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Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Join Rhonda every Tuesday for a new episode of the Revel This podcast where she invites you to revel in the things of God, discover what He has to say about life, and become excited to deepen your faith! Every week she invites you to the conversation of typical struggles and questions most Christians have. No topic of faith is off the table, but stale faith is! So get ready to jot a few notes, as you’re invited to not just listen, but revel in the truths of God to help you actively pursue the abundant life Jesus calls you to! Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast or at Message Rhonda at


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Join Rhonda every Tuesday for a new episode of the Revel This podcast where she invites you to revel in the things of God, discover what He has to say about life, and become excited to deepen your faith! Every week she invites you to the conversation of typical struggles and questions most Christians have. No topic of faith is off the table, but stale faith is! So get ready to jot a few notes, as you’re invited to not just listen, but revel in the truths of God to help you actively pursue the abundant life Jesus calls you to! Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast or at Message Rhonda at



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25. How to Transform Your Bible reading, and Deepen Your Connection to God

Have you ever felt like you're just going through the motions when reading your Bible? You're not alone in this struggle. It can sometimes feel like a checkbox on your daily Christian "to-do list" rather than a meaningful connection with God. I've gone through periods where my Bible reading felt dry and unfulfilling. In this episode, I'll share ways to move beyond this when reading scripture, and find a deeper connection to God. Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast Message Rhonda at


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24. Encore Episode: Revisiting "What to Do with Doubtful Faith"

Struggling with faith is normal. It’s part of growing in your faith. Seeing to believe is how we’re wired. God understands. But, God also requires your faith to not be built by seeing, but rather by trusting! In this episode, we’ll discuss what to do with those doubting moments in faith. Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast Message Rhonda at


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23. Encore Episode: Revisiting "When Feeling Disappointed"

Sometimes disappointments from the previous year can cause us to feel hopeless about the year ahead. In this episode, I discuss how to manage doubt when we can’t see God moving, and how to find hope when tough circumstances are not changing. Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast Message Rhonda at


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22. Encore Episode: Revisiting "How to Hear From God"

God is speaking today, but are we listening? He wants to give you wisdom and direction for everyday life. But, how do you begin to hear him? How do you know if you are truly hearing the voice of God or your own? On today’s episode, we’ll revisit a handful of ways you can begin to start to recognize His voice more frequently in your life! Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast Message Rhonda at


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21. Three Things God Wants You to Know if You Struggle with Shame

Today's episode is all about shame - something that hits us right in the gut! It is a feeling that can hit us hard and leave us feeling down. While it is important to feel guilt for our sins, it is not healthy to dwell in shame. We will be exploring three key things that God wants us to understand about shame. Whether you are struggling with feelings of inadequacy or you are just curious about how God views your struggles, this journey of discovery and healing from shame is for you. Verses mentioned in this episode: Romans 10:11-13 Isaiah 1:18 1 Peter 2:6 Psalm 22:5 John 1:9 Psalm 32:5 Micah 7:19 Psalm 103:12 Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast Message Rhonda at


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20. Understanding the Impact of Idols in Our Lives

It's common to get carried away by the distractions and temptations of the world, such as material possessions, societal expectations, or our personal ambitions. However, we may end up prioritizing these things over God, which can lead to a disconnection from God. In this episode, we’ll take a look at three common idols many people struggle with. Verses Mentioned in this Episode: Exodus 20:1-6 Mark 6:30-52 Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast Message Rhonda at


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19. Three Ways to Grow Closer to God During Busy Seasons

When we're in busy seasons in life, it can be challenging to maintain a close relationship with God. However, God wants to help us more than ever during those seasons, so it's important to prioritize our relationship with Him! But how do you do that when you already feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities? In this episode, I will share three things that have helped me stay connected to God in the midst of busyness. Scripture mentioned in this episode: Matthew 11:28 2 Corinthians 12:10 Psalm 46:10 Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast Message Rhonda at


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18. How to Fight Fear and Turn to Faith

It can be hard to deal with fear, but God wants us to know there are ways to overcome it! His word reminds us to not be afraid 365 times, and that we can put our trust in Him. In this episode, we’ll dig into three practical ways God recommends to help us overcome our fears. Although fear is a natural human emotion, and can be helpful in dangerous situations, God wants us to recognize when fear is holding us back from living the abundant life He has planned for us. Scripture mentioned in this episode: 2 Timothy 1:7 Psalm 46:10 Romans 8:28 Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 James 5:16 Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast Message Rhonda at


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17. What God Promises to Those Who Pray For Wisdom

Praying for wisdom is a valuable practice that can significantly impact our lives. When we pray for wisdom, we are not only seeking God's help to make better decisions or to understand situations from His viewpoint, but also asking for His blessings. In this episode, we will explore what God promises to those who pray for wisdom! Verses mentioned in this episode: James 1:5 Proverbs 3:5-6 2 Chronicles 1:6-12 Proverbs 31:25 Proverbs 3:13-18 Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast Message Rhonda at


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16. What Did Jesus Do Each Day During Holy Week?

