangelism, outreach and so much more.





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Maintaining The Image of God in a Counterfeit World

Embark on a profound exploration with Pastor Jason and myself, Pastor Seth, as we unravel the true essence of living authentically as Christians in a world saturated with shallow portrayals of piety. Grapple with the question of how to genuinely express God's image, delving into the heart of what it means to reflect His compassion, love, and grace. Our conversation ventures beyond the superficial, challenging you to embody the divine qualities that truly signify being made in His likeness. Our fervent dialogue takes a sharp turn into the heart of Christian identity, scrutinizing the hazards of casually attaching 'Christian' to behaviors that clash with scriptural values. Amidst my reflections on forthcoming missionary endeavors, Pastor Jason and I confront the necessity of spiritual rebirth and the imperative for a deep-rooted transformation that resonates with the teachings of the Bible. This conversation is a wake-up call for believers, particularly church leaders, to foster transformative change that is evident through contact with God, steering away from the temptation to merely accessorize our lives with the label of faith. Finally, we dissect the daily interactions that fortify our testimony for Christ. Stressing the importance of a steadfast relationship with God, we challenge you to scrutinize whether your actions genuinely mirror His image. The episode crescendos with the exciting announcement of our upcoming relationship series, "I Choose You," wrapping up with a blessing for all our listeners. Tune in to this enlightening journey as we seek to embody our faith with authenticity, transforming into the likeness of Jesus in every thought, word, and deed.


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Hope and Redemption: Confronting Suicide with Divine Love and Community Support

Have you ever stood at the edge of despair, feeling as though the world had turned its back on you? Pastor Jason and Pastor Seth Odom understand that pain, and in our latest episode, they bring a message of hope and grace that could very well be the lifeline someone out there desperately needs. Addressing the heartbreaking issue of suicide with sensitivity and a steadfast belief in redemption, this conversation is a beacon of light, shining on the worth and purpose each of us holds in God's eyes. We tackle the weighty questions about life's value, uncovering the deception behind suicidal thoughts and offering a compassionate hand with resources like the National Suicide Prevention Line and 988 emergency number. Feeling invisible in a crowded room can be a harrowing experience, but imagine discovering a profound sense of belonging through a simple act of divine love. Our episode embarks on such a personal journey, walking you through narratives of transformation that span from the bustling streets of India to the intimate spaces of our local communities. Pastor Seth shares how a pivotal moment of feeling seen changed everything, highlighting the critical role of reaching out and providing support to those wrestling with the darkest of thoughts. Listen and be encouraged by stories of how faith and listening to the Holy Spirit can lead to offering support that saves lives. Judas Iscariot's story has perplexed believers for centuries, and today we delve into the complexities of his fate as a cautionary reminder of the importance of spiritual authenticity. This episode doesn't shy away from scrutinizing the harder truths, urging leaders to be vigilant of the hearts in their flock. Wrapping up, we underscore the significance of connecting through prayer and the strength found in community. This is more than just a conversation; it's an invitation to join hands in prayer and support, shattering the myth that seeking help is a burden. Share this episode with someone in need of hope; it might just be the lifeline they've been searching for.


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State of The Church: Staying True to the Gospel in Church Today

As we witness the ebb and flow of our congregations, Seth and I, Pastors Jason Watson, find ourselves at the intersection of celebration and solemn reflection. Our churches are blossoming with new members, even as the reverberations of our children's laughter cross from baseball fields to university campuses. Yet beneath the surface, there's a tremor we can't ignore - the encroaching tide of a diluted gospel, sugar-coated and served with a side of prosperity, straying from the unyielding truth we've vowed to uphold. Confronting this reality, we engage in a candid conversation about the present malaise within Christianity, where the discomfort of spiritual accountability is all too often swapped for a feel-good message. The confusion around "once saved, always saved" surfaces as we underscore the imperative of living a faith that bears witness through action, not merely words. This discourse is a heartfelt plea for church leaders and the faithful: let us not be seduced by numerical growth at the expense of the Gospel's power - a power that calls for transformation, not mere affirmation. In the closing act of our dialogue, the recent men's conference acts as a prism, reflecting the complexities of church entertainment, forgiveness, and the humility required of those who lead. As we draw from the events involving Mark Driscoll and a performer's controversial past, we are reminded that leadership is as much about grace as it is about guidance. And with a final look upon the ancient blessing from Numbers 6:24-26, we part with a benediction that echoes our longing for the divine touch upon your lives. Until we meet again on Pastor to Pastor, may your journey be marked by His favor and peace.


