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7th Planet Publishing
Premium Audiobooks
Los Anunnaki de Nibiru
El ex ministro de Defensa canadiense, Paul Hellyer testifica ante el Congreso EE.UU., más de 20 especies exóticas que operan en la Tierra hace miles de años. Las afirmaciones de dos "Blancos Altos" están trabajando con el gobierno de EE.UU., el...
The 7th Planet Mercury Rising
If the Anunnaki created mankind, then who created them? Is there proof that Dark forces have been in control of US policy since 1945? What is their agenda? What is our destiny as a species and how do we get back home to the LIGHT? Have we been...
The Anunnaki of Nibiru
Zeus and his son Apollo are reigning in the New World Order! How are Obama and the Pope involved? This book will shake the foundations of your belief system. The NWO is tearing down sovereign nations and establishing a universal governing council...