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Dustin Drig
Premium Audiobooks
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
You are about to discover how to harness the power of commitment acceptance and therapy to experience a massive transformation in your levels of happiness and satisfaction in life!Is there another way to live besides worrying all the time, being...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
You Are About to Learn How to Harness the Power of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to Defeat Stress, Anxiety, Worry, Anger, Negative Thinking, and Related Problems in Your LifeCognitive Behavioral Therapy is the ideal solution to mental health...
Dіаlесtісаl Аnd Соgnіtіvе Веhаvіоrаl Тhеrару
This step-by-step guide is a comprehensive resource providing vital approach for a DBT and CBT treatment and understanding. For a person who is naturally very sensitive, life problems while growing up might be especially damaging. These problems could...
Dіаlесtісаl Веhаvіоr Аnd Ассерtаnсе Соmmіtmеnt Тhеrару
Are your destructive emotions proving to be an obstruction in your personal, professional, and social success?Now you can answer the questions that you have by learning how to understand your mind and emotions. Find out how you can lead a fulfilling...
Dіаlесtісаl Веhаvіоr Аnd Ассерtаnсе Соmmіtmеnt Тhеrару
Find in this book how to use it yourself or with your therapist, and much, much more!This book will make you a more positive and productive individual who not only has more time and energy, but you will become someone your friends, family, and...
Dіаlесtісаl Веhаvіоr Тhеrару
You are about to understand how you can harness the power of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to live in the moment, regulate your emotions, improve relationships with others, and deal with stress healthily regardless of the circumstances you...
Соgnіtіvе Веhаvіоrаl Аnd Ассерtаnсе Соmmіtmеnt Тhеrару
This book is dedicated to people who are interested in realizing the proven benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT). Most importantly, you are going to learn that in life, there is one person you should...