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Real Men Hug

Storytelling Podcasts

Step into the realm of "Real Men Hug," where authenticity reigns supreme. Our podcast offers a refreshing blend of candid conversations, heartfelt exploration of emotions, and invaluable insights into mental well-being, tailor-made for both men and the women who hold them dear. Discover us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or your preferred platform, ready to accompany you on your journey. Don't forget to tap that like button and subscribe for a regular dose of wisdom. And if our episodes resonate with you, share the love with your tribe and leave a review that brightens our day! Tune in bi-weekly, every other Thursday, as hosts Jim Van Stensel and Ben Kraker lead the charge into meaningful discussions that promise growth and connection.


United States


Step into the realm of "Real Men Hug," where authenticity reigns supreme. Our podcast offers a refreshing blend of candid conversations, heartfelt exploration of emotions, and invaluable insights into mental well-being, tailor-made for both men and the women who hold them dear. Discover us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or your preferred platform, ready to accompany you on your journey. Don't forget to tap that like button and subscribe for a regular dose of wisdom. And if our episodes resonate with you, share the love with your tribe and leave a review that brightens our day! Tune in bi-weekly, every other Thursday, as hosts Jim Van Stensel and Ben Kraker lead the charge into meaningful discussions that promise growth and connection.



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Ep. 14 || Forgiveness: For Your Peace, Not Their Pardon

In this episode of Real Men Hug, hosts Jim and Ben navigate their personal journeys through challenging life events, reflecting on the role of forgiveness in healing and moving forward. They share updates on their family lives and dive deep into their experiences with betrayal and abuse. Ben shares a poignant story about working for an organization that functioned like a cult, detailing the emotional toll it took and how he found freedom through forgiveness. Jim revisits the frustration he had with a former employer's laziness in repairing his home. Together, they pause and reflect on the themes of letting go, seeking counseling therapy, being open to the time it takes to heal, and whether or not to let the person who wronged you off the hook. The discussion extends to the complexities of self-forgiveness, setting boundaries, and the importance of forgiving for personal healing. Tune in to uncover how forgiveness can transform pain into peace and why it is essential for personal growth. And hey, if you love what you hear, consider supporting the show at Your contributions keep us going and help us bring you more episodes filled with laughter, insights, and relatable stories. Join us in growing and strengthening our community of real men who aren't afraid to hug it out. Thank you for being a vital part of our journey! Support the Show.


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Ep. 13 || Crafting Connections: A Blueprint for Lasting Friendships in Adulthood

In a world where adult friendships often take a backseat, hosts Ben and Jim embark on a journey through the complexities of maintaining meaningful connections amidst the chaos of various life stages, including raising young children. Drawing from their own experiences and heartfelt insights, they navigate the highs and lows of friendship with candor, humor, and understanding. From sharing laughter over shared hobbies to weathering the storms of life together, Ben and Jim explore the essence of true friendship. But it's not just about companionship; it's about intentional efforts and mutual support. Tune in as they unravel the art and struggle of adult friendships, offering advice on finding like-minded companions and nurturing bonds that withstand the test of time. And hey, if you love what you hear, consider supporting the show at Your contributions keep us going and help us bring you more episodes filled with laughter, insights, and relatable stories. Join us in growing and strengthening our community of real men who aren't afraid to hug it out. Thank you for being a vital part of our journey! Support the Show.


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Ep. 12 || (pt. 2) Deconstructing Gender Norms: Real Talk with Jamie and Mahlon from Roundtable Mindset

In this episode of Real Men Hug, hosts Jim and Ben sit down with Jamie and Mahlon from Roundtable Mindset to explore the impact of societal gender norms on various aspects of life. Together, they delve into the significance of mutual respect, open dialogue, and personal growth beyond traditional expectations. Throughout the conversation, Jamie and Mahlon emphasize the importance of challenging outdated practices and fostering inclusivity in understanding gender roles. They share insights on how breaking free from stereotypes can lead to more fulfilling relationships, both personally and professionally. As hosts, Jim and Ben echo the call for younger generations to question societal norms and embrace a more diverse and respectful perspective on gender. They highlight the need for open conversations and empowering shifts in attitudes towards gender norms for the betterment of society and individual growth. Together, they navigate through the complexities of gender expectations, advocating for a world where everyone can express themselves authentically and be valued for their unique talents and contributions. ----- Ready to be a catalyst for change? Your support fuels our mission to challenge stereotypes and encourage self-exploration. By contributing through Buy Me a Coffee, you empower our podcast to elevate its quality and extend its impact, covering essential expenses like hosting fees and equipment upgrades. As a donor, you gain access to exclusive perks such as early episode releases, bonus content each month, and tailored recommendations. Your generosity not only enhances our community but also drives meaningful conversations and fosters a culture of authenticity. Join our growing community dedicated to advocating for positive transformation. Your donation sparks enthusiasm and motivates others to embrace our shared vision for a better tomorrow. Take the next step with us at and become an integral part of our journey towards a brighter future. Together, we can make a difference. Support the Show.