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Creating Restful Rhythms: A Conversation on Ministry and Sabbath

Pastor Seth here, joining forces with Pastor Jason Watson, to reveal how we're fostering authentic celebrations that resonate with our church's true spirit. We're peeling back the layers of Easter festivities at Reliant Church and Cross Pointe, sharing our approach to blending tradition with transformation, steering clear of superficiality, and how we're embedding community engagement, family day activities, and water baptisms into our ultimate mission of leading hearts to Christ. Tune in and discover how we navigate the interplay between labor and rest, rooted in theology. If you've ever felt the tug-of-war between action and repose or wondered how to honor God's provision through rest, Pastor to Pastor dissects these challenges, especially for those in ministry, and even shares their thoughts on what rest really is and when it should be taken. We're not just talking about taking a day off; we're sharing our insights into creating a life where work springs from a state of rest in God. Young ministers, we've got a special segment for you on preaching with purpose and the power of leaning on the wisdom of the experienced. Finally, let's confront the truth about rest and its pivotal role in leadership. It's not indulgence; it's essential. This episode isn't just about catching our breath; it's a clarion call for fostering a culture of rest within our faith communities. Together Pastor Jason and Pastor Seth delve into practical strategies that safeguard our well-being and, by extension, that of our congregations. From the "bus test" to budgeting for rejuvenation, we're making the case that to lead effectively, to nurture creativity, and to sustain health in church leadership, rest isn't optional—it's foundational. Join us in affirming that the strength of our ministries lies as much in our capacity to work as in our courage to rest.


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Defending The Faith: Reflecting on Tye Tribbett's 'Church is Wack' comment

Embark on a soul-nourishing quest with us, Pastors Seth and Jason, as we navigate the complexities of faith within the modern church, contemplating the essence that resonates within a congregation. As we reflect on our personal journeys, we confront the question of whether a physical church is paramount to fostering a spiritual connection. The power of online services to break down barriers and invite inclusivity is also celebrated, challenging traditional perceptions of worship and community. The episode takes a turn towards public representation of faith, particularly through the lens of Ty Tribbett's appearance on The Breakfast Club, emphasizing the responsibility to honor one's convictions amidst diverse audiences. Finally, we stress the irreplaceable value of unity and personal connection within the church body, exploring the sacred practice of physical touch in imparting blessings and gifts. Transitioning between churches is approached with care, highlighting the importance of God's guidance and open communication with pastoral leadership. Our conversation concludes with a call to embrace every chance to share the gospel, to live with intention, and to defend faith with grace and wisdom. Join us on this spiritual expedition, where our collective insights aim to inspire and guide you to be a beacon of blessing in all walks of life.


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Embodying Christ's Love: Cultivating a Purpose-Driven Life in Today's World

Have you ever caught yourself wondering if you're truly living in tune with your life's purpose? Pastors Jason Watson and Seth Odom, peel back the layers of this profound question. They brought insights from their churches, Cross Pointe and Reliant, sharing the strides we're making in our communities, such as a new school and the 'This Is Us' series. I also revisited the life-changing journey that was 'Man Camp,' reflecting on how these experiences frame our daily decisions and strengthen our resolve to lead meaningful, purpose-oriented lives. Living out a Christian purpose goes beyond the pursuit of earthly success; it's about embodying Christ's love in every action and thought. Jason dissected what that looks like against the backdrop of today's culture. We delved into the countercultural message of the Sermon on the Mount and our study series that challenges believers to yearn for righteousness. The conversation served as a call to arms, championing the everyday over the extraordinary, and redefining fulfillment as a series of small, intentional acts of kindness woven into the fabric of our daily lives. As we wrapped up our heartfelt dialogue, the excuses we often cling to when shying away from our purpose came under scrutiny. We confronted the temptation to sit back and wait for a 'sign' to act, emphasizing the importance of proactive service. I shared personal stories and biblical wisdom to reiterate the urgency of living intentionally and stepping out of our comfort zones. Before sending you off with the podcast's traditional blessing inspired by Numbers 6:24-26, we left you with a charge to share this message of hope and purpose, carrying it with you until we join together again. God bless you on your journey!


