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Alessandro Niccoli
Premium Audiobooks
Nafis and the Colourful Hallways
? This book is for children and adults, in terms of the style adopted, the narrative, metaphors and meanings.Nafis is 13 years old, he’s skinny, has green eyes and his hair is disheveled. He lives in a big city in Southern Europe.It’s the 21st century...
Nafis and the Colourful Hallways
Ideal for intrinsic content, ages 18 to 90. The great revolution of a boy ... NafisNafis is a young man who opposes consumerism, prejudice, clichés, and negative humanbehaviour toward animals, the environment, and nature. Nafis to change this...
Nafis e i Corridoi colorati
Questo libro in termini di stile narrativo, metafore e significati è adatto ai ragazzi e ad un pubblico adulto.Nafis ha 13 anni, è magro, occhi verdi, spettinato. Da una crisi esistenziale decide un nuovo e duro cammino. Siamo nel XXI secolo...