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Ep. 11 || Deconstructing Gender Norms: Real Talk with Jamie and Mahlon from Roundtable Mindset (Part 1)

Dive into a riveting collaborative dialogue between Real Men Hug and Roundtable Mindset as they bravely confront the age-old assumptions and societal norms that shape our perceptions of gender roles. In this illuminating episode, listeners are invited to challenge the rigid confines of traditional masculinity and femininity, as the hosts fearlessly explore the intricacies of roles within marriages and families. Through candid anecdotes and introspective musings, the hosts peel back the layers of stereotypes, revealing the often-overlooked nuances of daily life. From the simple act of pumping gas on a blustery winter day to the complex dynamics of mental load in relationships, no topic is off-limits. Join Ben and Jim as they chat with Jamie and Mahlon (Roundtable Mindset) and recount their early relationship struggles, shedding light on the unspoken expectations and hidden biases that can strain even the strongest bonds. This episode empowers action. With practical advice, the hosts encourage open communication and individuality, offering a roadmap for change. Progress is essential in our evolving society, where economic realities demand new ways of doing life. Join the conversation and shape a future where authenticity reigns. Come back next week to hear Part 2 of the conversation, and be sure to check out our new friends' podcast wherever you listen - Roundtable Mindset. --- Ready to make a difference? Your support helps us challenge stereotypes and promote self-discovery. With your donation through Buy Me a Coffee, you'll enhance our podcast's quality and reach, covering hosting bills and upgrading equipment. Plus, as a donor, unlock exclusive perks like early episode access, monthly bonus content, and personalized recommendations. Join a community fostering authenticity and join us in advocating for positive change. Your contribution builds enthusiasm and inspires others to join our cause. Join us at and be part of the movement towards a brighter future. Support the Show.


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Ep. 10 || Real Men, Real Marriage: Conversations on Love, Loss, and Learning Together

"Mawage. Mawage is what brings us together today." The iconic words of The Impressive Clergyman from The Princess Bride perfectly set the stage for today's episode! Join hosts Ben and Jim as they open up about the highs and lows of marriage. They candidly share experiences from their own individual marriages with humor, honesty, and empathy. From everyday triumphs to unexpected hurdles, Ben and Jim dive deep into the complexities of married life. But it's not just about weathering storms; it's also about nurturing ourselves. Tune in as they discuss the importance of self-care within marriage, recognizing that prioritizing our well-being enhances our ability to support our partners and relationships. ------ SUPPORT THE SHOW! We're thrilled to announce that you can now show your support for Real Men Hug at Your contributions cover production costs and help us bring you more episodes filled with laughter, insights, and relatable stories. Join us in growing and strengthening our podcasting community. Special perks for monthly supporters! Thank you for being a vital part of our journey! Support the Show.


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Ep. 9 || Toxic Positivity: Good Intentions Gone Bad

In this thought-provoking episode, hosts Ben and Jim delve into the complexities of toxic positivity, shedding light on its detrimental effects on emotional well-being. Through personal narratives and reflections, they navigate the societal pressures that often compel us to suppress our vulnerabilities under the guise of unwavering positivity. Exploring the societal pressures that dictate how men should express themselves emotionally, Ben and Jim debunk the myth that strength equates to stoicism. Through personal anecdotes and expert insights, they uncover the profound impact of toxic positivity on mental health and relationships. This episode serves as a heartfelt appeal for a cultural shift towards embracing genuine emotions and fostering connections grounded in empathy and understanding. Join Ben and Jim as they navigate the maze of toxic positivity with honesty and compassion, offering insights and encouragement to listeners who may be silently grappling with these societal pressures. Support the Show.


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Ep. 8 || From Yesterdog to the Grand River: Our Hometown of Grand Rapids, MI

In this episode of Real Men Hug, join Jim and Ben as they kick back and reminisce about their adventures of growing up around, and ultimately returning to, their hometown of Grand Rapids, Michigan. From chowing down on Yesterdog's mouthwatering (depending on who you ask...) delights to cruising along the serene White Pine Trail, they paint a vivid picture of the good times they've shared. Jim and Ben dive into what makes Grand Rapids special - the tight-knit community. They swap stories about bumping into old pals and the camaraderie that comes with it. Through laughter and banter, they highlight the importance of having a solid crew by your side. But it's not all smooth sailing. They get real about the challenges of returning to familiar turf after living out of state for several years. It's a rollercoaster of emotions - the joy of rediscovery mixed with the struggle to find your place again. Their honest chat invites listeners to ponder their own journey back home and the quest for belonging. So grab a brew, kombucha, Vernors, Robinette's cider, or whatever Grand Rapids-esque beverage appeals to you and tune in as Jim and Ben lay it all out on the table, sharing laughs, insights, and fond memories. Support the Show.