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Walking in the Spirit: Authentic Faith and the Dedication to Spiritual Growth

Are you yearning for a deeper, more authentic expression of your faith? Discover the transformative power of walking in the Spirit as Pastor Seth and Pastor Jason dissect the contemporary challenges that believers face. In a world where churches often chase trends at the expense of Truth, we examine the pitfalls of prioritizing style over substance and the vital importance of anchoring our ministry in the unchanging teachings of Christ. This episode is not just another conversation; it's a clarion call to live out your faith with daily intentionality. We discuss the discipline required to foster a genuine connection with God, akin to the dedication needed for physical fitness. As distractions clamor for our attention, we underscore the necessity of carving out sacred space to grow in spirituality. You'll be reminded that your identity as a child of God, as affirmed in Romans 8:14, should be the compass that guides every choice you make. Join us as we conclude with a powerful charge to reinvigorate your spiritual journey. Be challenged to step boldly into a life marked by spiritual maturity and a closer walk with the Almighty. We leave you with the profound blessing from Numbers 6, a timeless benediction of protection, grace, and peace. So, share this episode, spread the blessing, and join us in pursuing a life rich with spiritual fulfillment.


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Embracing Accountability and Correction: Integrity in Church Leadership and Relationships

Are accountability and correction within the church making you uncomfortable? It's a subject that can't be shied away from, and we're here to tackle it head-on. Pastor Jason, alongside Pastor Seth Odom, feels incredibly privileged to welcome Bishop Morris Smith from the IPHC to our latest episode. His wisdom bridges the gap between scripture and practical application, offering us invaluable insights into the necessity of these disciplines for leadership and our personal spiritual journeys. Prepare for a deep dive into how we can face these tough but indispensable concepts with grace and integrity. Imagine a community where everyone is committed to mutual growth, where correction is an act of love and accountability isn't a dirty word. This episode paints that picture, as we share how transparency and openness in our relationships—from marriage to ministry—can guide us towards a fuller, more authentic faith. We talk about the critical nature of correction, examining biblical narratives and our own pastoral experiences to emphasize its healing power. Through candid discussions and personal stories, we shed light on the transformative power of embracing these difficult conversations and the profound impact they have on steering individuals and the church towards healthier paths. Navigating the waters of social media, we also explore the importance of setting an example and being accountable in the digital age. Correction may be a sensitive issue, but we approach it with prayer, wisdom, and a heartfelt understanding of the fears that often accompany it. By fostering strong, trust-based relationships and maintaining a commitment to constructive feedback, we can build a church community that thrives on honesty and support. So, tune in for a heartfelt and thought-provoking session that promises to equip you for a life of integrity and spiritual maturity.


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Effective Communication: Amplifying Your Message and Uniting Your Congregation With Communicaton

Discover how to amplify your message and lead with authenticity as Pastor to Pastor & Bishop TC Holmes shares his wisdom on the transformative power of communication in leadership and ministry. This episode promises to revolutionize the way you connect with your congregation, with Bishop Holmes unraveling the synergy between actions and words, and guiding us on how to resonate with people of varied communication styles. We delve into the art of embodying the principles you preach, ensuring that your life's authenticity enhances the message of faith you share. Recognizing the pitfalls of miscommunication from the pulpit, we discuss the vital role emotional intelligence plays in delivering your message effectively. Bishop Holmes takes us on a journey through the importance of spreading love and uniting church members under a shared vision. We tackle the challenges many churches face in establishing a crystal-clear vision and how this impacts growth, unity, and financial stability. Listen in as we explore the power of preaching love to foster redemption, and the significance of aligning your congregation's understanding with the church's goals. The insight shared in this episode is not just for pastors and church leaders, but for anyone who seeks to lead with conviction, clarity, and a deeply resonant message that inspires action and harmony within their community.