The Holy Week of Jesus refers to the seven days preceding his crucifixion. This week had great spiritual significance. Palm Sunday, when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a donkey, is well-known. However, have you ever wondered what Jesus did on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of that week? In this episode, we will explore the last seven days Jesus spent on earth and examine the lessons he taught us during that time. Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:4-5 Matthew 21:9 Matthew 21:28-32- Parable of the two sons Matthew 21:33-46 Parable of the tenants Matthew 21:1-14 Parable of the wedding banquet Summary of the Crucifixion: Mark 15:24 Luke 23:33 John 19:18 Matthew 27:3


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15. What to do When Your Faith Feels Stale

If you feel like your faith is losing its spark, it can be difficult to feel connected with God. I have experienced this feeling before, and I understand how challenging it can be. However, in this episode, I will share three practical tips that have helped me to reignite my spiritual fire and renew my faith. Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast or at Message Rhonda at


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14. How Thought Patterns Affect Your Faith

Our thought patterns can have a significant impact on our faith. Negative thought patterns can cause us to doubt our beliefs and lose faith in God. But are we aware of our negative thoughts, and do we know how to stop them? In this episode we will discuss how to identify your negative thoughts, how to set boundaries around your thoughts, and how to replace them with God’s thoughts!


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13. Things We Crave to Replace God’s Love

As humans, we often find ourselves searching for something to fill the void that only God's love can truly satisfy. We crave money, attention, material possessions, relationships, and even addictions to try and replace that divine love. But in the end, we realize that nothing can replace the unconditional and everlasting love of God. But do we know how to truly let God love us? Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast or at Message Rhonda at


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12. Three Sneaky Ways Pride Shows Up in Your Life

Whether we admit it or not, pride is a problem we all struggle with. Anyone who thinks they don’t probably struggles with pride even more! Pride is more than just a sense of superiority or the ability to admit when you’re wrong, it’s a human tendency that sneaks into our lives, and robs us of God’s will. In this episode, let’s look at the three major ways pride is fooling us! Scriptures in today's episode: Daniel 4:29-33 Philippians 2:13 Proverbs 16:18 Follow more of the conversation on social media, @revelthispodcast or at Message Rhonda at


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11. The Problem with Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is something that many women strive for. However, over 79% of women admit they struggle in this area. But what does God say about self-confidence? Is it something He desires for us? In this episode, I will share the myths behind self-confidence and what God says builds true confidence! Follow me on Instagram!


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10. How To Have a Powerful Prayer Life

When it comes to your prayer life, how well do you think it's going? Do you know how to ask God for what you need? Do you struggle with finding the time to pray or need help with praying authentically and consistently? If so, this episode will help to direct you with 3 simple tips to a more powerful prayer life! Follow me on Instagram!


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9. Worry vs Concern - Knowing the Difference

If you have ever felt the heaviness of worry and anxiety, you are not alone. Over 2 million people suffer from chronic worrying. As believers, we are not exempt from worries, and although God tells us not to worry, He never said to not be concerned. There is a big difference! In this episode, I will help you to understand how God calls us to approach concerns in order that they don’t turn into worry or anxiety! Scripture mentioned in this episode: 1 Peter 5:7 Matthew 6:25-34 Psalm 7 Follow me on Instagram!


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8. How to Forgive When They’re Not Asking For It

Forgiveness is a word we love to receive, but can have trouble giving. Especially for those who aren't sorry! But, the true litmus test of forgiveness isn't for the ones who apologize, it's for the ones who don't. In this episode, I share misconceptions about forgiveness and three important lessons I've learned while struggling to forgive. Follow me on Instagram!


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7. Have We Become Hooked On The “Feeling” of God?

Without realizing it, we live our lives in a constant search for more to satisfy our need for pleasure and satisfaction. It produces dopamine in your brain that can addict you to that “feel good” feeling. If we’re not careful, we will do the same thing with God. In this episode, we will discuss how God is more than just a feeling and how to recalibrate our brains to find His true presence. Follow me on Instagram!


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6. What To Do With Doubtful Faith

Struggling with faith is normal. It’s part of growing in your faith. Seeing to believe is how we’re wired. God understands. But, God also requires your faith to not be built by seeing, but rather by trusting! In this episode, we’ll discuss what to do with those doubting moments in faith. Follow me on Instagram!