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Ep. 7 || Failing Forward: When Bitterness Robs Your Joy

Dive into the deep end with us as Jim candidly unravels his career voyage, laying bare the trials he's faced. From career disappointments to grappling with depression and anxiety, he shares his journey with the honesty and candor that you find regularly on our podcast. Ben lends his insights and observations, having witnessed Jim's professional challenges. Together, they stress the vital role of community and seeking aid amidst adversity. Tune in for an authentic and relatable exchange. Support the Show.


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Ep. 6 || Do You Even Nerd, Bro?: Gatekeeping and Geek Culture

In this episode of the Real Men Hug podcast, hosts Ben and Jim immerse themselves in the realm of nerdy hobbies, sharing how these pursuits have enriched their lives. They fondly recall their adventures, from Ben's geocaching exploits to Jim's spirited escapades at Renaissance fairs, where he often donned the guise of the legendary Dread Pirate Roberts. Alongside their nostalgic reminiscences, they discuss the enduring appeal of classic PC games like Duke Nukem and King's Quest, reflecting on the joy of immersing oneself in these timeless experiences. As they navigate the world of geekdom, Ben and Jim confront the stigma surrounding their hobbies, particularly in contrast to more mainstream interests like football. They challenge the notion that spending time pursuing geeky passions is any less valid or worthwhile, urging listeners to embrace their own unique interests without fear of judgment. Through their candid conversation, they also touch on the evolution of nerd culture and the gradual acceptance of intelligence and creativity in society. From childhood experiences with DOS-based computers to college antics with the Nintendo Wii, they celebrate the joy of being unapologetically nerdy in a world that sometimes fails to understand the appeal. Tune in to Real Men Hug on Spotify and Apple Podcasts for more engaging discussions about embracing your inner geek and hugging like nobody's watching! Support the Show.


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Ep. 5 || The Man in the Mirror: Ben's Pursuit of Identity

In this episode, Jim and Ben focus on Ben's journey of identity transformation. They explore how personal experiences such as relational strain, vocational loss, and personal growth have shaped and reshaped who they are. The conversation delves into the influence of external voices on Ben's initial career choices and both of their ongoing pursuit of living authentic lives. This episode highlights how challenges, though difficult, often contribute to a deeper understanding of one's true self, transcending societal expectations. Brimming with genuine reflection and life-altering realizations, this episode ensures a transformative and thought-provoking listening experience with Ben's story serving as the central narrative focus. Support the Show.


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Ep. 4 || The Power of No: Setting Healthy Boundaries

In this episode of Real Men Hug, hosts Ben and Jim open up about the essentials of setting boundaries. They chat about why it's crucial for your emotions and personal growth, sharing stories about navigating pushback from loved ones and underscoring the importance of good communication. Tune in as Ben and Jim get real about those awkward moments when boundaries get crossed, emphasizing the need to stand your ground. Listen in and uncover the transformative power of no. Support the Show.


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Ep. 1 || How Jim Walked with Ben from the Brink of Despair and Offered Hope at Just the Right Time

Stuck between the pursuit of self-expression and the pressure of appearing 'strong', Ben's story strikes a chord with all those who've been through the ringer. An inspiring tale of resilience, this episode sheds light on the multiple triggers of suicidal thoughts and the pursuit of hope in the darkness. Ben's story takes us through a profound journey of self-discovery and acceptance of emotions, and his story also shows that with the right people, sharing emotions and feelings could be a life-saving intervention. Support the Show.


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Ep. 2 || Embracing Vulnerability: Jim's Journey from Childhood Ridicule to Emotional Freedom

In this eye-opening episode of Real Men Hug, we dive into Jim's story. Born as the emotional one in a family of five siblings, he was always deemed 'abnormal.' Struggling with feeling emotions in a family that viewed such sensitivity as weakness shaped his childhood and his path. Years later, we witness Jim's transformation into a pillar of emotional strength; someone capable of consoling others. Hear about the internal conflicts he grappled with, his journey towards embracing his emotional side, and how it saved the life of co-host, Ben. It's a riveting exploration of breaking free from 'the norm' and celebrating emotions in all their complexity. Support the Show.


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Ep. 3 || Echoes of Childhood Trauma

In this touching episode, hosts Jim and Ben share poignant tales about Jim's wife and Ben's daughter, revealing how childhood trauma shaped their lives. Hear heartfelt stories that showcase resilience and the enduring impact of past experiences. Explore the healing power of acknowledgment, therapy, and community. Episode 3 is a heartfelt journey celebrating strength in overcoming life's adversities. Support the Show.


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Real Men Hug || Teaser

Get ready for Real Men Hug, a groundbreaking podcast challenging the norms of masculinity and embracing vulnerability. Join Jim and Ben in this exclusive pre-release teaser where they provide a sneak peek into candid conversations about men's emotions, struggles, and the journey to redefine what it means to be a man in today's world. Listen in for a taste of the raw, unfiltered discussions coming your way on January 4th. Discover a safe space for men and their allies to explore authentic connections and break free from societal pressures. Subscribe now and be the first to experience Real Men Hug when it launches! #RealMenHugTeaser #RedefiningMasculinity #PodcastPreview Support the Show.