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Sustaining Pastoral & Leadership Health: Embracing Self-Care and Mentorship in Ministry

Discover the secrets to sustainable ministry with wisdom from Pastor to Pastor & Bishop TC Holmes, as we delve into the often-overlooked realm of pastoral self-care and leadership development. Experience the joy and spiritual fulfillment that come from leading a congregation to salvation, and learn how simple acts of faith can draw people closer to God. Yet, amid these profound discussions, we're reminded that to truly serve others, we must first ensure our own well-being. Bishop Holmes, with his rich background in leadership at Shirol Family Worship Center, shares invaluable insights on the essential balance between spiritual duties and the necessity of physical self-care for pastors. Embark on a thought-provoking journey examining the perils of burnout in high-stakes roles and the transformative importance of rest and self-reflection for leaders. We tackle the tough questions about authenticity and effectiveness in both work and personal life, and how they are directly influenced by our physical, mental, and emotional health. By understanding our areas of genuine impact, we are challenged to focus our energies wisely, ensuring that the well-being of the leader is reflected positively upon the congregation. This episode is a powerful reminder of the ripple effect our personal health has on those we lead and serve. Concluding our enlightening dialogue, we shine a light on the significance of accountability and the right spiritual guidance in our lives. From overcoming everyday temptations to embracing our God-given assignments, mentorship proves to be a linchpin in achieving our full potential. Unpack the concept of authentic leadership with us and grasp the liberating truth of being responsible 'to' rather than 'for' others. Whether you're a pastor seeking rejuvenation or a leader pursuing a more impactful ministry, let this episode be your guide to prioritizing your well-being and finding the mentorship necessary for a truly fulfilling service.


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Igniting Discipleship: Navigating Spiritual Growth and Church Leadership with Pastor to Pastor

Dive headfirst into a journey of spiritual growth and leadership as Pastor Jason Watson of Cross Point Church and Pastor Seth Odom of Reliant Church, unveil the transformative power of discipleship. Season two of Pastor to Pastor is ablaze with new beginnings, as evidenced by the roar of our fresh logo, and an unwavering commitment to nurturing the faith within our congregations. This episode promises a treasure trove of wisdom, from tales of church expansion to the groundbreaking initiatives like Crosspoint Christian Academy that are reshaping the very fabric of our communities. Feel the pulse of authenticity in our candid conversation about the pivotal role of discipleship in church life. We dissect the repercussions of COVID-19 on discipleship practices and the perils of quick-fix theological answers proliferating in an information-saturated age. Church leaders and believers alike, prepare to be galvanized by our discussion on the critical nature of engaging with scripture and the necessity for intentionality in pursuing a deeper connection with Christ. It's not just about absorbing the Word; it's about being equipped to interpret and apply it to life's complexities, with a spirit of true discipleship. Cap off your experience with invaluable, practical guidance for fostering discipleship. Reflect with us on the vitality of personal consistency in faith, the benefits of a challenging faith community, and the often-understated importance of mentorship. This episode is not merely a listen; it's an invitation to ignite passion and intention in your spiritual walk and leadership. Join Pastor to Pastor and me as we delve into the intricacies of leading and living with unwavering faith, and discover how both mentors and disciples alike can thrive in their spiritual journeys together.


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Challenges and Triumphs of Student Ministry with Pastor to Pastor and Pastor Matt Hart

Guess what? You’re about to get up close and personal with Pastor Matt Hart from Reclamation Church in Spring Lake, NC. Matt's journey is a fascinating one - from delivering sermons at the age of 12 in a bustling youth-centered church to spearheading student ministry and leadership. The heart of his message? Ministry is more than just a performance - it’s about the hard work and dedication that happens backstage. Pastor Matt doesn't just talk about his journey, he also shares his secret sauce for building relationships and cultivating leadership among students. You'll hear about how a simple meal or a friendly conversation can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, drawing students into the fold and allowing a ministry to thrive. But it's not all smooth sailing, right? Matt gives us an honest account of the challenges he faced when transitioning from a church with a large budget to one with less financial liberty. Yet, his story is testimonial to the fact that energy, passion and a keen understanding of today's youth culture can be more than enough to keep the students engaged. Have you ever thought of church as a fun and interactive space? Well, Matt sure does! He throws light on some of his innovative ideas for student ministry, like the Circle Night, and unique events that his leadership team comes up with. So join us, as Pastor to Pastor journeys along with Pastor Matt Hart in this episode that promises to be an eye-opener for anyone involved in or considering student ministry.


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Grace, Grit, and Church Revitalization with Pastor Jason Cook Pt 2

Ever pondered the significance of breathing new life into old churches instead of starting from scratch? Pastor Jason Cook of Refuge Church certainly has. Harnessing his passion and experience, Jason takes us along for an enlightening discussion on church revitalization, helping us appreciate the importance of preserving the legacy of older churches while moving forward with vision and purpose. We'll dissect the trials and victories of church revitalization, highlighting the need for unity across denominational lines and the adoption of a kingdom mindset. We'll also navigate the challenging terrain of maintaining a church's legacy without dampening its destiny. Pondering over when is the right time to transition can potentially save a church from stagnating and losing relevance. Then, get ready as Pastor Jason unveils his inspiring journey to becoming a pastor, sparked by a calling to ministry while on a journey to Israel. He'll let us in on life as a pastor's kid, witnessing his father's unwavering commitment to the churches on his watch, and how it shaped his approach to ministry. The grand finale comes in the form of Jason's personal testimony of the divine blessings that rained down when he took a faith-filled leap and inaugurated the Hope Center. So, buckle up and prepare for an enriching discussion teeming with hope, courage, and faith.


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Grace, Grit, and Church Revitalization with Pastor Jason Cook Pt 1

We welcome you all to an engaging journey with Pastor Jason Cook, the founder of The Refuge in Conway, South Carolina. This episode is a string of heartwarming and inspiring stories from Pastor Jason's life, from the miraculous journey of his wife's survival from cervical cancer to the joy of their daughter's birth. Join us as we explore Pastor Jason's unique story of trusting God during times of personal struggle and the lessons he learned along the way. We also shed light on the significance of spiritual maturity in church leadership, which Pastor Jason exemplifies through his journey of following God's grace over a potential job opportunity. The episode also brings insights into the International Pentecostal Holiness Church's mission to unite the church as a family and how church revitalization holds equal weightage to church planting. Listen in on how Pastor Jason manages a busy schedule of balancing grad school, family, ministry, and his devotion to God. And it doesn't stop there. His commitment to community service and the local church's revitalization certainly leaves us eagerly waiting to hear more from him in our next week's discussion on church revitalization. Brace yourself for an episode filled to the brim with encouragement, wisdom, and divine inspiration. Share this empowering journey with us on Pastor to Pastor!


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Are Your Feelings Misleading You?

Ever faced criticism that made you question your worth? Join us for a powerful conversation with Pastor Seth from Reliant Church and Pastor Jason Watson from Cross Pointe Church as we reveal how our feelings can mislead us but the Word draws us closer to God. We'll share our personal stories of success and celebration and explore Jesus' response to criticism from religious leaders when He healed a man of his sins. How do we prioritize God's opinion of us over the feelings that others may impose on us? We discuss the story of Jesse and David and the controversial issue of the White House displaying the LGBTQ flag above the American flag. Learn how to navigate these complex topics while ensuring all citizens are represented fairly and treated with respect. Lastly, let's dive into how Romans 12:2 can inspire a renewed mindset, positively affecting the way we live our lives. Hear about the enemy's attack on our minds and the power of the Word of God to refresh, affirm, and change our countenance. Discover how reading the Bible four times a week can reduce depression and addiction by 50% or more, and the importance of being led by the Spirit and Word rather than our feelings.


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AI and Spirituality in the Church

What happens when artificial intelligence (AI) enters the church? Can it impact different aspects of ministry, and is it a potential friend or foe? Join us in this thought-provoking episode as we explore these questions and discuss how God's plans are much bigger than ours, and how He can redirect our paths through the decisions we make. We dive deep into the implications of AI in ministry, focusing on potential dangers such as automation-spurred job loss, privacy concerns, bad data, socioeconomic inequality, and market manipulation. Moreover, we touch on the spiritual consequences of using technology to become more like God and consider how AI can be utilized within the church for purposes such as glorifying Him, marketing, and branding. Finally, let's contemplate the potential uses and dangers of AI in pastoral care, including the possibility of using AI to retrieve relevant Bible verses and provide insights while eliminating the personalization of pastoring and care. We also discuss the importance of not replacing the gift of the Holy Spirit with AI machines and how AI can be used as a tool to help build sermon outlines or provoke thought, but should only be used as a starting point and not the sole source of content.


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Navigating Ministry, Life and Challenges with the Anchor of Prayer

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by life's storms and struggled to find peace? Join us, Pastor Seth and Pastor Jason, as we share our personal experiences in navigating through life's challenges and how a consistent prayer life has been our anchor. Discover the power of prayer to not only find solace in difficult times, but also to celebrate the joys God has brought into our lives. Before the main topic, Pastors Jason and Seth share a little about family, this past Sundays messages as well as the trending topic of Target's and Bud Light's recent LGBTQ advertisements and why Christians should really share Truth, draw a line in the sand, but also share love. Dive deep into the story of Jesus calming the storm from Mark 6, and uncover the opportunities created when we face opposition head-on. Learn how focus and humility, like Peter's in Matthew 14, can keep us grounded in our faith, and our responsibility as Christians to protect our children from the world's agenda. We also discuss the true nature of prayer as a two-way dialogue between us and God, providing guidance on how to be intentional and disciplined in our conversations with Him. As our journey continues, we'll explore the transformative power of prayer in our children's ministry and how it grew to accommodate more kids every Sunday. Uncover different methods of prayer and how worship can serve as an entryway to a deeper connection with God. Don't miss this inspiring and heartwarming episode that will empower you to strengthen your relationship with God through consistent prayer, both within and outside the church.


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Are We Compromising Truth For Relevance?

In this episode of Pastor To Pastor, Pastor's Jason and Seth talk about their upcoming Mother's Day services, family and life in general, before hitting the main topic of Truth over reverence. Do we simply miss the mark on sharing the Gospel for the sake of trying to be relevant? Do we care more about pleasing pleasing people's ears over helping them prepare their souls? Let's Talk About It!


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Should Married People Like Selfie Photos From Of The Opposite Sex?

In this episode, Pastor Jason and Pastor Seth talk about their family and how life has been going this past week. Pastor Jason shares points on his sermon from Sunday about Daniel, his faith and how we should all strive to have Daniels faith regardless of our circumstances. Pastor Seth talks about his message from Sunday on the man born blind. Although he never asked to be healed, Jesus saw a need and met it. Some things happen in your life only so God can show up to heal you and get the Glory. The main discussion is on how scripture urges us to guard our gates. This includes our responses on social media, what we like, what we look at and the thoughts that we have.


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Is The Gift Of Prophecy Fortune-Telling?

Pastor Jason and pastor Seth talk about family and what’s happening in life. Pastor Seth talked about healings that took place this Sunday and shared points from his sermon on Fishers of men and Pastor Jason gives highlights on his message from Sunday about the faith of Daniel and how we should emulate his life and dedication to his faith, even in the face of trials. The main discussion was about the gift of prophecy. Is the gift relevant, necessary and active in the church? What is this gift and what is it not.
